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Please buff Hildryn's first and last ability.


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The power cost on both is insanely high for basically pitiful outcomes.

Balefire charger Needs only a few things...

  • Buffed status chance from 10 to 30%.
  • Remove Excessive ragdoll effect.
  • Lowered shield cost of charged fire.
  • Charged fire will not deal damage (or very little of it) instead it will initiate a pull at the targeted location
    with the pull range being based on explosive radius and is affected by power range and Fulmination.

you have no idea how much Balefire benefits from pulls, it's the only way it can scale it's damage, other than that, it's such an annoying pointless weapon.
having a pull integrated in it will allow it to become a utility tool for stronger weapons, as well as dealing some damage of it's own.


Aegis storm Needs MANY things...

  • During Flight mode Hildryn gains 50% shield damage reduction and her abilities cost 50% less.
  • Introduce new Flight mechanics, that allow her to actually levitate without the need of a surface beneath her.
  • Remove shield cost per enemy.
  • allow us to cast pillage during the ability at 50% the of the benefits.
  • Activating Balefire charger will spawn two chargers, with double the damage and larger pull.
  • Enemies affected by Haven and Aegis storm will suffer a magnetic proc.
  • Or basically make it do literally anything.
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I thought Balefire Charger was only used for taking down Nullifiers with the augment.


Ok but being serious, Hildryn desperately needs some help. She's in the same place Inaros is/was (debatable if Inaros was properly fixed)

This might be a hot take, but I feel like if a Warframe has an obvious Subsume slot, it should really be used as an indicator that said ability needs to be improved upon. Hildryn has two, only reason I subsumed her 4th (which I would've assumed would be a higher priority skill) was because Balefire Charger does benefit from the Augment that targets Nullifiers. Allowing me to use it as an alternate to the Miter.

The reason I say that Hildryn is similar to Inaros, is because I described Inaros in the past as being a "Selfish Tank". This isn't a fault at players, but rather how the game discourages their skills from being Support. All of Inaros supportive skills got nullified by the fact enemies would be killed before they had a chance to help teammates. And truth be told, that's still the case. Only thing that changed was he has a useful grouping tool now.

I feel Hildryn is the same. She has a playstyle that wants to be Support, but isn't fun to play. Her best tool is armor/shield strip.

Balefire? Doesn't do much.

Pillage? Great for Hildryn! Less impactful for allies (hence why I compare her to Inaros being a Selfish Tank)

Haven? You have to actively sit next to allies to support them. Ignoring the fact that Overshields are honestly kinda terrible in the current meta. Jade Light Eximus defenders tell me what Haven does, is playing Warframe wrong. If Pillage instead granted Shields to allies it'd be more useful.

And finally...Aegis Storm.

It's not fun to play, and while it can stun enemies and generate Energy Orbs...Again it's just...not fun to play.

Edited by Zahnrad
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Balefire Charger(s) should just get auto-equipped, with no extra activation cost, when you turn on Aegis Storm
(and once you turn off AS, return BC to whatever state - i.e. on / off - it was previously).

Alternatively, allow regular weapon use during AS (and not via an Augment, pretty please).

Turning off AS doesn't need to come with a weird slam that animation locks you for a while.

Vastly increase the movement speed during AS.

If Titania and Jade get free flight with no height limitation, give that to Hildryn as well.

Having Aegis Storm's range depend on hover height ... also not sure that's necessary.

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I think Balefire is fine as it is. I'd just remove the charge mechanic (there is absolutely no reason to charge it, 2 uncharged shots is faster, do more damage and cost less shields) and give it some sort of alt-fire (it can be the pull shot, why not).

Damage of Balefire is fine, especially when you Pillage off all enemy defences.

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2 hours ago, RobWasHere said:

I'd just remove the charge mechanic

Well that's exactly why I suggested a vortex shot as a charge mechanic instead of a charged shot with "higher damage"...if you try any pull on Hildryn and hit enemies with it's base electric damage, the status effect will melt anything...that's why I feel like it would be perfect for it and for general use.

4 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Balefire Charger(s) should just get auto-equipped, with no extra activation cost, when you turn on Aegis Storm
(and once you turn off AS, return BC to whatever state - i.e. on / off - it was previously).

Alternatively, allow regular weapon use during AS (and not via an Augment, pretty please).

Turning off AS doesn't need to come with a weird slam that animation locks you for a while.

Vastly increase the movement speed during AS.

If Titania and Jade get free flight with no height limitation, give that to Hildryn as well.

Having Aegis Storm's range depend on hover height ... also not sure that's necessary.

for sure, agree to all the points.

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5 hours ago, Zahnrad said:

I thought Balefire Charger was only used for taking down Nullifiers with the augment.


Ok but being serious, Hildryn desperately needs some help. She's in the same place Inaros is/was (debatable if Inaros was properly fixed)

This might be a hot take, but I feel like if a Warframe has an obvious Subsume slot, it should really be used as an indicator that said ability needs to be improved upon. Hildryn has two, only reason I subsumed her 4th (which I would've assumed would be a higher priority skill) was because Balefire Charger does benefit from the Augment that targets Nullifiers. Allowing me to use it as an alternate to the Miter.

The reason I say that Hildryn is similar to Inaros, is because I described Inaros in the past as being a "Selfish Tank". This isn't a fault at players, but rather how the game discourages their skills from being Support. All of Inaros supportive skills got nullified by the fact enemies would be killed before they had a chance to help teammates. And truth be told, that's still the case. Only thing that changed was he has a useful grouping tool now.

I feel Hildryn is the same. She has a playstyle that wants to be Support, but isn't fun to play. Her best tool is armor/shield strip.

Balefire? Doesn't do much.

Pillage? Great for Hildryn! Less impactful for allies (hence why I compare her to Inaros being a Selfish Tank)

Haven? You have to actively sit next to allies to support them. Ignoring the fact that Overshields are honestly kinda terrible in the current meta. Jade Light Eximus defenders tell me what Haven does, is playing Warframe wrong. If Pillage instead granted Shields to allies it'd be more useful.

And finally...Aegis Storm.

It's not fun to play, and while it can stun enemies and generate Energy Orbs...Again it's just...not fun to play.

I like supporting my companion with Haven, and occasionally my teammates, but that's about it...Pillage is for Hildryn and Haven for her allies, it's great but I think each should get some synergy between them.


for example Allies under Haven's effect will get 50% of Pillage's shield regeneration.
and enemies affected by Haven will give you more shields when you use pillage on them.

it's really easy, not rocket science, but it's just a matter of time and preference until DE realizes how much she needs a buff.

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Il y a 2 heures, Prof-Dante a dit :

Well that's exactly why I suggested a vortex shot as a charge mechanic instead of a charged shot with "higher damage"...if you try any pull on Hildryn and hit enemies with it's base electric damage, the status effect will melt anything...that's why I feel like it would be perfect for it and for general use.

for sure, agree to all the points.

The ragdoll on Overshields is idiotic. Having a vortex instead would be more helpful, like you mentionned in first post. They did change Airburst when they looked at Zephyr to include that possibility a few years ago.

30% base status chance might be kinda op though. The reason behind it being that it would be the single strongest map nuke in the game with electric procs scaling incredibly high without any armor to stop it thanks to Hildryn's Pillage.

Not that I would be mad about it, we're seeing a crap load of melee weapons going electric for Melee Influence so...


Aegis Storm needs to be on par with Glory on High from Jade. Simple as that.


If you squint your eyes just a little, Jade does everything Hildryn does, but more efficiently and with a complete kit with access to basically everything you want out of a support, yet also can be built for insane deeps.

Meanwhile Hildryn is just haha funny helicopter can't do a damn thing.

It's a sad situation, and every other newly released support frame makes this even more absurd.


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