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Duviri frame farming and faster erly crafting


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well long story shot, duviri was move, what is ok, i think best time for duviri will be after secund dream, like i know people say no no, it after newa war so you have them OHHH in duviri, but it work both ways... so becuse duviri need now more time why not add even more frames for rotaton to grind ? and for some, even resorces they need, like bigest problem of caliban is not he is bad becuse he is just ok, but how anyoing it is to get him and resroces he need, why abaut change some part of his build so he no longer need all rare stuff of the universe and let farm him in duviri ? we may do it for other frames to, like we have titania and hildryn on loop soo we may add more quest frames or just anyoing to farm frames so players step into duviri and have somthing else to gridn that just khora and fortuna frames.


and rotation... well i think it may just made quest frames like titania ect, happend not that offten, meyby after more common frames show up 2 time, we alos my get gauss, to be fair right now any frame who have it prime it kinda just to lvl up and trow it ayway so just make it easy if someone not hurry up. 



alos whne come to new players... why not creating and give them crafting booster ?  your first  weapon will craft only 25% time secund 50% them 75% and them 100%... the same will be for frames but if you start crafting like rihno part first them all rihno part once will get that speed boost and them mein blueprint... or just making few days forget speed up who work only if you log to game this day or work for 2 days thme go off so it it cant be waste, so if we give like 10 days when evry few days it just get worst starting from like all crafting need just 20% time and end on 100% time it may give for players continuity of construction that other players have, alos entire system may start working in your first crafting who will be normal longer that 5h to be sure that new player will use that system. of crose someone who know will be able use it hard like grind and get all kinda stuff but to be fair for what ? erly players need a lot of time to lvl up one thing to max and most time literaly have just resorces for one frame or a weapon.  ah yes as well... what if Rihno boss or drop gal 50/50% chance ?, we alos may made boss who have soem frame on it have chance to just drop random resroces needed for that frame, or or, something much better, conver warframes and weapon ect ect boueprint into random resorces needed to build it, except some like shiny rocks alloys ect. a thing not needed for most of us but probady somethign that woud help new player.

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It's... a little hard to understand what you're trying to say, but I'll do my best to try.


Duviri Paradox should be unlocked after Second Dream instead of New War. The Circuit should also have rare Warframes like Caliban in the reward pool.

You unlock it from completing the Uranus Junction though? Actually, you need to do Uranus before Neptune where Second Dream gets unlocked. In terms of story and gameplay progression, it's fine where it is. Duviri's for the most part irrelevant to much else, and follows an entirely different gameplay. For getting more Warframes from the Circuit, the cycle's probably fine though I've never really used it. The full Circuit reward cycle is like 4 months long though, it's already a huge wait if you intend on waiting for the reward selection instead of putting in the grind meanwhile. No need to add more things to make the wait even worse.


Caliban's resource requirement to craft sucks. Have bosses drop resources needed for a given Warframe.

Well for Caliban, it's some mining, fishing, bounties for Narmer, and Veil Proxima to get the materials. The blueprints themselves are also gotten from Narmer bounties. Which, is a faction you don't see until after New War. If you're a new player your goal's probably to be grinding the prerequisite Necramech from the Entrati and you should already be used to that gameplay loop by the time you worry about the Sentient-made Warframe.

A Warframe like Rhino, unlocking materials from bosses (Jackal is Rhino's boss)... Rhino requires stuff like Alloy Plates, Ferrite, Polymer Bundles, and Rubedo. Jackal already has a chance to drop a region resource (like, near-guaranteed), which is Alloy Plates and Polymer Bundles from its home planet of Venus. Rhino's fairly low cost too, pretty sure, so the grind isn't even that bad.


Give boosters to new players to lower their Foundry crafting time.

A player starts with like 2 slots for Warframes and I think close to 10 for weapons. The faster those Warframes get built, the faster you'll realize you have no space unless you pay to increase your inventory space. Would be a neat trick to make newbies sink a bunch of money in so they can speedrun their collection while all crafting's double speed during their first month though, not gonna lie. I support this suggestion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2024-09-01 at 10:58 AM, (NSW)MasterMewtwoIwantNeeko said:

A player starts with like 2 slots for Warframes and I think close to 10 for weapons. The faster those Warframes get built, the faster you'll realize you have no space unless you pay to increase your inventory space. Would be a neat trick to make newbies sink a bunch of money in so they can speedrun their collection while all crafting's double speed during their first month though, not gonna lie. I support this suggestion.

for that new player can pretty easy get one slot from nora


On 2024-09-01 at 10:58 AM, (NSW)MasterMewtwoIwantNeeko said:

Well for Caliban, it's some mining, fishing, bounties for Narmer, and Veil Proxima to get the materials. The blueprints themselves are also gotten from Narmer bounties. Which, is a faction you don't see until after New War. If you're a new player your goal's probably to be grinding the prerequisite Necramech from the Entrati and you should already be used to that gameplay loop by the time you worry about the Sentient-made Warframe.

caliban need literaly most ussleas resroce in a game, anomaly fragment, 


9 anomaly fragments -

one of few resorces that shoud be total delete from game becuse there is way to much one time trash who do nothing after you get that one or two items ( yes i know anomaly have mroe but it still trash ) and it anyoing to get, like sentients ships are just big and you most time just walk to find that 20 sentiens on ship that shoud have 200 of them.Well for 

20 Mortus Horn-

not very rare but still rare fish parts so you need kill mini boss or fish and have luck 

30 Breath of the Eidolon-

another rare resorces and not evryone farm eidalons

20 Tralok eyes-

another fish part that you may or may not find

30 Hexeon-

another rare stuf and why that nuber ? sure it easy to get just 30 but it look like they trow at caliban all rare resorces they can.

10 Neural Sensors-

i cant be made at this one it just so popular and you have a lot of it at this point but damm another rare resorce 

12 Silver potatos -

like others just oh i need two of thme for my blueprint and caliban go like i am chrome and potatos are my RAM and another rare recorce

100 Hespazm Alloy-

oh look another rare thing you need and who talke a lot of time to get 100 of it, that thign is literaly one of mein reason why peopel need so much time to build nerkomech

AND NOW ONLY 40 Narmer Isoplas-

40 of that thing is like why ? like caliban have literaly 0 common stuff on it and ok it woud be something if he was that crazy op warframe who is top metal 99% time or super crazy to master but become literaly god if play well like limbo... but he is avrage and 80% of his problem, be almost not played is his own build becuse no one want craft him. 


delete anomlay from game and evrything that use anomaly now use isoplast and you get it from anomaly ship 


trow away all fish parts and alloy and that hex from jupiter. now use some common stuff or liek chroma parts of warframes becuse is kinda like he is made from warframes so why not ? 


after his uptade he may be not avrage anymore and evryone get one of him but that thing fix nothing, evry new player still ignore him and his only hopes is that rework make him very very strong and not make his meins just leave him becuse so much changes, and then meyby if new players start see him almost evry game it may create loop whne people try get him anyway becuse evryone use caliban so it moust be worth it...    but probady after rework he go on top for a month and then go back to trash unstil we get prime caliban..  i still hope for tau forget not a prime :D 

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il y a une heure, Darlf a dit :

but he is avrage and

Caliban was an extremely strong frame (was ; because since armor nerf, his armor strip is less valuable), but was generally hated because misundertood and hard to obtain. For some reasons, the hate-train was strong on him.

Still now, Caliban features really good tools ;

-Passive adaptative Damage Reduction for self, allies, and pets. Also affect Arcwhing.

-Multiplicative Debuff. (Spell 2)

-Damage Avoidance by summoning Conculyst that have a higher aggro than players, and also generate Shield and Overshield. (Spell 3)

-Defense Strip. (Spell 4)

All of that with a lot of Crowd Control.

If you manage to get passed his long animation and his high energy consumption, Caliban performs really well, even now after the Armor nerf. You just got to show him some love.

Note : His spell (1) is absolutely terrible. Helminth it away as soon as possible ! Nourish (Grendel's Helminth) solves his energy issue and can buff his Conculyst to do AoE Stagger+Viral when hit.


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On 2024-09-10 at 8:28 PM, dwqrf said:

Note : His spell (1) is absolutely terrible. Helminth it away as soon as possible ! Nourish (Grendel's Helminth) solves his energy issue and can buff his Conculyst to do AoE Stagger+Viral when hit.

we dont talk abaut that is forbidden...


caliban alywas have empty slot on his 1.



and i know i love him, and he is good but almost evry frame is good to he is avrage, alos his 4 i woud use it evne if it heal enemy only becuse how cool is look and full strip armor and shilds and not bad dmg who cna kill some steal enemy as well is nice too... but like i said he need total rewrok of blueprint ir he become not playable after nexst 2 yers whne most new players not be able get him for free like most player whne his rework finaly go public... 

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On 2024-09-10 at 11:28 AM, dwqrf said:

-Passive adaptative Damage Reduction for self, allies, and pets. Also affect Arcwhing.

Doesn't stack with adaptation, and 50% is almost unnoticeable with how enemy damage works.

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