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Can we get a visual indicator of when are shield gate is about to expire

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It would be nice if we could get a visual indicator of our shield gate duration especially now that shield gate varies base on the amount of shield you had a the time of break timing it would be a lot less stressful in high level content and when 1 hit means death and make it so there's a lot more skill expression in the use of shield gating trying to time as late as possible to be as efficient as you can with your energy uses. This change would also lower the barrier to entry for new players to engage in the mechanic and hopefully excal players can finally stop dying on masses. 


(and if you implement that change please for the love of god don't make it a blue icon on the left side of health bar like every other buff that thing is an over crowded nightmare at a glance you cant even tell your buffs apart from your teammates buffs from your active arcane witch there are three of types before you even factor the modular arcanes you cant even tell if your galvanized effect are active at the time and having to sift trough a sea of icons to time your main survivability tool would defeat the prepose of implementing the clarity changes.)


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+1 to this - it was fine when the gating time was always the same duration or so, but having a visual indicator of how long it lasts now that it's variable would be super helpful. Maybe a bar at the bottom of the shield / health UI that shows progress / current gating compared to max amount?

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Since we already have the blue flicker effect to warn us about the shield going down, the effect could stay on the screen for the duration of the shield gate and gradually disappear towards the edge of the screen as the shield gate duration expires until it's completely gone.

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19 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

Since we already have the blue flicker effect to warn us about the shield going down, the effect could stay on the screen for the duration of the shield gate and gradually disappear towards the edge of the screen as the shield gate duration expires until it's completely gone.

not sure about keeping the flicker effect on the shield gate is still variable and tracking how far from the edges of your screen it is would leave to so visual clarity issue especially with so many particle effects in the game ( explosion, ability's ,eximus units and god forbid a magnetic status effect) i think a meter or a number close to your shield would be nice so you could glance at it and know exactly how long you have left)

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1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Hmm , I don't want it to cover the screen (shieldgate builds will be an epilepsy inducer).

Maybe just the health being grayed out ?

That's a fair point. Dante already does this with Overguard. I forgot shield gate builds exist.

That said, grey health isn't a solution because it could be mistaken with invulnerability, which shield gate is not.

To elaborate, and do note the following is an assumption made only through experience, shield gate is likely some temporary hidden health value which activates the moment the shield goes down and soaks up all damage which would otherwise go into the Health.

The reasons I believe this is the case are two. 

1. We are not immune to status effects during shield gate unlike when we have an actual invulnerability.

2. You can die during your shield gate period if you receive huge amount of damage. You can notice this during Radiation Sorties, where your teammates can kill you during your shield gate thanks to the ludicrous damage we deal compared to our enemies.

It would have to be a different colour that would affect the health bar so these two effects are not mistaken.


Personally, I would put this information around or into the crosshair, which when done well isn't obstructing the view nor does it affect aiming. I've played a game where the remaining ammo in my magazine was displayed as a yellow bar filling the right side of the crosshair and my health as a red bar filling the left side. Since that's where the players vision focuses, I knew my magazine and health status at all times without having to look elsewhere. It's not as accurate as numerical values but it gives you a general idea, which is enough in most cases.

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

That's a fair point. Dante already does this with Overguard. I forgot shield gate builds exist.

That said, grey health isn't a solution because it could be mistaken with invulnerability, which shield gate is not.

To elaborate, and do note the following is an assumption made only through experience, shield gate is likely some temporary hidden health value which activates the moment the shield goes down and soaks up all damage which would otherwise go into the Health.

The reasons I believe this is the case are two. 

1. We are not immune to status effects during shield gate unlike when we have an actual invulnerability.

2. You can die during your shield gate period if you receive huge amount of damage. You can notice this during Radiation Sorties, where your teammates can kill you during your shield gate thanks to the ludicrous damage we deal compared to our enemies.

It would have to be a different colour that would affect the health bar so these two effects are not mistaken.


Personally, I would put this information around or into the crosshair, which when done well isn't obstructing the view nor does it affect aiming. I've played a game where the remaining ammo in my magazine was displayed as a yellow bar filling the right side of the crosshair and my health as a red bar filling the left side. Since that's where the players vision focuses, I knew my magazine and health status at all times without having to look elsewhere. It's not as accurate as numerical values but it gives you a general idea, which is enough in most cases.

Thats fine , something noticeable but not taking up the whole screen.

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7 hours ago, RATATOUILLETHETHIRD said:

It would be nice if we could get a visual indicator of our shield gate duration especially now that shield gate varies base on the amount of shield you had a the time of break timing it would be a lot less stressful in high level content and when 1 hit means death and make it so there's a lot more skill expression in the use of shield gating trying to time as late as possible to be as efficient as you can with your energy uses. This change would also lower the barrier to entry for new players to engage in the mechanic and hopefully excal players can finally stop dying on masses. 


(and if you implement that change please for the love of god don't make it a blue icon on the left side of health bar like every other buff that thing is an over crowded nightmare at a glance you cant even tell your buffs apart from your teammates buffs from your active arcane witch there are three of types before you even factor the modular arcanes you cant even tell if your galvanized effect are active at the time and having to sift trough a sea of icons to time your main survivability tool would defeat the prepose of implementing the clarity changes.)


One of the best ideas I've seen posted in awhile. +1 to this.

7 hours ago, Nekomian said:

+1 to this - it was fine when the gating time was always the same duration or so, but having a visual indicator of how long it lasts now that it's variable would be super helpful. Maybe a bar at the bottom of the shield / health UI that shows progress / current gating compared to max amount?

That was my first thought actually.

That yeah, it was arguably unnecessary before but now that the gate duration can vary it would be nice.

5 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Hmm , I don't want it to cover the screen (shieldgate builds will be an epilepsy inducer).

Maybe just the health being grayed out ?

Technically we arent *invincible* during that time (toxin procs come to mind unless they changed that) but yes I agree that it should be subtle.

4 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Thats fine , something noticeable but not taking up the whole screen.


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it could have been around the crosshair before the addition of incarnon meters but it cant be any more because Warframe is a game where damage value show up when you hit something and you already have a meter on your screen if your using a incarnon or the grimoire i think putting that info near your shield/health is the best option because that's where you would look in most games to know how much damage something did to you. Probably a having meter or a number above your shield when they break would be the way to go (cant put that info bellow shield because the name of the is already there) and having it there would probably get new players to ask -whats that number that always shows up above my shield when they break- and start engaging in the mechanic more.

8 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

That's a fair point. Dante already does this with Overguard. I forgot shield gate builds exist.

That said, grey health isn't a solution because it could be mistaken with invulnerability, which shield gate is not.

To elaborate, and do note the following is an assumption made only through experience, shield gate is likely some temporary hidden health value which activates the moment the shield goes down and soaks up all damage which would otherwise go into the Health.

The reasons I believe this is the case are two. 

1. We are not immune to status effects during shield gate unlike when we have an actual invulnerability.

2. You can die during your shield gate period if you receive huge amount of damage. You can notice this during Radiation Sorties, where your teammates can kill you during your shield gate thanks to the ludicrous damage we deal compared to our enemies.

It would have to be a different colour that would affect the health bar so these two effects are not mistaken.


Personally, I would put this information around or into the crosshair, which when done well isn't obstructing the view nor does it affect aiming. I've played a game where the remaining ammo in my magazine was displayed as a yellow bar filling the right side of the crosshair and my health as a red bar filling the left side. Since that's where the players vision focuses, I knew my magazine and health status at all times without having to look elsewhere. It's not as accurate as numerical values but it gives you a general idea, which is enough in most cases.


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