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I'm sorry, what?

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On 2024-06-23 at 9:33 PM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

No, because it does not suit the game - it's identity, it's tone, it's gameplay, it's logic and literally everything else. "There is a time and a place". And Warframe is not the place for a literal birthing mini-game. Has nothing to do about someone being sensitive. I said it before and I'll just quote myself:


But that's your opinion which is subjective. It's all about your sensitivities. Your whole argument is based around your feelings on the subject. It's  just a long winded way of telling us how it made you feel. It's ok if it made you feel uncomfortable and you don't grasp why it happened, trying to pretend your feelings are an objective truth however isn't.

Transference isn't just possession, it is the Tenno calming the tortured and broken thing that is the mind of a Warframe. It's why it works on the Worms as well. 

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1 hour ago, SCHATTENKUNSTLER said:

Clearly uncomfortable in totality. The Belly shouldve deflated after the quest while retaining the main purpose of the stomach to keep the jade powers. just minus the big belly

That's running on the conclusion that the belly was there because she was pregnant. It's most likely that the orokin in the most sadistic way tore out the original baby before transforming her into a Warframe. The Tennocyte transformed her like that and the Jade light spawned in the empty chasm and they just put some form of glass to contain it from leaking and destroying everything. 

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17 hours ago, Nekomian said:

Just an FYI, this game is 13+ - ESRB (or most organizations that rate games) is not law, it's just a body that rates games according to a review that may or may not be regularly updated. The only requirement to create an account is be 13+. Content warnings also serve an important purpose - to let people know that specific content may be triggering for people who have trauma related to it. It's meant as a warning for the person to either disengage with the content or to prepare for it mentally.

I don't think we need any further "content warnings" in a game where we slaughter hundreds of thousands of enemies, give them AidsCancerTM, slash them into bits and pieces, then turn them into a gory paste afterwards. Plus all the previous quests clearly having focus on various emotions, feelings and other aspects of humanity. We don't need any further warnings. We KNOW what we're getting into when we start up this game.

17 hours ago, Nekomian said:

Maybe it's just me, but I read that and immediately knew it would be related to birth, miscarriage, or death of some sort related to pregnancy. It's specifically differentiated in this way because while death in general can be traumatizing, this game has a lot of that; this warning is specific to pregnancy, without saying it outright since that would spoil it. It's also independent of the duration - it could be 5 seconds or 5 minutes of time that the content occurs in, but that doesn't make the warning any less valid to be applied.

It also felt like they pulled punches here a bit knowing that, making Jade just disappear and not showing a lifeless body or lingering on it for too long (it went by very quickly), because it's likely a very sensitive topic for those who may have lost loved ones, had complications with pregnancy, or other numerous situations.

Too bad that nothing in the quest actually shows any "trauma related to MOTHERhood". And all you're doing here is just being apologetic of DE's choice to skew focus towards Jade and HER "problem"... in this supposedly Stalker-focused quest. But nope. His feelings are ignored. His trauma is ignored. He is ignored. We're given a warning about "MOTHERhood", for some reason.

17 hours ago, Nekomian said:

To reiterate - all of the things you listed can still cause trauma, and Stalker likely has some from experiencing this death as well, it just did not have a content warning associated. The game already flippantly throws around deaths, so a warning every time there is one would seem excessive. It tends to use warnings sparingly, and for scenes that can connect emotionally with players (i.e. emotional abuse in TNW, pregnancy and giving birth / sacrificing oneself for their child in this one, etc.), specifically very similar situations that they may have experienced personally that have caused them much stress.

Again, more of the same. Being apologetic of DE's choice of skewing focus. Men have feelings too, you know. Stalker is a man. And as shallow of a character as he might be (due to lack of proper lore given to us even in thus supposedly Stalker-focused quest), he clearly still feels something, despite no longer being a human being. I mean, he at least feels anger, for example... Anger towards Tenno. And then feels love/care towards his newborn child, once it appears in his hands. So Stalker CLEARLY has feelings. But DE simply chose to ignore this and made it all about Jade and the "trauma related to MOTHERhood". Not trauma of the things that I described above. Trauma that Stalker might have gotten due to these events. And if we DO get a warning - since we do indeed - there should be warnings about trauma related to all of those things. Not about "MOTHERhood".

17 hours ago, Nekomian said:

I'm also quite confused by the whole "operator delivering the child" discussion - I saw it as more of a midwife situation, providing assistance for contractions, like someone there holding your hand or walking you through it. It's shown that Jade still has autonomy, and the operator is not controlling them, only helping guide them. I suppose it's rather vague what specifically the operator might feel during transference, but they have experienced many other forms of abuse (even literal death) and emotional pain both in and out of frames, and it's a bit unclear to what degree they feel these things or how intensely (it's seemingly not agreed upon or consistent, let alone lore vs gameplay) during it. Researching about this discussion yields like 20+ different definitions of what transference is to individuals and how operators feel during it, so I guess the reception to this is going to vary depending on how people view it.

Regardless of the definition of transference... A literal birthing/childbirth and pregnancy stuff has no place in Warframe as the "center focus". Inappropriate and out of place, rubbed in our faces against our will. Same as how we also don't even get a choice on behalf of our own characters (operators) to even REFUSE helping Stalker/Jade in the first place. We are forced into it, for it to be rubbed in our faces as the center focus of the whole scene. It shouldn't be like that. It should have happened without the mini-game. It literally adds nothing, especially since you can just avoid pressing any buttons and the game will still complete itself regardless - so why even have it in the first place?

The only explanation I see is it's either someone's fetish that they decided to share... Or it's someone's "pregnancy announcement" thing instead. Otherwise, there is literally NO REASON to put this in the game, as a center-focus of a whole quest, let alone a mini-game. It's out of place, misses the mark and should have never been added.


17 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

Really now? *This* is where you people draw the line?


17 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

We've had worse writing that this quest (poor pop culture imitations), and Stalker putting his hatred aside so he can be a father was pretty cool. 

I'm so curious what's gonna happen with the kid too. You just know it's gonna have super powers beyond what has been seen so far.

There were a few other "meh" writing choices before, but this? This is the lowliest of low... so far.

And sure. Stalker putting hatred aside so he can be a father sounds cool... if only it was actually written better. Because this supposedly "Stalker-focused quest" was simply hijacked in Jade's direction and focused on her. Not on Stalker. We didn't get any new lore about Stalker except his name. And only got more questions on top - such as stuff about the child, for example. This is just not it.


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9 hours ago, NameLessFreak said:

But that's your opinion which is subjective. It's all about your sensitivities. Your whole argument is based around your feelings on the subject. It's  just a long winded way of telling us how it made you feel. It's ok if it made you feel uncomfortable and you don't grasp why it happened, trying to pretend your feelings are an objective truth however isn't.

This has nothing to do with being "sensitive". This is a case of something being inappropriate for the context, period. Regardless of how you look at it.

Pregnancy, child-birth and A LITERAL FRIGGIN BIRTHING MINI-GAME has absolutely NO place in Warframe. Not even as part of a quest. "There is a time and a place for everything". Warframe is definitely NOT the place for this. Especially not as a "center-piece", which not only rubs it in everyone's faces, but also hijacks the whole quest at itself. As a background detail? Sure. As an event happening behind the scenes and then we're being faced with the fact of a baby-warframe being born? Sure. But NOT as a center-piece... in shape of A LITERAL FRIGGIN BIRTHING MINI-GAME - now THAT is inappropriate, out of place, tone-deaf and misses the mark of Warframe.

This is not opinion, this is a fact.

Stalker was supposed to be the centerpiece, as we were told by DE during their streams. But already the warning about "motherhood trauma" switches focus instantly at Jade, then further rubs it all in our faces with the pregnancy/birthing mini-game, to which we don't even have a choice to say "NO" to.


Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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And in the end, we have a very poorly written quest that raises these sort of topics:

...while also treating men equally bad. Yes, I'm talking about Stalker.

Not only Jade herself "steals the show", while being treated as nothing more than a literal prop (as described in that other thread that I linked above), but ALSO we get a warning about "trauma related to motherhood", yet no warnings of trauma that Stalker could/would have in this situation. stuff that I described on the previous page:  

On 2024-06-21 at 12:36 AM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:
  • "Loss of your significant other" - which is a universal thing for men and women, and can happen to anyone, not only "mothers". Stalker lost his lover and it's a traumatic event;
  •  "Becoming a single parent" - which is a universal thing for men and women, and can happen to anyone, not only "mothers". Stalker lost his lover and is now a single parent, which is for sure another traumatic event;
  • "Parenthood", in general - yes, for some people it can be traumatic, life-altering, especially if this person is not ready or is someone like Stalker... an immortal murder-machine who's hell-bent on a mission of killing all Tenno and such - quite the traumatic event for him to now having to get out of his "comfort zone" (where he's been for centuries of murder) and having to change, in order to parent his child.

Like if men(Stalker) have no feelings, yeah? And so we - despite playing as Stalker and seeing this situation through his eyes, essentially - don't deserve a warning about these possible traumatic things. Especially since we've been clearly shown that Stalker DOES have feelings - both his insane hate towards Tenno and the care/love towards the child, once it appears in his hands. So why aren't we warned about these possible traumas that he'd most likely get due to the events of this quest? Why are we only warned about "trauma related to motherhood"? Hmm?


It's just bad writing, if the result leads us to discussions like these.

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51 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

And in the end, we have a very poorly written quest that raises these sort of topics:

...while also treating men equally bad. Yes, I'm talking about Stalker.

Not only Jade herself "steals the show", while being treated as nothing more than a literal prop (as described in that other thread that I linked above), but ALSO we get a warning about "trauma related to motherhood", yet no warnings of trauma that Stalker could/would have in this situation. stuff that I described on the previous page:  

Like if men(Stalker) have no feelings, yeah? And so we - despite playing as Stalker and seeing this situation through his eyes, essentially - don't deserve a warning about these possible traumatic things. Especially since we've been clearly shown that Stalker DOES have feelings - both his insane hate towards Tenno and the care/love towards the child, once it appears in his hands. So why aren't we warned about these possible traumas that he'd most likely get due to the events of this quest? Why are we only warned about "trauma related to motherhood"? Hmm?


It's just bad writing, if the result leads us to discussions like these.

It’s mens mental health month, why not bash men at this specific point men apparently don’t feel emotions etc apparently. 

P.S i agree with you kit kat, just incase my reply sounded snarky, i re-read it just wanted to clarify:)

Edited by (PSN)FrDiabloFr
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Why giving birth mini-game is there in the first place?
What purpose does it serve?

As previously stated by others, there's a high level of delicacy and tact handling the topic of pregnancy and DE lacked both in writing and execution of this quest. And again, the topic itself is not the problem, it's the writing and execution of the topic. 

I just wish we had an option to toggle on and off the glowing orb on Jade post-quest.
I love her angelic theme, the kit, the choirs, the effects...
..but the orb clearly meaning she's in a permanent state of pregnancy is off putting, considering what have been said already, regardless that's the state she was turned into a warframe.

I like to imagine it's just a large eye, surrounded by angelic wings, Ophalim-style, but after that birthing minigame it's difficult to do so. 

Idk what DE meant by this, but now we have a game about magical space ninjas giving birth.


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3 minutes ago, Hexwater said:

I'm just gonna say it's a fetish quest because of the "giving birth" minigame.
I'm not going to convinced otherwise. 
Why is it even there in the first place?

As previously stated by others, there's a high level of delicacy and tact handling the topic of pregnancy and DE lacked both in writing and execution of this quest. 

I just wish we had an option to toggle on and off the glowing orb on Jade post-quest.
I love her angelic theme, the kit, the choirs, the effects...
..but the orb clearly meaning she's in a permanent state of pregnancy is off putting, considering what have been said already, regardless that's the state she was turned into a warframe.

I like to imagine it's just a large eye, surrounded by angelic wings, Ophalim-style, but after that birthing minigame it's difficult to do so. 

Idk what DE meant by this, but now we have a game about magical space ninjas giving birth.


The main thing that really did confuse me is when we receive blueprints, we put Jade back to together using (oro) so it’s not the exact same Jade we see in the mission from the way I understood it, so why, why would she still be pregnant.

if people are confused on oro Teshin explains it, it’s kind of like a life energy that can reanimate things, for example, xaku, sevagoth, chroma etc etc

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

The main thing that really did confuse me is when we receive blueprints, we put Jade back to together using (oro) so it’s not the exact same Jade we see in the mission from the way I understood it, so why, why would she still be pregnant.

Exactly. There is no reason other than someone having a preggo fetish OR making a pregnancy announcement via a quest in a game they are part of a development team of. That's it.

Thing is - nobody asked, nor was curious about either of these things.

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6 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Exactly. There is no reason other than someone having a preggo fetish OR making a pregnancy announcement via a quest in a game they are part of a development team of. That's it.

I admire your passion, one would hope it isn’t a “fetish” or something more deplorable, i think you said it before the writing was weak i think the whole pregnancy thing could have been handled with more delicacy for sure, but as another poster said it opens up new possibilities ie would the baby be like a one of a kind warframe (just my curiosity) or something anyway going off track, i do agree with alot of your points.

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6 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

I admire your passion, one would hope it isn’t a “fetish” or something more deplorable, i think you said it before the writing was weak i think the whole pregnancy thing could have been handled with more delicacy for sure, but as another poster said it opens up new possibilities ie would the baby be like a one of a kind warframe (just my curiosity) or something anyway going off track, i do agree with alot of your points.

Like I said before: 

On 2024-06-21 at 12:36 AM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Presentation is the problem. Not the themes themselves.

Pregnancy and childbirth by themselves aren't the problem here. It's the way the whole quest/writing handled it. By rubbing it in our faces, to a point where it all feels as nothing more than a fetish/pregnancy announcement. Yes, it should have been handled with more delicacy indeed.

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2 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Like I said before: 

Pregnancy and childbirth by themselves aren't the problem here. It's the way the whole quest/writing handled it. By rubbing it in our faces, to a point where it all feels as nothing more than a fetish/pregnancy announcement. Yes, it should have been handled with more delicacy indeed.

And i agree with you.

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18 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

The main thing that really did confuse me is when we receive blueprints, we put Jade back to together using (oro) so it’s not the exact same Jade we see in the mission from the way I understood it, so why, why would she still be pregnant.

Yeah, that what I was thinking as well
However, with each quest, event, new area, new frame...I just start to think Warframe's lore doesn't matter anymore.

My reasoning to have two toggles is more meta level
There are people who pay no mind to it or even are happy (for whatever reason they might have...) Jade is visibly pregnant. 
But there are also people who find it weird at least, or offensive/traumatic at most.

And it would also make sense not only lore wise, but also post-quest wise. 

I'm in the group that finds it weird, especially after completing the quest.
I finally have a warframe that hits my cravings for truly angelic themes spot on, but I'm also constantly reminded of my male child operator synchronizing with a dying frame to give birth

6 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

By rubbing it in our faces, to a point where it all feels as nothing more than a fetish/pregnancy announcement. Yes, it should have been handled with more delicacy indeed.

Speaking of rubbing that into our faces, while the topic is about the Jade Shadows Quest - I just wanna add I'm starting to hate the word "Jade" because of the Belly of the Beast event, and for years I thought Ordis couldnt be more annoying.

Jade this, Jade that, saving Jade calculations, remembrance of Jade
Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade

I cant recall any frame that had this level of attention. Hells, even Umbra wasn't this glorified and he's supposed to be unique.

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@(PSN)FrDiabloFr : "it’s not the exact same Jade we see in the mission from the way I understood it, so why, why would she still be pregnant."


From another thread : Technically why ?

On 2024-06-23 at 10:17 PM, RLanzinger said:

Should I remind a few thing most of you have forgotten :

First, Making a Warframe skins and animations is A HELL OF A JOB,

Second, Having 2 skins for Quest AND GamePlay was a NO GO from the start,

Third, Creating a NON-Pregnant will be done whether by [DE] or TennoGen ... in time.

Conclusion : Actual Jade Skin for Quest AND Build Game is THE SAME... Pregnant.

Lorewise, like all said, she should not be but [DE]-Ressource wise, no others way to do it...


From another thread : Lore wise why ? 

22 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

... Jade state is akind to the Ship of Theseus, as you can replace every part of her but she is still the one and only JADE... pregnant or non.

My PoV is more Samsara Philosophy : You soul transmigrate from a past body to a new one; They are not the same body but it's still you.


To conclude : So she is the same Jade with another body but with the same soul (ORO). The pregnancy is just a side effect of making ONE SKIN at a time.

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9 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

@(PSN)FrDiabloFr : "it’s not the exact same Jade we see in the mission from the way I understood it, so why, why would she still be pregnant."


From another thread : Technically why ?


From another thread : Lore wise why ? 


To conclude : So she is the same Jade with another body but with the same soul (ORO). The pregnancy is just a side effect of making ONE SKIN at a time.

So it isn’t the same jade we play as lol, like i said we make a fresh jade frame, so it isn’t the frame we originally use, (oro) is an ability to pass consciousness/reanimate good effort though, kind of comes across like you tried to come at me with your answer being the true answer when you’re only half correct.

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On 2024-06-25 at 1:30 PM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Pregnancy, child-birth and A LITERAL FRIGGIN BIRTHING MINI-GAME has absolutely NO place in Warframe. Not even as part of a quest. "There is a time and a place for everything". Warframe is definitely NOT the place for this. Especially not as a "center-piece", which not only rubs it in everyone's faces, but also hijacks the whole quest at itself. As a background detail? Sure. As an event happening behind the scenes and then we're being faced with the fact of a baby-warframe being born? Sure. But NOT as a center-piece... in shape of A LITERAL FRIGGIN BIRTHING MINI-GAME - now THAT is inappropriate, out of place, tone-deaf and misses the mark of Warframe.

This is not opinion, this is a fact.

Out of all the languages, you chose to speak the language of truth.

I wish I noticed that part earlier and included in my first post, because you encapsulated my thoughts onto the matter.

I honestly think the quest should be reworked by removing that minigame. 


On 2024-06-25 at 3:06 PM, RLanzinger said:

Should I remind a few thing most of you have forgotten :

First, Making a Warframe skins and animations is A HELL OF A JOB,

Second, Having 2 skins for Quest AND GamePlay was a NO GO from the start,

Third, Creating a NON-Pregnant will be done whether by [DE] or TennoGen ... in time.

I don't think flattening the mesh and applying a texture in one specific area would be this this difficult to achieve
Unless DE uses some elaborate methods to create their models, but what do I know, right? 

I also wasn't thinking in terms of a separate skin overall, rather than a toggle similar to prime details toggle TennoGen skins have.

If what you're saying is true, then we will not see post-quest non-pregnant Jade until one of the following conditions are met:
- someone actually bothers to create such skin and DE accepts it as TennoGen
- DE releases a post-quest deluxe skin that hopefully retains the angelic theme

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26 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

Hopefully, because if they follow the Yareli trend, the delux skin will be a devil or something akin.

Or some other monster. Remember Octavia's "deluxe" skin that has absolutely nothing to do with music at all? Yareli's deluxe at least feels overall connected to sea/depths/horrors from the deep. At least the theme is kinda there. Ish.

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4 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

I don't think we need any further "content warnings" in a game where we slaughter hundreds of thousands of enemies, give them AidsCancerTM, slash them into bits and pieces, then turn them into a gory paste afterwards. Plus all the previous quests clearly having focus on various emotions, feelings and other aspects of humanity. We don't need any further warnings. We KNOW what we're getting into when we start up this game.

You might not need or want them, but they are helpful for some individuals, specifically for content that's very relatable at an emotional level. I don't need them in these instances either, but I can acknowledge how they might be beneficial to some players.

4 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Too bad that nothing in the quest actually shows any "trauma related to MOTHERhood"

It does...? Pregnancy and birth can be traumatizing for some individuals due to their own experiences with it. Motherhood's definition is "the state of being a mother; maternity", of which maternity can be interpreted as "of, relating to, or for the period in which a woman is pregnant or has just given birth to a child". Both taken from dictionary sites. Could it have been worded as maternity instead of motherhood? Probably, but the content warning seems to be intentionally vague to hide the reveal. It relies on the player to use some context clues and implications to interpret what motherhood could mean to them, and the first thing that came to my mind is what I described it to be.

4 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

And all you're doing here is just being apologetic of DE's choice to skew focus towards Jade and HER "problem"... in this supposedly Stalker-focused quest. But nope. His feelings are ignored. His trauma is ignored. He is ignored. We're given a warning about "MOTHERhood", for some reason.

I mean, we quite literally played AS the stalker and learned about his past, and how he views the world; I would say controlling and playing as a character makes it a pretty "them" focused quest. None of his trauma or feelings are ignored, they just weren't given a content warning, like I said earlier. This game already has plenty of emotional stories that do not require warnings, and that's perfectly fine - that does not make them any less impactful or valid, it's just so common in this game that we would need a pop-up every mission practically, which is excessive. This particular quest had a very specific experience that could be triggering, so it was tagged as such. It's literally as simple as that.

4 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Men have feelings too, you know. Stalker is a man. And as shallow of a character as he might be (due to lack of proper lore given to us even in thus supposedly Stalker-focused quest), he clearly still feels something, despite no longer being a human being. I mean, he at least feels anger, for example... Anger towards Tenno. And then feels love/care towards his newborn child, once it appears in his hands. So Stalker CLEARLY has feelings. But DE simply chose to ignore this and made it all about Jade and the "trauma related to MOTHERhood". Not trauma of the things that I described above. Trauma that Stalker might have gotten due to these events. And if we DO get a warning - since we do indeed - there should be warnings about trauma related to all of those things. Not about "MOTHERhood".

Same as prior response - none of those are invalidated by not including them in a warning. No one is saying men don't have feelings here, or that the stalker is emotionless, nor is anyone ignoring those aspects by not including them in a text prompt. It's not that deep, they just flagged one specific potentially triggering event.

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2 hours ago, Nekomian said:

None of his trauma or feelings are ignored, they just weren't given a content warning, like I said earlier.

2 hours ago, Nekomian said:

Same as prior response - none of those are invalidated by not including them in a warning. No one is saying men don't have feelings here, or that the stalker is emotionless, nor is anyone ignoring those aspects by not including them in a text prompt. It's not that deep, they just flagged one specific potentially triggering event.

And why is that, exactly? Why do we get a content warning about 'motherhood', but not about every other trauma that Stalker - the in-quest playable character - is experiencing? Why aren't we warned about HIS trauma, but only get a warning about Jade's trauma of motherhood? Especially since she spends one half the quest tied to bed and dying, the other literally gone. In a quest that was supposed to be - according to DE - "more Stalker lore quest", but ended up being Jade focused quest. Why there is only a warning about "motherhood trauma", but not the stuff tied to Stalker himself? To avoid "spoilers"? Nah, that's a load of bull~.

DE advertised (false advertisement?) this quest as "more Stalker lore quest" during several recent DevStreams. But all it ends up being is a glorified fan-fic about preggo-fetish, surrounding a birthing mini-game that is shoved in our faces, without an option of backing out/our operator saying No (talk about taking away player's agency over our characters/how we play the game... again, just like with Deep Archimedea), while ALSO literally not caring to make it actually serious or matter anything - by having the mini-game play by itself if you refuse to do anything yourself. So you can't even properly fail, let alone pick some different options. Could have been a literal cutscene, without gameplay and the result would have been exactly the same.

SO WHATS EVEN THE POINT IN ALL OF THIS? That's right. There is none. Because this is nothing more than someone's preggo-fetish fan-fic. At least in the way all of this was represented. Were it better written and implemented? Sure, it would have been perceived differently. But it's oh-so-poorly written and ham-fisted into the game with absolutely zero care, which is exactly why it feels like nothing more than fan-fic.

Again: Presentation is the problem. Not the themes themselves. Ideas might have been good... but they were poorly delivered to the players. Hence the rather negative reaction to it from many many many people.

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On 2024-06-25 at 8:37 PM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Why aren't we warned about HIS trauma

It's, unfortunately, because very few people care about men and their issues in general, especially when it comes to fatherhood.

Lack of such warning that would also include men might be just a sign that people in charge of the quest and content warning label don't recognize possible traumas related to fatherhood on the same level as those related to motherhood.

The only saving grace is that Stalker is portrayed as a good father figure.
Stalker tried everything he could to save his loved one, was present during birth of his son, ranked up those Corpus numbers protecting him, and it's presumed he took care of him after the events of the quest.
Fathers in modern writing rarely get good moments, so that's the only silver lining I see.

Quest, lore wise, is still garbage mind you, and the only thing Stalker-related is we get to play as modified, red-colored Ash, we learn his name, and that he was in love. 

On 2024-06-25 at 8:37 PM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Because this is nothing more than someone's preggo-fetish fan-fic.

Warframe became the Totally Spies equivalent for gamers.
I wonder what will be rubbed into our faces will appear next. 

I'm definitely gonna redo my bingo card, cause childbirth minigame weren't on it.
I assumed that DE would never implement something like that.

What I'm also disappointed about is that Jade herself, as a frame, has conflicting themes.
Being permanently pregnant warframe certainly takes away from her amazing angelic theme she has going for her; especially paired with the Stalker who embodies shadows and murder.

I'm hoping that one day a TennoGen skin will appear that would give us at least an option (TennoGen skins tend to keep up the main theme of the frame, unlike Deluxe ones), or that in 2-3 years time Jade Prime will no longer be permanently pregnant.

Edited by Hexwater
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On 2024-06-20 at 11:36 PM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

Some extra food for thought.

  • Why there is a "Content warning" at the beginning? Warframe is a 18+ game already as it is. There shouldn't be any warnings of "sensitive materials", aside from warnings of being locked into the Quest and unable to interact with the rest of the Warframe content (same as how it was with the New War).
  • Why this Content warning mentions "Scenes of trauma related to motherhood"? I haven't seen any such things in the quest. Wanna know why? Because there are none. The "mother" - Jade - has 15 seconds "screen time" and spends it laying in bed. That's it.

Instead, there are other trauma-related scenes, which I'll explain further down below. Let's see...

  • "Loss of your significant other" - which is a universal thing for men and women, and can happen to anyone, not only "mothers". Stalker lost his lover and it's a traumatic event;
  •  "Becoming a single parent" - which is a universal thing for men and women, and can happen to anyone, not only "mothers". Stalker lost his lover and is now a single parent, which is for sure another traumatic event;
  • "Parenthood", in general - yes, for some people it can be traumatic, life-altering, especially if this person is not ready or is someone like Stalker... an immortal murder-machine who's hell-bent on a mission of killing all Tenno and such - quite the traumatic event for him to now having to get out of his "comfort zone" (where he's been for centuries of murder) and having to change, in order to parent his child.

But I guess, according to DE's writers, men - Stalker, in this case - have no feelings, right? And thus, none of the trauma can be applied to him? Which is why all the trauma is - for some reason - instantly attributed to "trauma related to motherhood" aka "oh no, poor Jade, gave birth and died, how traumatic". Or something like that, I suppose?

Which leads me into the next thing:

  • This quest was advertised to be as a "more Stalker lore quest". Only for it to be fully hijacked into becoming a Jade-centric quest with an absolutely unnecessary pregnancy minigame shoved into it, in an absolutely careless, blunt and tone-deaf fashion. Which is EXACTLY WHY this whole thing feels as "nothing more than someone's preggo-fetishistic fanfic" - it's all about the way it was all presented, not the topics themselves.
  • The only "more lore" about Stalker we actually got was his name before he became Stalker AND the fact that he had a lover/gf. That is literally it. Every other question we had about Stalker(and there are a lot) is left untouched and unanswered... While the quest only gives us even more unanswered questions now instead.


And ok, you know what? You're right. We shouldn't attribute this to "someone's fetish". No. But then another question appears: Who's at DE is pregnant and used this quest as a "pregnancy announcement" of theirs? Because if it's not a "fetish thing" (with how it all was shoved in our faces), then it must be some other thing. And "pregnancy announcement" (for the whole Warframe player base to know, I take it?) comes to mind as the "next best thing" for being a reason as to why we even got this quest in... the way it was presented.


Presentation is the problem. Not the themes themselves.

Personally i just finished the Quest and i saw nothing really wrong with the Quest, besides being suddenly thrown into the Quest without any pre-knowledge.

Besides that, people love to get hurt and triggered about situations that makes no sense, its a Game, not reality.

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