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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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im not sure how number input works on the ps4, but if you just type the same number over and over again, it will default to max, or max donation.

No number input, just hold R1 to add, L1 to subtract. Depending on the maximum needed, it goes up by 1, 10 or 100 units if the maxium is 1-99, 100-999 and over 1000, respectively. And adding 900 somethings in increments of 10 takes seemingly forever.

Another thing, as someone else also stated, Sentinels should not react to inactive turrets - not shooting ot cloaking. Shade and Ghost need a very thorough rework, too, they just seem completely haphazard.

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Would like to see a button on the Appearance tab where you could automatically transfer your color scheme from the currently selected Warframe or item to all other items/warframe you have active.  Perhaps with a check-box to include or not your sentinel. 


Also when switching warframes that have a different color schemes, perhaps a way to have the sentinel auto change between your two warframes color schemes via  a check box or not so it auto sync's with the warframes color's.



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It would be great if the login rewards checked which items the user actually has equipped (or has in possession). After three consecutive days of receiving Sentinel Bonus XP and Sentinel Weapons Bonus XP without actually having any sentinels (poor me...), I thought that it would be wonderful if my daily login rewards weren't being "wasted" and disappearing. Thank you!

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It would be great if the login rewards checked which items the user actually has equipped (or has in possession). After three consecutive days of receiving Sentinel Bonus XP and Sentinel Weapons Bonus XP without actually having any sentinels (poor me...), I thought that it would be wonderful if my daily login rewards weren't being "wasted" and disappearing. Thank you!

i think i'd rather XP just be a token which you can apply to any item you want. instead of getting XP applied to this or that thing, instead getting a token for like 5000 XP, and you choose what to apply it to.


perhaps... even making them tradable. only obtainable through Login Rewards though, hopefully. keeps them from saturating the game, but still allowing them to be obtained by everyone from time to time.

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Ok I read through alot of this thread but i didnt see these thoughts

1) During random loot rolls for survival and defense -> if the reward has already come up have it removed from the loot roll, thus the longer you stay the greater the chances of getting what you want (greater risk , greater reward)

2) Being able to rearrange dojo through a overview so you can matchup corridors and rearrange easier without the 2 hour + 12 hour delays

3) Being able to copy and paste for posts for recruiting and trading vs having to type it out over and over again

4) This is def not a little thing BUT a auction house style sort of thing instead of rinse repeat posts that you have to type out over and over again, you just place mod/bp/piece on it and let people buy it through that

Edited by PlatinumSpdr
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My friend started playing recently and he had a hard time with the RNG, especially getting 'Redirection', a mod he kind of needed to have before he got to Saturn. I ended up going to the Dojo and giving him one.


I think the RNG needs to be bypassed for new players when it comes to bread-and-butter mods like health and shield mods. Perhaps players could receive a gift pack of the basics from the Lotus once they kill Vor on Mercury?



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I discovered this thread after making my own. Sorry for the extra clutter.

-Toggle general zoom

 toggled zoom instead of hold zoom on any rifle or gun/bow really.


-Toggle channeling

 Toggle melee channeling on untill you run out of energy. for those who have good efficiancy on their channeling build


-Sound for the chat box when you get a new message

 for alliance... whisper... what ever you want. an option for it all or just parts of it

Edited by AdmiralAaron
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im thinking can a invitation be stored ?


normally in PS4 there are lot of ppl spamming invite, so when a friend invite turn up i kinda end up decline everything or joined the wrong invitation.

If there is a box for invitation , you won't get distracted while customizing your loadout (or accidentally hit X to join a game) and we can pick who to join.


Sorry if this had been mention before.

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I'd like to throw my hat into this ring. I'd like to add my ideas to this that I didn't see listed:


- Special ODA Vault that requires ALL FOUR dragon keys to open, yielding a new special set of mods. Make it only show up after   Lephantis is killed to make him much more challenging giving a hard mode style feel to him.


- Special perks for Prime warframes. Extra polarities are nice but we can do them ourselves you know. I'm a huge Rhino fan, but i have no interest in Rhino Prime because ive used a measly two formas on my normal Rhino. Maybe augment ALL the abilities to have new twists to them instead of boosting one stat very petitely on the overall Warframe and adding like ONE extra polarity configuration. Maybe Primed Iron Skin or Primed Crush. Perhaps Primed Iron Skin could have some kind of touch damage for enemies that melee attack you and Crush could send down magnetically charged spikes onto enemies, thus pinning them to the floor for a set duration.


- For Frost and Rhino a damage indicator/health bar for Iron Skin/Snow Globe would be a great addition so we know when to recast or hide.


- Not sure about anyone else here, but how about a new freakin type of primary weapon? We got our shotguns, rifles and sniper rifles, and theyre great! But, we're in space for Lotus' sake! How about some energy weapons that run on Energy Cell ammo pickups. Whatever you want to do with them go crazy! Energy weapons yield quite the massive array of possibilities!


- In relation to the idea above this, can we please get instant ammo boxes and instant energy restores back? Yes the medium team ammo restores are very cute, but they take flipping forever to dispense each burst and even then one burst is not enough ammo to walk away with. I find myself using the ammo deploys wrongfully because i dont want to wait while my teamates are getting gunned down by aliens, alien robots, and alien robot zombies . I use the ammo deploys by taking about 50 into a mission with me and continuously deploying new ones because when one is set down it dispenses ammo once immediately. the ammo boxes were thousands better. Please put them back in for like 5000 credits a box or something!

Edited by Ocaz
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I'd like to throw my hat into this ring. I'd like to add my ideas to this that I didn't see listed:


- Not sure about anyone else here, but how about a new freakin type of primary weapon? We got our shotguns, rifles and sniper rifles, and theyre great! But, we're in space for Lotus' sake! How about some energy weapons that run on Energy Cell ammo pickups. Whatever you want to do with them go crazy! Energy weapons yield quite the massive array of possibilities!


The Supra, Synapse, Amprex, Dera, Cestra, Flux Rifle, Spectra, Lanka and Tetris all say hello.

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I'm still hoping they finally give us the option for more crosshair/targeting reticle customization - like adjusting the opacity and colors.


In other shooters that I play, I always like to have it colored green for better visibility.

this... hoping they'll also make the reticle react to recoil as you fire guns and stuff, and better show the accuracy (min size = max accuracy)

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Mutagen Mass BP, Fieldron BP and Detonite Injector BP should be reusable. Why do we have too keep going back to Dojo in order to craft them? I find it a waste of time going to Dojo to buy more BP. We need a lot of them and 15k each is quite costly. This includes 5k each craft. If I need 10 that means I waste 200k and time going into Dojo just to buy more BP. These are clan resources, we should have mastered how to craft them by now. Imagine you being kicked out of clan and you need these right away for some powerful clan weapons. You are locked away from getting anymore until you join another clan.

It even takes 72 hours to finish crafting 1.

Edited by Makemap
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@PlagueInjected these arent really what im aiming for... im talkin like actual energy weapons like u see in Star Wars and Sci-Fi movies. Those weapons u listed are more like lasers only.

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@PlagueInjected these arent really what im aiming for... im talkin like actual energy weapons like u see in Star Wars and Sci-Fi movies. Those weapons u listed are more like lasers only.



Star Wars uses laser Weapons... and Laser Swords.



and the Corpus Weapons use encapsulated Plasmatic Projectile technology, so they're.... more fancy than lasers? :p



so if Lasers aren't 'actual energy', what is?

since anything that is capable of Damaging is therefore an energy based Weapon, transferring Energy into another body in order to kill it. yno, since we can't just hold our hand up and choke people with magic.

(well, we do have Warframe Powers... nevermind).

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I appeal to developers with a request to change the conditions of the test on the new rank skill. Because I believe it unfair that players have to wait 24 hours to try again to pass the test if the previous attempt ended in failure.

This is especially felt at high grade levels when you nuzho score a lot of points to advance to the next rank. Agree that few of you will take pleasure then wait another 24 hours after you fail the test.

I want developers to have done so that the waiting time for the next attempt was zero. Just ask all players to support this idea.

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Several ideas I'd like to post about melee 2.0:


- An option to swich to a Over-the-head camera perspective when you swich to your melee weapon instead of a Over-the-shoulder camera perspective.


I think this would help players see clearly when equipping a melee weapon or when doing a melee run.


- Aiming your crossair upwards or downwards while your melee weapon is equipped will cause your character to attack upwards or downwards depending where your crossair is.


This would allow us to hit flying enemies (such as ospreys) or rollers easilly and reward players who hit an enemy in the face (or any other weakspot) with a crit.


- A keybinding to toggle melee chanelling.


I think it would help


- The melee counter in the bottom right-hand corner rewards players for building it up by giving them increased movement, sprint, weapon swap and slide speed and increased stamina regeneration.


This would give players a good reason to build up the melee counter and make melee combat more fast paced.


- Increase sprint speed for all warframes by default.


Sprint speed on its own for most warframes is a bit too slow (There is a reason why players keep sliding in short bursts). I think  sprint speed needs to be increased to the point where a sprinting Excalibur can be as fast as a Zorencopter and a Loki can outsprint a Zorencopter.


On a side note, Wallruning should not be affected by sprint and the Rush mod should be removed from the game


- Dropping attacks can only be done by holding down the melee attack button when up in the air.


This can make room to arieal melee attacks.


-When performing a wallrun attack, you can hold down the melee attack button instead of pressing to not attack instintley and releasing it would perform the wallrun attack.


This would make wallrun attacks more viable as you have more accuracy to do a wallrun attack on a enemy.

Edited by IronWolfKnight
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