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[Suggestion] New Faction: Space Pirates


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Zaan (Space Pirate) Bosses

Cpt. Hal Kanto

Hal is a smuggler and an expert in stealth technologies. He and his ghost fleet have been running black market goods on behalf of the Corpus for decades. Bringing him down should do severe damage to Corpus profits in this system.


His boss arena is a maze of corridors. When Hal’s shields drop he activates nearby Moa dispensers to bring Pirate Bomb Moa to cover his escape. He has a number of equipment crates from which he can grab various Corpus guns. He also has a unique plasma pistol he will begin to use when dropped to 25% health.

Cpt. Mel Zaehar

Mel is the leader of the Havocs, she personally recruits and trains them to be the best mercenaries and assassins the Zaan can offer. Rumour has it she is a personal friend of the Twin Queens and has a hand in the Grineer Scorpion project. Hopefully her defeat will deal a blow to Grineer moral.


She fights on a planetary surface with Havocs constantly airdropping in to support her. She starts out with a powerful aura shield that deals lightning damage to anyone nearby her. She has a single target pull power and fights hand to hand.

When damaged to 50%, she calls in a helicopter pack with cannons on it. She takes to the air and hammers her targets until defeated.


Scav has never progressed beyond the rank of Scavenger by his own choice. He is not a leader of any kind, preferring to be simply unleashed at the enemy. He is immensely powerful in single combat and can pose a threat to even the most prepared Tenno cell.


Although Scav doesn’t have multiple phases, he is still a difficult and unpredictable opponent. He has every skill package available to Scavengers (traps, medic pylons, physical shield) and he wears a suit of homemade power armour cobbled together from Grineer and Corpus technology. He can also fly short distances with the aid of Osprey anti-grav systems. He wields a massive sword made of welded hull plating.

Cpt. Ross Kantari

This mysterious Zaan captain is renowned for both his secrecy and his insanity. He is easily the most aggressive of the Captains and many wonder why the Admiralty keeps him around, worrying that he will overstep his bounds and pick a fight the Zaan can’t finish. So far however his effectiveness in combat and his peculiar ability to evade the Infested keeps him in favour.


The battle against Kantari begins with him hidden inside a turreted and shielded bunker. When the Tenno destroy his turrets he steps out of the bunker to bring the fight to them. He wields a Zaan harpoon rifle one handed and a massive hook in the other. He will fight normally until his armoured helmet is blown off, revealing a skull like face surrounded by tendrils. Lotus will say “It appears Captain Kantari is some kind of Infested creature. How is it possible it kept it’s mind? Destroy it quickly so I can get a sample!”

Kantari goes bersek and attacks with acid vomit and his hook, revealed to be the bladed tip of a long tentacle.

Bear with me, because this one might be too “out there” for some.

Vorran the Chimera

A mysterious Zaan rogue who seems to have unlocked the mysteries of the Warframes. He wears a strangely blended suit of Warframe pieces, primarily Excalibur, Loki, and Mag.


This guy is an incredibly rare fight. When defeating a non-Zaan boss Chimera has a small chance (1%?) to de-cloak and finish them off. He will then call out the Stalker, calling him a coward and a fool. It should be clear Chimera thinks of Stalker as his “White whale”. The Tenno can then fight Chimera. He moves just like a Tenno does and wields a special Bolt Rifle, a huge revolver and a Dai-skana all of which he drops blueprints for (100% for 1 of the 3!). Finally he has a relatively small chance (10% since he shows up so rarely that he isn’t really farmable) to drop the Chimera Frame blueprint, which needs a finished Excalibur, Loki and Mag as components!

The Chimera’s secret!

If killed by a melee blow, a cinematic will play of Chimera’s helmet slowly splitting open revealing an even more ravaged Cpt Vor! That’s right Chimea is a renegade Vor clone that left the Grineer to track down the secrets of the Void on his own!

Chimera’s powers (probably not balanced at all :P) Edit: changed the powers a bit.

1. Flash step (10) – Chimera turns invisible and moves forwards in a straight line very quickly. No damage.

2. Repulsion Trap (50) – creates a holographic decoy that repells attacks back to their origin

3. Switch polarity (75) – a short ranged switch teleport that supercharges (fully refills and adds 50% over maximum!) the users and an ally's shields or disrupts an enemy’s.

4. EM Lance (100) – this ult fires a massive metal spike using electromagnetic forces. It deals huge damage and has infinite penetration.

I'll probably draw these guys at some point this week, so stay tuned!

Edited by ValhaHazred
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More Pirates! I've got bosses this time. I've decided to start calling them the Zaan.

Cpt. Hal Kanto

"Hal Kanto is a smuggler and an expert in stealth technologies. He and his ghost fleet have been running black market goods on behalf of the Corpus for decades. Bringing him down should do severe damage to Corpus profits in this system." - The Lotus


"Who are you people? How did you get on my ship!?"

"Please don't kill me, I have plat!"

"Why is this happening to me!?"


His boss arena is a maze of corridors. When Hal’s shields drop he uses a cloaking field and activates nearby Moa dispensers to bring Pirate Bomb Moa to cover his escape. He has a number of equipment crates from which he can grab various Corpus guns. He also has a unique plasma pistol "Leara" he will begin to use when dropped to 25% health.

Cpt. Mel Zaehar

"Captain Zaehar is the leader of the Havocs, she personally recruits and trains them to be the best mercenaries and assassins the Zaan can offer. Rumour has it she is a personal friend of the Twin Queens and has a hand in the Grineer Scorpion project. Hopefully her defeat will deal a blow to both the Grineer and the Zaan." - The Lotus


"Come get some!"

"Have you ever thought of becoming a pirate?"

"I'll tear that silly suit off with my bare hands!"


The fight with Mel occurs at the top of a ruined building, with Mel riding a flying pack with a pair of cannons on it. The vehicle sacrifices it's own protection to shield Mel. She can be defeated without destroying her flyer, but it's much easier to shoot her down.

When the flyer crashes she will walk out of the wreckage like a boss and fight the Tenno, but not before calling in her Havoks. They will airdrop in at regular intervals throughout the rest of the fight.

On the ground she fights hand to hand with the "Blast Knuckle" a gauntlet weapon that fires concussive projectiles when charged. She also has an Aura shield that shoots lighting at Tenno in close range and a single target Pull power.

Pics of Hal and Mel, I also changed their fights a bit and gave them a couple quotes so you can get an idea of their personalities.

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Why is that? I actually like the idea of them being the most human. Instead of powerful Transhumans they're just regular people trying to survive in a solar system crawling with genocidal clones, bodysnatching cyborg cults, zombie making cthulhoids and faceless superninja. I like tragic enemies though, so that might just be me.

think about like this .... Metroid that is all.

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"Scav has never progressed beyond the rank of Scavenger by his own choice. He is not a leader of any kind, preferring to be simply pointed at the enemy. He is immensely powerful in single combat and can pose a threat to even the most prepared Tenno cell." - the Lotus


"Prepare yourself for the ultimate battle!"

"After I kill you, maybe I'll find something useful in that gaudy suit of yours"

"Ha ha! This is the best fight of my life!"


The fight with Scav takes place in a jungle ruin. Although Scav doesn’t have multiple phases, he is still a difficult and unpredictable opponent. He has every skill package available to Scavengers (traps, medic pylons, physical shield) and he wears a suit of homemade power armour cobbled together from Grineer and Corpus technology.

The Shockwave Moa legs he used to craft his exoskeleton allow him to charge his sword and shield with shockwave energy. So empowered the sword will send anything struck flying, and the shield can repel attacks back to their origin. He can also strike the ground for a more traditional shockwave attack.

The modified Hellion pack he wears allows him to make ridiculously fast flying charges.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Nice one Valha, would like to see that added. Although I've never liked the 4 armed mech/suit thing, much like in Suisei no Gargantia. They just look so... vulnerable. Like a fully armoured knight with his pants down.


More like Appleseed or the newer Ghost in the Shells. Make the lower set of arms smaller and mechanically controlled by the piolet's arms, while the larger/upper set can either move in sync with the lower set for heavy duty actions like lifting, or have them work independently, depending on situation.

No pants down, ever.

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More like Appleseed or the newer Ghost in the Shells. Make the lower set of arms smaller and mechanically controlled by the piolet's arms, while the larger/upper set can either move in sync with the lower set for heavy duty actions like lifting, or have them work independently, depending on situation.

No pants down, ever.

Actually I think those second set of arms are supposed to be pilot's arms, hence the pants down reference.


I thought Appleseed had regular mechs that have a cockpit and doesn't leave your arms out like that.. can't remember, been a while. But then Suisei no Gargantia seems to have normal {yet ridiculous} mechs too... I forgot which anime I'm referring to. oh well lol. Pilots arms should be inside the mech/suit! Safety first. :P

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Avast! Weapon shipments for ye all!




Blitz and Vesuvius, obviously.


Blitz is essentially a weaponized Tesla gun, acting as a improvised lightning-based weapon. Able to fire chain lightning bolts when charged, this weapon works great in groups, and when taking on the Corpus. It's major limitations however include a relatively short range of effectiveness, and it's unpredictability of it's shot bouncing.

Vesuvius, meanwhile, is a weapon that, for lack of a better term, acts as a thermite-throwing device, a mix of Melta Gun and flamethrower that easily eats away Grineer and other enemies. I'm still toying on whether this weapon will operate like the Ignus or more like the 40k Meltagun and fire a short burst of flamey death or not though.




Privateer, Depthcharge, and Fusillade all reporting to a Heavy Unit Approaching near you!


The Privateer usually must be mounted for normal pirates to wield, though specific heavy pirates (and occasionally the skiffs, as I also doodled nearby) are able to carry these devastating, tri-barrel rotary guns. With huge ammo capacity, terrible accuracy, and a fire rate that even the Soma would cry for, this weapon will chew apart creatures to swiss cheese before you can say 'It's the Grineer.'

Whereas the Privateer works on the concept of 'More Dakka,' the Fusillade works on the concept of 'get them the first time.' Essentially firing a light anti-destroyer round from this ragtag device, the Fusillade has insane puncture capabilities and a hearty amount of damage to match, but is quite slow on the reload, requiring every shot to count in the end.

Finally, you have the Depthcharge, a basic concept for a guided Rocket Launcher in the game. Players can direct the missile via aiming, as you would expect, but if 'snap-fired', or if the player leaves aim mode, it will swap to going strait ahead like an arrow. This mix of guided and dumbfire however comes with the cost of having a slightly weaker payload (and scarcer ammo) then the more common Ogris.




I had this drawn out and somewhat ready to scan when someone who will remain nameless basically beat me to Flintlock, Freedom, and the Hunting Beasts all in one go :P Still, this has secondary idea content, so it won't go to waste.


See, the Alpha Hunting Beast in the pic (who's been to a surgeon more times then probably healthy even for one of these brutes) is being controlled by the pirates via a remote impulse. These impulses are equipped to Space Pirate Beastmasters, who wear control units on the back for controlling Hunting Beast Alphas (or any other controlled Pirate beast they seem to deem 'serviceable' beyond dumping and forgetting), who are usually lightly armed but keep to the back. If an opponent was to theoretically break this link, the Alpha Beast would probably try to snack on some of the lesser pirates, due to the nasty electric shock every time he tried before stopping. And naturally, if other Hunting Beasts in the area lose the Alpha controlling them... well, hilarity ensues.

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GratuitousLurking, on 20 Sept 2013 - 04:33 AM, said:

I had this drawn out and somewhat ready to scan when someone who will remain nameless basically beat me to Flintlock, Freedom, and the Hunting Beasts all in one go :P

Wonder who that could be???

Lactamid, on 20 Sept 2013 - 09:01 AM, said:

I'm sorry but i would die of laughter if that croc with grills and training wheels came after me XD

Depends on how it was presented.


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But you're not laughing either. I think the defining aspect of Warframe is cool+wierd, odd touches like a mutant in a wheelchair aren't that out there.

Also more concepts!

Clearly I am obsessed with space!pirates.



These armoured and shielded troopers wield the heavy weapons of the Zaan fleet. Since they aren't as strong as the Transhuman Tenno and Grineer they have to lug their big guns around in a chainsaw grip.



Scouts and snipers specializing in killing shielded targets. They carry specially made cryo rifles designed to crash shields in a single shot. Their ragged cloaks grant them a temporary flickering invisibility field.

Cpt. Ross Kantari

"This mysterious Zaan captain is renowned for both his secrecy and his insanity. He is easily the most aggressive of the Captains and many wonder why the Admiralty keeps him around, worrying that he will overstep his bounds and pick a fight the Zaan can’t finish. So far however his effectiveness in combat and his peculiar ability to evade the Infested keeps him in favour." - The Lotus


"I'm not what you think I am. Leave while you still can."

"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"



The battle against Kantari begins with him hidden inside a turreted and shielded bunker. When the Tenno destroy his turrets he steps out of the bunker to bring the fight to them. He wields a Zaan harpoon pistol and a massive hook. He will fight normally until his armoured helmet is blown off, revealing a skull like face surrounded by tendrils. Lotus will say “It appears Captain Kantari is some kind of Infested creature. How is it possible it kept it’s mind? Destroy it quickly so I can get a sample!”

Kantari goes berserk and attacks with acid vomit and his hook, revealed to be the bladed tip of a long tentacle.

Pirate guns


Fusillade- the giant minigun most Cannoneers wield. It fires heavy slugs like the Seer.

Glacier- a cryo rifle wielded by Zaan Crows. It fires an explosive spike of ice that coats it's target with sticky cryofluid. Cryo fluid can be removed with dodge rolls.

Privateer- a large single shot coilgun. Used by some Cannoneers.

DepthCharge- a single shot guided missile launcher. It deals slightly more damage than the Ogris, but is much slower.

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I'm not laughing because I'm not the kind of person to laugh at such things, I didn't laugh at the first one either.

It's just kinda... bland to me when it's presented like that. Dunno, movementt would add a lot, but still, wheeled monster is a wheeled monster. It would become funny soon enough, considering how big are the crowds in warframe.

And sketches look nice. Kinda makes me wish I could draw without help of my maniacal-depressive psychosis.

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I just feel that if it's supposed to be "alpha", having it in some sort of wheelchair is just nerfing its potential. And personally it looks awful. I'd expect that sort of monster in a resident evil game or some other - visit the demented mansion - thing.

What it was implemented? And what if we could shoot at the wheels basically making it a (infested) crawler? We all know how terrible they are.

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