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Things I'd like to see in Warframes Future


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Thought I'd post a few ideas I've had over the years. Who knows, maybe a Dev will see it and even one idea could happen.


1. The Drifter becomes The Dax

Very small quest necessary for this. The idea is that Teshin has had a lot of spare time to think lately in his cave. Especially regarding the Legacy of the Dax. They were supposed to be Soldiers defending a Kingdom but he now sees them as Slaves of a Corrupt Society. He wants to bring Honour back to the name Dax, and so trains The Drifter to become the first of this new breed.

Systems already in place (Teshin in New War and Drifter in Duviri) would be used to finally release Drifter (Dax) combat into any normal missions. Operators would stay exactly as they are with Warframes core gameplay intact. Drifter stays the same until this mini quest is completed (to make sure there's no mess made if people start Warframe with Duviri). This new Dax combat would mean that its a 50/50 combat style, between Dax and Warframe. Warframe stats though are reduced when playing as Dax to keep things balanced (Not final figures ofc but Warframe could have all Ability Stats reduced by 30% and Mod effectiveness reduced by 30%). The Dax, through their Training, are far more resilient than the Operator. With an ability to Mod the Dax with new (possibly Duviri Decree inspired) Mods.

Quest is not mandatory, and is entirely up to the player to decide if they want this option. Once your Drifter becomes Dax, you unlock your own proper Dax Uniform. This is also not mandatory though so players can continue to have their Drifter/Dax look however they want.


2. Warframe Mastery

Once you reach a certain Mastery Level (Level undecided), you can attempt Warframe Mastery. It would be a 3 stage test, like a mix of the normal Mastery Tests and Deep Archamedia. However, it would be tailored specifically for each Warframe, testing both their specific strengths and weaknesses, and would be far, far harder than any current Mastery Test. Those complaining about current tests need not apply.

Successfully completing the 3 stage test grants you 1 of 2 options for that specific Warframe.

- The ability to Permanently apply one Augment Mods benefits to the Warframe. (EG. Nekros has Despoil applied to him 24/7 without taking up a mod slot)

- The Option to unlock a third (limited) Arcane slot on the Warframe. (Limit necessary to avoid "broken" builds)

You would choose one or the other, there is no option to have both. If you wanted to change the Innate Augment Benefit you can, by overwriting the current one with the new one. Top 10 most used Arcanes would likely automatically be exempt from the Third Slot list.


3. Conclave Reborn

For anyone who still uses The Conclave, this isn't replacing anything. It's additional, an expansion. Warframe after this long is now full of "the start of an idea" things that aren't fully realised yet. PVP could actually be the answer to this.

Setting up modes in PVP with "the same ol" gameplay though has already failed. Thus the current Conclave numbers. So why not dust off old systems and old ideas and try them instead? We're specifically talking about Archwing and Railjack. An Archwing PVP mode almost seems like too easy of an idea. Set it up in an Asteroid Field or a Void Storm or amongst Wreckage and Debris from The Old War ships and you can have multiple modes. Team Battles, Capture the Flag, Defense etc etc. Railjack comes in either as a bonus during an Archwing match (get Item X to 100% first and spawn your Railjack to help wipe out the other team) or it's own mode where 2-4 Railjacks battle and attempt to board each other. Think of a classic Naval battle but in space instead of on the sea.

The Rewards would need to be worth the effort though. So you'd be looking at a mix between PVP and PVE items. Mods, Arcanes, Weapons etc.


4. Warframe Rework Priority List

Luckily, there aren't as many Warframes who actually genuinely need a proper Rework as the daily threads would have you believe. Otherwise the idea of Reworks would never end, which means something is going terribly wrong. But there are certain Warframes that have either been left behind by new directions, new Mods, new systems etc, or released with (unfortunately) bad powers.

Everyone has their own list. I wouldn't expect anyones to be the exact same as mine. There are even folks who would swear "Warframe X" is still good despite everyone else seeing how desperately bad they currently are. One of the biggest issues with Reworks too though, is not knowing whether 5 or 0 are happening right now. You can certainly hope, but when a TennoCon comes around and if nothing is announced, it can be genuinely crushing.

I'm just going to give my personal list here as an example, but having a definitive "we're looking at these right now" kind of list would make a world of difference, as well as giving the community a chance to give their input into what could work. Reworks shouldn't be happening forever, so hopefully this would be a temporary thing. My own list, in order, would be:

- Caliban

- Atlas

- Trinity

- Oberon

Please keep in mind, these Warframes are my pick for a REWORK, in other words they are in need of 1-4 powers to be completely changed or replaced altogether. There are other Frames that instead do need a REBALANCE, keeping the same powers but having things buffed or tweaked. To me at least, that would be lower priority than the above Frames. Still important, just less.


Any reasonable comments on the current ideas, or any ideas of your own you'd like to add, are welcome.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Quest is not mandatory, and is entirely up to the player to decide if they want this option. Once your Drifter becomes Dax, you unlock your own proper Dax Uniform. This is also not mandatory though so players can continue to have their Drifter/Dax look however they want.

Why not make it mandatory and simply 2 toggles to the focus screen for the Drifter that simply says "Drifter" and the other "Dax" with an activation bar similar to the schools?

2 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

You would choose one or the other, there is no option to have both. If you wanted to change the Innate Augment Benefit you can, by overwriting the current one with the new one. Top 10 most used Arcanes would likely automatically be exempt from the Third Slot list.

Would we be able to swap between free augment and limited extra arcane when we like? As in being fully restricted to either or on all configs but with the ability to swap to the other if we like to completely alter our builds. Re-doing the test would be acceptable aswell.

2 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Setting up modes in PVP with "the same ol" gameplay though has already failed. Thus the current Conclave numbers. So why not dust off old systems and old ideas and try them instead? We're specifically talking about Archwing and Railjack. An Archwing PVP mode almost seems like too easy of an idea.

Sorry but I just cant see this. Let's try and make an unpopular mode more popular by including unpopular modes as modes for the unpopular mode. I honestly think the only chance for conclave if a rework was to be made (which I dont support at all) would be something that slow the pace down. Like Corpus versus Grineer at Vepo and Kahl pace with limited weaponry and completely modless. Like uhm bite sized "Battlefield" or "Call of Doodie" without vehicles and taking place in a laser tag venue instead of a small city or massive mountain range.

2 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

4. Warframe Rework Priority List

- Caliban

- Trinity

- Oberon

Yup. And maybe Atlas too as you mentioned. I'm just afraid that they'll break the part of him that currently work well, or lol, well I'm afraid they'll break his Landslide, since they cant really break anything else. But if you can guarantee me Landslide will still be solid and the rework would only improve the other 3 skills, like making Rumblers useful without the need to use Nourish, and the wall section doing something and petrify getting improved we can add him to the list aswell!

Good ideas overall except for the conclave part which you'd have a hard time convincing me with no matter what most likely.

1+2 gets big 👍 from me cos they seem interesting. And #4 is pretty much spot on with a sensible list of frames that could use a rework. I have no personal rework list aside from Caliban heh so I'll get behind yours.

edit: typo fix

Edited by SneakyErvin
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48 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Why not make it mandatory and simply 2 toggles to the focus screen for the Drifter that simply says "Drifter" and the other "Dax" with an activation bar similar to the schools?

Would we be able to swap between free augment and limited extra arcane when we like? As in being fully restricted to either or on all configs but with the ability to swap to the other if we like to completely alter our builds. Re-doing the test would be acceptable aswell.

Sorry but I just cant see this. Let's try and make an unpopular mode more popular by including unpopular modes as modes for the unpopular mode. I honestly think the only chance for conclave if a rework was to be made (which I dont support at all) would be something that slow the pace down. Like Corpus versus Grineer at Vepo and Kahl pace with limited weaponry and completely modless. Like uhm bite sized "Battlefield" or "Call of Doodie" without vehicles and taking place in a laser tag venue instead of a small city or massive mountain range.

Yup. And maybe Atlas too as you mentioned. I'm just afraid that they'll break the part of him that currently work well, or lol, well I'm afraid they'll break his Landslide, since they cant really break anything else. But if you can guarantee me Landslide will still be solid and the rework would only improve the other 3 skills, like making Rumblers useful without the need to use Nourish, and the wall section doing something and petrify getting improved we can add him to the list aswell!

Good ideas overall except for the conclave part which you'd have a hard time convincing me with no matter what most likely.

1+2 gets big 👍 from me cos they seem interesting. And #4 is pretty much spot on with a sensible list of frames that could use a rework. I have no personal rework list aside from Caliban heh so I'll get behind yours.

edit: typo fix

It was mainly because I didn't want the idea to seem like it was mandatory. Some players have no interest in playing as either the Operator or Drifter and just like being Warframes. Also I didn't want it to look like if you do like being the Drifter, you're being forced to become a Dax. Best of both worlds would be to leave it optional and let the players themselves decide, and if they change their mind later and want to try out the Dax, an optional quest wouldn't have Previous Quest restrictions. But it could certainly be a toggle too.

Was thinking about the ability to switch between the Innate Aug and the Arcane Slot earlier. Obviously its unlikely but if something like this was ever implemented I can't think of a reason you couldn't. The only real restriction, just to make sure there's no messy exploits, is you can't have different choices on different Loadout Slots. If you have 1 Loki, at any point in time he can only have 1 bonus. Get 2 Lokis though and you can go wild.

The reason I gravitated towards Archwing and Railjack is because I genuinely don't think they're "unpopular". I think, and it could just be my opinion, that Archwing has next-to-no content, and Railjack had a pretty bad launch and although its 100x better now, its also lacking in meaningful content. The whole Origin System and there's what, 8 or so Archwing missions? And in those missions you're fighting pretty generic enemies too. Archwing PVP would mean an unpredictable player/s you're fighting against, with their own set of Archwing Powers depending on which one they brought in with them, and their own Archgun. Someone with a shielded Archwing drawing fire with their Larkspur, while a teammate uses their stealth archwing to try to get a good sniping position with their Velocitus, guarded by decoy Archwings laying down cover fire with their Mausolems (or however its spelled). I can't guarantee it's gonna be an instant hit, but something entirely new would be necessary at this point to revive Conclave.

Yeah there's certainly a bigger list if I had included frames that need Rebalancing too but huge lists just make the task look daunting. With this I just wanted to include any frame that genuinely need a or multiple new powers altogether.

Thanks for the reply though. As mentioned if there's anything you had considered yourself feel free to post it.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

1. The Drifter becomes The Dax

Very small quest necessary for this. The idea is that Teshin has had a lot of spare time to think lately in his cave. Especially regarding the Legacy of the Dax. They were supposed to be Soldiers defending a Kingdom but he now sees them as Slaves of a Corrupt Society. He wants to bring Honour back to the name Dax, and so trains The Drifter to become the first of this new breed.

Systems already in place (Teshin in New War and Drifter in Duviri) would be used to finally release Drifter (Dax) combat into any normal missions. Operators would stay exactly as they are with Warframes core gameplay intact. Drifter stays the same until this mini quest is completed (to make sure there's no mess made if people start Warframe with Duviri). This new Dax combat would mean that its a 50/50 combat style, between Dax and Warframe. Warframe stats though are reduced when playing as Dax to keep things balanced (Not final figures ofc but Warframe could have all Ability Stats reduced by 30% and Mod effectiveness reduced by 30%). The Dax, through their Training, are far more resilient than the Operator. With an ability to Mod the Dax with new (possibly Duviri Decree inspired) Mods.

Quest is not mandatory, and is entirely up to the player to decide if they want this option. Once your Drifter becomes Dax, you unlock your own proper Dax Uniform. This is also not mandatory though so players can continue to have their Drifter/Dax look however they want.

Dax are not Trained to be Dax, they are Born Dax, they are genetically created to serve the Orokin unconditionally which is why Teshin was unable to go against the Grineer queen wile she had the Kuva in her possession. So the Drifter can become one.

1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

2. Warframe Mastery

Once you reach a certain Mastery Level (Level undecided), you can attempt Warframe Mastery. It would be a 3 stage test, like a mix of the normal Mastery Tests and Deep Archamedia. However, it would be tailored specifically for each Warframe, testing both their specific strengths and weaknesses, and would be far, far harder than any current Mastery Test. Those complaining about current tests need not apply.

Successfully completing the 3 stage test grants you 1 of 2 options for that specific Warframe.

- The ability to Permanently apply one Augment Mods benefits to the Warframe. (EG. Nekros has Despoil applied to him 24/7 without taking up a mod slot)

- The Option to unlock a third (limited) Arcane slot on the Warframe. (Limit necessary to avoid "broken" builds)

You would choose one or the other, there is no option to have both. If you wanted to change the Innate Augment Benefit you can, by overwriting the current one with the new one. Top 10 most used Arcanes would likely automatically be exempt from the Third Slot list.

Imagine DE having to make a Mastery Test for each Warframe in the game? 56 currently, 57 Next month, it would take a huge effort in their part to make these in a way they actually have players explore every skill a frame has.

The Permanent Augment unlock is nothing more than a Bandaid to a Bandaid as most Habilities should come with their Augment effects as innate as they are unusable without, as example Excalibur's Chromatic Blade which is completely useless without the Augment.

4 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

3. Conclave Reborn

For anyone who still uses The Conclave, this isn't replacing anything. It's additional, an expansion. Warframe after this long is now full of "the start of an idea" things that aren't fully realised yet. PVP could actually be the answer to this.

Setting up modes in PVP with "the same ol" gameplay though has already failed. Thus the current Conclave numbers. So why not dust off old systems and old ideas and try them instead? We're specifically talking about Archwing and Railjack. An Archwing PVP mode almost seems like too easy of an idea. Set it up in an Asteroid Field or a Void Storm or amongst Wreckage and Debris from The Old War ships and you can have multiple modes. Team Battles, Capture the Flag, Defense etc etc. Railjack comes in either as a bonus during an Archwing match (get Item X to 100% first and spawn your Railjack to help wipe out the other team) or it's own mode where 2-4 Railjacks battle and attempt to board each other. Think of a classic Naval battle but in space instead of on the sea.

The Rewards would need to be worth the effort though. So you'd be looking at a mix between PVP and PVE items. Mods, Arcanes, Weapons etc.

This is beating a dead horse, not only is the majority of the community against PVP in the game, your proposal will only add more issues to an already complicated gamemode as they will have to start balancing Archwing and Railjack along with the existing Warframes which DE already doesnt manage to do and im pretty sure no one wants them spending their time, energy and resource on.

Also, not everyone can do PVP due to health or some other limitations, adding rewards that are significant to gameplay and that would have major impacts on PVE would make many players feel left out.

4 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

4. Warframe Rework Priority List

Luckily, there aren't as many Warframes who actually genuinely need a proper Rework as the daily threads would have you believe. Otherwise the idea of Reworks would never end, which means something is going terribly wrong. But there are certain Warframes that have either been left behind by new directions, new Mods, new systems etc, or released with (unfortunately) bad powers.

Everyone has their own list. I wouldn't expect anyones to be the exact same as mine. There are even folks who would swear "Warframe X" is still good despite everyone else seeing how desperately bad they currently are. One of the biggest issues with Reworks too though, is not knowing whether 5 or 0 are happening right now. You can certainly hope, but when a TennoCon comes around and if nothing is announced, it can be genuinely crushing.

I'm just going to give my personal list here as an example, but having a definitive "we're looking at these right now" kind of list would make a world of difference, as well as giving the community a chance to give their input into what could work. Reworks shouldn't be happening forever, so hopefully this would be a temporary thing. My own list, in order, would be:

- Caliban

- Atlas

- Trinity

- Oberon

Please keep in mind, these Warframes are my pick for a REWORK, in other words they are in need of 1-4 powers to be completely changed or replaced altogether. There are other Frames that instead do need a REBALANCE, keeping the same powers but having things buffed or tweaked. To me at least, that would be lower priority than the above Frames. Still important, just less.

Biggest issues with people requesting Reworks on frames are that if a frame doesnt Incapacitate a huge area of the map, nuke a huge area of the map or give the player some form of invulnerability, then they deem it bad, also those that keep trying to push lvl cap 9999able as being base for a frame being usable or not.

I agree those frames you mentioned need some tuning, but there are other older frames in the line in a more dire need of touching. Banshee for example is screaming for a Rework as she has only 2 abilities with using and even so their use are very limited.

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1 hour ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Dax are not Trained to be Dax, they are Born Dax, they are genetically created to serve the Orokin unconditionally which is why Teshin was unable to go against the Grineer queen wile she had the Kuva in her possession. So the Drifter can become one.

Imagine DE having to make a Mastery Test for each Warframe in the game? 56 currently, 57 Next month, it would take a huge effort in their part to make these in a way they actually have players explore every skill a frame has.

The Permanent Augment unlock is nothing more than a Bandaid to a Bandaid as most Habilities should come with their Augment effects as innate as they are unusable without, as example Excalibur's Chromatic Blade which is completely useless without the Augment.

This is beating a dead horse, not only is the majority of the community against PVP in the game, your proposal will only add more issues to an already complicated gamemode as they will have to start balancing Archwing and Railjack along with the existing Warframes which DE already doesnt manage to do and im pretty sure no one wants them spending their time, energy and resource on.

Also, not everyone can do PVP due to health or some other limitations, adding rewards that are significant to gameplay and that would have major impacts on PVE would make many players feel left out.

Biggest issues with people requesting Reworks on frames are that if a frame doesnt Incapacitate a huge area of the map, nuke a huge area of the map or give the player some form of invulnerability, then they deem it bad, also those that keep trying to push lvl cap 9999able as being base for a frame being usable or not.

I agree those frames you mentioned need some tuning, but there are other older frames in the line in a more dire need of touching. Banshee for example is screaming for a Rework as she has only 2 abilities with using and even so their use are very limited.

The Dax were genetically modified/born solely to make sure that they obeyed whomever controlled the Kuva. Normally the Orokin, afterwards the Queens with their Sceptre. But you can't genetically program in Combat Training or Martial Arts Techniques. DNA just doesn't work that way, no matter how advanced the method. Teshin could very easily pass on this Training to the Drifter. With the sole purpose of giving new meaning to the name Dax. A more honourable one. If you're worried about it stepping on Lore, it doesn't.

Actually it would take a committed effort. If you had asked a question instead of just assuming things, I would have had the opportunity to explain that this would be rolled out in stages, not all in one.

Most Powers shouldn't come with their Augments included, no. There are certainly some, but the idea of "most powers" needing them is getting a bit silly. The idea has balance in mind, this suggestion does not.

Another 2 assumptions, this time assuming the viewpoint of others and then assuming the PVP fix would delay anything, despite most of what's needed for it already existing in the game. I was going to go into further detail about that but something more important needs to be addressed:

I've somehow missed your two latest threads, the first one complaining about the existence of Elite Deep Archimedia on behalf of those with health problems, and the second complaining about how the Enemy Count is going to be raised on Consoles on behalf of those with health problems. Nobody here gets to live a double standard so would you mind linking me to those two threads? Otherwise it's safe to assume you've immorally used people with real life disabilities just to make a point. Which would be disgusting.

Hydroid rework was pretty unanimously celebrated, and he doesn't nuke anything or get invincibility. This point was very incorrect by the time last years TennoCon came along, never mind this years.

Banshee 100% belongs in the Rebalance section. Her powers are fine as-is when it comes to the idea behind them. If Sonic Boom was doing much more damage, much much more, it wouldn't need replacing. As explained, there aren't just 4 frames to Rework and then everything is fine. I intentionally mentioned frames needing Rebalancing afterwards to cover this. But "age of frame" shouldn't be the criteria for who gets fixed first. As an example, we can get Banshee done now and Caliban can be left in his sorry state for another 2-3 years based on the age criteria, or Caliban can be looked into while Banshee continues to at least have 2 very good powers. I won't make excuses for Banshees 2 weak powers, but I also won't pretend that her 2 good ones are any less than they are. She'd do fine for a while, Caliban or the other 3 wouldn't. After the Rework, would come the Rebalances.

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