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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.2


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3 hours ago, anonimus_riga said:

Alert interception for new mote resource on small helene map, ALL map glowing with green eximus  and 10 beams at each interception point. YOU CALL THAT NORMAL??!

Are you frikin kidding me!?? 

I'm assuming the alerts are going to lean towards being jade eximus heavy because event alerts. So for the event that is probably normal. Haven't really touched anything non event so far but I'd guess that the jade spawns are/will be scaled back for normal game play.

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26 minutes ago, Oreades said:

I'm assuming the alerts are going to lean towards being jade eximus heavy because event alerts. So for the event that is probably normal. Haven't really touched anything non event so far but I'd guess that the jade spawns are/will be scaled back for normal game play.

The alerts have much higher than normal Eximus spawns and these are always the jade variety.

Standard missions seem no different than always to me, other than that jade Eximus are now possible spawns in the Eximus pool.

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On 2024-06-20 at 1:46 PM, Achronus said:


Jade Eximus units are cheating straight up.

No I don't mean they do so much damage oh noes.


Silence is a Banshee power that kills powers' effects (even enemy 'Frames); it DOES NOT work on the beam you MUST get the Eximus. The TARGET cast power is being cast with NO TARGET (through walls).

Result? An Eximus Nullifier can cast Jade light through that door you MUST hack even if you are in range to Silence him because 'Null field LOL' and all his friends can too!



Put Blast on your melee, blast effect occurs.


Yep, Blast on melee is doing FULL SELF DAMAGE. This is also against the rules. (Self dmg does knock-down)


Both of these issues are pretty blatant and make significant fun breaking negative impact. I can't use blast on melee (why even let it be equipped? it is that broken) And, Jade units will happily sit on the opposite side of a locked door and beam spam the hack terminal rendering a FULL GAMEPLAY STOP. (albeit a temporary one as the beams will dissipate eventually).

im getting that same problem with lavos but im rolling into the blast and without rolling i STILL DIED.

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В 20.06.2024 в 22:21, wirecard сказал:

Status Effects Color please undo so it shows in respective Energy Color from applying Weapon again

it was really good feature i hope they'll undo it soon

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