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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Visual clarity, telegraphing, and time to kill. Jade Light Eximus make the game less fun.

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3 hours ago, The-4th-Core said:

big thing that makes it truly insane is that its applying Heat Procs. Without Status Immunity, they obliterate your shield and continue damaging you even if you escape the beam itself as soon as your shield gate ends. There's a lot of ways they can Nerf this to make it more bearable,

To bad they don't have an Aura mod to resist against heat procs... but you could use [Flame Repellent] which grants 60% heat resistance if you are having that much trouble.  I know many people don't use these mods, but they do have a use.  I'm just sad that you can't put Resistance style mods in the Warframe Exilus slots.

3 hours ago, The-4th-Core said:

The Power, DoT, ambushing, Range, Speed, and lack of downtime all add up to it being one of, if not the most threatening effects in the entire game to players.

This probably sums up the worst bit, too much from just one enemy ability at once.  I do like how tough it is though, makes me think strategically on what to bring to Ascension.  I have gone down a couple times midair from the heat procs on a more squishy frame that doesn't have 90% damage reduction, [Rolling Guard], and [Magus Elevate].  When that happens, it's not always easy for just anyone to jump off the lift/elevator and head down 100m-200m to the bottom while they are getting besieged by the green light too.  Anyway, I get where you are coming from.

Edited by Poestis
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5 часов назад, Poestis сказал:

Void Mode as Operator and res people and you will not die from beam.

You do know that if you have abilities with duration (which most frames have now) active when you go into operator you don't get invincibility on your frame? The light just goes to your frame and incinerates it, in like 2 seconds, and you get ported back in just to fall on your ass.

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while i welcome the jade eximus as some added challenge that needs active gameplay,

There definitely are a few issues with it.

1) Awareness : You cant really tell when you are marked , the sound indicator can get very easily drowned out and unless you look up it will not be in your FOV. Recommendation: have the beams come to you at an angle (from the direction of the eximus perhaps?) that way you will have better visual cues and can figure out where the eximus is coming from.

2) Actual damage: i believe this is a bug that is being addressed (specifically at higher levels) , as much as a death ray is cool having a fighting chance for all frames is a reasonable ask. and while shield and overguard gating helps mitigate some of it , there really needs to be a check on the amount of damage possible.


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3 minutes ago, Hrehopw said:

You do know that if you have abilities with duration (which most frames have now) active when you go into operator you don't get invincibility on your frame? The light just goes to your frame and incinerates it, in like 2 seconds, and you get ported back in just to fall on your ass.

Yeah, sometimes when I didn't shoot the green to destroy it before I res a friend, but I usually transference my butt off with [Magus Elevate] while void dashing away to stay alive.  It's not spamming buttons if you know what you're doing 😁.

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13 hours ago, Qui9K9 said:

Short of the new Jade Light Eximus' ability to kill you in the time it takes to aim your gun, there are a few succinct pain points with the design. The beam is extremely bright and obscures large portions of view when multiple eximus are nearby, it is hard to tell which enemy the individual beams are spawned by, there are no debuffs placed on the player to indicate the coming 1-shot if you happen to be scoped in, and the time to kill is atrociously fast even on the tankiest frames running % dmg reduction. Please also consider that frames with full status immunities are instantly killed by this as well.

I believe it would be reasonable to reconsider the design of these enemies for the overall health of the game, as many players I've encountered have had similar feelings about the design and strength of the new units. 

The new units are not fun. 


Yep, beam needs to be more transparent at the very least.

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I have several issues with those new eximus:

- Too visually annoying, i cannot see S#&$ if 2 of those rays are close to me.
- Moves way too fast, like you need to bullet jump several times to avoid one.
- Too much duration for such an annoying attack.
- Those rays are just too high, pointing to the ball at the top is a chore... thats if you can, since in a lot of maps the ball gets hidden inside the ceiling.
- They do too much dmg, if you are stuck in a 1s animation, you are dead already.
- The eximus itself isnt obvious enough and if you have several of them, you don't know which one is the one using the rays.

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16 hours ago, Qui9K9 said:

' The beam is extremely bright and obscures large portions of view when multiple eximus are nearby, it is hard to tell which enemy the individual beams are spawned by'

Glad it's not just me who is getting infuriated by the brightness.

I agree, they're not fun.

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28 minutes ago, Gaxxian said:

- Too visually annoying, i cannot see S#&$ if 2 of those rays are close to me.

A short term fix for brightness is to go into Options menu, Video Tab (6th), and disable 'Glare' and 'Bloom' visual effects.

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