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What's The Deal With The Aklex?


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Doesn't matter.

You can add Polarities, but you can't add base stats..


Dual versions should trade accuracy & reload time for increased rate of fire & magazine size, not get a free boost in Crit Rate on top of all that..

All of our problems here could easily be solved by buffing the single Lex's Crit Rate to 20% like its dual counterpart has.

There's no single valid argument against it.

Edited by Flackenstien
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I personally think the Lex should be brought up to par with the critical chance with Aklex, mainly due to it being the same weapon firing the same bullet type. Having the Aklex suddenly gaining a critical buff over Lex seems illogical.

Why is this, you might ask? Because Aklex is the same pistol as Lex, just two of them, one in the "off-hand". The critical chance/bullet should be the same with all sensible logic. The "power increase" should be implemented by increased fire rate, not arbitrary and illogical base stat changes. Accuracy loss and the recoil is understandable because you are firing one with the other hand but the other changes make no sense. If anything, it should be LESS because your accuracy firing them one-handed suffers and makes them harder to aim at weak spots.

The fact Aklex lost the polarity too sounds a little strange too, but I guess it was taken out because of the critical change difference.

Also, Aklex is still a sniper side-arm, the first shot *always* hits exactly where you are aiming. If you take your time aiming and let it recover from the recoil, you still have near perfect accuracy with single shots.

Edit: I kept my Lex, because it is still a great weapon and I like it.

Edited by SoanoS
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It's not about how Alex is better than Lex. It's about how Alex got Lex's buff but Lex didn't. Oh wow.


So basically, you want the lex to be as good as the Aklex.  So what's the point of even using Aklex?  None! That way you didnt waste your potato and formas and save from using it on another weapon.


All of our problems here could easily be solved by buffing the single Lex's Crit Rate to 20% like its dual counterpart has.

There's no single valid argument against it.


Let's just retire the lex like when gorgon got overshadowed by supra and soma.  I am sure that will solve the problem.  Surely no one ever complained about gorgon getting phrased out.

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So basically, you want the lex to be as good as the Aklex.  So what's the point of even using Aklex?  None! That way you didnt waste your potato and formas and save from using it on another weapon.


Other single and dual weapons (save for Lato since Damage 2.0) share the same damage stats and critical percentages. The difference between single and akimbo has always been just firing speed, clip size, accuracy, and reload speed. All that's being asked for is consistency.

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Other single and dual weapons (save for Lato since Damage 2.0) share the same damage stats and critical percentages. The difference between single and akimbo has always been just firing speed, clip size, accuracy, and reload speed. All that's being asked for is consistency.

They do what they want with the weapon stats.  We are just assuming things have to be a certain way when they are not set in stone.  They did not outright say that all dual wielded weapons must have these exact stats.  Things change.

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They do what they want with the weapon stats.  We are just assuming things have to be a certain way when they are not set in stone.  They did not outright say that all dual wielded weapons must have these exact stats.  Things change.


Of course they can do what they want, but a change should never be needless. Any changes made should have a specific goal that they're meant to accomplish, or else it's a waste of time and resources, and frustrates those affected by it. The difference between the Lato and Aklato, while I disagree with it, has an actual purpose: To nudge players into the market, get them to try out different weapons, and get acquainted with the crafting system. The same can't be said for the Lex and Aklex. If there really is some secret underlying purpose in making the Aklex slightly better, the same should be done for other dual pistols as well.

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1. So basically, you want the lex to be as good as the Aklex.  So what's the point of even using Aklex?  None! 



2. Let's just retire the lex like when gorgon got overshadowed by supra and soma.  I am sure that will solve the problem.  Surely no one ever complained about gorgon getting phrased out.

1. With that logic, why do people use Akvasto or any of the other dual pistols?

They should have the same Crit stats, preferably buffing the Lex's to match Aklex's.


2. How is that even a reply to what I posted? Also, the only reason why Aklex overshadow's LEx is due to the bonus Crit Chance that it got, that they didn't give to the single Lex..

Giving let another 5% Crit Chance would solve the problem.

Edited by Flackenstien
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yea im not sticking with the thread opener but come on lex is a hard recoil weapon rhino or may frost have the "strength" to dual wild a lex i think instand if a aklex there should be a prime version or a skin to upgrade the stats of it >.> lvling atm the aklex but hm yea it locks kind of creepy if you fire something like a desert eagle with that high recoil as dual weapon O.o feels like hey rhino lets akogris dat thing

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I always thought the idea of wield akimbo Lex was nothing but a funny imagining. It's essentially a future-Desert Eagle, which has much too much recoil for most people to even fire a single version of.


However, DE, you clearly went for it. The Aklex, like any other akimbo weapon, trading fire rate and magazine size for accuracy and reload speed.


Except, in this case, the Aklex is a direct upgrade.


The Lex has a 15% Critical Chance, and a 10% Status Chance. With the weakness of the pistol critical mods, it already makes a crit build on the Lex tricky, but doable. And the Lex wasn't really designed for status proccing, though in this day and age, every viable weapon needs to have some kind of chance for it.


Now, the Aklex has a 20% Critical Chance, and a 15% Status Chance. A DE-rekt (DE wrecked the Lex) upgrade. Aklex has, in addition to the tradition akimbo fire rate and magazine size, a complete upgrade in certain stats that will make the Aklex ALWAYS a stronger weapon than the Lex.


This is completely #*($%%@. Either buff the Lex to meet the Aklex' stats, or nerf the Aklex' crit and status chance to the Lex' level, please. This is power creep that can be fixed so easily, there's no reason for this, please.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another power creep thread starts. tell me, isn't two bigger than one? better than one? soooooooo twice the lex is supposed to be equal as just one? im not seeing how that works out.

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another power creep thread starts. tell me, isn't two bigger than one? better than one? soooooooo twice the lex is supposed to be equal as just one? im not seeing how that works out.


Is your name Lloyd Irving by any chance?


Go down to the shooting range with two identical handguns. Start off by shooting with a single gun. You're using a gun as intended so it's easy to aim, and you've only got so many rounds so you need to reload often, but it just takes a moment since it's one gun. Now shoot both guns at once, assuming you have the dexterity to attempt this with feasible apptitude. You'll find that while it's more difficult to aim, you can fire twice as many rounds within the same span of time as a single gun, and you've got twice the rounds at the cost of having to take the time to reload both magazines. When comparing both targets, one that you shot with the single gun and the other that you shot with two, you'll find that the bullet holes are all roughly the same size. This is because wielding a gun in each hand does not magically change the caliber of your ammunition.


So yes, logically Lex and Aklex would be equal, their damage being the same but with differently balanced accuracy, magazine capacity, reload speed, and firing speed.

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Is your name Lloyd Irving by any chance?


Go down to the shooting range with two identical handguns. Start off by shooting with a single gun. You're using a gun as intended so it's easy to aim, and you've only got so many rounds so you need to reload often, but it just takes a moment since it's one gun. Now shoot both guns at once, assuming you have the dexterity to attempt this with feasible apptitude. You'll find that while it's more difficult to aim, you can fire twice as many rounds within the same span of time as a single gun, and you've got twice the rounds at the cost of having to take the time to reload both magazines. When comparing both targets, one that you shot with the single gun and the other that you shot with two, you'll find that the bullet holes are all roughly the same size. This is because wielding a gun in each hand does not magically change the caliber of your ammunition.


So yes, logically Lex and Aklex would be equal, their damage being the same but with differently balanced accuracy, magazine capacity, reload speed, and firing speed.

I'm FAIRLY certain that unless you've been in the military, and on two deployments to Iraq, i doubt that you have more real life experience in ranges and firearm use than myself. granted, in real life, using two handguns not meant for single hand and especially with an untrained off hand, firing with accuracy is going to be challenging, at best. howwwwwever, this is from a human standpoint at which we grade this, considering that we are in fact human.


Last i checked few, if any, human beings are capable of the feats of strength and agility demonstrated in WARFRAME(havent met a dude who can stamp his foot and kill a buncha people while slowing time for the victims) and therefore, a new persepctive must be observed: one where a dude CAN stomp his foot and kill a room full of people.


Within that concept, being able to accurately and efficiently dual wield heavy pistols would seem possible, HOWEVER the kick from the lex says otherwise. so if anything accuracy should be lower.


Damage should be equal, yes, the caliber doesn't change, and the damage should be the same(if higher, a LOGICAL reason should be supplied by DE as to why the damage is greater, I.E: larger caliber rounds or faster firing rate. so im sorry if i came across as well, cross,(black friday driving was guano) but the intent was sarcasm in an attempt to be funny. sorry it sucked =/

Edited by ObviousLee
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According to the wiki...Aklex has 5% more crit and proc chance than Lex but only a 30% longer reload.


Seeing how the dual variants of guns have always had about double the reload time and the same crit and proc chance as the singles there is absolutely no reason whatsoever(besides powercreep) for Aklex to be better than Lex in such a way.

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Read through about half of the topic and I can't stomach it any more...


The Lex is what it is, and 2.0 has made it what is is now. The Aklex is also what it is. I don't think the slight betterment of the weapon when akimbo is in any way a bad thing. All the Lex fan buys and girls can still enjoy your Lex like you always have. Anyone who hates the Lex now have at least a chance to try it (or close enough, due to akimbo) again. I for one have never been a Lex fan, and stopped using it as soon as I could because it simply took too long to shoot the masses. Now people who are like me can return to what is now the Aklex because we have a faster fire rate. It might have a slight % advantage over the Lex, but as far as I can tell the only people who really have a gripe about that are Lex users, nevermind the fact that Lex haters are getting Aklex because it's faster.


Now look at what stands to be gained. Never touching Lex because it's too slow VS getting Aklex because it's faster. Does that even SOUND like a sniper-pistol statement? No, and as such the % boost is rightly given when dealing with many targets. If you want your low-stat sniper-pistol for long-range than enjoy your Lex. As for those of use who like the speed and proximity of faster firing weapons, that extra % can be a Godsend in hairy situations. We should ideally avoid those situations, but those of us who live it on the edge to make it more exciting and fun (I'm sure DE won't object to that notion) shouldn't have to cry out to the almighty #4 because an Akimbo weapon might *gasp* be better than the single variation? Get real, the loss in accuracy means you're going to be closer or you're going to spend more time reloading, and in all likelihood both.


inb4 someone says "Then get Afuris and b happy" I have and I am. But now, with Seeker 5/5, I'm even happier with something packing an actual punch with each [quicker] shot.


Edit: I'm not biased, I could care less either way if it's nerfed to Lex % rates or kept as is. I make the best of what I have rather than complaining someone else has [hardly] better.

Edited by AmmoRejected
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The Lex was already a Grineer destroyer, and the Aklex should've been nothing but an option for people who wanted to use the Lex' destructive power but with more speed and less accuracy, not a direct upgrade.



And now, the Lex is completely useless in favor of the Aklex. This is what power creep does. Now, anyone with a 135,00 credits and a single Orokin Cell can bypass the Lex completely, there's not point to using it anymore.

considering that the single lex is bad, then this sin´t really power creep.


the single lex should be buffed, maybe making it have the crit and proc chance of the aklex, and mking it´s reload speed shorter (because really, the animation of the warframe reloading the lex looks like slowmo)

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Seer blueprints drop from Captain Vor unlike Lex which is buyable directly with credits


Lex is hitscan and has better criticals. Seer can go screw itself.

If the Lex is so great, then why did no one use it until now?  Why was it all about the Vasto/Dual Vastos?

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And now, the Lex is completely useless in favor of the Aklex. This is what power creep does. Now, anyone with a 135,00 credits and a single Orokin Cell can bypass the Lex completely, there's not point to using it anymore.

well same is true for vastos but wayne? new decent secondaries after acrid nerf why people not happy?

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FYI:  People over exaggerate how inaccurate Alex is just because they're dualies. While standing still, it still works extremely well as a pocket sniper. If you're moving though you're gonna see some bullet spread, which may or may not actually be a bad thing as you're speedily running around and shooting stuff, but don't have pinpoint-aim.


Anyways, Alex is pretty amazing and pretty much fixes almost all of the probs Lex had.

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