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[Warframe Concept] Bessel, The Prism Warframe


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Not really sure why I came up with this. I think it was partially fueled by an attempt to figure out what a Radiation-based frame would look like, but more trying to define how its proc fit into the damage type (ie Magnetic damage for Mag).

At any rate, it evolved from there into something of a... tactical stealth caster, or perhaps just "illusionist", with the one ultimate I've been hoping for ages to see. Thematically, it's a mix between a Light and Crystal frame, which I assume will be reasonable to fans of either concept.



·         Tactical (-) Aura, four Power (=) and two Tactical (-) polarities

·         100 Health (300 cap)

·         150 Shields (450 cap)

·         150 Energy (225 cap)

·         15 Armor

·         0.95 Sprint


Flash (25 Energy)

·         Bessel opens his hand and emits a blinding flash of light from the gem in his palm (similar cast animation to Nekros’ Soul Punch)

·         Cone attack in front of Bessel, 120 degrees, 10/11/13/15 meter reach; does not hit through walls

·         Deals 75/100/150/200 Radiation damage

·         Blinds all damaged enemies for 3/4/4/5 sec; does NOT stagger

·         Enemies will fire and slash randomly in all directions while blind, damaging allies and enemies alike


Prismatic Array (50 Energy)

·         Bessel conjures a hexagon-cut crystal column at the target location, slightly larger than a Tenno

·         No limit to the number of prisms that can be active at once

·         Will launch enemies into the air as if affected by Bounce if summoned under them, dealing minor Impact damage

·         Crystal has no health pool and is treated like an environmental object, blocking line of sight and allowing Tenno to stand upon it; enemies will not be alerted by summoning it, unless summoned under them

·         Can be placed on flat ground or the side of walls; can be placed on top of other crystals; will always be summoned with one side facing the Tenno.

·         Elemental damage is refracted through the crystal; damage dealt to one side will become a beam attack out of the other five sides, with equal damage to their source and 100% Status Chance; damage dealt to multiple sides will cause it to fire out all sides anyway, with beams firing the appropriate sum totals of damage

·         Beams are blocked by walls, but can cut through enemies and refract into other prisms

·         Physical damage is blocked by the crystal (excepting weapons with punch-through) and does not produce a beam

·         Summon range of 50 meters, beam range of 15/16/18/20 meters, beam radius of 2 meters

·         Duration of 10/15/20/25 sec


Mirror Image (35 Energy)

·         Bessel swaps his appearance with the target enemy’s (appearing as a hologram on both the target and the Tenno, ie Chaos)

·         Enemies treat Bessel as a member of the target’s faction for the duration; only the target won't. Unless Chaos is active, then they'll act like Chaos is active.

·         Target is staggered for a moment and receives all aggro Bessel generated prior to the cast, redirecting enemies to attack them instead

·         Targeting range of 50 meters

·         Lasts 4/5/6/8 sec; effect will end immediately if target dies


Diamond Cutter (100 Energy)

·         Bessel claps his hands, making contact between his palm-gems, and channels a focused beam of light in front of himself

·         Bessel is rooted while channeling, but can turn the beam from side-to-side freely

·         Bessel is immune to stun, stagger, knockdown and disruption for the duration, and cannot be knocked below 1 HP until the cast ends

·         Diamond Cutter can punch through walls and enemies

·         Beam radius of 3 meters, beam range of 15/18/20/25 yards

·         Continuously staggers and deals 150/180/200/250 Radiation damage every sec to enemies caught in beam

·         Beam is channeled for 5/7/8/10 sec


Additional notes:

- Alternate helmets can be named after gem cuts.

- Names, stats and polarities all subject to change. Feel free to suggest alternatives if something bugs you.

- Name comes from the Bessel Beam, which I thought was fitting given the ability to create nets of lasers and such. (Plus I couldn't find any deities tied to crystals, and wasn't a fan of light-based names.)

- Don’t particularly care if Bessel is male or female, using “him” and “his” as placeholders. Although, there does seem to be more of a dip towards female casters these days, so I suppose I wouldn't mind evening that out...

- Other than an energy-colored gem embedded in each palm, no appearance in mind. I don’t imagine him or her going overboard with crystals though; after all, Frost isn't covered in ice. Perhaps an outfit more thematic of an illusionist?... How well would a top hat alt helm translate anyway?


Tell me what you think!

Edited by Archwizard
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I thought of something, what if the Array, instead of turning elemental damage into a beam, created a cone effect instead, or at least would spread from a beam to a cone as it was upgraded? Also I could envision the area effect of the blast being dependent upon the individual damage dealt by whatever hit the prism, so you couldn't just unload a Soma with a fire mod into the thing and incinerate everything on the other side- you'd need a sniper shot or something for that.

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I thought of something, what if the Array, instead of turning elemental damage into a beam, created a cone effect instead, or at least would spread from a beam to a cone as it was upgraded? Also I could envision the area effect of the blast being dependent upon the individual damage dealt by whatever hit the prism, so you couldn't just unload a Soma with a fire mod into the thing and incinerate everything on the other side- you'd need a sniper shot or something for that.


That's another idea, but the crystal's current effect came more from thinking one could use the prism to curve/extend the beam for the ultimate.

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That's another idea, but the crystal's current effect came more from thinking one could use the prism to curve/extend the beam for the ultimate.

Perhaps the ultimate created a radial effect around prism nodes and, provided you could create more than one node, automatically chained to the next node(s) within a certain distance?

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Perhaps the ultimate created a radial effect around prism nodes and, provided you could create more than one node, automatically chained to the next node(s) within a certain distance?


Perhaps, but I wanted each to be more of a standalone ability with strong synergy, rather than one with unique effects on the other.


But hey, I wouldn't knock it either.

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Perhaps, but I wanted each to be more of a standalone ability with strong synergy, rather than one with unique effects on the other.


But hey, I wouldn't knock it either.

Well, it would still be a powerful ray attack, but you would just be able to use nodes to bend it around corners and stuff.

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Well, it would still be a powerful ray attack, but you would just be able to use nodes to bend it around corners and stuff.


The idea was that you could bend it around corners without needing to look around the corner first, and by having the beam connect between two crystals, you'd have to.


I was also considering having the crystals spin, so you wouldn't have to worry about precisely orienting them.

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The idea was that you could bend it around corners without needing to look around the corner first, and by having the beam connect between two crystals, you'd have to.


I was also considering having the crystals spin, so you wouldn't have to worry about precisely orienting them.

That was the idea, just put two crystals at the right angles from each other around a corner then shoot the beam at one, and voila- you're shooting around a corner.


And yeah, making the crystals rotate would probably make them more useful as crowd-killers.

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I thought of something, what if the Array, instead of turning elemental damage into a beam, created a cone effect instead, or at least would spread from a beam to a cone as it was upgraded?


If I understand the definition (and I probably don't), the nominal "Bessel Beam" is one of the few lasers that doesn't diffract into a cone.

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The whole concept sounds pretty amazing (and I really want to see art for it)


I don't really have the artistic ability required to draw that up (willing to take volunteers!)... Perhaps I could whip up some example ability diagrams, but even those are still a bit WIP. :P


should the Diamond Cutter beam really be 3 METERS WIDE? Even 3 FEET wide is ridiculous :P


Same width of Ice Wave, not expanded by range mods (though beam length is) and, keep in mind, you can't move (or aim upward) while you're casting it. Besides, I was rather inspired by something like...




Or more classically, http://www.freefever.com/stock/kamehameha-dragon-ball.jpg

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I don't really have the artistic ability required to draw that up (willing to take volunteers!)... Perhaps I could whip up some example ability diagrams, but even those are still a bit WIP. :P



Same width of Ice Wave, not expanded by range mods (though beam length is) and, keep in mind, you can't move (or aim upward) while you're casting it. Besides, I was rather inspired by something like...




Or more classically, http://www.freefever.com/stock/kamehameha-dragon-ball.jpg


Haha I figured you were inspired by something like that! And I understand, I can't imagine taking the time to create art for my concepts when I know I'd do a terrible job. But wait, you decided Bessel can't aim the beam upward? I can understand just strafing it like in the .gif here, but you gotta hit those enemies on the second story somehow right?


Anyways, I hope this frame (or something very similar) makes it into the game! Good luck!

Edited by Novashank
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But wait, you decided Bessel can't aim the beam upward? I can understand just strafing it like in the .gif here, but you gotta hit those enemies on the second story somehow right?


I figured that would be the downside to the beams (other than that whole "root" thing). In a pinch you can still use Flash or your weapons to hit enemies on higher (or lower) ground. You can be the master of the level playing field with the crystals and lasers, able to cross beams and make nets of lasers, but beyond that you have to get creative.

Edited by Archwizard
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But wait, you decided Bessel can't aim the beam upward? I can understand just strafing it like in the .gif here, but you gotta hit those enemies on the second story somehow right?

You can be the master of the level playing field with the crystals and lasers, able to cross beams and make nets of lasers, but beyond that you have to get creative.


I've decided that, as with Bounce, you can place the crystals on walls as well as the ground. If you're cunning, you can position the crystals such that a beam can climb walls.

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