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Petition to get cat ears added to warframe!


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4 hours ago, Zimzala said:

I respect all the people who post in this thread as humans deserving love and empathy.

I do not respect all of the opinions and outlooks shared in this thread, much like any other thread, because some of them are just feelings presented as facts without any real logic, they don't hold water, other than as emotional shields.

That's how all this works.

Just because someone calls your idea 'bad' does not, in fact, mean they are calling you as a person 'bad'.

I think the entire idea of restricting what another person wants to wear in a virtual world based on making them 'conform' to your personal aesthetic is childish, sophomoric, lacks empathy, and is just plain mean and vindictive.

I think trying to say having whimsy as an adult is ONLY reserved for entertain children is an outlook bereft of joy and happiness.

I think to be against letting other people wear what they like, when they like, where they like in a video game is a prime example of testosterone based intolerance in our gaming culture. 

I don't hate the people that think these things, I just hate the ideas themselves, they ruin our society by using something as simple as a fun costume to denigrate others for not conforming to some made up aesthetic. 

I would actually turn on multi-player just to wear bunny ears in a busy area if I knew it would make others stop playing.

so you talk about respect and and not respecting opinions in the litterally the first 2 lines, you can disagree with someone's opinion, that does not mean you should not respect it.

I respect everyone's opinion, i just don't like being attacked as a person because someone disagrees with my opinion, like you do when you say we try "to make people conform to our personal aestethic", my personal aestethic is nothing like warframe's art style thank you very much, nor do I decide the art that goes into the game. What i can do though is look at the art made by the developpers, see the pattern, see what matches well with that art style, and no in my opinion Cat ears do not fit warframe's aestethic.

Then you go and make a generalisation "prime example of testosterone based intolerance" and attack men/testosterone producing people in general blatantly. Tbh you do not have moral authority here, because the only really intolerant one here is you, you are dead set on the fact only your opinion is right and do not even tolerate or respect ours, you even say so in your second sentence, look in the mirror before trying to say people have moral issues.

46 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

Yes, if I find it funny or whimsical, I would, and have, put silly things like cat ears on 'ancient art'. It's called drees-me-David I think. I used to have some - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1643649148/caryco-david-refrigerator-magnets?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details

I don't care if you think that is disrespectful, I think you thinking that is silly and small minded.

The only thing you and others bring is some fear-mongering over things like fuzzy ears 'ruining' a game...it's nothing more than fear mongering based on taking things to an extreme, it's just fear, nothing more, ""I have no fear, for fear is the little death that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once."

As for what I want, I want DE to continue to add what they feel inspired to add, like always. 

If they are inspired to add fuzzy ears, great!

I harbor no hate for individuals who fear fuzzy ears, I pity them.

Me, or anyone, wearing anything, does not, in fact, impose anything on you, that's all in your head.

Well, newsflash your first sentence is an actual act of vandalism if you do it to the original statue, which is what the comment you reacted on was alluding to. not some knock off that uses depictions of those things. In case of vandalism it is not a person who will find it disrespectful but a state, because vandalism is a felony.

2nd sentence: here you go again being intolerant towards people who disagree with you.

Fear mongering can only be spoken of if serious threats are made, which is absent in this thread to my knowledge.

To be honest i pity you because you imply everyone disagreeing with you has moral and ethical issues, but you are the one being intolerant, arrogant and blatantly disrespectful.

I do respect your opinion though, and if they do decide to add something i hope it will be according to the art style we know and love.

24 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

You will have to settle for fish mask.

Edit: though it'd be cool if Nakak got some new masks with Koumei.

tbh this would fit the theme a lot. There is countless of Japanese masks that could be added and fit into the art style.

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56 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

You will have to settle for fish mask.

Edit: though it'd be cool if Nakak got some new masks with Koumei.

If we get a kitsune frame (which is long overdue) im hoping we get a kitsune mask for our operators, either covering the face on on the side of our head.

Edited by Jeter1230
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FOR THE OPERATOR : We already have unicorn diadem, Oculus rift refit, demons horns, the "unreal" Lumis Oculus....

I'd be pretty ok with a great solution like Catwoman's googles :

-When "hood" open, the google give cat/kavat ears vibe

-When "hood" is close, they become "battle" googles


Anne Hathaway, as 'Catwoman', in "The Dark Knight Rises" 💖



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56 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:

so you talk about respect and and not respecting opinions in the litterally the first 2 lines, you can disagree with someone's opinion, that does not mean you should not respect it.

I respect everyone's opinion, i just don't like being attacked as a person because someone disagrees with my opinion, like you do when you say we try "to make people conform to our personal aestethic", my personal aestethic is nothing like warframe's art style thank you very much, nor do I decide the art that goes into the game. What i can do though is look at the art made by the developpers, see the pattern, see what matches well with that art style, and no in my opinion Cat ears do not fit warframe's aestethic.

Then you go and make a generalisation "prime example of testosterone based intolerance" and attack men/testosterone producing people in general blatantly. Tbh you do not have moral authority here, because the only really intolerant one here is you, you are dead set on the fact only your opinion is right and do not even tolerate or respect ours, you even say so in your second sentence, look in the mirror before trying to say people have moral issues.

Well, newsflash your first sentence is an actual act of vandalism if you do it to the original statue, which is what the comment you reacted on was alluding to. not some knock off that uses depictions of those things. In case of vandalism it is not a person who will find it disrespectful but a state, because vandalism is a felony.

2nd sentence: here you go again being intolerant towards people who disagree with you.

Fear mongering can only be spoken of if serious threats are made, which is absent in this thread to my knowledge.

To be honest i pity you because you imply everyone disagreeing with you has moral and ethical issues, but you are the one being intolerant, arrogant and blatantly disrespectful.

I do respect your opinion though, and if they do decide to add something i hope it will be according to the art style we know and love.

I hope the air up there on that high horse is pleasant for you.

For you to construe a discussion of whimsy into acts of vandalism is just silly. For example, I have no respect for that opinion, it is full of cow manure.

I do not respect BS POVs, even if that offends your sensibilities.

I can respect everyone as a person to be loved and given resources, but that does not translate into respecting POVs that are based on BS.

So, I can respect your right to have an opinion just fine, without respecting the opinion itself. Sorry if that's complicated for you.

And yes, while doing all of this, I can and do throw shade. Why? Because I don't think BS opinions based on making others conform are valid and I will rail against them and the people who push them. At some point, pushing against people trying to make others conform does stop being about teh opinions and starts being about the person.

If someone wants to try and promote the idea that the only time adults can engage in whimsy is to please children or similar BS, then if I feel like it, I will call it out for the BS it is.

Good Luck and Happy Gaming, I hope your life continues on a great path and that your POV on fuzzy ears has no bearing on what DE chooses to do.

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4 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

I hope the air up there on that high horse is pleasant for you.

For you to construe a discussion of whimsy into acts of vandalism is just silly. For example, I have no respect for that opinion, it is full of cow manure.

I do not respect BS POVs, even if that offends your sensibilities.

I can respect everyone as a person to be loved and given resources, but that does not translate into respecting POVs that are based on BS.

So, I can respect your right to have an opinion just fine, without respecting the opinion itself. Sorry if that's complicated for you.

And yes, while doing all of this, I can and do throw shade. Why? Because I don't think BS opinions based on making others conform are valid and I will rail against them and the people who push them. At some point, pushing against people trying to make others conform does stop being about teh opinions and starts being about the person.

If someone wants to try and promote the idea that the only time adults can engage in whimsy is to please children or similar BS, then if I feel like it, I will call it out for the BS it is.

Good Luck and Happy Gaming, I hope your life continues on a great path and that your POV on fuzzy ears has no bearing on what DE chooses to do.

Brother i did not claim to be morally above people, it is not because someone knocks your pedestal over (put you in front of a mirror and give you a reality check) that they are better, everyone is human and everyone is born in 1 of 2 ways. 

man you said you'dd put cat ears on original historic statues and works of art, that is vandalism, however small, still vandalism and a crime. that is not my opinion that is the law. so if you think the law is bs why are you on warframe forums and not on public representation forums?

Ok so you do not respect opinions, which makes you intolerant, that is just how it is, i disagree with you yet i respect your opinion no? If in a democratic system someone gets elected that you do not agree with, you do not respect the majority's opinion, do you also not participate in that society then? that must be a sorry existence, you would not even try to change it. You shut people out, instead of engaging in discussion, that is no way to offer perspective.

Well let me warp this a bit, but everyone has the right to live, do you not need to respect that life? or can you do what you want with it?

I'm not making anyone conform here, i advocate for what i like and do not like, without excluding anyone to express their valid opinion, in turn i may offer perspective and deep out my opinion. I don't think cat ears fit the artstyle (yet) as i said manier time, yet you shut everyone who thinks that out, like they do not matter, that is no way to gain support.

noone is promoting that idea, also whimsy has a connotation of sexual nature so i suggest you stop using it to portray your point because you are playing into the argument that it is either to playfully engage with children or for sexual activities. 

Well sure, i hope you can learn to appreciate more of the world, because with your mindedness might make you miss some beautiful things.

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On 2024-09-16 at 3:40 PM, 3xt1inct said:
On 2024-09-16 at 2:54 PM, Jeter1230 said:

you compared the idea to something pdf files like, i immediately stopped taking you serious. you mostly just insulted me.

I will now ask you where exactly and with quote I said something aimed at you where i do what you accuse me of.

Sure, dude. First page.

On 2024-09-07 at 12:58 PM, 3xt1inct said:
On 2024-09-06 at 7:31 PM, KitMeHarder said:

Oh no, not the anime and Japanese references in a game like Warframe. Once you open the floodgates, who knows what's next? Next thing you know they'll be adding stuff like "ninja" to their slogan. Or they'll use romaji to name certain frames. Hell, the CEO might even say he's going to use anime as reference material. Or the creative director might even add a frame with a Jojo stand. Ooor, the next update might even be completely Japanese themed.

I shudder to think.

haha ninja is not per se anime, warframe also started out as a darker themed game, anime references are fine, taking from them directly and especially from the cutesie ones with cat ears and the disgusting lollies is just a step too far. Then it stops being the dark/ninja/genocidal game i signed up for, so yeah i do have a problem with that. Irony like yours is not gonna get you what you want so i commend you, go on like that and show how you cannot handle some headwind.

You replied to KitMeHarder, who clearly had a desire for one thing; only to compare that to something else entirely that pedophiles enjoy. Now to be fair, you technically weren't replying to Jeter, but it was still a direct comparison.

Honestly, that's just really weird. I know it was probably inflammatory for the sake of it, but why would you even go to that as an argument?

Edited by Xycelium
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I made it pretty clear in my first post here; but I honestly wouldn't mind if DE added cat ears and such; but they also don't have to at all which I would also respect. Maybe I've just grown desensitized towards any sort of 'masculine degradation' or whatever, firstly because I'm not a man so I don't care, and secondly because I've just seen it everywhere at this point, that nothing really surprises me, and honestly I'm only ever pleased by the idea of being able to dress up any character in a silly fashion. Team Fortress 2 is a great example of a game that's mostly filled with masculine characters yet with a ton of customization that can range from 'he's literally him' to 'cutesy lil' flame demon'. I just don't know, such energy could be wasted on other things personally.

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13 minutes ago, Xycelium said:

Sure, dude. First page.

You replied to KitMeHarder, who clearly had a desire for one thing; only to compare that to something else entirely that pedophiles enjoy. Now to be fair, you technically weren't replying to Jeter, but it was still a direct comparison.

Honestly, that's just really weird. I know it was probably inflammatory for the sake of it, but why would you even go to that as an argument?

read the assignment, i asked where i did that aimed at the person i reacted to, not kitmeharder, the poster i reacted to was the one to accuse me of personally attacking them. read the full situation context and questions before painting someone in a bad light. The msg to kitmeharder was not aimed at Jeter, so by default you are wrongly answering my question, which is exactly what you mentionned as well. it was a comparison that had nothing to do with my reaction to jeter, so no its not applicable.

Secondly sorry for the grammatical explanation, but i mentioned "taking from them directly and especially form the cutesie ones with cat ears and the disgusting lollies is a step too far", can you see how I intentionally separated "the cutesie ones with cat ears" and "the disgusting lollies" as to show an enumeration of both, in which i imply that both are over the line. this in is no way comparing the idea of adding cat ears or linking it to "lollies" in any way, that is something that happened in the minds of people interpreting, not by use of language. 

The argument was brought up to make the contrast between warframe's art style and the art style "cat ears" usually are portrayed in, more clear.

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I don't actually want to use cat ears on any frames.  But I want them added to the game solely because of all the people whining about other people's cosmetics "ruining the aesthetic."

It's hilarious to me how this type of person thinks that the Tenno as a faction are all supposed to be in some lockstep uniform that suits their tastes.  As if the Tenno aren't void twisted forever-children that are all individuals, many of whom would probably put something stupid like cat ears on their frame before going to commit genocide.  Oh no!  Someone else's individuality doesn't match mine!  The horror!

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Why is this even a thread?


If its because Spiral Knights did it, than you know they only worked there because the artstyle and cosmetic system supported it (also my condolences, that game was great and its sad its languished in the way it has). If its because Halo Infinite did it, same reason applies.


Khora Miyabi has Cat Ears, Valkyr prime does too in a way, as does the one Volt helmet, and each time it sorta shows why they won't work like the Rabbit Ears do, since the attachment point requires the helmet be shaped a specific way.


(Shouldve added that I'm only referring to the warframes customization on its own, if this is something regarding the Operator/Drifter, then all my criticism is null andI actually support cat ears 100%; I've seen those types of headbands before and they wouldn't look out of place if done right.)

Edited by (XBOX)Omega399
Added context info
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15 hours ago, dwqrf said:

You talk about respect.

Would you find it respectful to put cat ears on Roman statues ? On Greek gods ? On the Mona Lisa ? On Napoleon ? On the presidents of Mount Rushmore ? No ? Then why would you put cat ears on Warframes. It is as disrecpectul to the art style, the story, the context, and the people behind it.

Now, there is a lot of manga, anime, and japanese-styled video game, and it would be AS disrespectul to the original art to ask the devs there to create main character cosmetics of Space-Marines or Dreadnought. It does not fit. It works both ways.

Or do you really think that's okay ? Do you think of Warframe as a social game like VR-chat and not a horde shooter with gore and violence ?

Nobody here is shaming anyone for dressing however they want in their life, or in virtual worlds that are designed to allows anybody to wear anything they feel like. You have every rights to be and to look however you want. But don't impose any and every styles on something if it doesn't match with the original product. That's called integrity.

You want to change Warframe core identity, I wish to preserve it. It has nothing to do with machism, denigrating, conforming, testosterone, or imposing anything. In fact, adding cat ears is your way to impose your style, even if it clearly doesn't fit the original idea. Don't hate people holding strong to the value of respecting original Art.

So bunny ears ok but cat ears not? 

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13 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

so you talk about respect and and not respecting opinions in the litterally the first 2 lines, you can disagree with someone's opinion, that does not mean you should not respect it.

I respect everyone's opinion, i just don't like being attacked as a person because someone disagrees with my opinion, like you do when you say we try "to make people conform to our personal aestethic", my personal aestethic is nothing like warframe's art style thank you very much, nor do I decide the art that goes into the game. What i can do though is look at the art made by the developpers, see the pattern, see what matches well with that art style, and no in my opinion Cat ears do not fit warframe's aestethic.

Then you go and make a generalisation "prime example of testosterone based intolerance" and attack men/testosterone producing people in general blatantly. Tbh you do not have moral authority here, because the only really intolerant one here is you, you are dead set on the fact only your opinion is right and do not even tolerate or respect ours, you even say so in your second sentence, look in the mirror before trying to say people have moral issues.

Well, newsflash your first sentence is an actual act of vandalism if you do it to the original statue, which is what the comment you reacted on was alluding to. not some knock off that uses depictions of those things. In case of vandalism it is not a person who will find it disrespectful but a state, because vandalism is a felony.

2nd sentence: here you go again being intolerant towards people who disagree with you.

Fear mongering can only be spoken of if serious threats are made, which is absent in this thread to my knowledge.

To be honest i pity you because you imply everyone disagreeing with you has moral and ethical issues, but you are the one being intolerant, arrogant and blatantly disrespectful.

I do respect your opinion though, and if they do decide to add something i hope it will be according to the art style we know and love.

tbh this would fit the theme a lot. There is countless of Japanese masks that could be added and fit into the art style.

To say that you respect everyone's opinion no matter what that opinion is means that you stand for nothing and that is impossible inwardly,only outwardly in case of hypocrits

13 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

The art style:


@dwqrf so much art disrespect in one picture, can you believe it?

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12 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

Brother i did not claim to be morally above people, it is not because someone knocks your pedestal over (put you in front of a mirror and give you a reality check) that they are better, everyone is human and everyone is born in 1 of 2 ways. 

man you said you'dd put cat ears on original historic statues and works of art, that is vandalism, however small, still vandalism and a crime. that is not my opinion that is the law. so if you think the law is bs why are you on warframe forums and not on public representation forums?

Ok so you do not respect opinions, which makes you intolerant, that is just how it is, i disagree with you yet i respect your opinion no? If in a democratic system someone gets elected that you do not agree with, you do not respect the majority's opinion, do you also not participate in that society then? that must be a sorry existence, you would not even try to change it. You shut people out, instead of engaging in discussion, that is no way to offer perspective.

Well let me warp this a bit, but everyone has the right to live, do you not need to respect that life? or can you do what you want with it?

I'm not making anyone conform here, i advocate for what i like and do not like, without excluding anyone to express their valid opinion, in turn i may offer perspective and deep out my opinion. I don't think cat ears fit the artstyle (yet) as i said manier time, yet you shut everyone who thinks that out, like they do not matter, that is no way to gain support.

noone is promoting that idea, also whimsy has a connotation of sexual nature so i suggest you stop using it to portray your point because you are playing into the argument that it is either to playfully engage with children or for sexual activities. 

Well sure, i hope you can learn to appreciate more of the world, because with your mindedness might make you miss some beautiful things.

And because you are moving goal post for pages already, you never arrive to a conclusion. We are talking about putting cat ears on fictional Warframe characters, not anything outside Warframe. Fictional characters of Warframe are not real thus they have no sense of honor or shame. Yet you are the one constantly telling people about their literacy skills. Considering the fact that we already have bunny ears present in the game, all your arguments go outta window and you are left moving the goal post by yourself. Is this enough literacy for you?

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb MrDugan:

I don't actually want to use cat ears on any frames.  But I want them added to the game solely because of all the people whining about other people's cosmetics "ruining the aesthetic."

It's hilarious to me how this type of person thinks that the Tenno as a faction are all supposed to be in some lockstep uniform that suits their tastes.  As if the Tenno aren't void twisted forever-children that are all individuals, many of whom would probably put something stupid like cat ears on their frame before going to commit genocide.  Oh no!  Someone else's individuality doesn't match mine!  The horror!

Your well thought out argument absolutely convinced me. I am now completely changing my position. Why even stop at cat ears. Bunny ears.. oh we already got that.

We need special skins for Necramechs too. No, not just cat ears. We need lego toy car skins for them. Also crossover, we absolutely need that. Spiderman skins for frames. Also special effects that change all the blood and gore to rainbows and smilies.

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Il y a 3 heures, Karyst a dit :

So bunny ears ok but cat ears not? 


Il y a 3 heures, Karyst a dit :


@dwqrf so much art disrespect in one picture, can you believe it?


Il y a 3 heures, Karyst a dit :

We are talking about putting cat ears on fictional Warframe characters, not anything outside Warframe. Fictional characters of Warframe are not real thus they have no sense of honor or shame. Yet you are the one constantly telling people about their literacy skills. Considering the fact that we already have bunny ears present in the game, all your arguments go outta window and you are left moving the goal post by yourself. Is this enough literacy for you?

No, it does not surprise me that people disrespect Art. I've seen it my whole life. I still condemn it. 

You don't go to a funeral with flashy colors and cat ears, for example. You don't. Yet, some people do it, because they are provocative and lack a sense of honor and respect. It's not surprising anymore, it doesn't mean it's right.

Now, you talk about bunny ears. Yes, I do personnaly think it's too much and was better as a seasonal skin. But it's anchored in western tradition, as of Easter holidays, which also happened to be linked to the first of april, which is a joke. I understand why it exist. It was never meant to be serious, it's obviously made for humor and fun. The proposed cat ears don't fit neither of these categories.

Now you talk about fictionnal characters having no sense of self so we should be able to disrespect them ? You don't put cat ears on the Mona Lisa, on Aragorn, on John Wick, on Voldemort, on Greek gods or any religious figures, on Snow White, and not even on Ronald McDonald. Because it doesn't fit with the original art and meaning, with the presented characters, fictionnal or not.

It does not mean you are not allowed to be inspired from the original art, and even copy the characters and make your own art with cat ears then, but then it's a different modern approach with a different meaning and different audience, not a vandalism of the original art ; which is what we are talking about here. If you want to advocate for a new game called uWuarframe, please go for it. Meanwhile, please try to show some respect to the original product and the consistency of its art style, and to the targeted audience which appreciate it just like that.

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17 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

Brother i did not claim to be morally above people, it is not because someone knocks your pedestal over (put you in front of a mirror and give you a reality check) that they are better, everyone is human and everyone is born in 1 of 2 ways. 

man you said you'dd put cat ears on original historic statues and works of art, that is vandalism, however small, still vandalism and a crime. that is not my opinion that is the law. so if you think the law is bs why are you on warframe forums and not on public representation forums?

Ok so you do not respect opinions, which makes you intolerant, that is just how it is, i disagree with you yet i respect your opinion no? If in a democratic system someone gets elected that you do not agree with, you do not respect the majority's opinion, do you also not participate in that society then? that must be a sorry existence, you would not even try to change it. You shut people out, instead of engaging in discussion, that is no way to offer perspective.

Well let me warp this a bit, but everyone has the right to live, do you not need to respect that life? or can you do what you want with it?

I'm not making anyone conform here, i advocate for what i like and do not like, without excluding anyone to express their valid opinion, in turn i may offer perspective and deep out my opinion. I don't think cat ears fit the artstyle (yet) as i said manier time, yet you shut everyone who thinks that out, like they do not matter, that is no way to gain support.

noone is promoting that idea, also whimsy has a connotation of sexual nature so i suggest you stop using it to portray your point because you are playing into the argument that it is either to playfully engage with children or for sexual activities. 

Well sure, i hope you can learn to appreciate more of the world, because with your mindedness might make you miss some beautiful things.

See The Paradox of Tolerance.

Whimsy: noun. the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment. synonyms: arbitrariness, capriciousness, flightiness, whimsey, whimsicality.

I think you need a new dictionary.

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1 hour ago, dwqrf said:



No, it does not surprise me that people disrespect Art. I've seen it my whole life. I still condemn it. 

You don't go to a funeral with flashy colors and cat ears, for example. You don't. Yet, some people do it, because they are provocative and lack a sense of honor and respect. It's not surprising anymore, it doesn't mean it's right.

Now, you talk about bunny ears. Yes, I do personnaly think it's too much and was better as a seasonal skin. But it's anchored in western tradition, as of Easter holidays, which also happened to be linked to the first of april, which is a joke. I understand why it exist. It was never meant to be serious, it's obviously made for humor and fun. The proposed cat ears don't fit neither of these categories.

Now you talk about fictionnal characters having no sense of self so we should be able to disrespect them ? You don't put cat ears on the Mona Lisa, on Aragorn, on John Wick, on Voldemort, on Greek gods or any religious figures, on Snow White, and not even on Ronald McDonald. Because it doesn't fit with the original art and meaning, with the presented characters, fictionnal or not.

It does not mean you are not allowed to be inspired from the original art, and even copy the characters and make your own art with cat ears then, but then it's a different modern approach with a different meaning and different audience, not a vandalism of the original art ; which is what we are talking about here. If you want to advocate for a new game called uWuarframe, please go for it. Meanwhile, please try to show some respect to the original product and the consistency of its art style, and to the targeted audience which appreciate it just like that.

Bunny ears are not anchored in western culture, it's bunnies themselves and it's eggs, which we do get for one credit during easter. We also get moustaches for a month for one credit each. Tail ephemera is permanent and costs plat. Your  uWuarframe comment clearly indicates how disconnected you are from reality as well as failing to realize it is aimed at the user that likes japanese cartoons and is happy to purchase tail, ears mask syandana and anything else DE makes in that and other theme. Likewise to say that bunny ears are fun but cat ears somehow wouldn't be fun is double standard and how exactly did you link first of April with Easter? Easter 2025 is on April the 20. Furthermore, the aforementioned fictional character that you mentioned has already been widely mocked and memed and nobody got mad except for people who put fictional characters on pedestal for what reason exactly? If the aim is to mock and ridicule the author, then it's the mocking of the author by proxy, but if that's not the case, it's getting upset over nothing. Religious figures won't be discussed here. Although, in their case they are at least real and not fictional, whether or not they deserve to be respected is another topic also. 

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8 hours ago, Karyst said:

And because you are moving goal post for pages already, you never arrive to a conclusion. We are talking about putting cat ears on fictional Warframe characters, not anything outside Warframe. Fictional characters of Warframe are not real thus they have no sense of honor or shame. Yet you are the one constantly telling people about their literacy skills. Considering the fact that we already have bunny ears present in the game, all your arguments go outta window and you are left moving the goal post by yourself. Is this enough literacy for you?

It was brought up by someone other than me for a first thing and then i reacted to that, because it described a crime. How am i the culprit of moving off topic in that one?

literacy is about text, writing skills, reading skills and implied nuance. And to be honest you missed the mark here by not reading into the context of the original post you reacted to.

and no there is at least 2 other people arguing for the same thing i am, there are cosmetics in warframe that do not fit the current artstyle at all, including the bunny ears and the non existant cat ears.

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3 hours ago, Zimzala said:

See The Paradox of Tolerance.

Whimsy: noun. the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment. synonyms: arbitrariness, capriciousness, flightiness, whimsey, whimsicality.

I think you need a new dictionary.

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whimsy Well here is the worldwide accepted definition, which is not the one you mention. Your definition also does not have a source, don't forget that the fanciful in the definition alludes to sexual attraction.

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