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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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It would be nice to place a limit of times it can be modified the prize of Dark Sectors or leave stock trading value as it is already in conflict. 
Because many times you enter the node to gain a high value (shown in the top Dark Sector screen), but then they take this value while you are on mission of sabotage and at the end receives nothing prize.

(Sorry if I could not explain it better, used Google Translate)
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Guest Tehnoobshow

Once you've mastered a weapon or warframe it should stay at level 30 even if you sell it and recraft it. After all, you've "mastered" the weapon, there's no difference between the gun you sold and the gun you just crafted and you should be just as proficient with it. It really wouldn't make a big difference to gameplay either, since you don't gain mastery for weapons you've already mastered and you still have to level it again if you forma (We could say that the forma drastically changes the way the weapon works or something, hence why you have to re-master it). This would really help to reduce grind in the game since getting a mastered weapon back to level 30 is nothing more than a waste of time.

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make the polarity slots rotatable between symbols


for example of you use all that time grinding to put a forma on you used a d polaraty you should be able to rotate between others.


The reason why this would be good is because it would allow more flexable builds and meaning if you want a different build in the future you wont have to forma it again

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built in warframe powers so we have more mod space and can have better all rounded builds with all powers that are viable end game. Beacause using just 2 powers isnt that fun but they are to weak if all 4 are equipt.

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Six suggestions for now....


1) A "Smart Reward" system that looks at what the host already has in their inventory and what they've recently gotten as mission rewards. For example, if you already have a Reaper Prime in your inventory you then have lower odds of getting another component for it while hosting, and higher odds for what you don't have yet. If you end up getting another component that you've already gotten (say yet another Reaper Prime BP) as a reward the odds will be lowered even further next time you host, thereby increasing the odds of what you do want/need each time you try. Such a system will still reward devoting time and effort into play, while greatly reducing the grind.


2) A power countdown timer for Vauban's powers. If Frost can have a countdown for Snowglobe there is no reason why Vauban can't have a countdown for Bastille and Vortex.

3) A practice room in the dojo so you can try weapons and work on combos without having to be in a mission.

4) A better system for dealing with Hallway Heroes and AFKers. For Hallway heroes just a notice that they aren't sharing XP and perhaps causing their rewards to be reduced should be enough, but unless there is an indicator that it is happening they won't know/realize it.

5) The option to block some players from joining you (and/or you joining them) to avoid Hallway Heroes, AFKers, and griefers/trolls. Just give them a message as to why they can't join.... "You have been blocked from joining this session."

6) A "I'm Stuck" and "I Fell Through the Map" option, that not only respawns you but records and submits the location of where you ran into a problem (for falling it would either automatically record when you fell a certain distance below the map or for the last several seconds of positional info). Since most players have to go through the time and trouble to report such problems a fast and easy way to automatically report such defects/bugs to the devs would help to speed their being found/fixed as well as making things easier for the players.

Edited by Skeptic
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I'm done, DONE with this game. It's just sad, about 5 months ago I tried this game and loved it. After playing 2 or 3 days there came an update. Nothing wrong right? But then came the nightmare ;( ''Update failed'' Time after time after time!

The last five months I tried everything to play the game again it just DOESN'T work! Search the whole interenet and forums and I tried many things but nothing seems to work.....I think it's just time to stop trying. 

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I'm done, DONE with this game. It's just sad, about 5 months ago I tried this game and loved it. After playing 2 or 3 days there came an update. Nothing wrong right? But then came the nightmare ;( ''Update failed'' Time after time after time!

The last five months I tried everything to play the game again it just DOESN'T work! Search the whole interenet and forums and I tried many things but nothing seems to work.....I think it's just time to stop trying. 

instead of posting in a completely irrelevant thread to your issue, you could have tried asking Support for advice.


but i guess it's easier to just blame the air than ask the right people for help.

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I'm done, DONE with this game. It's just sad, about 5 months ago I tried this game and loved it. After playing 2 or 3 days there came an update. Nothing wrong right? But then came the nightmare ;( ''Update failed'' Time after time after time!

The last five months I tried everything to play the game again it just DOESN'T work! Search the whole interenet and forums and I tried many things but nothing seems to work.....I think it's just time to stop trying. 

While I'm sorry about your issue this really isn't the correct thread for your problem. But just to help, have you tried filling a support ticket yet? If not just go to the Warframe home page, mouse over "COMMUNITY" then click on "Support" from the menu that drops down. Last time I tried (which was less than a week ago) I got a reply in a couple of days. My problem though was relatively minor and completely unrelated to yours, whatever is causing you problem seems to be specific to your computer.

While you wait for a response from them another option would be removing the installation (since everything is saved online) and then changing the type of installation you used, I'm assuming that you've already tried a normal uninstall-then-reinstall. For an example of what I'm referring to....if you downloaded Warframe from this site, then remove it (don't forget to manually remove any files/folders left behind, they may be corrupt) and try reinstalling it from Steam instead, where you can get it for free. If you got it from Steam before, then remove it (again being sure to remove any folders left behind) and download the installer from this site.

Edited by Skeptic
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Haven't skimmed 21 pages in case it's come up but hasn't been implemented in the OP:


Make ammo drops a percentage of max capacity, rather than a static number that leaves some guns drowning in ammo and others starving.

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Time left on deployable abilities (ex: decoy)



When viewing map or something, show what challenge you currently have for that mission



Prime "gold" color hue/saturation changing option (Paris prime has a yellow color, braton prime has a brown-ish color, orthos is orange-brown, let us change the hue/saturation/brightness of that prime color)



Let us continue on with our reload when jumping and landing, instead of reload being cancelled when we land after a simple jump.



Make it impossible to receive the same reward twice in a row for wave-based missions.



Option to toggle weapon elemental glows on or off



Make Lotus stop saying "warning: freezing temperatures..." when I'm already about done with the mission, or say "corpus heading your way" on wave 30 of corpus defense.



Make it so Radial Disarm doesn't make all mobs lose sense of who and what they are and what their purpose in life is (make it so the mobs stop wandering as if they don't know you're there after you disarm unless you physically walk in front of them (really sucks in survival when they get stuck in other rooms.)) 



Let us have mods "discovered" in the codex if we have previously owned them instead of currently owning them.



Option to turn off EXP gain numbers so we can see what we're killing when we kill a lot of things in one area.


Bigger things that maybe shouldn't be posted in the "little changes" thread:



A formula giving a ratio of damage to fire rate that will yield a certain amount of ammo from pickups (less for ogris, more for grakata for example)



Don't make half the prime weapons suck, buff them up so people can use them when enemies are an actual threat (high level enemies).



End mission reults: Fix it so half the time not everybody but one person does zero % damage, kills, everything and give the Log tab a function.

Edited by arman276
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I'd like some kind of option where players can choose to either host a game or only join a game. As one of the relatively few players that can effectively host a four player game, I get tired of getting instantly thrown into somebody else's laggy or unstable game as soon as I click on an area with my status set to online.

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I'd like some kind of option where players can choose to either host a game or only join a game. As one of the relatively few players that can effectively host a four player game, I get tired of getting instantly thrown into somebody else's laggy or unstable game as soon as I click on an area with my status set to online.

and lest us forget, quite a few players which are bad Hosts, know it, and don't want to Host - but end up doing so anyways, even though they shouldn't.

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An extra item to perhaps add....
While some have already suggested group sharing of any pickups (which IMO would be the best solution) assuming that D.E. decides against such a feature how about adding the ability to auto-mark any mods and rare resources than any given player picks up? This would simplify the process especially for any mods or resources the player picked up while being distracted while fighting.

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Option to manually reset your login reward streak without a day's abstinence from the game.


I'm literally farming the daily login for the Gorgon blueprint, the only obtainable weapon left for me to get. The 7-day rewards pool has 19 different reward possibilities (with all Warframe blueprints condensed into 'warframe blueprint reward', all void keys as 'void key reward', etc.). The 3-6 day rewards pool has 8. In my desperation this leads me to believe that the Gorgon is a more likely reward during the 3-6 day streak, but as it is I can't bring myself to wait a day to reset my streak, endure two days of knowing for sure that it cannot roll, and then becoming direly disappointed on the sixth day when I still don't get it...


Alternatively remove exclusive content from the login rewards roll but whatever.

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can u bind "Kneel" to key? that player would be able to kneel wherever he wants, for example waiting for teammates like a Jedi at the extraction point or look calm and patient like samurai between waves of defence? would be cool. thx

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can u bind "Kneel" to key? that player would be able to kneel wherever he wants, for example waiting for teammates like a Jedi at the extraction point or look calm and patient like samurai between waves of defence? would be cool. thx

yes it will be really cool, besides it will be easy to do (i think it doesn't need any programming or something)

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1) Black energy visible for all abilities - Minus loki and ash's invisibility maybe. Zephyr's Turbulence and Volt's Speed aren't very visible.


2) Zephyr's Tornado -Tornado portion is always your energy color, and the turbulence/bottom portion is the thing that changes depending on the element.


3) Zephyr's Turbulence - Increase the air control for zephyr when this ability is in use.


4) Retired weapons - Can you bring them all back? Or explain why they were so bad they had to be removed? With damage and melee 2.0 it seems like they would fit in without any problems and add to the already lovely variation


5) Machete stance - Change machetes to sword stances and put sundering weave under the sword category as well? Since machete stance(s) are lacking atm, it would be easier to just put them all together. 


6) Wraith weapons - All energy portions the same throughout wraith weapons. Either color customizable, or the lovely red on the rakta syndana. Also, can you add energy portions to the strun, gorgon, and twin vipers?


7) Wraith, Vandal, Dex, Prime obtainable color palettes 


8) Arsenal Loadouts – When you hover over the arsenal button Loadouts 1-5 slide out underneath it, and clicking any of those will equip that particular loadout, while also retaining the functionality of the arsenal button. Within the arsenal screen the only addition would be “Save Loadout”, which upon clicking prompts a save to loadouts 1-5 selection


9) Founder Color Palette – I know people ask for more founder stuff like beating a dead horse, but maybe this won’t be as big of a deal. That temporary Alabaster Skin glitch was really cool lol Do you think it could be a possibility to add an Alabaster and/or Prime Color Palette for founders or grandmasters?


10) Prime Frame Buffs – In one of your devstreams you mentioned something about adding some type of buff to them, so here is my suggestion to all primes across the board.
- 25 more points to initial Health, Power, Armor, & Shield Capacity
- 5 more points to initial shield recharge rate
- Shave a second or two off of the shield recharge delay
- 0.1 sprint speed bonus
- 20 more points to initial stamina
- Add two additional mod slots with no polarities but no extra mods points :3
- Give each prime a unique extra “Prime Ability” mod
- Give primes “Prime Vision” when holding zoom with weapons. Highlight enemies/destructible objects in a cool fashion


11) Weapons With High Mastery Rank – Right now they are weaker than those with low or no requirements. It would be nice to see a nerf to the lower stuff or buff to higher stuff. Lots of the earlier quarries about buffs for Ignis and Dera is easily obtained clan weapons came from players that didn’t want to work to obtain the harder ones. But these buffs came at the cost of making the harder to obtain less desirable. Now, all of the clan tech is rather easy to obtain because of the high frequency of lab resources occurring in invasion missions.


12) Fireball, Freeze, Soul Punch, Venom – By adding an aoe effect/radius of about 10-15 meters it would make these abilities on par with other frames’ first abilities and quiet the some of the worthless ability nonsense.


13) Molt – Adding a heal health after use would be cool and make sense.


14) Paralysis – More initial range? 5 more meters.


15) Shadows Of The Dead – So when I play a frame and polarize a majority of its slots, I like to focus on 1 power maximizing it to the fullest. It’s come to my attention that Nyx’s Chaos is entirely more efficient than this power. This ability, along with “super jump”, are the only powers that I think are in need of a rework, or maybe added to the generic ability pool. Instead, maybe have stalker gas-like faded shadow figures where their bodies become more transparent towards the top of their bodies. Also, have them connected to Nekros by their shadows and remove the duration, in place of varying health. The initial form of the mod being 25% and increasing from there and so on with power strength boosts. Additionally, make it so they can only be a certain distance from Nekros with an option to increase with power range boosts.


16) Altered Origin Frames/Weapons – Currently IMO only Seer, Valkyr, and maybe the Stalker weapons would qualify. But I think if you decide to do pure/enhanced (ex. Prime, Vandal) versions of these weapons you should have unique names for those, like Forsaken Despair. Maybe you see these items as in their pure/enhanced stage though, I’m not sure.

Edited by Depsilon
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