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Eurogamer Warframe Review


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Stop right there. You are the one setting the bar arbitrarily low for the sake of fanboyism.


See, this is what the "industry" expects when you fight a "Jackal":


This is the Jackal you get:


Sorry that it offends you that people are pointing out the obvious.

Quit making me sad that destiny wont be on PC!


Very sad but very true post.This game is like a flower that's started to rot before it fully bloomed(Heh bloomed.As in the exaggerated bloom this game has.Get it?)


Really hope the negative reviews this game gets actually get heard instead of simply shrugged off.

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My apologies, as I need to correct my prior statement by one word. The tile you describe was the 3rd one I was thinking of. It is 100% navigable by HORIZONTAL wall running. I will agree it could use a little cleaning on those wall run sections... but not much. Any issues on that tile tend to come down to wonkyness in the wall run mechanic itself.

The tile you are thinking of on the Grineer Galleon had two major flaws, neither of which were the wall running. The first was a broken "return to top" pit mechanic which trapped people, the second was an unclear (no good visual cue) upward path. The walkway they added was more likely due to the pit rather than people being unable to wall run, as they tried to fix that pit in at least two hot fixes, before rebuilding it to the way it is now.

I have not encountered a tile to date that absolutely requires an accelerated wall jump or helicoptering to pass.

There was that one 4-way intersection in a two level area where you had to do a vertical wallrun to reach the upper section. DE replaced those with ramps, though.

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Stop right there. You are the one setting the bar arbitrarily low for the sake of fanboyism.


See, this is what the "industry" expects when you fight a "Jackal":


This is the Jackal you get:


Sorry that it offends you that people are pointing out the obvious.


I dont get it.

That boss fight was nothing but a bunch of people shooting the robot and nothing else.

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Reviews are subjective and while you may not like the reviewers opinion, you really have to see that it holds just as much (or as little) value as the rest of us.


Just look at the bright side, Warframe has decent movement and gunplay mechanics, so it has a solid foundation for the future. Lore, new player experience and all the rest are in need of some serious DELuvin' though.

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Reviews overall are garbage. Look at all the "high" scores given to games like CoD or even BF4. Despite if you look at the gamerbase, there is PLENTY of people saying they don't deserve those scores.


At the end of the day, a player should go do their own research. Look at what current players are saying and decide from there. Review sites are just too prone to getting easily bribed and being biased.

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Reviews are subjective and while you may not like the reviewers opinion, you really have to see that it holds just as much (or as little) value as the rest of us.


Just look at the bright side, Warframe has decent movement and gunplay mechanics, so it has a solid foundation for the future. Lore, new player experience and all the rest are in need of some serious DELuvin' though.


No, they're not in need of DELuvin', DE is the problem here. DE is the reason why a game which should be about balls to the wall fast action is just a farming simulator for resources.


They're the ones who refuse to make it Devil May Cry is space, when you could fix the entire game by making it Vanquish + Devil May Cry. 


Compare this to Warframe's gunplay



Notice how the motion blur is lightly used unlike the wacky crazy blur that you get in Warframe. Notice how the FOV smoothly increases when you're sliding. Notice how the camera is used to give the gunplay a more cinematic feel.


Compare this to Warframe's melee combat (mind you this is new DmC)



Now tell me that Warframe has decent gameplay. The gameplay is literally Mass Effect + Vanilla Skyrim swordplay at this point

Edited by nightrunner_ks
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As harsh as the review was, it was, in all honesty, fair. Many of the negatives mentioned in the review have been pointed out by players on the forums for months, yet DE continues to do little to nothing to address them. Controls are still clunky, boss fights are dull and uninteresting, there's barely any unique gameplay elements (parkour, quick flow of gameplay and a fluid mix of guns, melee and powers could have been WF's selling point, yet DE ignored all these, or even attempted to reduce them, in favor of pumping out more and more generic gear for players to grind the same content for), and i give the enemies a 10....on the pH scale because they're basic as hell.

For everyone who said "oh he just didn't play long enough, this game needs weeks before it shines brightly like the beautiful star it deserves to be called", I quote one of my favourite game reviewers on this: "First impressions matter." If a game can't captivate the player within the first few hours of gameplay, why should they stick around? WF is not the only game on the market, there are tons of other shooters out there to play. There is no justification for new players to dump weeks of their free time into a game that they're not even having fun playing, just to hope that it MIGHT get better.

And for everyone saying "oh it's beta, that means it's not critiquable since it's not a complete product", just because it's "not complete" doesn't mean people can't review it. It has a cash shop, which means people CAN sink money into it, and people have the right to know whether this game is worth sinking money or time in. The fact that DE released WF as an Open Beta means that they think this game is already in a phase where it can be shown to the public, and be judged by them. Not to mention WF is a release title on the PS4, of course it's going to get attention from reviewers.

This is the harsh reality of the industry, regardless whether the fanboys will accept it. DE needs to step up their game quickly if they ever hope for WF to even have the chance to survive on the PS4, much less be a groundbreaking success story, and quite frankly every game developer should at least have that sort of ambition and passion in their work.

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No, they're not in need of DELuvin', DE is the problem here. DE is the reason why a game which should be about balls to the wall fast action is just a farming simulator for resources.


They're the ones who refuse to make it Devil May Cry is space, when you could fix the entire game by making it Vanquish + Devil May Cry. 


Compare this to Warframe's gunplay



Notice how the motion blur is lightly used unlike the wacky crazy blur that you get in Warframe. Notice how the FOV smoothly increases when you're sliding. Notice how the camera is used to give the gunplay a more cinematic feel.


Compare this to Warframe's melee combat (mind you this is new DmC)



Now tell me that Warframe has decent gameplay. The gameplay is literally Mass Effect + Vanilla Skyrim swordplay at this point

Holy flying batman. Now that's a good shooter. Also the first game with jetpacks that uses them in a non-confusing manner. All other games I played lately lack any kind of cover mechanic and have jetpacks that make everything confusing as hell with people jumping all over the place.


+1 to what you said.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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I dont get it.

That boss fight was nothing but a bunch of people shooting the robot and nothing else.


And here I thought you were a pathological liar--no, you are just dense.  You got one thing mercifully right, though. There are a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and watching it die piece by piece.



See, this is NOT a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and and watching it die piece by piece.


Edited by niekaa
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And here I thought you were a pathological liar--no, you are just dense.  You got one thing mercifully right, though. There are a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and watching it die piece by piece.



See, this is NOT a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and and watching it die piece by piece.



While Destiny does look fun and all, you have to realize that warframe and destiny have different game mechanics. Warframe is NOT an open game world. Jackal has deadly weapons that you SHOULD dodge or you WILL die. (i.e. the plasma grenades, missiles to a smaller extent), Ripping armor panels off to expose weakpoints is similar to what you describe. Warframe does not have a need for jetpacks because there's no environment to utilize such devices.


And I'd like to point out your video of warframe is dated Jan 2013, which is pre open beta.

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And here I thought you were a pathological liar--no, you are just dense.  You got one thing mercifully right, though. There are a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and watching it die piece by piece.

That's exactly what we don't want, wasting dev time in pointless eye-candy that would murder the host's PC. Jackal is fine, it just needs to be balanced and his speed buffed a bit.


We need decent auto-cover mechanics, GOOD mob AI, a melee system that does not come straight from Gothic...  all semi-intangibles, but hell, they DO make a difference.

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"Following a brief tutorial which teaches you such insultingly obvious basics such as how to move and shoot"

Every game does it. Its to open up the genre to new gamers / casuals. Its essential in every modern game.


lol that reviewer is obviously biased. I don't know why but yeah. Don't feed the trolls.

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We need decent auto-cover mechanics

On most of your points I agree but on this I don't. I use cover, HEAVILY. You just have to understand how cover works in this game. This is the classic old school kind of cover. But your body behind the object and you have cover.

What isn't thought and what kinda needs a fix is that you CAN shoot THROUGH your own cover. As long as you are using a Hit-Scan weapon (non-projectile) and have a line of sight to an enemy you can shoot them. Even if you make sparky-sparks all over your cover (most of the time the bullet trails will pass right through) you will still count as hitting them.

Bind and set your "Switch Camera" control to flip the camera depend on if you are trying to corner from the left or the right.

Edited by Brasten
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While not really fair, it does bring up a few major issues that people around here have been telling DE about for months.


Least it's better than Kotaku's utter rubbish review.

What was kotaku's review again? I think I read it but I can't find the link.

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And here I thought you were a pathological liar--no, you are just dense.


Thanks for opening your post by insulting me. Did you go to the same review school as the guy from the Eurogamer review?



  You got one thing mercifully right, though. There are a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and watching it die piece by piece.



See, this is NOT a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and and watching it die piece by piece.



And dog is not a cat.

Mortal Kombat isnt Street Fighter.


You are not making a point here,  what you are basically saying is why this game isnt like this other.

Because it's not.

But we do have some of that in the game, we got to break pipes in Lech Kril's backpack, We kill the heads of J2K, and we do dodge boss attacks.

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Part of his opening statement is said with a bit of hate, as the game's art style doesn't look that generic, but there is some truth to it. The gameplay is no more standout than a lot of other 3rd person shooters. You run and shoot, and sort of melee. You jump. Abilities are the only real difference, and only some of them are that interesting depending on who you ask.

He cited the tutorial as being relatively uninformative of mechanics unique to the game. Yes, it teaches you the base controls that pretty much all third person shooters have. WASD for movement, mouse for aim and shooting, space for jump. Now I had only played the original tutorial and not the new one, so I went to try that.

Upon trying to redo the tutorial, going through the profile and whatnot, the UI froze. Thought it was a bug, restarted the game and tried again, only to have it freeze once more. I couldn't get to some "important" information because the game was too buggy.

I asked some of my newer clan members, and they gave me a description that it was just like the old one with a new coat of paint. It still apparently doesn't explain stuff like wallrunning or mechanics outside the missions. Wallrunning being an important one. There were cases where players couldn't figure out how to traverse because the game never told them how to wallrun. Some had trouble wallrunning, as a result of it being somewhat clunky and hard to use. See the Grineer Galleon room mentioned by others, causing it to be watered down instead of explained.

He's entirely right about how levels are nothing more than kill everything from point A to point B, grab/destroy/defend from more enemies, then leave. Exploration is at a minimum, with the most eventful thing being a stalker attack.

Boss fights suck, most of them shoot and walk toward you, occasionally doing something that that either leaves them vulnerable or invincible. They aren't much different than regular enemies, with the exception of using certain abilities at certain thresholds. AI does just about everything he says it does, even if the reviewer is being a bit hostile.

He's right about the melee controls. The step forward on most melee swings causes you to step past them, missing entirely.

Rolling is just as useless as he says.

Survival is very subjective in how one sees it, I've had a lot of fun going into insanely high levels, but he's right about the lag. You can floor your fps with certain abilities after awhile. Vauban Vortex threatens to crash long games despite how important it can be.

He's right about the lack of mission and level tile variety. Phobos, Jupiter, and the Derelict(Voids) even start to repeat very quickly. This might be resolved if each planet eventually got its own set of tiles.

Haven't played the PS4 version, so I can't confirm his complaints about the text size, but I can attest that the UI for the PC is still painful to use. Scrolling will scroll all UI windows, buying multiple items is still a pain in the &#!, Inventory organization has no customization. Frame abilities being with the rest of the mods makes navigating frame mods a pain. Its still better than the old UI, but not much.

He's right about weapon levels not meaning much until you have mods to put in them, which takes awhile. The first mods you get will show very little difference in performance.

He's also right about the game not necessarily forcing you to change your weapons often, but given that he seems to be playing the ps4 version, probably hasn't played with damage 2.0. It also seems that he didn't change his weapons very often, so he may not even realize just how horrible the starting weapons are.

I think 4/10 is a fair review for a game that's supposedly still in "beta" and prone to change. I wouldn't say the developer and the reviewer are treating it as such though, and it doesn't really feel like one to me. They certainly don't seem to be selling it as one. My hope for it remains, but wanes quickly.

Edited by DecoyCode
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