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I dont have warframe idea but i have to say 2things that will get the game to a better score (acording my taste):

1) the first one is the idea of hide and silk. You dont have to build a new map for it. I just think that if you will add the option to get the minimap off, people can invite friends to the dojo and play. I know that my friends will love the idea (but ofcours you can add alevel for it you know (something like infected on COD) just without the part he is join you the random finder hit him once and he is turn into a specter.

2) the second idea of me is to start the single player you know. All alone without apossible way to invite friends to help you with afull story mod that you can save the game and go play the multiplayers with friends. I am sure a lot of peoples want this all my friends that dont have this game but know him says that they will be glad play in the game. And i know that you think about that and i am realy want it and i dont mean that the qeust will be the singleplayer cuz my brother told me that you are working on it and he said that the qeusts ARE the single but its not cuz last week i did the limbo qeust and it was not solo.

Those are my idea i cant wait for this to came true. PLEASE commend on this if you want this too. Thankyou and that the lotus will be with you my friends to the game.

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locust: http://redskittlez-da.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Locust-363894827

shields: 120

Health: 110

Armor: 100

Powe : 200


  1. Seek -Cost 20 mp- Cast a small crowd of infected locusts to swarm a single enemy; causes DOT

  2. Blindness -Cost 50 mp- Becomes a crowd of locusts that inflicts poison damage on anyone near him during this state

  3. Sacrifice -- Calls a swarm of locusts upon himself, to become a layer of impenetrable skin, similar to the rhino, that lasts 40 seconds, or enough damage; also lightens the weight of the Warframe allowing for greater jump heights

  4. Plague - Sends an unending wave of Locust swarms, for 10 seconds, inflicting the damage type of the current weapon being held.


This frame is mainly focused on high damage output, through the use of DOT, higher damage output on poison.

I DO NOT OWN THE IMAGE. I am just building upon the idea from my perspective, and i personally think it is an amazing idea

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