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Did the quest, now I'm left asking...

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54 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

I can only guess but because you're an butt?

Apologies, I often have to deal with a lot of people who I only humor because I can't throw them physically.
So my next best thing is to throw them metaphorically, because god forbid we have nice things.

To be fair, you'd probably be the same way if you had to deal with customer service-- even off the clock.


54 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Why should there be a reason why this quest "had to happen" ? It "had to happen" because DE decided to.

Yes, I could also decide to post NSFW in the forums.
Doesn't exactly make it a good idea, now does it?

Likewise, the quest could've gone a dozen different ways.
I know hindsight is 20/20, but it doesn't take a genius to predict some of the issues that would've arisen from this.

59 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

If DE had decided that Stalker was in fact your mother, you would have complained, but it had to happen to because DE wrote it.

Golly, you hit the nail right on the head. I sure would complain about a very illogical narrative thing to do that makes zero sense! Wowie!
It's almost like the concept of shoe-horning in random garbage for the sake of it detracts from the experience!

Maybe a studio that's doing commercial content should be thinking a bit further ahead instead of writing a fanfic?
Naaaah, that's too complicated for our successful company that can host a huge convention every year and donate large sums to random charities.
We gotta pay homage and tribute because they could do no wrong whatsoever!

Aren't you smart, do you want a treat? Who wants a treat! Now, roll over!
God, you people make it so damn difficult to avoid being condescending. I don't even need to try, it happens despite my efforts to hold back.

1 hour ago, Chewarette said:

Should DE also avoid showing feet on screen because you also happen to have a foot fetish, so you're weirded out by Ballas' appearance in The New War ?

Or do you have a long-hair-fetish, so Margulis should be bald ? But then, what if I have a bald-fetish ?

If they were showing whole feet and shoving it in the camera, despite it having no narrative reason for it?
Yeah, I'd probably call it a fetish. What else do you call that?

I've been saying it and I'm gonna keep saying: TIME AND PLACE.
Long-hair in of itself isn't a fetish. It can be one, but it'd need to be such an extreme at that point.
Like... to the point where it's questionable. "Why does every character in this series have the EXACT SAME hairstyle" sort of questionable.
The more weird and outlandish it is, the easier it is to come to that line of "questionable". Such as pregnancy.

Now that I think about it, it's Warframe. Couldn't we just... spawn the baby in? It's no less weird than a Warframe being pregnant to begin with.
We have the entire Void and "Conceptual Embodiment" at our disposal, if anything-- THAT makes more sense. Especially given DE's been dabbling with it's Quantum-States anyway.

1 hour ago, Chewarette said:

Dude, all those "fetishes" you can happen to have are only a you-problem.

If I interrupted a metaphorical game of chess of yours to show you something genuinely awful, would you like that?
Oh, look at all those horrible things on it! Terrible acts and things make you want to vomit because it's so depraved-- would you be fine with that?
No. You wouldn't.

But here's the thing, if I left it in a room and you're all alone? Maybe you'd be less annoyed by it. Probably still disgusted, maybe not. I'm not you.
... but you'd be in a TIME. AND. A. PLACE. FOR. IT.

It's less the content itself and more how and when it's presented. 
Wait, why am I describing social scenarios to you? Clearly you'll never need them, even if you did get into a scenario for it!
After all, when the solution is as simple and crude as you-- you'll never go wrong, right?


54 minutes ago, Oreades said:

I dunno I think I stopped really being interested in the Warframe "lore" somewhere between when Tyl Regor not being revealed as "The Wolf" and DE doing Khora dirty by giving her the best lore in the game, locking it behind an insane grind wall and then instead of doing ANYTHING with it.... just dumping Khora unceremoniously into Sanctuary Onslaught.....

I feel the lore is only half the issue, because while yeah-- it's a huge mess, they really put way too much effort into trying to make an idea work when it's for something else entiely.
Stuff like Duviri. The idea of Duviri when it was shown all the way back at a Tennocon where all we knew is "Hey, there's an adult operator" and "Wow, a world of the void itself!"
Now we got... a kingdom... and... time loops... and... weird dragons... and... wow, that's a lot different, huh?
Pretty sure one could find old commentary of mine saying how excited I was for Duviri. Especially in the aspect of "I can't wait to explore a region that has eldritch fauna and flora!"

... I feel like DE would benefit from being able to make non-canon "What-If" scenarios just to get stuff like this out of their system.
Stuff like the Nightwave missions, but within a much more isolated vacuum.
A sort of "Hey, here's something to tie you over. Don't think about it, it's not actively part of the plot."

I wouldn't mind Jade's plot nearly as much if that was the case.
At least at that point, we can all say "Oh, well... they'll do better next time" or "It was experimental and there's no harm done."
Would also avoid situations like Khora getting thrown at Simaris like a sock.

Also, good points on the Wolf. I never thought about it like that, but that sounds way cooler than what DE did with either of them!
You have my respect on that, which is rare on the forums.

1 hour ago, Oreades said:

The last nail in the coffin for me expecting anything from the Lore of Warframe was when they added Multiple Divergent realities/timelines with Duviri.

My exact words were "Oh no, not time shenanigans!"... even if it's not exactly time shenanigans. (Who cares though? It's close enough for most.)

Half because- as you said- most writers struggle to pull that off as is.
Other half because I know the Warframe community enough.
They aren't to be trusted with lore let alone common sense.

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17 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Long-hair in of itself isn't a fetish. It can be one, but it'd need to be such an extreme at that point.

I won't read your own fanfic further than that. It's already pretty tedious to read with your "thoughts" written in smaller characters and italic or whatever is the effect you wanted to make - But at least this point here confirmed all you spout here is nonsense.

"long hair in or itself isn't a fetish". Cool. As isn't pregnancy. Thanks. Here pregnancy is shown, then the birth. It could be a fetish if the camera was like self-inserting in the vagina with a travelling effect, then it would remind you of some of the content you view on the internet on a regular basis to call pregnancy a "fetish". But here, we see a Pregnant warframe then a baby, we don't even see the delivery, so it's not "extreme" in any way, as is long-hair or feet.

Thanks again, you don't need to reply. :) Have a nice day/week end

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34 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

I won't read your own fanfic further than that.

Than by all means, politely screw off.
God damn, no wonder the Forums never gets anything done.

I too would hate to read through someone having to reclarify the same points because they refuse to read.


Now, I mention that because anybody else want to add their two cents of redundancy? Since clearly, reading is hard!
... or does someone have a valid point to bring up that won't just hand wave things away?

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Let's look at this situation :


You have Jade, showing that she is (or at least she looks) pregnant with her noble animation. 

Then suddenly, she brings out an AK-47 and start shooting at space capitalists.

This is just goofy. I can't seriously consider playing her. I've put a few formas and actually tried to make and endgame build but I quickly went back to my other loadouts.

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On 2024-06-21 at 10:09 AM, Chewarette said:

#*!%ing hell, this forum will continue to be bloated with weird people until 1999 is out, right ?

Actually you can thank this to D.E. putting such content into their game, hence one of my original thoughts as "D.E. probably rather wanted chaos and cooked the ugly soup and stirring it, then work on a proper, meaningful content" is perfect reply.

I'm completely neutral in so many ways, about LGBTQ and nonLGTBQ, but when I start thinking about it along the lines, this content does have very bad taste even for me, Thats why I'm at least frowning on this story and Jade. Then I see how much LGBTQ people is triggered and you cannot tell me D.E. with 11 years of experience and big company with H.R. and for god sakes they live in Canada that is after U.S. is probably the 2nd. most LGBTQ sensitive nation on this planet... they put out such triggering content... Go figure...

Edited by 40PE
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18 hours ago, Chewarette said:

I won't read your own fanfic further than that. It's already pretty tedious to read with your "thoughts" written in smaller characters and italic or whatever is the effect you wanted to make - But at least this point here confirmed all you spout here is nonsense.

I love when people don't read the whole thing and assume it is "nonsense".

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On 2024-06-19 at 3:21 AM, Binket_ said:

Citrine was a "Okay, you know what? Fine, it's awkward and attracts weirdos. I'll deal with it though much to my annoyance." sorta deal

I got Citrine, she;'s not some wierd sexual thing but like those rocks with crystals in them. Its accidental how some people see it differently, but I'll defend DE for citrine's look. I think the issue here is you.

the pregant warframe thing though, yeah, misguided idea for sure. I'm not sure where they were going with that beyond the little storyline.

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3 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

I got Citrine, she;'s not some wierd sexual thing but like those rocks with crystals in them. Its accidental how some people see it differently, but I'll defend DE for citrine's look. I think the issue here is you.

the pregant warframe thing though, yeah, misguided idea for sure. I'm not sure where they were going with that beyond the little storyline.

Minor point, DE itself was the origin of the "gemussy" term. It was in a redtext for a hotfix.

DE very much plays into the horniness on the whole, in dev streams and the like.

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8 hours ago, Ha1p said:

Minor point, DE itself was the origin of the "gemussy" term. It was in a redtext for a hotfix.

DE very much plays into the horniness on the whole, in dev streams and the like.

Fair, but redtext is just a bit of a fun, not to be taken seriously or as canon. Or even as official anything IMHO. If we criticise too much like this, then they might take it away and we'd be poorer for it.

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