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Lore Discussion: The Fallen Empire Theory


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We aren't quite equipped for an all out war. What we are doing now is like pruning a tree so it keeps its shape.

I am sorry last time i checked score was Tenno 923 enemy 0.


And now when enemy is aware of our presence i am sure they moved their vital objectives somewhere save.

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Yet he wear similar armor, Pretty sure the stalker is tenno since he can willing go to void and attack us.

He could just be a remnant who knew how to become a tenno, his hatred fueling him he became a monster to hunt them down. He may not have been what he is back then but became it.

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The Tenno are the ones who are twisted by the void energies, then were trained specailly by the Orokin who built their armour.

As a lower Guardian the Stalker had similar training and similar armour but lacked the ability to break the Orokins mental conditioning like the Tenno did.

The Tenno are like purpose built racecars, whereas the Stalker i. More like a well modded production car

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Yet he wear similar armor, Pretty sure the stalker is tenno since he can willing go to void and attack us.

Warframes armor were designed after they went to the void, sure, but either they were based on earlier "low guardian" design, or the low guardians were retrofitted with warframes during the god-knows-how-long period between the Tenno return and their eventual betrayal.


Moreover, we don't exactly visit the void, nor is stalker. We go to Orokin buildings hiddent within the void, slight difference.

I heavily suspect that said towers are outfitted with a "geller field" repelling the corrupting effects of "hellspace".


Tennos went without and were corrupted.


Also, now that we know that the Orokin basically won against the Sentients, it begs the question of when and why the Towers were hidden in the void.

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The Grineer are an extrasolar race, are they not? And the Corpus are a collective of once merchants who now have a monopoly over the resources due to their vast amount of credits. So the Grineer could be similar to the Sentients who invaded the system and fought the Orokin. The corpus simply resist the Grineer passively because they have been softened by living lavishly for centuries. Small pockets of humans who survived (confirmed by devs: normal hums still exist here and there) are getting oppressed by the Grineer and Corpus. So the Lotus could also be a human, highly advanced, who stumbles across Orokin technology and learns its secrets. She then awakens the Tenno to fight the Grineer and Corpus so that the remaining hums are oppressed no more. Just an Idea that popped into my head.

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So, unless I'm missing something, all of this leaves us with one question:


Who put the Tenno in the Cryopods?


I suppose the Tenno could have done it themselves, but why? They had just destroyed the only people standing in their way of ruling the entire system, thus ensuring balance for centuries. Why give that up and go to sleep, allowing the forces that be to cause utter chaos? It would make far more sense if an outside force somehow managed to put the Tenno into the cryopods, but who/what could be powerful enough to contain and capture the most powerful soldiers in the galaxy?


Also, if the Lotus is/are the last surviving Orokin, why would she/they awaken the soldiers who killed their ancestors?

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So, unless I'm missing something, all of this leaves us with one question:


Who put the Tenno in the Cryopods?


I suppose the Tenno could have done it themselves, but why? They had just destroyed the only people standing in their way of ruling the entire system, thus ensuring balance for centuries. Why give that up and go to sleep, allowing the forces that be to cause utter chaos? It would make far more sense if an outside force somehow managed to put the Tenno into the cryopods, but who/what could be powerful enough to contain and capture the most powerful soldiers in the galaxy?


Also, if the Lotus is/are the last surviving Orokin, why would she/they awaken the soldiers who killed their ancestors?

Because there was nothing wrong. Better to save the strongest warriors in the galaxy for another era when the solar system is in danger.

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We are somehow, if you're watching Game of Thrones, something like the Unsullied, elite warriors without feelings, highly trained and fighting until death. We betrayed our creators on the influence of someone (like Daenerys). Except that in this story, our leader decided to turn against his/her own race instead of protecting it.

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White knighting the Tenno isn't a good idea. Regardless of however DE tries to spin it again and again the fact remains clear: Tenno are abominations and only create chaos in their demented search for "balance"... and the Lotus? She's just an opportunistic *@##$ who stabbed the Corpus in the back for personal power in the form of the single greatest living weapon in the solar system.


I've said it before: Give me an event where the Lotus can be killed off and then have the lore embrace the sick mindset of the Tenno. It'd make for a much more entertaining game.

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I'll make my thought clearer :


The Technocyte is a DNA based virus that affects human (Grineer, Corpus), Tenno, and maybe the Orokin.

However, the Orokin were using it as a weapon, which can mean that, maybe, they found a way to get immune to it. They may have kept this way to get immune only for themselves.

The reason why the Orokin were killed by Tenno is maybe due to this use of the technocyte. What if Orokin had a plan to kill Tenno (we became too powerful and maybe they read our mind and knew we were going to do something against them) and that we decided to act before they do?

They finally unleashed the technocyte against us, in their last move as they saw us winning, but we decided to protect a large number of our troops by using cryopods. As Orokin could read our minds, we decided to scatter those cryopods in the Universe, and we are know trying to locate them. It was our last attempt to survive.


Just a thought.

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NOTHING in warframe is extrasolar. Grineer are human clones. Corpus are humans. Orokin are humans. Tennos are humans. Hell, even the infested originate from good old earth.


Well, that's not quite true, is it? Because the Void is clearly extra-solar, even if it's "another dimension" as opposed to "outside the solar system". And it's what is responsible for the very existence of the Tenno, and it's also where the Orokin used to hang out. So it'd be more true to say "nothing in Warframe is inter-stellar", rather than nothing is "extra-solar".


I was also under the possible misapprehension that there were ships which had, previously, left the solar system (presumably sub-light). Certainly the technology exists - they have the ships, the power-sources, the hyper-sleep, and thus, potentially, there could be even inter-stellar threats (though presumably none of the current stuff is).

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I'll make my thought clearer :


The Technocyte is a DNA based virus that affects human (Grineer, Corpus), Tenno, and maybe the Orokin.

However, the Orokin were using it as a weapon, which can mean that, maybe, they found a way to get immune to it. They may have kept this way to get immune only for themselves.

The reason why the Orokin were killed by Tenno is maybe due to this use of the technocyte. What if Orokin had a plan to kill Tenno (we became too powerful and maybe they read our mind and knew we were going to do something against them) and that we decided to act before they do?

They finally unleashed the technocyte against us, in their last move as they saw us winning, but we decided to protect a large number of our troops by using cryopods. As Orokin could read our minds, we decided to scatter those cryopods in the Universe, and we are know trying to locate them. It was our last attempt to survive.


Just a thought.


I think this is almost certainly going to turn out to be about 90% right. It doesn't explain everything, but it seems pretty darn likely, and anyway, theories that explain absolutely everything are inevitably wrong!

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White knighting the Tenno isn't a good idea. Regardless of however DE tries to spin it again and again the fact remains clear: Tenno are abominations and only create chaos in their demented search for "balance"... and the Lotus? She's just an opportunistic $#*(@ who stabbed the Corpus in the back for personal power in the form of the single greatest living weapon in the solar system.


I've said it before: Give me an event where the Lotus can be killed off and then have the lore embrace the sick mindset of the Tenno. It'd make for a much more entertaining game.

it isn't white knighting its the truth...


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Tenno seem to me as a manifestation of a living being+artificcial inteligence that was born with a strict rule:"Provide Balance"<br />The suits were given to them as "armor" to hide them,maybe keep their abbilities a little bottled up.SInce the Tenno are partially AI,it seems to be normal that they can fit in "odd" looking suits like Nekros.<br /><br />Now,the Tenno might´ve decided to slay the Orokin to provide Balance,since loyalty was not their top priority,or they could´ve been controlled or either persuaded by Lotus to kill them for either a sake better for all life,or her selfish deed.<br /><br />Millenias after the Tenno awaken,the "awaker" is still unknown,as Lotus is only a Guide,and so I think Tenno are either a weapon that is supposed to bring Good,Balance,or the inevateble awesome rainbowy destruction of All

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I personally think that the Lotus is the manifestation of something that was waiting inside the Void and corrupted the tennos.

After our exposition to the Void and without warframes, she was able to directly mind-control us and made us destroy the Orokin after the Sentients were defeated.


Alternatively she could actually be going all Polito/SHODAN (System Shock 2), pretending to be this beneficial Lotus figure that utilizes Tenno to maintain the balance. While actually being some form of Sentient (or AI utilized by them) who is simply using its new puppets to weaken the existing factions (or preventing them from becoming a true threat) while preparing the solar system for the return of Sentients.

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I'll make my thought clearer :


The Technocyte is a DNA based virus that affects human (Grineer, Corpus), Tenno, and maybe the Orokin.

However, the Orokin were using it as a weapon, which can mean that, maybe, they found a way to get immune to it. They may have kept this way to get immune only for themselves.

The reason why the Orokin were killed by Tenno is maybe due to this use of the technocyte. What if Orokin had a plan to kill Tenno (we became too powerful and maybe they read our mind and knew we were going to do something against them) and that we decided to act before they do?

They finally unleashed the technocyte against us, in their last move as they saw us winning, but we decided to protect a large number of our troops by using cryopods. As Orokin could read our minds, we decided to scatter those cryopods in the Universe, and we are know trying to locate them. It was our last attempt to survive.


Just a thought.

And I'll say it now, Dark Sector now has nothing to do with this game. I realized a few livestreams  3-5 they mention it was, but now with all this lore coming to life it kinda puts the bud on the it. Excalibur's lore is why I say this. The only reason why they might use the name "Tenno" maybe cause Hayden Tenno himself was facing the revelation of never surviving, at the point he's greatest despair (virus) became his salvation. (which does seem odd considering I just said DS doesn't have any lore into this but hey its just a theory) The Techonyte virus does pose a question to the how the infested came about, but as they (DE) have said Orokin created them (infested) to face the Sentience's (threw J3-Golem lore). Just a theory tho if DS has any lore into this its almost miniscule now.


Now for mine main theory in this. Starting slow with Excalibur's lore and working my way to Stalkers


While stated in Excalibur's lore "The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater or losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first."



Now I'm going to link up some of these underlines together to let you see what I see.


"They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us","weapons of old"- So the biggest question here is, what kind of weapons and technology did the Orokin have ? We've seen the power they had with technology, but we haven't seen a real Orokin weapon.


What we have see is "weapons of the old ways"


which would be know later on as Braton/MK1-Braton, but the original the first were Prime weapons (my guess going with to the originals or the primes). Now also they (Orokin) stated that the (Sentience's) took there own technology and used it against them,now lets pause for a second. Anyone else see a flaw here ? So you're telling me that a highly advanced beings who used this "super technology" can't advance or better yet don't know how a gun/sword works ? What do the Sentience's don't have opposable thumbs ? (dolphins man I swear their all dolphins) I digress. moving on.


"The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed","twisted few"- Ok so now we have some information on the void. "The blinding night"-Never changes always bright as hell (bring your sunglasses), "the hellspace"- So trap for eternity, a prison (Cause hell is a prison for bad doings correct ?) "where our science and reason failed"- So clearly the Orokin have sated that they have tried to comprehend the "void" and to know why it exist. But even with all that technology and logic they failed to understand it. So instead they made it into a jail. (yeah I know its a little far fetch but just stay with me till the end please) "twisted few"- Now lets say that these prisoners, these convicts are trapped in this place,this dimension that causes no death, no sleep, nothing other than complete silence,but, What if the void had something trap already inside of it ? Something that can't be seen ? A being of great power (of pure blinding light) offering enlightenment for those who choose it, but for a cost ? Silence. Having knowledge of something, yet couldn't speak of it, or you would go mad.(yeah mad theory but lets just stick to it for now) Now say that a few of these people choose this path ,given onto them great knowledge yet each of them had something different then the others.



"Frame,Conduit,Affliction" - "We built a frame around them, a conduit to there affliction". What if that great power this "Void" afflicted their body's in a way each couldn't speak. Ember- can't speak without torching something, Frost- can't speak without freezing something, Banshee - burst ear drums. Loki- Talks to fast and in backwards, Ash- would disappear , Rhino - would cause the ground to collapse, so on and so forth you get the drift. The Orokin saw these powers and wanted to amplify them to use these people to fight for them.


"A new warrior, a new code was born"- This raises a few questions. What were the old warriors like ?, What was the old code ? tho I don't have any theory's on this but 1. One of the codes must of been never harm the Leaders.


This is the end of the Excalibur's lore theory now onto The Stalkers





"Some have walked these desolate worlds while you slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember that day.


The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk.Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums, A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.


When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums,the Empire, fell silent forever.


Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent."


Terminus- We can state from the quote above that the Terminus was the main head quarters of the Orokin with that.



Cold and Gold Emperors- Now this strikes me a bit odd, Are we saying that the Orokin have no hearts ? or is there something more ?. If you look back to the Excalibur's lore the Tenno were rejects. Now this has some huge effect to make me think that anything that wasn't Orokin was nothing more then trashed, but these Cold Emperors still used the Tenno as weapons to defeat their worst enemy.


"Ten solemn beats"- I can't relate anything right now to this, but I do believe that this will have some significance later on.


"Low Guardians"- Now this gives us a little bit of measure to how the Orokin. They thought of the Tenno of being their high Guards. While the stalker and others who were not afflicted who were normal, as the lower Guardians.


"That Dark Place"- So now we can guess judging from Excalibur's lore that the stalker stays in the void and watches us.


Now to my main and final few of this.


I believe that this creature this "Void" blessed the Tenno with foresight and powers to stop the Orokin and the Sentience's. I believe the Orokin were going to mass produce the Tenno's power and use them to wipe everything that wasn't Orokin/Tenno off the map.  I also believe that one of the Sentience's/Orokin escaped and started the Corpus using the old Orokin Tech (cause they could) to make profit and a new Orokin Empire to take over the galaxy. I'm also guessing that the "Stalker" this lower guard found the prototype Suit of what the Orokin were making and is now chasing the Tenno down cause of what they did.



The Void is a god, blessing the tenno with foresight and powers knowing they had to stop the Orokin from growing, Stalker hunts them cause he doesn't know the truth of what the Orokin would have done if the Tenno powers being mast produce . The Grineer (Orokin) and Corpus(Sentience) are the children of our past enemy's.

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And I'll say it now, Dark Sector now has nothing to do with this game.

btw you remember how Dark Sector published/released is the version of the game they didn't want, but pay close attention if you pay VERY VERY close attention you will notice what Hayden does, and the lore in that storyline is almost identical to what we have now... Try this...

United States=Orokin Empire

Infected         =Infested

Agency          =Low Guard

Hayden          =Tenno

Lotus hinted   =Lotus

Nemesis         =Stalker

Jackal             =Jackal

Stalker            =Loki

Colossus        =Rhino

Edited by Arlayn
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OR the Lotus has something to do with it. Think about it. We the betrayers slept for eons where we are considered Ancient and Legend yet one thing does not fit the puzzle-the Lotus locating our Cryopods and starts waking everyone up in a given time. 

She was anticipating for an impending War or perfecting her shares of profit by eradicating our memories, saving our lives in return for service and loyalty to hers. Using us for her own profit, she inflicts terror on the whole system that the once dead were brought back to Life to revise whats already done-Killing everyone. She probably saw how will the scale tip given that the Stalker refereed his masters as Cold and Gold. 



Or she was behind the plot of the Orokin  Massacre. Forced to Sleep due to Infestation and recognition. Perfecting the time needed for her hibernation and for her pawns for reservation of another bloodshed in another time. Which is Now. We are now killing everyone in the system, we're relentless for blood. We only do care for profit, booty and ourselves. There's No scale to balance. We're already tipping it on our favors.

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