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Dante Unbound: Known Issues ×

Explain your reasoning.

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I'm simply adding my voice to the hundreds that want Dante reverted.

But I would like to take it a step further and ask you guys to explain your reasoning for stubbornly sticking to the LoS change and not even acknowledging what players are really upset about. I've seen posts on various platforms from Reb, Megan, Danielle, and Pablo where they just ignore the issue and continue to push the LoS nonsense.

I really really want him reverted to the way he was. But more importantly I want you guys to at least acknowledge the community on this.

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4 threads at the forums asking for a nerf, and they rushed it like somebody is dying and they cannot wait a little to see how the dust settles.
Pages full of threads asking to unnerf Dante, including other platforms... And they write messages like that doesn't exist and continue to push their nerf.

I have NO idea to who they are listening, but its clear that they aren't listening to the community.

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Yup, just want honest communication not smoke and mirrors. Reb putting on a friendly face and then Nezha got shredded to bits, Arca Titron got sent back into the armory, and Dante got some confusing changes, which admittedly they're working extremely hard on (digitally), but still haven't gotten to the point of *why*.

That's all I really wanna know at this point.

I've gotten over the changes, and probably thought and typed too much about them. I'm just gonna play this wild and wacky game cuz I like it, and hope that what I like in the game doesn't get changed.

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hace 3 minutos, sh0shin dijo:

I've gotten over the changes

They are counting with this, and thats why they let the weekend to do its job. Its their modus operandi.

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3 hours ago, CelticShaman said:

But I would like to take it a step further and ask you guys to explain your reasoning for stubbornly sticking to the LoS change

Easy: They want the players to wait and see what fixes they have in store for it.

They think players are most upset that their LoS code was broken and made the ability difficult to use, and think the calls to revert it are simply because their plan with the LoS didn't work initially; ergo, if they fix the LoS, players have no reason to ask for a reversion because the issue is fixed.

Which is, to be clear, patently false.

We're not asking for a reversion to the ability because the LoS code was broken, though that certainly doesn't hurt. We're asking for a reversion because we believe the LoS nerf was entirely unnecessary in the first place, not to mention overly brutal towards Dante's performance. One day they said "We're going to tweak him but just to curb him from being too dominant," the literal next they put out one of the most controversial hotfix nerfs they've ever delivered. No actual discussion of their plans, no asking for suggestions or even more opinions on whether it was necessary, just a nerf.

And now they want to make what they did work, so players will agree they were right in the first place. If players still have a problem, it's simply because they haven't tried the next improvement yet.

Edited by Archwizard
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I wanna know why he was released in the first place.  It took me all of 5 minutes (the first time using him before any forma, had not read or watched anything on him) in my first mission to know he was getting nerfed.  They knew exactly what he was capable of and released him anyway to drive up sales and loggin numbers.  Pretty sure this has alot to do with the people who bought him being mad.  I'm not buying the "dur we not knew" excuse anymore.  Didn't buy it with the regal aya in the heirloom packs either.  They love to play stupid when they mess up and it usually involves people's money.  It has ceased to be amusing.  Then they stick their fingers in their ears and scream and try to hide the criticism.  Actively combining, moving and even deleting topics to try and do damage control lol.

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It sucks honestly, and it's unfair towards Dante that other frames with AoE abilities are not requiring LoS.

So I'd also like to know why Dante needs it and Saryn, Thermal Sunder, Equinox etc. don't.

Edited by (XBOX)K1jker
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