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Steam: Warframe Page, Sucky Screenshots


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I just so happened to look at Warframe's page on Steam, and as I cycled through the screenshots I remembered what it was that prevented me from joining the game for so long.


The pictures do Warframe's art direction and gameplay no justice. In a nutshell, they suck hardcore.



It took another a player from a fellow game describing the awesomeness in great detail to get me to consider playing the game. So much has happened since late June, the pictures are like amateur porn polaroids from the seventies, only with out the action. I hate to be so rude, but seriously:


Are those pictures really what you want potential new recruits to see?





Please change them, get them changed, write a letter, do something.... Yell at your marketing team.

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Warframe's current screenshots are outdated and uninformative.

They fail to reflect many of the game's assets, such as gameplay variety (terrain, enemy, objective, equipment), the solar map, clans, trading, Warframe abilities, teamwork, crafting, scanning, and modding.

(Also parkour and stealth, though they're somewhat underdeveloped.)


They don't show modding. Modding, really? Modding is half the goddamn game.

How do you mange to leave that out of the first thing potential players are going to look at?


And the only enemies portrayed are Grineer, in an asteroid base.


Warframe needs new screenshots to demonstrate what makes it unique.

The screenshots it has now seem to rely on "Looks cool" to attract players. Unfortunately, 90% of the other shooters on Steam - or anywhere else - do the same thing. Those games similarly fail to portray their differentiating factors.

None of these screenshots tells you a damned thing about gameplay that you wouldn't already know from it being a shooter.


(Oh, and showing some of the HUD wouldn't be a bad decision either, so viewers can know that they're not just looking at cutscene screenshots.)


Judging books by their cover? Sigh, people.

Are you kidding me?

How do you even get so wrong?

He's not judging a book by its cover. If anything, he's trying to get the cover to better represent the book.

"Sigh, people" yourself.


Let me guess, you were the guy in middle school who only looked at the pretty girls. 

This facile comment is hardly even speciously relevant.


You and the previous high-horseman need to learn that potential players aren't going to waste their time downloading and trying out a game with uninformative screenshots. Warframe is one among thousands of shooter games, and if DE wants it to succeed, they have to market it better than this.


The only reason I even looked at Warframe was because I'd heard good things about it from a friend.

That "Ninjas play free" slogan they got goin' on? Useless. Just another ad banner I scroll through.

I even watched the intro video where a cell takes down Vor. Sure, it was "cool". But it was also obviously not representative of actual gameplay, so I didn't think much of it.

Not until someone reliable told me "Warframe is worthwhile" did I actually give it a shot, and only then did I discover the myriad aspects which keep me playing today.

Edited by Knaimhe
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This facile comment is hardly even speciously relevant.


Au contraire, you are lacking capacity for adventure. You sound like the individual who reads reviews about books before he reads the book itself. Are you willing to spend your life in the backseat, never fully acknowledging what it's like to be driving? Put your foot down. Forgive your necessity for rumors, and give yourself the benefit of a doubt for once. 

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OP stated that the pictures were of a lacking quality.

A couple of holier-than-thou window lickers automatically made statements that OP was insensitive to "aesthetically challenged" females because of his observations.


REALLY? How do you guys have time to post stuff on forums? 

Shouldn't you be protesting something in the name of "Social Justice" right now?

Edited by ThatOneEdgyGuy
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OP stated that the pictures were of a lacking quality.

A couple of holier-than-thou window lickers automatically made statements that OP was insensitive to "aesthetically challenged" females because of his observations.


REALLY? How do you guys have time to post stuff on forums? 

Shouldn't you be protesting something in the name of "Social Justice" right now?


So if the cover of a movie only has writing on it, you're not going to watch it? Does the cover really need to indulge you? 

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Au contraire, you are lacking capacity for adventure. You sound like the individual who reads reviews about books before he reads the book itself. Are you willing to spend your life in the backseat, never fully acknowledging what it's like to be driving? Put your foot down. Forgive your necessity for rumors, and give yourself the benefit of a doubt for once. 

By this logic, if I'm searching for my keys, I should throw a dart at a globe and go where "adventure" leads me, right?


Look. If I'm trying to find a good book to read, of course I'll consider how the book advertises itself. If the author says "This book is exclusively and uninsightfully about donkey grandpa porn", then I'm not going to waste my time or money on it.


Cease your platitudes.

Are you actually responding to this topic, or are you just writing yourself some poetic frivolity?

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So if the cover of a movie only has writing on it, you're not going to watch it? Does the cover really need to indulge you? 

The cover needs to interest me.

Warframe's current screenshots don't emphasize the game's best aspects; they don't make Warframe stand out from the crowd.


How you consistently fail to understand this simple, simple concept is beyond me.

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By this logic, if I'm searching for my keys, I should throw a dart at a globe and go where "adventure" leads me, right?


Look. If I'm trying to find a good book to read, of course I'll consider how the book advertises itself. If the author says "This book is exclusively and uninsightfully about donkey grandpa porn", then I'm not going to waste my time or money on it.


Cease your platitudes.

Are you actually responding to this topic, or are you just writing yourself some poetic frivolity?



Even though our opinions will never correlate, this is no ball for me.


You were brought here by, what? Word of mouth, right. Then explain why the need for imagery to entice you, when you already satiate your desire by playing. You are playing the holier-than-thou role better than me.

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Even though our opinions will never correlate, this is no ball for me.


You were brought here by, what? Word of mouth, right. Then explain why the need for imagery to entice you, when you already satiate your desire by playing. You are playing the holier-than-thou role better than me.


Such failure to understand.

Very frustrate.

Much obvious troll.


I don't personally need Warframe's Steam screenshots to be better.

If I'm the only one seeing them, then they could be pictures of burning pubes, for all I care.


But, for potential new players, pictures of burning pubes aren't going to cut it.

If DE wants to attract players, they need to show gameplay. They need to show UI. They need to show all the features I listed in my first post.

Edited by Knaimhe
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Such failure to understand.

Very frustrate.

Much obvious troll.


I don't personally need Warframe's Steam screenshots to be better.

If I'm the only one seeing them, then they could be pictures of burning pubes, for all I care.


But, for potential new players, pictures of burning pubes aren't going to cut it.

If DE wants to attract players, they need to show gameplay. They need to show UI. They need to show all the features I listed in my first post.


Why? When you find this information anywhere else in the interwebs. Instead of waiting for their friends to tell them something, they can do some soul searching for themselves if they are brave enough. 

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Judging books by their cover? Sigh, people.

So if I gave you a platter of food. And it looked like S#&$. Smelled like S#&$. Everything about this platter is utter S#&$, you would dive right in and eat it?

Screenshots are the first thing people see, and if the screenshots are bad, people will think this was some game made in unity in about 3 days.

Edited by KijaJouteh
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So if I gave you a platter of food. And it looked like S#&$. Smelled like S#&$. Everything about this platter is utter S#&$, you would dive right in and eat it?

Screenshots are the first thing people see, and if the screenshots are bad, people will think this was some game made in unity in about 3 days.


What happens when the very juicy, delectable food you scarf down makes you want to regurgitate every bit of it? All of it comes from personal experience. No amount of hearsay will give you the hands-on experience you will need to truly know if you like something or not. Plenty of people I know think I'm crazy for my distaste in certain foods, but I have tried them myself. If I asked anyone at all if they liked them, majority of people might tell me they do. That's not to say when I turn around and try the disgusting filth of a plate myself, that I will or will not like it. 


You guys are like my younger, adolescent self. 

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What happens when the very juicy, delectable food you scarf down makes you want to regurgitate every bit of it? All of it comes from personal experience. No amount of hearsay will give you the hands-on experience you will need to truly know if you like something or not. Plenty of people I know think I'm crazy for my distaste in certain foods, but I have tried them myself. If I asked anyone at all if they liked them, majority of people might tell me they do. That's not to say when I turn around and try the disgusting filth of a plate myself, that I will or will not like it. 


You guys are like my younger, adolescent self. 

B%$^* please, you sounded nothing like an adult, can't even accept the fact that the OP here is trying to get the majority of people interested in Warframe. Without attractive and appealing advertisement,  no one would care to even try, since there are so many other games that people could play. Please ACCEPT that people like shiny things, and get on with it.

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B%$^* please, you sounded nothing like an adult, can't even accept the fact that the OP here is trying to get the majority of people interested in Warframe. Without attractive and appealing advertisement,  no one would care to even try, since there are so many other games that people could play. Please ACCEPT that people like shiny things, and get on with it.


Using your analogy of a dish that doesn't look appetizing: if you add more flashy things to the dish it won't hide or make the consumer ignore the fact that the dish itself is pretty 'S#&$ty' as you say it is. Maybe you need to accept this. 

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Let me guess, you were the guy in middle school who only looked at the pretty girls. 


You deserve a Cookie!


So if I gave you a platter of food. And it looked like S#&$. Smelled like S#&$. Everything about this platter is utter S#&$, you would dive right in and eat it?

Screenshots are the first thing people see, and if the screenshots are bad, people will think this was some game made in unity in about 3 days.


Judging books by its covers is an Idiom for Physical dysfunction. If it smells like S#&$ then you are not describing how it looks like.



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Well, well, well, Genuinetheo.

I find it interesting that you would say this:

You are playing the holier-than-thou role better than me.


But then follow it up with this:

You guys are like my younger, adolescent self. 


Tell me, how do you reconcile those statements?



Using your analogy of a dish that doesn't look appetizing: if you add more flashy things to the dish it won't hide or make the consumer ignore the fact that the dish itself is pretty 'S#&$ty' as you say it is. Maybe you need to accept this. 

Were I in a mood to laugh, I would say your ignorance is laughable.

Unfortunately, I am in no such mood, and thus your ignorance presents as more pitiable than amusing.


His "analogy of a dish" wasn't meant to represent Warframe, it was meant to demonstrate the flaws in your "give everything a try" ideology.

Nobody here is saying that Warframe is a S#&$ty dish.

But its screenshots fail to convey its gameplay and design.


What's really going on here?

How could you, with intellect suggested through articulation, possibly have misinterpreted the situation so miserably?


I, for one, don't think that was an accident on your part.

No, from my perspective, you recognize that you made a mistake in your earlier posts.

Instead of admitting it, though, you're apparently attempting to conceal it by convoluting the discussion.


Ask yourself, who's the one who really needs to accept things?



Judging books by its covers is an Idiom for Physical dysfunction. If it smells like S#&$ then you are not describing how it looks like.




You, sir, have made a fool of yourself to nonpariel extents with nonpariel efficiency.


What kind of chucklehead obsesses on the specifics of a literary expression while completely neglecting the intent of it?

You need to learn that the expression of "judging a book by its cover" transcends modality. An equivalent idiom could be constructed for audition, olfaction, or gustation.


Oh, and the person you quoted very clearly said "it looked like S#&$".

Try actually reading the things you quote, next time.

(Or better yet, spare us all some trouble and let there not be a next time at all.)

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