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Credits For Platinum


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What do you mean by "everything"? You can get everything in game without spending single plat.

Think he's referring to slots,especially now that with damage 2.0 you pretty much need at least 1 weapon of each type for every faction. So that makes 3 primaries,3 secondaries and 3 melees...so there's pretty much no room left to actually enjoy yourself with maybe a bow,or ogris,or whatever suits your fancy and isn't on top of the list for the best weppon vs said faction.

Same goes for Warframes.

Edited by Sebastianx
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Well, if you are short on money you can always invest in some mod farming until trade is introduced on PS4. My guess is that U11 will come to PS4 in few weeks.


But in my experience, people that complain about platinum and platinum only suff are those that dont want to spend anything on game. I am not saying i did spend big on this game, but at least i bought that Bundlestars bundle. And i am still waiting for 75 % coupon so i can buy more platinum. Not because i need it, but i want to support DE and not feel ripped off by their platinum prices.


So, conlusion is:


Farm mods until trade is introduced on PS4 and sell them. You should have enough platinum to get some slots and cosmetics.

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heres the issue with PS4...our user base has not had the time or availability on plat deals that PC players have so there wont be near as much circulating when trading does become available to us. Not that this is a bad thing.


Only thing I have spent my 'free' plat on was a frame slot, wep slot, and 3 potatoes

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heres the issue with PS4...our user base has not had the time or availability on plat deals that PC players have so there wont be near as much circulating when trading does become available to us. Not that this is a bad thing.


Only thing I have spent my 'free' plat on was a frame slot, wep slot, and 3 potatoes

Dont worry, you will get Prime Access with U11. Then milk those platinum cows :)

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With almost everything in the game requiring platinum to purchase,


1) sry, but that's complete bullS#&$.

2) trading has recently been enabled in the game - you can trade your credits, mods, platinum, keys etc with other players.


This game is one of the few f2p games which is not pay2win. So stop complaining.

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With almost everything in the game requiring platinum to purchase, Tenno should have the ability to trade credits for platinum. An example would be giving 10,000 credits to receive 10 platinum. It's not much, but it does keep players grinding for credits. It would also help out less privileged players that can not afford to pay $5.00 for 75 platinum. 


Nothing, aside from cosmetics, "requires" plat to purchase

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no, 95% of the items are obtainable trough normale gameplay, it include alternate helmets, weapon skins (the old ones/ whatever completely change your weapon look like dagger axe skin) and orokin catalysts and reactors, the only things that not available for platinum are pure cosmetic items and warframe/weapons slots, so do yourself a favor and only ever spend plat on slots and maybe color pallets if your just cant live without them for some reason, farm for the rest yourself.


also have you tryed to max sarration befor? you'll need milion + credits and alot of things to fuse for rank 9 only x.x.

Edited by BloodHungryKitten
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Phew.. lot of hate going around. I apologize for my ignorance, I was unaware of most of the things you all have pointed out. You all have made some great points. As far as the example, it was just numbers off the top of my head. I'm not sure how you get 4 million credits but you must grind pretty hard. I have yet to access most planets other than the first 4 or 5. I sincerely appreciate the advice.

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