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The Official Unofficial Pvp Thread.


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The devs have made it pretty clear that they have no plans to implement PVP any time in the future, and that they don't want PVP discussions all over their nice shiny forums. So I thought I'd try creating a PVP discussion thread here. Since their PVP sticky says it's ok to discuss PVP in the off topic forums.

This thread is a place for players to come up with ideas for PVP.

Things to consider for PVP:

How would they balance the different warframe abilities against each other?

How would they balance the differences in equipment levels and overcharged weapons\warframes vs non overcharged weapons\warframes?

Since levels in war frame are randomly generated by tile sets, would they have to make new tile sets for PVP, or make balanced PVP only maps?

Would there be any experience and equipment gain in PVP, and how would it compare to the PVE?

Post your thoughts people!


Want a PVP game ?

Go play COD or Battlefield or A GAME MEANT TO BE PVP, Warframe is not.

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Ladies and gents. This thread is NOT about whether Warframe should or should not have PvP. This thread is about what people would like to see for those who do want PvP. It's about discussing ideas that might not be used at all but it's a place DEdevs could come to if they wanted to see what kind of stuff the community has in mind. Please do not troll. Please do stay on topic and constructive. This thread was made an exception by DERebecca to be left open. However, we will lock it if things get unpleasant.
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On the subject of PvP (this is me as a player). As you all know by now, Update 8 will bring clan-buildable base/HQs with dojos and 1 vs 1 honour duels in a small combat area. While there is no reason to believe that DE will make more extensive pvp modes available, it's not a stretch of the imagination to extend the base-building (it will be akin to XCom, if you're familiar with that) to also allow "custom arena building" and allowing team vs team (or other modes) of pvp within the context of the clan base. And only within the clan base. Perhaps certain areas of the base can be somehow designated "duelling areas" or something?

DE has also made it clear that they will not be enforcing any PvP-related balancing/rules and will leave duelling rules to Clans themselves.

Imho, this is an interesting possibility. Just, stay positive, folks!

ps. To be honest, I'm neither pro nor anti pvp. However, I am interested in more varied gameplay and it'd be fun to watch my clanmates duke it out in the clan arena, for example. :)

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On the subject of PvP (this is me as a player). As you all know by now, Update 8 will bring clan-buildable base/HQs with dojos and 1 vs 1 honour duels in a small combat area. While there is no reason to believe that DE will make more extensive pvp modes available, it's not a stretch of the imagination to extend the base-building (it will be akin to XCom, if you're familiar with that) to also allow "custom arena building" and allowing team vs team (or other modes) of pvp within the context of the clan base. And only within the clan base. Perhaps certain areas of the base can be somehow designated "duelling areas" or something?

DE has also made it clear that they will not be enforcing any PvP-related balancing/rules and will leave duelling rules to Clans themselves.

Imho, this is an interesting possibility. Just, stay positive, folks!

ps. To be honest, I'm neither pro nor anti pvp. However, I am interested in more varied gameplay and it'd be fun to watch my clanmates duke it out in the clan arena, for example. :)


Allowing 1v1's is going to allow us PvP hungry players to test thing. 


My clan http://gryphustech.enjin.com/ is already having a 1v1 tournament. The first set of rounds will be mirror match warframe duels. The second round will be purely the players choice. And my favorite part would be the third round where they are only going to allow melee with no abilities or ranged weapons being used. 


But besides that I just think it will allow us to give more input that could make a PvP addition easy perhaps. 

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dark souls pvp style is acceptable and don't reaquire balancing.

To elaborate, I would love an optional PvP mode which allowed other players of around the same level to invade people's games in progress.  The invader plays as the Stalker, and receives health and damage bonuses depending on the number of normal players in the party.  If the invader kills all the normal players, he/she gets resources or a mod.  If the normal players complete their objective or kill the invader, they receive resources or a mod. 


I'd also love a large scale battleground PvP experience if the servers can handle it.  Specifically, clans should be able to invade each others' space stations (or whatever they are called) if both sides agree to a fight in advance.  The winners of the fight earn reputation and resources for the clan. 

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To elaborate, I would love an optional PvP mode which allowed other players of around the same level to invade people's games in progress.  The invader plays as the Stalker, and receives health and damage bonuses depending on the number of normal players in the party.  If the invader kills all the normal players, he/she gets resources or a mod.  If the normal players complete their objective or kill the invader, they receive resources or a mod. 


I'd also love a large scale battleground PvP experience if the servers can handle it.  Specifically, clans should be able to invade each others' space stations (or whatever they are called) if both sides agree to a fight in advance.  The winners of the fight earn reputation and resources for the clan. 


Not sure about that first idea, but that second one sounds pretty good. I myself once thought of something like that, in fact.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I shall necro this thread for the sole reason it being the only one allowed by DE.

It would also be nice if it was pinned - since we are having a lot of pvp threads created by players, who simply dont know about this one. The search function also gives nothing if you write "pvp" there.

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I'll pay for a balanced PVP option in this game. I honestly love this game. IMO, PvP in this game would probally ruin most of the warframes abilities since each warframe has its own seperate special abilities with some being more imba then other warframes. I was in this game for the manuverablity, graphics, guns, shooter type game. After playing this game for a few days it started to become a "warframe" game.

What I mean is that all frames are basically the same just some have (IMO) way better special abilities than others which make other frames seem useless in some ways. Another reason is that I feel that you don't even require weapons to kill. You can kill things basically off special abilities.

Might sound stupid but my opinion for PvP in this game would just to make it like CoD, basically running around and shooting each other to the face with the superb manuverbility which this game has created. I can imagine hiding and sliding towards walls, rocks, etc while shooting other players not AI.


Each gun will still have their differences, and can equip your favourite mods etc, however to make things balanced, everyone would have the same base warframe with same stats (For example a player would each get one PvP-frame which you can freely customise to make it look unique) These PvP frames would make everyone equal and just for PVP use. It will then come down to be mainly about the weapons and mods you equip which make the difference.


Now using the same maps within the game you can create a simple death match pvp, team deatch match capture the flag etc. I strongly believe Warframe can increase their player database massively if they can implement a PVP feature. I understand this is a PVE and this is my opinion. I too love the PVE with friends however a PVP would tie this game up and become a full package. Once I have maxed my mods, frames, supercharges, etc I can see myself asking what now?


I have skimmed through a few post and liked some of the other ideas such as a L4D style gameplay where players can decide to become enemies for fun would definately be a fantastic option as it won't become too competitive. Also the team work missions to see which team can complete objectives faster.


I believe their is a huge concern about balanced PvP and Pay2Win PvP but I am sure the Devs would come up with a creative way to make it even if you pay or not, a player who doesn't spend can still eventually become just as evenly strong as someone who uses/buys platnium. Why I believe this? I don't pay2win. I farm all my weapons and frames. I love the fact that we can eventually get the same items as a player who buys platnium which to me makes it feel that it is not a pay2win game. The only reason I became a founder was for platnium to buy inventory slots and warframe slots. This really ticked me off and seemed like I was forced to do so which is something I am unhappy about. I wanted a hek, I needed to get mastery 4 which required ranking up weapons with limited weapon slots. How?

This is just my opinion. Thanks Mr.ElevenXI signing out.

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I'm on my phone and I wanted to post my ideas later when I got my computer but from what I've read some ideas are good (l4d, prophunt), but one idea surprised me.

i think they should have a pvp mode where two (or more) squads race to finish a mission.

Sonic games, anyone? This is a great idea actually, even if I want real deathmatches/free-for-all/ctf... That idea sounds really good. A race where two squads would race to get that artefact or kill the boss, both taking very different paths and both having their bosses, so they'd be on separate but identical maps.

Now why did I talk about Sonic? In SA2B, there's a versus mode similar to this, except they're on the same map (which could also work and would make it even more fun but even more unbalanced lol) and they can interfere with the second player, like using a power to hit him, slow him down or make him fall off a ledge. This could work similarly in warframe, except with hordes of monsters and where non damaging abilities would work on the opposite teams (except maybe insane stuff like vauban's anti-gravity grenade thing ability). "But what about the case here we aren't on the same map?" Simple, just make a control panel or something like a warp portal where one of your teammate could temporaly use his non damaging skill on the opposite ship.

Control panels could also trigger traps or open doors where lots of monsters would come out, slowing down the opposite team. Those panels won't have to be hacked.

And for the sake of not having loki/ash rushing with invis, most rooms will need to be cleared of monsters so that you can get to the next room, giving fully offensive warframes like Saryn a place in that mode.

I have more to say but need to go now! :(

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No skills, restricted mods, warframes only provide the difference in speed, defense, etc.. Game modes for CTF and Domination, maybe 10v10 or 5v5 with PvP specific maps.


Also, there could be a mission type, for example Team1 needs to destroy an objective when Team2 tries to stop them, this mission wouldnt require any changes to the game execpt for some skill and mod restrictions.. + Everybody has only one life..


Just tossing my view of the PvP I would hope for this game to see someday.

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To the OP:  Thanks for creating this thread.  It's nice to at least have a place to talk about the subject. 


That being said, I have to say that I'm not particularly interested in including PVP nto Warframe.  At least not PVP as we know it.


By that I mean that PVP in Warframe would need to be viewed from the ground up.  It might even be a good idea to think of PVP from less a battle format as seen in other games and more of a sport format.  That is to say, put a player (or players) into a setting where there primary task is to complete objectives.  So time trials would be a natural option.  Setup parkour obstacle courses to race through.  Create a ball or baton based team game where the teams vye to accrue points within a set time limit.  These options do not necessarily need to rely upon mods/abilities.  They could be introduced as training exercises or Tenno leisure activities that are used to build comradery and a healthy amount of competition to act as a catalyst for improvement in the field.


I think that PVP can work in Warframe.  But it'll be about reimagining and expanding what PVP can be in combat-centric games.

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I'll link the topic rather than type out the entire thing again. 



it seems like a good avenue to go down with PvP. Granted, there are probably a few problems I overlooked in my analysis of the OP, but I hope things like this could be a basis for further PvP implementation in the future. It does leave out clanless players, but I'm sure that most players that are looking for a PvP experience will want to join a clan before entering the PvP scene.

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No skills, restricted mods, warframes only provide the difference in speed, defense, etc.. Game modes for CTF and Domination, maybe 10v10 or 5v5 with PvP specific maps.


Also, there could be a mission type, for example Team1 needs to destroy an objective when Team2 tries to stop them, this mission wouldnt require any changes to the game execpt for some skill and mod restrictions.. + Everybody has only one life..


Just tossing my view of the PvP I would hope for this game to see someday.

Sorry for double post, but I needed this quote.  So what I'm getting from you is that we should have an MLG style PVP?  Where certain items/mods/weapons/warframes are banned from being chosen before the match?


So basically it would be like this:


1. Select PVP mode from UI

2. Select Gametype or "Quick Join"

3. Arsenal screen is brought up.  Mods that are currently equipped that are "banned" from the gametype, or warframes weapons, etc. are highlighted in red to show restriction.  Players then reequip new mods that are "legal" for the match.

4. Map is chosen.

5. Game start


Everyone in the game is happy because they get to choose a mod to ban or a weapon or a warframe.  It also promotes the collecting aspect of the game.  In order to compete in most PVP games (end game option), one must have farmed a considerable amount of materials, built enough warframes, weapons, and also achieve a certain mastery rank.  That way, newer players wouldn't get owned just to play PVP, and be forced to go through the normal solar system progression that everyone went through, then, say at mastery rank 7, they are eligible for PVP.


My whole idea behind Warframe is that it is a game for the players, by the players.  We make the decisions for the games future, and thus, I believe the gameplay for PVP should also reflect that.  Also, PVP emphasizes the "mercenary" aspect of the game for me.

Edited by OGDoubles
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I have an idea:


Something like the RE5 versus mode.


Basically both teams are trying to kill as many enemies as possible.

Teams can't hurt each other directly but can spend points or tokens to set traps or call in other enemies that wont attack the team who called them in.


What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

talking in an off topic area about something in the game is pretty pathetic. Im not even going to construct a post ill just copy paste what was said in the other thread that got locked seems this isnt going to get read anyway.

Dueling in this game..

Is the worst time ever. Why introduce PvP if your going to neglect it. It's frustraiting. It starts off fun and interesting, cause it would be if there were a measure of balance. Then you get Rhino stomped from the other side of the Arena and insta die... I did the math, the numbers dont even add up.


800 + 30% = 1040


i have 990 life, 300 shields, with 170 Armor on Saryn. Theres no way it should 1 shot me, AT ALL.


170 armor is suppost to be 62.96% mitigation


62.96% MItigation should reduce 1040 to 385.216


I understand my shields aren't effected by armor but even so. How does 385.216 dmg somehow take away 300 shields and 990 life? Even if it did 100% true damage 1290 total life > 1040.



Theres clearly no difference between PvE abilities and PvP abilities (you should get to that sometime). That said, I think Rhino Stomp is doing more damage than intended. By a $&%@ ton. Fix it?


Back to PvP though, every ability on the Rhino's kit is broken to all hell, and none of them are fun to go up against.


Rhino Charge costs 18 energy(streamline) to use. This allows you to get every 50 energy orb because your opponent is constantly knocked down without a hope of counterplay. Deminishing returns on CC plz. <_<


Iron Skin being used before the match even starts? A 1560 shield (with focus) that has no duration, appears to use his armor scores (unlike shields), makes him immune to CC, and makes Poison have to eat at his armor instead of his small base life pool?(his would be ONE weakness)  PvE or PvP, why is this even a thing? Is this your warframe so 3 year olds can beat the game?


Pro Strat. Run in circles with about 3000 total health before the duel starts (Most of that total HP is protected by the highest armor scores in the game). Wait until you get 2 blue energy orbs. So you can 1 shot the enemy guy from 20-29 meters away. Fun.


Even if Stomp didn't 1 shot, they could roar for an additional 50% dmg. Also its 9 seconds of CC(I think. I've never seen anyone live through the stomp to tell). 9 Seconds? Your dead.


The result of this broken kit is that a Rhino could kill you (cheese you i should say) by abusing any one out of 3 different abilities on their bar.


Fix PvP or why not remove it? It sucks the fun out of your game.


PvP is important though. I've played a ton of games and always left because theres no sense of community. So i made my own dojo and im trying to build my own community.


Back when i used to play Jedi outcast, it could be a 30 person game, but we all just sat around and watched people duel each other for HOURS. 28 people waiting their turn, watching 2 people fight it out. Months and Years passed. So this one "little thing" to you guys, could actualy make this game QUITE successful and keep people around for again, months/years. I'm not saying this game isn't already successful, just saying this is really more important than "most" of you are letting on.


Right now when people are bored they want something to do. Running PvE in any shooter gets boring. It's been proven time and time again. I'm just going in circles here. Afk running in circles in the dojo is also boring. Dueling on the otherhand keeps people interested, and would build that sense of community that keeps people in game. Also its a feature, PROVEN to not get old as every duel is different.


Dueling isnt a tiny thing to me. It's not a tacked on thing. It's a reason to play a game for years.


That said i also added a bit about rhino stomp doing more than intended and showed math, so even if they don't want to work on PvP which i understand, that move needs to get toned down. Its stupid.

Meh, whatever. I'll show about as much interest in this game as the Devs do PvP ina month i bet.

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I think the best course of action would be to have a separate planet or zone, for PVP.
Maybe the option of playing the role of the stalker attacking a group of players
Kind of like invading in dank souls or demon souls, you just pop in and try to impede their progress.

Exclusive BP's from player kills would be amazing

Stealth would actually mean something, it's not very satisfying in PVE.
PVP should definitely sit on the backburner until stealth is totally done


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I would like to see a large customizable dueling room that allows you to change the layout and rules for pvp. There should also be several customizable game modes such as king of the hill, capture the flag, deathmatch, and free for all. I would also like there to be an option that allows you to invite other clans into your cutomized dueling room. I would also like there to be a way to queue up for combat in a random guild dojo.

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I've always favored the capture the flag modes as opposed to straightup pvp, and with the complexity in some of these map layouts, I can't help but feel a bit like it's gone to waste. Imagine capture the flag in the Void for instance, how all those secret passageways would have a bit more meaning than just being box paths. Anyway, here's my bid for equating abilities if pvp ever gets implemented: Cap the max energy at 25. This way everything has it's niche. Trinity would be your only reliable means of recovery, Loki and Mag would be your get out of jail cards,  and it'd cause you to think a fair bit about team comps. With aoe murder types like Saryn and the like, there'd also be a bit more emphasis on long distance coordination. Maybe throw in some neutral cc turrets for Nyx to mess with as well. Possibly also limit one of each type of frame to each team. This way the focus would be less on murdering one another and more on finding the best combination of abilities to augment the mobility of your team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI, arcblood here~


I think we should implement a clan war system that emphasizes on large scale war contests of PVP, free for alls, capture the flags and certain conquest objectives against other players or clans. by implementing this players will strive to have the best weapons best mods and best frames to contest against one another. Not only will this increase platinum purchases as players are eager to fight against each other with the best they have but will also allow this game to de throne all the top FPS games with a well polished multiplayer pvp mode with an established elo ranking system.



Story mode/campaign mode should be developed to aid game development which will appeal more to console owners, because as of now, warframe is pretty one -dimensional. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tag and Hide & Seek should be PVP gametypes. Still player vs. player but you don't need to worry about balance. ;)


I think that a tag game mode would be great, especially if it was placed in a free-runable environment. However, rhino would be screwed against a loki or nova frame. (more on {ideas} how to balance later)


You know, it could be like L4D in that the opposing side controls special enemy variants, however it should either be on specific maps (planets that have specific PvP maps). So then that way, it would still have the Co-Op that Warframe is building upon, and yet still have a certain aspect of PvP, and regarding the "Pay to win" aspect, the idea I have proposed would sort of eliminate that because you wont be playing as your Warframe, but controlling an enemy type designed be as tough as the Tenno.


This would be great! I would see it as a 2v2 or 2v4 (less tenno than enemies, as they are soooo much more powerful). Obviously, the players as the grineer/corpus/infested would respawn often, and also have a load of AI helpers. The tenno would need to complete an objective (like in the normal missions), and to stop the tenno just wallrunning around the enemies, most rooms need to be cleared before moving on.


In terms of the 'classic' PvP (e.g TDM, CTF, KoH etc), to balance frames and such, and to avoid tenno 'killing' eachother, it could be that you play as a hologram inside a program (much like the rank up area). This would also give a legitimate reason for respawning. The frames would have the basic powers and stats. Mods could be acquired through 'power up' orbs, which give a boost for a short amount of time. The orbs themselves would have a long-ish refresh rate so that players can't run around and lock them out so other players cant use them. Or, once the buff has run out, you cannot pick up the same buff for a while after.


For weapons, item pickup would solve the problems that would arise from modified weapons, and by that, difference between newer players and older ones. If they were on a random spawn, then that would stop everyone rushing tho the same weapon spot. It would also give players a chance to test out weapons before they have got the BP and ground for them before realising 'actually, i dont like this gun'.

(Default spawn would be braton and lato, When you get to a weapon pickup, 'x' to swap, and then your previous weapon would stay on the floor for a while {maybe 30 sec})


Another idea for PvP is for there to be traps or environmental dangers that other tenno can set off, e.g spike trap out of the floor, (re)movable cover and parkour surfaces etc.


Just my thoughts.



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