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Oberon Needs A Rework


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I've tried to make him work...but he really doesn't have much going for him. In the end, I only ever equip his 4th power. He suffers from a bit of an ember complex---that is, too much focus on damage. His abilities overlap a lot, even renewal could be seen to overlap too much with reckoning. 


He needs to have the concepts of his current abilities compressed into one or two. Honestly, reckoning currently does a great job at this and perfectly embodies the "paladin" image DE was going for. However, Oberon is currently completely lacking any buff/debuff potential. At this point, he needs a decent amount of work to make his kit feel useful. 


4. Reckoning:

Perfect, whoever designed this ability did a great job. Leave it as is. 


2. Hallowed Ground:

Hallowed ground is the easiest place to add some variety to his kit. Remove the damage, and have the area instead give some sort of buff to allies and debuff to enemies. Just about anything would work. 


3. Renewal:

First, allow the heal effect to continue ticking while at full health. This allows preemptive use without being completely wasteful. Second, it would be nice to add something to this if we want to keep the 75 cost, but still keep it competitive with reckoning. Perhaps take the energy-ball-things from smite and change them into dots or a movespeed debuff instead? 


1. Smite

This is the hardest one to come up with. The 25 cost single target abilities in Warframe are simply bad in general, with smite being no different. Honestly, as much as the concept of a "smite" ability seems integral to the idea of a paladin, I can't see any tweak that would make this style of ability useful. It needs to be completely changed. 


When I asked my friends for some ideas, the best one was the idea of a rapid, small aoe slam that knocked back and ragdolled enemies. Definitely not a keystone ability, but useful enough to slot in and spend 25 energy on when the appropriate situation arises. 


TLDR Moveset:

1. Small aoe knockback/ragdoll, no damage

2. Buff/debuff field

3. HoT/DoT(or debuff)

4. Reckoning. Still reckoning. 


Overall, changes such as the above would make his entire kit feel much more useful. It would also give his the versatility that has come to be expected of the paladin class and help carve out a niche for him in Warframe. 

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1. Smite is single target but hits multiple creatures. It's great for clearing out a clustered group.

2. Hallowed ground is fantastic when used with a funnel (ie enemies running through a hallway door)

3. Renewal is the only other heal in the game if you aren't using Trinity. It is also the only heal that can be used by a direct damage warframe.

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1. Smite is great pseudo-CC ability for low energy cost

2. Hallowed Ground is also great CC ability, the best one to block passages or even kill groups of weaker enemies.

3. Renewal is... Well, I'm actually casting it as a form of "thank you" after reviving me, and when I'm low on health, so...

4. Reckoning is masterpiece. Nuff said.

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His skills are actually pretty good once you find how and when to use them. Smite is actually one of the better 25 cost single target moves of the fact that i can hit multiple enemies in a cluster, and hallowed ground is a bit under appreciated too, tactically put it around a survival map and it works very good for creating enemy paths you control

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I happen to use Hallow Ground the most, as it makes quick work of most anything in defense. You can easily stack them for additional damage depending on enemy level. Renewal works as intended. Smite isn't bad for a first ability as it falls in line with other direct damage types, only with additional damagers flying off. Haven't tried it personally, but spamming it into a crowd seems pretty effective.

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First off, Oberon is my favorite Warframe, and I feel like people are just leveling him for mastery.  He's underrated, but he does need some changes.



Now I'll give my opinion.


1. Smite


It's certainly one of those basic, spammable powers.  I found it useful on enemies weak to radiation, etc.  But the issue here is that it has nothing to do with smiting a target.  I don't slot it anymore.


2. Hallowed Ground


It's Ember all over again, but in a square rather than a circle.


I really like your idea of a buff and a debuff.  Perhaps a healing patch on the ground, and any enemies who walk in are slowed and lose health similar to how it is now?  It just needs an overall kick.


3. Renewal


I agree that it needs to get some sort of buff.  The projectiles launched to allies need to move faster, as anyone can outspeed them walking.


I like having it just be a progressive heal over time effect applying, even at full hp.  Could work as a pseudo blessing and could counter slashing damage really well.


4. Reckoning


Reckoning is fantastic and doesn't need to be touched, perfect the way it is.


Just my thoughts.

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I never use Smite, but I like everything else. I want to see a team buff added to HG. Renewal needs a buff. His ult is fine, but higher damage would be nice just to give it longevity at higher levels (something that a lot of damage abilities on all frames but Nova could use). If you run him with max Health no Shields and a Rage mod equipped though you should never die and you should never run out of energy.

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Honestly, for me, I am fine with Oberon as is, aside from Renewal needing a major projectile speed increase. As has been pointed out, a frame on the move will keep the projectile following them for ages. Sometimes when playing with randoms, it seems to take almost a full minute to actually start healing them.

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i agree on the four and three (movespeed for orbs and continued ticks after full hp) but for two a debuff/buff wouldnt really make it good, just annoying. keeping it as is would require a heal of some kind along with the damage or a slow/knockback effect with ticks. the first.... it would be so much better if the extra projectiles actually targeted other enemies. (other, not the initial, so as to avoid spamtons of damage done when theres only one target around) but otherwise yeah id have to agree, its on my pile of willneverusethisfirst.

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I'm just glad that the first ability doesn't just "Paladin"... Then the second "Paladin" slightly harder... Then the third "Paladin" nearly as much as the first but costs 3 times more and his ultimate "Paladins" the whole room.


Because this is kind of DE modus operandi at making Warframes. Seriously, there is not one build that is completely a good one.


Ash has that awful Teleport.

Banshee has Silence, which must be the less used skill on Warframe.

Ember recently have changed "Overheat" into "Accelerant" and i haven't had the chance to roll with it yet so no comment there.

Excalibur have Super Jump which is one hell of a useless waste of power. (And no, it's not useful, you just learned to like it because that's what they gave to you in the beginning.)

Frost have Ice Wave AND Freeze which i don't know which of those is worse.

Loki have that Radial Disarm that only works on Corpus/Grinner and makes everyone pull an equally as damaging rod (instead of killing tons of dudes.)

Mag is arguably in the best position of them all, but still Bullet Attractor only works once in a blue moon and her other skill are just better.

Nekros have Terrify which i'v probably seen used a grand total of twice, and it didn't worked as intended anyways on both ocasions because the frightened enemies are just replaced by the NEXT batch of dudes trying to kick at my shield.

Nova has Wormhole which must be about the most fun of the useless skills, but still nothing that good wallrunning doesn't fill in.

Nyx is also probably one of the best positions in power, Psychic Bolts IS still usable, albeit is one hell of a weak skill since most Nyxes are outfitted with continuity and stretch mods instead of Focus.

Rhino has the charge that's bad, but the Roar is just a min-maxing tool with debatable usefulness because of power vs. duration issues.

Saryn has Contagion that i'm not sure if it really affects melee in any way. (Was going to mention her Molt in her, but at least the Molt tries to distract, Contagiong just sits on your damn melee and pretend it can poison stuff.)

Trinity is actually quite well balance in mediocreness. All of her skill works for SOMETHING, although i'm not sure if people uses Well of Life over Blessing.

Valkyr have 3 whole stupid skills to choose from as worse skills in the game, but i'd say Hysteria takes the cake since it's the only ultimate that makes you useless against anything that is not immediately in your face.

Vauban has the bounce, which just like Nova, is just for the lols.

And Volt has that Shield that people insist on using because they really want it to be useful, but more often then not is just a waste of a perfectly good shock.


As for Oberon, it's hard to point out a really useless skill. Smite is great at dispersing clusterfucks of things, Hallowed Ground provides an interesting way of AoE, Renewal turns you into something actually useful since Health in this game is really bad (Health Bars are supposed to make you explore the level for medkits, you can't make those medkits into a @(*()$ random occurrence. It basically just farts in the face of the concept by turning exploration into an RNG driven experience, kind of like everything in the game.) And Reckoning is your unimaginative "Make everything go boom button" that every warframe needs to have like some kind of law or something, it is very unimaginative at that too, just an AoE range and a damage, so this one is the closest to just "Paladins" the whole room. So everything that is Oberon is useful in some actual practical way. You could try to tone down on Renewal cost since it suffers from "Third skill must be an over-costly gimmick" thing that some Warframe have, but it's arguably the best gimmick one could ask for, some heal for this awful health system.


Overall, Oberon might not be my favorite Warframe because that slot is reserved for Ash (Although that Bladestorm is a disaster of a skill and you have to learn to appreciate that gimmicky teleport like you learn to like a really bad beer. I still love Smokescreen and Shuriken too much, aside from his base stats.) but Oberon would be the Warframe i find most fulfilling of them all, like you can learn to like the whole Oberon package, i'll probably make him into my second most powerful Warframe.

Edited by ReiganCross
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