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Warning! Codex Scanner Permanently Lowers Player Accuracy Rating!


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  Being a bit OCD about my accuracy rating, I always try to keep it above 90% for every weapon. Since I'm paying attention to this, I usually know exactly how many shots I have missed during a mission. Some weapons in the game do not record accuracy, and because correct information on this is nowhere to be found (aside from a survey question on Region chat), I tend to go back to Terminus (Exterminate) often for my own internal testing. Here's where it gets crazy...


   If you finish a mission in which you used the 'Codex Scanner', even if you only used a sniper rifle and one shot everything flawlessly, one shot - one kill, you will NOT have 100% accuracy at the end. Instead, you will have a MASSIVELY lowered accuracy rating. It doesn't stop there...


   Unlike weird numbers in mission end accuracy rating caused by multi-hitting glaives or mechanics like Nova's Null Star giving you 22000% accuracy at the end, which DO NOT get factored into your total Player Accuracy Rating (the main one on your profile), the accuracy lowering effects of the Codex Scanner DO! And at an astounding rate! It would seem like any time you have that scanner equipped, the scanner is shooting hundreds of invisible bullets per minute, and lowering your accuracy rating each time. PERMANENTLY. I have now heard stories (not confirmed) of some people having the Codex Scanner listed as their most used weapon.  Dafuq? 




Codex Scanner is massively lowering player accuracy rating permanently by (speculating here) shooting invisible 'scanning bullets' at a very fast rate.


This is a pretty fatal flaw, and needs to be looked at immediately.


Possible fix: Disable Codex Scanner accuracy from being factored in, make it like Flux Rifle.


Best fix: Remove or reset all fired shots of the Codex Scanner's ghost-shots from affecting player profiles. It would be the right thing to do.


Random thoughts: If the many invisible bullets theory is correct, this seems like a resource consuming way of operating the scanner system? Or am I wrong to assume this?





Players who care about their accuracy rating; more danger lurks in the shadows! (Or your arsenal D:  )


   Sentinel weapons suffer from this same bug, they now record their own accuracy, but sadly this accuracy is factored into the player's accuracy rating, lowering it massively. (Sentinels aren't exactly known for their sniping skills) Sentinel weapon accuracy should NOT factor into player's main accuracy rating.


   Apparently, the Ignis, although not saving its own accuracy rating, seems to be lowering the general accuracy rating in the player profile page as well. (I have not tested this one out fully, and really don't feel like further lowering my accuracy for the sake of science)  It would seem like every 'tic' of the Ignis is counted as a 'shot fired', but when the math is done, since hit or no hit, the Ignis reports an accuracy of 0%, it ends up looking like this:  Total Hits / Total Shots Fired.  The result will always be 0, so its telling your main accuracy rating that you never landed a shot with the Ignis. I'm guessing the problem here is that it is reporting the shots fired in the first place.


   Could the Codex Scanner be an Ignis with a smaller cone of action and longer range in disguise?


LOL... ah well, anyways...


*EDIT* The Stug seems to be affected by this as well, contrary to my first conclusions on it. Just tested it, thanks to CyklonDX for pointing my paranoia towards it for further testing.


   The Flux Rifle DOES NOT seem to be affected by this bug. It is safe to use.

I don't know about other weapons that aren't supposed to affect accuracy because these are the only ones I own.


   That is all for now, anything else I find out I will let you know. If you have noticed this affecting you and you do care about your personal accuracy rating, I suggest sending in a support ticket so we can get this resolved promptly.



Thank you for your time and Merry (insert favorite ethnically diverse holiday here)!

Edited by JujuHex
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Hmm, I think I may have an idea as to why this happens. In order to scan a subject, you have to hold down the mouse button or be zoomed in (at which point it starts scanning automatically). This behavior seems similar to what happens with Ignis, namely, it continuously fires while you hold the button down. Is this the behavior you are talking about, or is the problem entirely passive so that even having it in your gear drops your accuracy?


If the former:

(Note: This is just speculation.) In particular, this seems like it would affect accuracy most when targets are heavily clustered and moving (such as Grineer or Corpus allies on Invasion missions) causing the scanner to start scanning and shift targets multiple times, each with its own tracking on the necessary amount scan time. I could see this easily devastating accuracy ratings, but I don't entirely know how the Scanner accuracy is calculated so it's quite possible that this idea has absolutely no merit.


I'm honestly surprised that there is an issue like this, since the scanner isn't even a weapon, so I would likely never have noticed this. I'm glad you brought this to the attention of the general player-base.

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It would make sense in-game for the Codex Scanner to fire a billion tiny invisible bullets at once; that explains how it can detect many different enemies and objects in a 15 meter radius. This isn't even touching on actually scanning something with the wave-emitting scanner gun.


Overall, though, it makes no sense for the scanner to factor into accuracy, in any way.

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This is true. My accuracy rating dropped from 71% to 63% after a couple days of Cicero scanning, which is a ridiculous amount of dropping for someone who's played over 550 hours before.


Support taking scanner out of accuracy rating!

Edited by Trainer772
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Players who care about their accuracy rating; more danger lurks in the shadows! (Or your arsenal D:  )


   Sentinel weapons suffer from this same bug, they now record their own accuracy, but sadly this accuracy is factored into the player's accuracy rating, lowering it massively. (Sentinels aren't exactly known for their sniping skills) Sentinel weapon accuracy should NOT factor into player's main accuracy rating.


   Apparently, the Ignis, although not saving its own accuracy rating, seems to be lowering the general accuracy rating in the player profile page as well. (I have not tested this one out fully, and really don't feel like further lowering my accuracy for the sake of science)  It would seem like every 'tic' of the Ignis is counted as a 'shot fired', but when the math is done, since hit or no hit, the Ignis reports an accuracy of 0%, it ends up looking like this:  Total Hits / Total Shots Fired.  The result will always be 0, so its telling your main accuracy rating that you never landed a shot with the Ignis. I'm guessing the problem here is that it is reporting the shots fired in the first place.


   Could the Codex Scanner be an Ignis with a smaller cone of action and longer range in disguise?


LOL... ah well, anyways...


*EDIT* The Stug seems to be affected by this as well, contrary to my first conclusions on it. Just tested it, thanks to CyklonDX for pointing my paranoia towards it for further testing.


   The Flux Rifle DOES NOT seem to be affected by this bug. It is safe to use.

I don't know about other weapons that aren't supposed to affect accuracy because these are the only ones I own.


   That is all for now, anything else I find out I will let you know. If you have noticed this affecting you and you do care about your personal accuracy rating, I suggest sending in a support ticket so we can get this resolved promptly.

Edited by JujuHex
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Just FYI, I found out that stug (new secoundry pistol) takes into account your accuracy even though its set to 0% accuracy -- its not counting -- but it actually is. Also Stinger from Djinn counts into it... Causing my final score to be like 2% or less even though i hit pretty much all targets with accuracy of 68-90%.

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Just FYI, I found out that stug (new secoundry pistol) takes into account your accuracy even though its set to 0% accuracy -- its not counting -- but it actually is. Also Stinger from Djinn counts into it... Causing my final score to be like 2% or less even though i hit pretty much all targets with accuracy of 68-90%.



I had dismissed the Stug too early as safe and, you know, you are right. Tested this last night, Stug accuracy is being reported as well. Edited posts to reflect this, thanks.

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Sorry to hear about this! I will relay this information to the devs and hopefully get a fix before the Event ends.


Most awesome!  Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this, specially at this time  :)

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I have now heard stories (not confirmed) of some people having the Codex Scanner listed as their most used weapon.  Dafuq?

I have it listed as my most used weapon. Personally I think the scanner should be removed entirely, the whole stopping to take a picture thing is not fun. I'd much rather have a system like in other games with an in-game info book of sorts where as you kill them, you gather info, so you play, you get info on the stuff you killed, used, picked up, crafted, and so on.

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As a player who cares about the accuracy score on his profile, I approve of this message.

here here!


I also figured there was something up with the accuracy, I assumed it was just some codex stuff, but now that sentinels and their weapons have their own separate category in the stats page, I can see that's definitely a factor as to why I no longer hit more than 70% accuracy in a mission. didn't think the ignis affected it, because the flux rifle didn't, but apparently that was wrong. now my accuracy rating is down to 60%, and I almost stopped caring. it plummeted from 67/68 steadily since the last few updates. but now I have hope


at first I even thought it was maybe some bug with multishot and punch-through mods, because I literally had no explanation for why I was hitting 12% accuracy, sometimes lower. damn stinger really seems to screw things up, on the profile/status page, it has 0% accuracy, and I'd been using that quite a lot recently. and I forma'd the ignis a few times. at least the sweeper hits in the 30's or 40's for accuracy, so its not as bad

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Hnnnngggg stat whoring


Although personally I would prefer the accuracy stat records being removed from the game, since this is a game where DPS matters more than accuracy or ammo efficiency, some troll clearly has nothing positive to say this day.


I also looked at your post history, most of your posts are indirect attacks to the OP or some other poster telling them why they are wrong (to have a different opinion from yours) in a fairly condescending manner.


I also wonder which troll up-voted you.

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Although personally I would prefer the accuracy stat records being removed from the game, since this is a game where DPS matters more than accuracy or ammo efficiency, some troll clearly has nothing positive to say this day.


I also looked at your post history, most of your posts are indirect attacks to the OP or some other poster telling them why they are wrong (to have a different opinion from yours) in a fairly condescending manner.


I also wonder which troll up-voted you.


Hello random with 8 posts who doesn't know any of the people I'm responding to in those posts or any of the context or history behind those posts.  A quick glance at my content feed shows me providing info and agreeing with the OP and other posters quite often.  But hey, nice attempt at slandering my character with vague generalizations.


Now then, with that out of the way, please feel free to explain to me why stats (aside from leaderboards) should matter to anyone in a pve game.  Especially accuracy since it's been bugged by multishot for quite a while.  If anything, the effect of the scanner has probably brought it closer to reality.  Which makes people being concerned about a meaningless number all the more hilarious.

Edited by Aggh
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