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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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Sheesh I'm sure I couldn't have said it better than most of these long posts that I have read and upvoted so I shall say this... There is a time when the content that is CURRENTLY in this game should be focused on, combed over and PERFECTED before any new content is added. We are swiftly approaching that time if not already arrived at it. Some would even argue that we are past that point. The problem with new content is potential new bugs and concerns stockpiling without the opportunity to address the original bugs/concerns effectively... I'm no expert but I think this is a good concept at going forward Step 1 perfect the support structure... ANIMATIONS (Not just melee. You name it I mean it. Someone might wanna go "help" Geoff and the team out they must be swamped? Fresh blood?), AI, HOST/LAG, ui (not so much I like it as is and the new hotness is already forthcoming)  Step 2 Build around that perfected support structure with ergonomic and aesthetic simplistic functionality... weapons,dojo, tilesets, stats Step 3. Enjoy your thousand year self sustainable pretty house of money. (THE MONEY WILL POUR IN WILLINGLY FROM THE VETS TO THE NEW PLAYERS FOR YEARS I ASSURE YOU). I look forward to the new Updates forthcoming and I am aware that this is an ongoing process and I appreciate the hard work and countless hours that go into this FREE GAME. Some of the topics I mentioned are currently being addressed right now and that is awesome. The advice is to PERFECT these facets of the game before any new endeavors are taken. There is PLENTY of new content currently in the game more than enough to keep new and old players busy once the skeleton is strengthened.



In summary Fix what you got (i.e. UBERHOTFIX of love)... there is gold in them there hills.... the new stuff will fall in line. People will be mesmerized by the new toy for only so long, especially when that new toy is all you have to focus on it gets old quicker than it needs to...




In Agreement with OP


Nkomo-Sama (Veteran and Warlord of The Silentshadow Clan)

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Sorry that you misunderstood me. I was definitely not using my mention of a 7 hour survival as a way to brag but to prove my point in experience. As for the rest of what you said the difference is that for a casual gamer those are all that's needed to stay satisfied. I am a competitive hardcore gamer, and without a sort of ego bashing or what have you, games are boring. If only there was a real pvp system, I would have much more competitive fun. 

I respect your views and opinions and I thank you for making a constructive post that does not personally attack someone.

Warframe isn't a competitive game though, and it will never be one. Main focus is in pve, as it should be. I'm sorry you think survival or defense is hard but it really isn't. It's just repetitive tasks over and over again much like entire game. There is no real challenge involved in anything in this game, bullet sponge enemies with ridiculous damage hitscan weapons is not real challenge, nothing requires any actual thought or skill.

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It saddens me to see peoples only debating skill is "your wrong and do not understand because x,y and z". Try to understand the other viewpoints. Like a couple of pages ago we had someone say that they were happy with how the game is at present and what is just around the corner. This was then quoted a few times and people attacked the opinion maker. Instead why not ask what was their favourite things in game at present, then explain to them how it could be improved or show them someone's improved concept for that game area. Then see what they think. 


What I really think we are in DIRE need of right now is a Grineers Developers workshop post to outline stuff going on and what is next. I really feel that is a massively under utilised feature of these forums and goes far to long without posts. A weekly post in there even if only minor stuff had changed would alleviate a lot of this anger. Last post was December 12th.


Same goes for a community forum hot topic thread. Some months get 3 or 4 but we only got one in December and one so far in January. 


Really feels DE is distancing itself and hiding away.

See, that's exactly the problem. We don't know what is "just around the corner". Steve and co repeatedly said in the live stream "good things are around the corner!", but apart from some concept art and abundance of weaponry, we don't know what they have accomplished in working on so far.

"Melee 2.0 is just around the corner guys! It'll be great!", after seeing the Affinity 2.0 thread shot down so quickly like that, you'll probably understand when i have major doubts in it being anything close to an improvement to the game.

More workshop threads would definitely be good, as they could show off what they half-completed or just blueprinted so far and get a response before they waste effort and probably even gain new inspiration and hints of improving on what they already have.


Sorry that you misunderstood me. I was definitely not using my mention of a 7 hour survival as a way to brag but to prove my point in experience. As for the rest of what you said the difference is that for a casual gamer those are all that's needed to stay satisfied. I am a competitive hardcore gamer, and without a sort of ego bashing or what have you, games are boring. If only there was a real pvp system, I would have much more competitive fun. 

I respect your views and opinions and I thank you for making a constructive post that does not personally attack someone.

I'm a casual gamer, i admit that. But even i think there's no challenge in the game unless you artificially cripple yourself, like going with a unranked weapon and no shield mod to phobos.

I dislike PvE personally, but i also think that a game like warframe would not work for PvP. Just look at Rhino and Trinity and imagine them in PvP with ironskin/blessing popped. You'd probably have to recreate the game from scratch to work out a balanced PvP mode. It would probably be easier if you just reskinned TF2 with Warframe suits.

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that surely cant be done, asides those people had paid IRL dosh for it (that privilege i belive cant be refunded) it makes sense for DE to filter the feedback of 4 quadrillion tennos by picking just 2 or 3 thousand.



Because we all know the more money you throw at DE the more valid and non-biased your viewpoint is and does in no way prevent good ideas from being heard due to clique mentality. Those who paid up got to enjoy their exclusive cool kids klub for a while but in no way was it implied to be a permament situation.


Feedback will naturally filter itself, good ideas are going to generate more attention and feedback from other forum users than bad ideas.

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Here's a way to improve the game for a better; remove the design council. Sure maybe it had its reasoning in closed beta, but now it's just silly. You can't expect a small portion and hand selected players to provide a strong base for new content. Hell, the info even gets leaked within 5 minutes of their post time. No reason for special clubs, we need to kick it into high gear finally.

I have no idea, what you are talking about. Aaaahh, i got it. You don't like a label "Design Council". Unfortunately, cosmetic outfits that were bought with real money are part of the game. No, Design Council isn't anything more than cosmetic feature. We aren't asked about any major change in gameplay. Yes, we voted for Nova's skills, but we never designed exact numbers. Yes, we are voting for 3 weapons out of 7 to be implemented in game... you REALLY consider this significantly affecting gameplay?


You have my lol, sir.



Edit: I remember Shibbolet talking about AI changes over time. I was able to detect one myself: Ancients! "Unstoppable-never-missing-no-matter-if-you-roll-or-go-into-invis" ancient charge was removed. You can actually avoid it now. Praise DE! No, i'm not joking this time, we asked for it and it was done.

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Edit: I remember Shibbolet talking about AI changes over time. I was able to detect one myself: Ancients! "Unstoppable-never-missing-no-matter-if-you-roll-or-go-into-invis" ancient charge was removed. You can actually avoid it now. Praise DE! No, i'm not joking this time, we asked for it and it was done.

You could always avoid it more or less, it just had screwed up hitbox. Maybe you just got better at the game?

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Certainly there is enough support here to depict an obvious call to make necessary priorities to fundamental areas of the game that need work.

At this point, for many, words have 0 weight until the rather "big picture" things are implemented in the game that deliver on the expectations/plans put forth by dev.


This thread has expressed thorough thoughts about the Original topic at hand - discussions that derail or relate to other areas of potential feedback should be continued elsewhere (will split off current derailment).

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Certainly there is enough support here to depict an obvious call to make necessary priorities to fundamental areas of the game that need work.

At this point, for many, words have 0 weight until the rather "big picture" things are implemented in the game that deliver on the expectations/plans put forth by dev.


This thread has expressed thorough thoughts about the Original topic at hand - discussions that derail or relate to other areas of potential feedback should be continued elsewhere (will split off current derailment).


Is this really going to be taken seriously though? Last livestream the devs offered a short chuckle and the odd sarcastic remark when pressed with some of the questions.

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Is this really going to be taken seriously though? Last livestream the devs offered a short chuckle and the odd sarcastic remark when pressed with some of the questions.

Another reason why a community representative (not a manager) should be present during the livestreams; to keep them on track.

Edited by Boatsniper
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What I really think we are in DIRE need of right now is a Grineers Developers workshop post to outline stuff going on and what is next. I really feel that is a massively under utilised feature of these forums and goes far to long without posts. A weekly post in there even if only minor stuff had changed would alleviate a lot of this anger. Last post was December 12th.




This would allay many peoples fears, worries, and complaints easily just to see a Dev post about "Hey, this is what we are working on/fixing actively"


it would quiet many things down really quick.


I liked when Megan posted about hot topics and the Dev Team's reaction to them, i really wish she gets back into the habit of it at least bi-weekly.

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--collstro--, this is fantastic. I haven't been playing much as of late since Cicero started (in part because a ton of stuff came out, and those damnable Steam holiday sales), but I've been keeping up with everything. Things have become way more occult since I started playing, and things do need addressing. You hit the nail on the head with everything. While I'm not part of one of the massive clans, I'd be honored if you put my name on the cosigner's list.

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The game just isn't fun for me anymore. I can play for 30 minutes tops, and I get super bored and just quit. I just wish they would listen and participate with the community like they used to.


more and more they do, every livesteam since this chain of open letters got started (totally not my fault) Rebecca always mention things that we, the players, keep bringing up.


Digital Extremes only has so many coders to keep up with requests. And they have their original plan of things they want to take care of as well.


I have yet to meet a single Canadian that wasn't understanding, or wasn't willing to listen with an open mind. I just wish they posted a bit more often, but im sure their day keeps them pretty busy.


With the new forum feature, I can see Rebecca watching threads like a hawk.

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Well, I am by no means a veteran, I started playing on November first and only have 300+ hours in missions, but I agree with all of the points of the first post.
Cedric and General Krull also make some great points.
The squandered potential of this game is just soul crushing.
DE has paved the road to Warfarm's end with broken promises and lies.
And after reading this it is hard for me to believe anything they say, let alone take them seriously.
Now they are ruining clan tech and replacing it with better options that can be acquired with platinum. Disgusting.
Clearly they must have marketing data that shows them that the constant influx of new casuals outweighs the profit of appeasing the veterans.
I still have fun playing Warfarm, and do not regret spending $25 for 1000 platinum (i have 569 left, I bought only slots and cosmetics) but at this point I mainly play to socialize with my clan mate. Yes, singular.
All of the other friends I have made since November first have not logged in at least a week. I think there are 19 names in my friends list.
Honestly, I have more fun spend more time reading /wfg/ than playing at this point.
Please Digital Extremes, read the list I linked and look at all the promises you have not made good on.
Cut down on expenses and hire some more employees if you need to! Stop with the expensive whiskey I see at your desk. I bet what you spend for one lunch is more than my weekly budget for food. And that is not a joke about anyones weight, just a sad fact.
Or, at least be honest and just ride the flaming train wreck for as long as it is profitable and stop making empty promises.
Thank you for all the entertainment, I honestly hope you get to continue working on this game.

Edited by Renan.Ruivo
removed off-topic remark
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And after reading this it is hard for me to believe anything they say, let alone take them seriously.


DAT this..... WOW. I look forward to when these ideas are realized. Seriously. Stop the presses. Seriously. Focus on this. I'm assuming this is gonna cost a pretty penny to implement. I say we be equally supportive as critical in the earnest belief that this is what our beloved DE is aspiring for because if so.... you take your time and you get it right. That's best game EVER conceived and achieved territory right there. Also Vegetablebasket is my lightweight hero for putting that together (WELL DONE).


p.s. A decent percentage of these ideas have already been implemented I believe this is a good sign Red29A. These things do take time and resources to implement properly.

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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Wow, this is a great post! Other threads have tried topics like this but none have been as thorough and straight to the point as this, really gets to the heart of things. Not only the issues at hand, but the issues that are presented for the future of Warframe if these issues continue. I really do like this game a lot, I haven't played a game on a regular basis like this in years so it has my full support, that said however, these issues are taking a toll on the player base and I would not want anything to happen to this game.

I have to agree with everything in this post, you have my support on this --collstro--


- HandsOfnArtist, founder of ASCENDANCE clan

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DAT this..... WOW. I look forward to when these ideas are realized. Seriously. Stop the presses. Seriously. Focus on this. I'm assuming this is gonna cost a pretty penny to implement. I say we be equally supportive as critical in the earnest belief that this is what our beloved DE is aspiring for because if so.... you take your time and you get it right. That's best game EVER conceived and achieved territory right there. Also Vegetablebasket is my lightweight hero for putting that together (WELL DONE).


p.s. A decent percentage of these ideas have already been implemented I believe this is a good sign Red29A. These things do take time and resources to implement properly.

Optimism overload much?

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Optimism overload much?

I prefer optimism and encouragement over attempting to tear down a person or an idea if I can help it. Honey > vinegar and whatnot. Did you click the link? Did you not see the history of features documented? What are your ideas on them? I think if those ideas are implemented this game will be the very best game I have ever come across and I'm Atari old. What do you think?

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