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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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I said I would reply to this thread after watching Livestream. Well, I got busy and couldn't find time, but here I am, not giving a damn about how far you guys went in this discussion, and too lazy to read 25 pages (seriously... it's cool to merge threads, but mega threads are not likely to be read).


So I watch livestream, again. I have to admit that the first time I watched livestream was during this summer (playing since May I guess or late April, can't remember.). The first time I watched those livestreams I was like "this game is so going to be the most awesome game ever!". With all the promises, with a team of devs answering our questions, the first impression was amazing. And then you get used to it, watch livestream on Youtube and not live, skip some parts, even play it in background while playing Warframe. Well, I guess there's still some people who are fans of the team.


However, I feel nothing now but mixed feelings and a bit of disappointment. I used to trust their words, even if I've always been a sceptic here. The main reason that made me loose interest in those livestreams was the questions first. I'm still posting my own question every time a new livestream is announced, and still read some of the forumers' I recognize. And I've always had this feeling that the good questions were left behind for some more... how could I say... minor issues, or not even issues but, well you know, "new Warframe when?", "next big update when?", questions that don't bring anything to the table.


It kind of changed since Damage 2.0 and the unpopular changes to the game (I like Damage 2.0, but I noticed it was quite unpopular on the in game chat during a few weeks).They finally decided to pick questions about important issues : Damage, Melee, RNG, tables. And then, the other reason why I am not so interesting with livestream anymore is the attitude. I don't remember what livestream it was, but I felt like Steve became kind of sarcastic with a bit of bitterness. I felt like Scott couldn't say as much as he used to. And livestream became something like promotion, or may I even say brag? Kind of. "Hey look how cool your devs are first".


And then came livestream 20. So many debates on this forum from veteran, so many rage threads about the Void/Derelict, the RNG, the Prime Access, the infested, the event, I thought that this livestream could be the one, the time to become more transparent, something I'm asking for weeks. But when Rebecca asked this question (can't remember the exact words) : "what can you answer to your players who say that they don't know why they're doing all of this?", when I heard the answers... I was puzzled, or even disillusioned. There is this awkward moment when the devs don't even know what Rebecca is talking about, this moment when they don't find the first words to answer this question that falls on their heads like a guillotine. I've always thought that livestream was more or less prepared, you know. But I must say that this one from Rebecca was ballsy.


What I learned from this livestream is what I've been thinking for a couple of months now : they don't really know where they're going on a lot of issues. One of the best moment was when Scott said something like "I was really surprised to see people spending hundreds of hours, sometimes more than a thousand, on our game while I don't think a lot of things were designed for this". Damn... just wow.


So what can I say guys? I know I said I would reply to this thread after livestream, but I think I'm done until I finally see this "Warframe 2.0" (the big announcement, everything is going 2.0 lately). Not done playing, I quite enjoy this game. Not done taking part on this forum. I'm just done having some hope about what this game is going to be. Just done making long threads to bring my opinion or rage. It is not worth it.


I could say what I think on the issues you all mentionned here, but what's the point? We've got threads with hundreds of upvotes that never got answered, not on the forum nor during livestream.


I really think now that Warframe is just a freemium like there's a lot. One of the best designed (on a graphic perspective) freemium on the Internet. But it is just that. Prove me wrong in 2014. As I said, I don't have any hope, I am not even waiting for something huge to happen. I'll just be here, playing, talking, enjoying the community, and if something good happens, then great. If not... well, it was still worth the hundreds of hours playing this game and hanging around in this forum.

Edited by matto
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There are things you've said on this forum that I've disagreed with. There are things I've agreed with.

But I'm being completely honest right now - absolutely no BS.

"They need to close their doors" is the silliest thing I've seen you pose as an argument.

Time is not an issue Mak - as I'm sure you've told other people - since it is a Beta. DE has all the time they need to get whats good done.

We are not discussing personal opinions but the views of the masses and we both sure are hek know that it is about time.

There are endless meme already making of fun of time and DE and there's a clear crowd that doesnt even believe this game is in beta anymore.

So if this is the overall leading opinion i dont see how BS it is for DE to act like any other company with a live game.

And this isn't a matter of extremes. It isn't a choice between "Shut their doors" or "Open up everything". Realistically it is just a matter of DE hitting the middle of the road.

They have hit the middle road already and this is what the middle road got DE. Being told they are liars because they mentioned once that something was going to be added and it hasnt come "yet."

Like with XP2.0. Yes, the majority of the feedback was very negative. But DE gave the community ample warning and a clear explanation of a change they wanted to make and the community gave them a reaction that allowed them to make a change for better. Now XP 2.0 is on hold while they continue to work on making it more appropriate.

Im not following this subject so i dont know the time frame and it doesnt seem to be that big of a deal the overall crowd.

So let's wait a bit more to see if we get threads were people flip out about the release of the new XP system.

We're looking to be kept updated on what they're working on. I don't expect them to show us something, and then have it come out instantly, I do kinda expect them to simply keep us updated on the progress i.e.:

"Today on the new tileset we worked in some secrets" or

"Today on the new boss we started coding his special weapons" or

"We're currently working on the AI to do X or react to Y better"

Type of thing, even if it's only once every 2 weeks, or once a week in each of their "weekly" dev workshops.


Livestream? This is what they do every 2 weeks plus the dev posts...

So what's the problem?

I dont know what the problem is.

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They have hit the middle road already and this is what the middle road got DE. Being told they are liars because they mentioned once that something was going to be added and it hasnt come "yet."

They're closer to doors shut than the middle of the road, they mention something and 90% of the time they never mention it again (i.e. the grappling hook or jump/jet packs. Last we heard about them was the grappling hook simply won't be done because valkyr has it).


And it's not the release of info that gets DE called lairs, it's saying one thing ("We know RNG is a problem"), then doing the exact opposite of that (the detron i.e)




Livestream? This is what they do every 2 weeks plus the dev posts...

So what's the problem?

I dont know what the problem is.

Then you don't watch the livestreams, or you purposefully ignore anything wrong in them. They either give bullS#&$ answers ("Soon, around the corner, etc") or simply avoid the question (i.e. the 45 seconds or so (tops) they mentioned the detron).


"Fun" fact, the last dev workshop was over a month (33 days to be exact) since their last "weekly" dev workshop post.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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They're closer to doors shut than the middle of the road, they mention something and 90% of the time they never mention it again (i.e. the grappling hook or jump/jet packs. Last we heard about them was the grappling hook simply won't be done because valkyr has it).


??? You want to hear more info about the grappling hook after being told that this was folded into Valkyr?

???? What additional information are you expecting when you know what happened?

You can ask again to see if you get another answer but the discussion of the Ghook is clearly at an end.


Plus i dont think they said anything about jetpacks, i remember Geoff saying that this isnt happening.

Again, you can bring up the question one more time and wait for an answer but those folks dont read minds, man.

If something is considered dead and done dont expect an answer because you consider it open.

Bring it up again.


And it's not the release of info that gets DE called lairs, it's saying one thing ("We know RNG is a problem"), then doing the exact opposite of that (the detron i.e)


You are bringing a different topic here.


Then you don't watch the livestreams, or you purposefully ignore anything wrong in them. They either give bullS#&$ answers ("Soon, around the corner, etc") or simply avoid the question (i.e. the 45 seconds or so (tops) they mentioned the detron).


This is what i asked you at the beginning, what are you expecting?

Do you want to see a completion bar?

New Idea, DE, make a post of stuff that is being worked on and have completion bars because these folks like seeing completion bars all over the place. And dont be afraid to more the bar up and down.


They dont avoid the question they think the Detron thing is fine.

You have a problem with a rare item and they dont. There is a difference here.


BTW, the "wrong" they did was with the implementation of it that they mentioned on the stream is that they thought it would be fun to have folks figure it out but they didnt take into account min/maxer that want all info now because they need to make a plan because they dont have time to waste.



"Fun" fact, the last dev workshop was over a month (33 days to be exact) since their last "weekly" dev workshop post.


Fun fact, it was the freaking holidays.

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??? You want to hear more info about the grappling hook after being told that this was folded into Valkyr?

???? What additional information are you expecting when you know what happened?

You can ask again to see if you get another answer but the discussion of the Ghook is clearly at an end.

Are you reading what I type? I used it as an example of something they bring up once, then never mention for months. Seriously... Reading comprehension man.


You are bringing a different topic here.

Which you brought up first. DE doesn't get called liars because they give out info, they get called liars for saying one thing, then doing the opposite.


This is what i asked you at the beginning, what are you expecting?

Do you want to see a completion bar?

New Idea, DE, make a post of stuff that is being worked on and have completion bars because these folks like seeing completion bars all over the place. And dont be afraid to more the bar up and down.

I literally just told you and gave you examples. Go back and read them, and try again with this nonsense.


They dont avoid the question they think the Detron thing is fine.

You have a problem with a rare item and they dont. There is a difference here.

You didn't watch the livestream did you? They completely tried to dodge it, and they know the detron isn't fine (supposedly, according to DERebecca's post about RNG, and the Hot Topics). Stop covering for the devs 24/7, holy S#&$ man. When they say something is a problem, it's probably a problem.



BTW, the "wrong" they did was with the implementation of it that they mentioned on the stream is that they thought it would be fun to have folks figure it out but they didnt take into account min/maxer that want all info now because they need to make a plan because they dont have time to waste.

That's not what I meant by wrong, by wrong, I meant any time they avoid the question, answer "soon" or a variant of "soon". And again, you seem to be attacking min/maxxers for no other reason than it's not your playstyle. And it's not just min/maxxers who want the info, tons of people want the very basic knowledge of "How do I spawn the harvester?"



Fun fact, it was the freaking holidays.

I didn't realise they lasted for over a month. Holidays are long over mate, and they could have had a Dev Workshop up by now, but good try.


"Fun" Fact, it's been almost 2 weeks since New Year's Day (the last holiday), no reason their "weekly" posts shouldn't be up.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Are you reading what I type? I used it as an example of something they bring up once, then never mention for months. Seriously... Reading comprehension man.



I dont understand, are you complaining that it took a long time to learn that the Ghook was turned into an ability?


Cause if this is your point you are just feeding my argument about people acting like children wanting stuff now.


Which you brought up first. DE doesn't get called lairs because they give out info, they get called lairs for saying one thing, then doing the opposite.


This isnt a discussion about RNG.


I literally just told you and gave you examples. Go back and read them, and try again with this nonsense.


You just mentioned the livestream.


You didn't watch the livestream did you? They completely tried to dodge it, and they know the detron isn't fine (supposedly, according to DERebecca's post about RNG, and the Hot Topics). Stop covering for the devs 24/7, holy S#&$ man. When they say something is a problem, it's probably a problem.


The Detron is fine, dont put words in their mouths.


That's not what I meant by wrong, by wrong, I meant any time they avoid the question, answer "soon" or a variant of "soon". And again, you seem to be attacking min/maxxers for no other reason than it's not your playstyle. And it's not just min/maxxers who want the info, tons of people want the very basic knowledge of "How do I spawn the harvester?"


What are you expecting? I've been asking you for several posts now. Do you want a progress bar?

They are not going to mention concrete dates because that is just going to rile up the children.

What do you want?

Fully articulate a plan of what you are looking for.


BTW, there are a ton of people contributing to finding out info about the Detron.

Min/maxers are the loudest voice about info, as they have always been, and they, of course, get a crowd behind them. Dont try to hide them behind the crowd.



I didn't realise they lasted for over a month. Holidays are long over mate, and they could have had a Dev Workshop up by now, but good try.


"Fun" Fact, it's been almost 2 weeks since New Year's Day (the last holiday), no reason their "weekly" posts shouldn't be up.



Dude, not everyone celebrates on set of holidays.


Wednesday Jan 1 New Year's Day National holiday   Thursday Jan 2 Day After New Year’s Day Local holiday Quebec Monday Jan 6 Epiphany Observance, Christian   Tuesday Jan 7 Orthodox Christmas Day Orthodox   Tuesday Jan 14 Prophet's Birthday Muslim   Tuesday Jan 14 Orthodox New Year Orthodox   Thursday Jan 16 Tu B'Shevat (Arbor Day)
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This thread is really great and i hope the devs will read.


Some of my opinion here.


-This game getting worse and worse because the devs just add design contents which keep the grinding and doesn't add any new customization/lore/gameplay and improved mechanics. That's a bad decision to make a game which is all about loot and it's a shame to make the peoples fool with it.


-The Rng is just one thing and if they improve slightly the rates "we still not know" then that can help for calcul to reduce the grinding but that's just one thing. They doesn't want tell the rates because their profit comes from platinum buys and packages and of course they doesn't want lose their money base. The major problem with this game is that have many thing which implemented but wrongly or just not used it's potential.


-I haven't problem with grinding if that grind helps me to improve but there is no any reason after play 80-100 hour because an intelligent player can realise the game is just grinding and grinding without lore and fun gameplay. I have 200 more hour in this game and i am here since open beta but i play relatively little time but i realised no have really any mission or duty just improve yourself forever. The grinding is the only part in the game what you can like or not but after too much grind and  after the great nothing that's annoy you.


-Everyone have a personal experience about how the game work and what really need to be implemented but something which we have already is just design element and cannot do with it so much like dojo which could be a good place to socialise or interact with npc or clan mates but sadly we just go to research and trade greedy way like DE does.  This part of game lacks of content and really could be improved for make the game a bit more interesting.


-The new and older players expereiences different in game because for the newbies the game seems hard without so much epxlanation and the veterans just cannot fun a game which lack of fun and no have so much challenge.


-I am not consider myself veteran and i am not hardcore or casual really i just play this game because i beloved the arts the models and the feeling of this game but soon after begin the play i annoyed by the game lack of deep content and no goals. If i think to my frame as a person like DE does then i can constat they haven't soul because i can't really personalize my character because it's just an armor what you can put on/off. I don't know that also why they not try to make a better characterization and more rpg element in this game that really can serve this game and not just only for aesthetic but for the personalise.


- I am almost agree with everyone's opinion before me written and also everyone have right in this thread. I know also DE need money to keep this project alive but if they continue the ignoring, bad communication and misleading peoples then they will lose a major part of player base and they will lose so much money with it. They should need listen more and handle their player base and not just their founders whom added the money, not just the new players whom potentially could be buyers, not just the veterans whom feedback their whole of gameing experience and given so small fun but every player in this game.

We like this game and we just want it to be a part of a great game and DE hope you will listen your player base we just want to help you. Please inform your community better for the better feedbacks.

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Don't feed the troll. Atleast I hope he is a troll, I respect him enough not to think he is just stupid.

Guy gets a hardon from arguing against public opinion. He's not worth the warning point. 

Thanks but i gets to me that even on such an important piece of players feedback that this Megathread is this guy has the nerve to come and start with his usual crap.  

Edited by Bazools
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I said I would reply to this thread after watching Livestream. Well, I got busy and couldn't find time, but here I am, not giving a damn about how far you guys went in this discussion, and too lazy to read 25 pages (seriously... it's cool to merge threads, but mega threads are not likely to be read).


So I watch livestream, again. I have to admit that the first time I watched livestream was during this summer (playing since May I guess or late April, can't remember.). The first time I watched those livestreams I was like "this game is so going to be the most awesome game ever!". With all the promises, with a team of devs answering our questions, the first impression was amazing. And then you get used to it, watch livestream on Youtube and not live, skip some parts, even play it in background while playing Warframe. Well, I guess there's still some people who are fans of the team.


However, I feel nothing now but mixed feelings and a bit of disappointment. I used to trust their words, even if I've always been a sceptic here. The main reason that made me loose interest in those livestreams was the questions first. I'm still posting my own question every time a new livestream is announced, and still read some of the forumers' I recognize. And I've always had this feeling that the good questions were left behind for some more... how could I say... minor issues, or not even issues but, well you know, "new Warframe when?", "next big update when?", questions that don't bring anything to the table.


It kind of changed since Damage 2.0 and the unpopular changes to the game (I like Damage 2.0, but I noticed it was quite unpopular on the in game chat during a few weeks).They finally decided to pick questions about important issues : Damage, Melee, RNG, tables. And then, the other reason why I am not so interesting with livestream anymore is the attitude. I don't remember what livestream it was, but I felt like Steve became kind of sarcastic with a bit of bitterness. I felt like Scott couldn't say as much as he used to. And livestream became something like promotion, or may I even say brag? Kind of. "Hey look how cool your devs are first".


And then came livestream 20. So many debates on this forum from veteran, so many rage threads about the Void/Derelict, the RNG, the Prime Access, the infested, the event, I thought that this livestream could be the one, the time to become more transparent, something I'm asking for weeks. But when Rebecca asked this question (can't remember the exact words) : "what can you answer to your players who say that they don't know why they're doing all of this?", when I heard the answers... I was puzzled, or even disillusioned. There is this awkward moment when the devs don't even know what Rebecca is talking about, this moment when they don't find the first words to answer this question that falls on their heads like a guillotine. I've always thought that livestream was more or less prepared, you know. But I must say that this one from Rebecca was ballsy.


What I learned from this livestream is what I've been thinking for a couple of months now : they don't really know where they're going on a lot of issues. One of the best moment was when Scott said something like "I was really surprised to see people spending hundreds of hours, sometimes more than a thousand, on our game while I don't think a lot of things were designed for this". Damn... just wow.


So what can I say guys? I know I said I would reply to this thread after livestream, but I think I'm done until I finally see this "Warframe 2.0" (the big announcement, everything is going 2.0 lately). Not done playing, I quite enjoy this game. Not done taking part on this forum. I'm just done having some hope about what this game is going to be. Just done making long threads to bring my opinion or rage. It is not worth it.


I could say what I think on the issues you all mentionned here, but what's the point? We've got threads with hundreds of upvotes that never got answered, not on the forum nor during livestream.


I really think now that Warframe is just a freemium like there's a lot. One of the best designed (on a graphic perspective) freemium on the Internet. But it is just that. Prove me wrong in 2014. As I said, I don't have any hope, I am not even waiting for something huge to happen. I'll just be here, playing, talking, enjoying the community, and if something good happens, then great. If not... well, it was still worth the hundreds of hours playing this game and hanging aroung in this forum.


You point, exactly the main thing.

More than the fail during L20, I think that this time, DE breack the link with their vet' and also why player, if that wasn't already done before.

And the more baddly thing, is that they don't care at all, they don't care about give answer during their livestream, they don't care about listen the feedback from a game where they, and we all know that, didn't play, they don't care about what can be feel the player.


Livestream was made with the same system as at the beginning, they talk about content and answer at some questions, but with time, content as dispear, issue as disapear, answers became more something like :"*drink* hahaha yeah soon, hahaha yeah maybe * we are cool* hahaha"

But the game canno't definitly continue with that behavior.


At the opposit of you Matto, I think that the damage 2.0 was the first stone the death of Warframe, that didn't add someting interesting or challenging in the game. How can I said that ?

Go on Eligor, we made, with my teamate, a wave 100 (I just lost my connection a 95, so they finish it with 3 player and waves 100) where ennemies take the 1664 level, and guess what, that wasn't challenging AND funny. Should I talk about of the atrocious non presence of end game ?

This game became just for non-hardcore gamer, and got the detron wasn't about farming, or challenging, it's just try something whitout informations, and that was dumb as hell.


Warframe lost that community aspect, over all posts, I got the feeling that vet' doesn't give a damn about feedback know, as Matto say, i'm not gonna post my feedback with 20 pages of ideas, projects and others, because it's useless, as the Design Council, which was at the beginning, a place where DE should be more present, but yeah ... nothing


I don't want to leave Warframe, but I didn't get any hope about it and what DE would do

The first try was saddly better than what the game become, and right now, maybe it's the first crisis of Warframe, DE get the keys, they can still drink during livestream and continue to avoid problems or begin to listen us and stop to put some new useless content, and begin to fix the background of the game, everyting in the game.

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To everyone i'm sorry but this guy can really be a major A******! 


Are u kidding!? Really? The Devs admited on the livestream they F*** 'ed the Detron. Watch it again!!! And don't be a prick cause u know u are lying!



This is why i say they shouldn't even talk.

They were discussing the implementation that lacked any concrete info on how to acquire the thing which people have turned into they messed up every single aspect of it. They didnt messed up every single aspect of it. There just werent enough info and because of some other factors that came into the actual spawning of the Harverster there were certain occasions where some people, apparently, were never going to spawn him but because there wasnt any concrete info players didnt know if what they were doing was going to result in anything.


They messed up in how to spawn the Harverster they didnt mess up in how to acquire the Detron.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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This is why i say they shouldn't even talk.

They were discussing the implementation that lacked any concrete info on how to acquire the thing which people have turned into they messed up every single aspect of it. They didnt messed up every single aspect of it. There just werent enough info and because of some other factors that came into the actual spawning of the Harverster there were certain occasions where some people, apparently, were never going to spawn him but because there wasnt any concrete info players didnt know if what they were doing was going to result in anything.


They messed up in how to spawn the Harverster they didnt mess up in how to acquire the Detron.

This post manages to contradict itself at least two times in four sentences while still lacking any form of structure. Emphasis:


"they shouldn't even talk." VS "There just werent enough info" and "there wasnt any concrete info players didnt know if what they were doing was going to result in anything."


"They messed up in how to spawn the Harverster" VS "they didnt mess up in how to acquire the Detron."

You even manage to contradict yourself in a single sentence for gods' sake!


Anyway rerailing. I posted this earlier but it was probably lost in the megamerge of DOOM:


I want players "on the couch" (skype is fine) next livestream. Probably founders, because of DE promises to us. Preferably hand-picked by the community, not by DE. People writing these letters are the prime (lol prime) candidates for this kind of thing.


PS: any upvote will be considered to be toward the "players for livestream" part, the mak_gohae part isn't worth an upvote.

Edited by Kaian-a-coel
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On the contrary, I would contend that, apart from the void (hooray for actual puzzles in our fps), that there have been no substantive gameplay changes since this game first launched. Sure, we get some more tilesets, but since most tilesets are quite literally a non-interactive corridor with various doodads and reskins, they don't affect gameplay in any substantive way.

Same with the addition of new frames (Nova presses 4 to nuke the map) and new guns (just tweaked fire/damage rates without any "weightiness" to actual gun handling). And no, making every gun specialize in one faction damage type in order to force people to rotate loadouts is artifically gating content for the sake of annoyance. Just as before, there is usually one optimal build for every weapon.

Now that this game is de facto out of beta, it is pretty clear what the end business model is--stringing players along with endless iterations of trinkets packaged in overpriced bundles and prime access packs. The more money lemmings burn in this hole, the easier it'll be to rationalize their potlatch. What's another hundred bucks when you're already 400 deep? I've been on studios' forums for a decade now, and never before Warfarm and this freemium skulduggery have I seen grown &#! men bawl their eyes out begging for a discount on a scarf in a video game (which alone would have still cost as much as any fully-supported, finished game from your typical AAA developer).

Those who are arguing that some of the core mechanics of this game are still able to change and evolve are deluding themselves. The engine is what it is and will be what it is. Most of what has been laid upon it has been cosmetic, and I have little reason to believe that the situation will be any different in the future.

As for writing, I have only one comment: "Our cold and gold emperors."
Yeeeah, excuse me while I ROFLMAO.




Well said. 

(emphasis added)



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 Like with XP2.0. Yes, the majority of the feedback was very negative. But DE gave the community ample warning and a clear explanation of a change they wanted to make and the community gave them a reaction that allowed them to make a change for better. Now XP 2.0 is on hold while they continue to work on making it more appropriate.



XP 2.0 is a bad example. You are spinning it in a good light, but its just as easy to spin it in a bad light as yet another example of DE not being in touch with their players or even understanding how we play the game.  XP 2.0 was received by the majority of players as being yet another way of increasing the grind in the game by forcing people to use crappy weapons instead of letting other level the crappy weapons as is done now. All you have to do is re-read that thread to see the hate tossed at DE for coming up with another poorly thought out plan. Another example of poorly thought out plans was the plan to "make stamina matter". Interpreted by players as some new great feature (melee move, super wall running ninja move, whatever) is being added to the game. Instead, running gets nerfed. Of course this gets raged on. Imagine a super space ninja that can't run! Or how about trying to force people to play on the derelict tileset? A glitchy tileset that can eat frame rates on even the fastest video cards. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't.


Calling it a beta is fine, but doesn't completely excuse not thinking things through.

Edited by afmos
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This post manages to contradict itself at least two times in four sentences while still lacking any form of structure. Emphasis:


Nope, not one bit.


"they shouldn't even talk." VS "There just werent enough info" and "there wasnt any concrete info players didnt know if what they were doing was going to result in anything."


they shouldn't even talk.

Replying to a person making the claim DE said that they messed up every aspect of the Detron when such a thing did not happen.


There just werent enough info

Explaining what DE was saying about the spawning of the Harvester.


Two different things.


"They messed up in how to spawn the Harverster" VS "they didnt mess up in how to acquire the Detron."

You even manage to contradict yourself in a single sentence for gods' sake!


The process to acquire the Detron has a few steps, one step not working properly does not mean that whole process was messed up it just means that one step wasnt functioning well. 


It's like saying a car is messed up because it has no gas in it.

No, the car is fine, all you need to do is put gas in it to make it work. 



I want players "on the couch" (skype is fine) next livestream. Probably founders, because of DE promises to us. Preferably hand-picked by the community, not by DE. People writing these letters are the prime (lol prime) candidates for this kind of thing.


I mentioned that players should do their own stream discussing the game and maybe once in a while have a guess appearance by some one from DE. On the Dev stream i dont think this will result in anything since Rebs brings some good questions and pushes them a bit. People that make these post on the live stream will likely ask the same question she brings up and then just come back here to complain how they werent answered.

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XP 2.0 is a bad example. You are spinning it in a good light, but its just as easy to spin it in a bad light as yet another example of DE not being in touch with their players or even understanding how we play the game.  XP 2.0 was received by the majority of players as being yet another way of increasing the grind in the game by forcing people to use crappy weapons instead of letting other level the crappy weapons as is done now. All you have to do is re-read that thread to see the hate tossed at DE for coming up with another poorly thought out plan. Another example of poorly thought out plans was the plan to "make stamina matter". Interpreted by players as some new great feature (melee move, super wall running ninja move, whatever) is being added to the game. Instead, running gets nerfed. Of course this gets raged on. Imagine a super space ninja that can't run! Or how about trying to force people to play on the derelict tileset? A glitchy tileset that can eat frame rates on even the fastest video cards. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't.


Calling it a beta is fine, but doesn't completely excuse not thinking things through.


 Oh no. You kinda misunderstand me. I understand why though and it isn't a big deal.


 XP2.0 was not a good idea. It just wasn't.


 The only good in all that was that they told us early enough that they got to HEAR it was atrocious. That is what was good.


 I am not defending XP2.0. I'm saying that the way they got that important heads up out to us was a good thing and should happen more.

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In case DE locks this thread I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has posted for your time and your support.

No problem, this has been gnawing at me for a while and to see on live stream 20 Scott talking about people grinding

for 100 hours to get a certain item made it seem that's what we want, it's not, it's because there is no choice due to current RNG, How upsetting.

Edited by 911nsidejob
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