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I have an interesting question - well i think so any way....

Steve talked about being able to move the forma polarities around, is that for the weapon as a whole or per individual config?

Also, interesting idea...

Can we name the config's instead of A, B, C. To Grineer, Corpus, Infested, General. That way its easier to pick a config while the count down is going on if your powering through levels. Another idea, is if we can rename the config a,b, etc could we have an automatic loaded so you dont keep having to change you config each time you do a different mission - I know this can be a pain.


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Steve- The Gradivus Dilemma choices do not put you in a sink hole.


@Steve, thanks for answering my Twitch chat question! :wave:


Now, if I could only figure out the "secret", I will be allllll set!!!


The Detron shall be had by ALL Corpus Supporters!!!


Thanks guys. It's always nice to be informed. 

I'm looking forward to "Warframe 2: Die Harder" or "Warframe 2: The Two Towers" or whatever you guys will call it.*


*As a side note, I'm aware that there is no actual "Warframe 2" before people point that out. :P

"The Corpus Strike Back" XD


Yes, this post is filled with bum-hurt Gradivus angst. :-P

Edited by Thunder_Chief
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Truthfully i am not guessing i am just DISAPPOINTED on how DE don't release the information what comes next in detail, TOO MUCH SECRETIVE IS REALLY UNNESSARY IN THIS GAME....yeah i know this is BETA...but its high time that we get the gist of knowing to whats to come in the future purposes....well whatever if you think i am idiot then go ahead i dont care....all i want is for DE just tell us already....it feels like a POKEMON and YUGIOH category as of right now.....





YU-GI-OH! :  "I'll activate a trap card, Your WARFRAME, and Weapons and Mods are Nerf!!!!!"



Bottom line is its Annoying.....


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When Steve mentioned ("what are we doing and why" part) that players sometimes feel it's just a shooting game as many other out there I remembered about old times when I've just started and had to concentrate on each and every enemy I have met to actually succeed and how much fun that was.

I think the game's greatest hubris is the lack of depth in the combat part, it's usually about slashing around or shooting into a crowd of enemies. There are just too many and it doesn't feel like we are some elit ninja team but more like a group of indestructible Rambo's out to massacre everyone and wage open war. It certainly is like a Serious Sam game in that matter.

If we had to concentrate on sole enemies even and had less numbers march against us, even the stealth element (which is supposedly a vital part of being a ninja) could be easier to implement... with missions featuring hundreds of enemies rushing towards you it's kinda hard to properly sneak (i mean without invisiblity).

Sure, if the only way to make every enemy more challenging is to make their health skyrocket I would rather have the current system but we have already seen that the Ai is capable of cover finding at least - that means it might actually go further to provide enemies with brains that don't just stand in the middle, shooting without a care in the world.


I would make the enemies' ai in the following themes...


Their Ai is already themed to finding cover and using metal shields for additional defense. The problem is that they frequently forget that a cover is only cover until it's between you and your enemy (thus they frequently end up behind a cover still showing you their backs...), or start running towards cover at the most appropiate situations effectively commiting suicide. Their heavies are incredibly dumb, just standing there and all. I know they are small because their armor and arms are rather powerful but at least some form of defense would be nice for them - like sometimes jumping/rolling out of the way or holding up their arm to defend and lessen incoming damage (this should be introduced to all enemy types actually, maybe even infested should block/parry/dodge from time to time). A heavy melee enemy would be fun, like some polearm wielding samurai... though that as a Tenno might be even more fun:)



Less cover finding and employing shield techniques instead, like grouping behind a stationary or slowly moving shield emitter that forms a wall of energy akin to Volt's ability of similar purpose. Invisibility might be an option here, a boss already uses such stuff and works well, even if I would allow some kind of detection.



They rush as usual, they don't really need that much brain, a crowd-like enemy out of 3 is a nice change. Would be cool if they could appear from cracks and openings, move around walls a bit more (not alien-like necessarily but at least able to reach you on a high spot, like jumping from wall to wall).


Also, overall more melee interaction would be nice (a tad like minigames in current console titles - Batman Arkham series etc. even though I personally don't like games that only have that in their combat and no "free" mode), where you actually feel you hit something (enemies do react but your animation don't, your blade never stops, never is properly blocked or caught - an enemy catching your melee weapon and not letting go would give great depth, the same as a weapon getting stuck in an enemy :D and so on). Geoff actually brought this up in a way so I have something to really look forward (okay that RNG stat loot seemed cool, thanks for mentioning that!).



- q86d.png -



Anyways at least they've mentioned things like the problems with the Voids... literally, only mentioned it but at least we know they have noticed that something is wrong and are working on it... if "working on it" and "midterm solution" might cover the use of Treasure rooms and Parkour rooms (a bit like Derelict vaults without the Dragon keys) for prime stuff distribution, I might be happy...

Also apparently even they tend to play with Carrier sentinel equipped :) Not that we don't understand that coice, the others seems lacking in usefulness. But the vid showed that they seem to have the good idea about how a UI should look, nice and clean.

Edited by K_Shiro
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