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Soma Needs More Recoil!


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I like this idea. Right now, it's got pretty much everything a rifle could want-- accuracy, range, tap-firing capabilities, ridiculous power, and near-nonexistent recoil. It's the Damage 1.0 Molecular Prime of rifles-- a jack of all trades, except it's an expert at everything.

It needs a downside. Recoil would be a good place to start, given how lightweight it looks while packing a huge punch.

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why not just use other rifles?

Because other rifles aren't as good. 










IMHO thats your opinion...NO thankx plz, enough with nerfs all around...already - try remoding it for more FUN if u must?

Okay, give me a mod that increases its recoil. And I haven't seen much nerfed, what are you talking about. 

It's called the Gorgon

It's obviously called the Soma...
Edited by DesuEx
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Grakata fires like that because it's the zipgun equivalent of the Grineer arsenal. Soma is a refined weapon.


And thumbs down to more recoil on the Soma. The amount of people asking for nerfs to one of the only weapons viable in high-end missions is astounding.


Edit: Here's an idea: Stop crying for nerfs and ask for buffs to other weapons to make them more viable.

Edited by Renan.Ruivo
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I would say that we should have more weapons with a lot of recoil to force players to be smart and burst fire them. Same way you can't take assault rifles in CS and spray and pray.


Like aklex? That thing has an awefully huge recoil and even if you get fire rate mods you need to hold yourself. Granted, it's semi-auto but still, you have to measure yourself. 

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Grakata fires like that because it's the zipgun equivalent of the Grineer arsenal. Soma is a refined weapon.


And thumbs down to more recoil on the Soma. The amount of people asking for nerfs to one of the only weapons viable in high-end missions is astounding.


Edit: Here's an idea: Stop crying for nerfs and ask for buffs to other weapons to make them more viable.


Okay sure, let's totally ignore the weapon with no downside, and what's more likely to happen you think, DE buffing every other weapon, or DE adding recoil to one weapon? And it's just recoil, you act like its the end of the world, "oh no, I have to move my mouse slightly down when I shoot now."

Edited by Renan.Ruivo
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lets not nerf weapons as it hig hlevel enemies sponge bullets bad enough as is i dont want to have to deal with "needing" to burst fire just to stay accurate while getting shot by like 10 other guys in the level 60 range

Well, I don't want to have to deal with the spread on the supra or recoil, but it's still there. Soma has absolutely no drawbacks whatsoever. It's a high damage machine gun,with pinpoint accuracy, not sure how you can give proper input to my suggestion if your comment is completely biased towards Soma. 

Edited by DesuEx
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Well, I don't want to have to deal with the spread on the supra or recoil, but it's still there. Soma has absolutely no drawbacks whatsoever. It's a high damage machine gun,with pinpoint accuracy, not sure how you can give proper input to my suggestion if your comment is completely biased towards Soma. 

no biased least there should be no reason to make it take longer to lvl 60+ enemies by needing to burst fire just so so my bullets wont miss. and besides were super human space ninjas if we can cleave fully armored space marines in half then to us weapon recoil is not a factor, now unless were were running around with a 12 pound cannon and trying to fire than then yeah but were not

Edited by Shikazure
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