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Slots Need To Go


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your point being that the inability to obtain them otherwise forces people to pay money for a game that is stated to allow you to obtain everything through simply effort?

You can obtain everything through effort. Farm mods. Sell mods for plat. Buy slots. All done with hard work and many sacrifices to the rng gods.

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Oi vey....


With all the stuff they allow you to obtain for free- not to mention the fact you can trade for platinum.. and PC players get a high discount chance..


I honestly don't care if you can't afford five bucks. Games cost money to make- why should they pay you to play them? Because thats what your asking for when you say you 'cant afford' to buy any platinum- but they should give you the gratification anyways.


With five bucks you can get 3 war frame slots- and two additional weapon slots, with 3 platinum to spare for trading. 5 warframes are more then enough for someone who doesn't want to spend much on a free game.

Edited by (PS4)FraytaCentariHM
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I have been here almost a year, like many of the guys that already answered, can tell you this:


*Warframe has a lot of flaws.

*DE can be stuborn like hell with some topics.


but on the other side:


*it has one of the most generous schemes for playing without spending a dime.

*almost EVERYTHING can be obtained by farming or waiting for an alert.

*they allowed the players to trade for PLATINUM, so if you came with this concept some time ago, i could even agreed with you, but now the plat is in the game, so all your argument is insane, sorry.

*DE are humans, they eat you know? i know, shoking...


sorry to be harsh, but maybe you can do a new post about how unfair is not to have excalibur prime in the void, you know, for free, as i cant pay $250 for the founders access.


would love to see the answers you will get...

Edited by omega_phoenix
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I have been here almost a year, like many of the guys that already answered, can tell you this:


*Warframe has a lot of flaws.

*DE can be stuborn like hell with some topics.


but on the other side:


*it has one of the most generous schemes for playing without spending a dime.

*almost EVERYTHING can be obtained by farming or waiting for an alert.

*they allowed the players to trade for PLATINUM, so if you came with this concept some time ago, i could even agreed with you, but now the plat is in the game, so all your argument is insane, sorry.

*DE are humans, they eat you know? i know, shoking...


sorry to be harsh, but maybe you can do a new post about how unfair is not to have excalibur prime in the void, you know, for free, as i cant pay $250 for the founders access.


would love to see the answers you will get...


You mean like the other 3 threads on the general forums- and the additional 1 on PS4 right now?

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Being able to earn at least a few extra slots without having to cash out would be grand though. 2 Warframe slots is outrageous...and I dont actually remember how many weapon slots you start with...but if its anything less than 6...it should be 6.

Like let people earn 1 Warframe slot and 2 Weapon slots via mastery or a questline etc? Not like it would hurt anyone... Making them free might seem radical I guess....but with the always rising amount of frames and weapons....the later players join the game....the bigger this "illusionairy" paywall gets.

Of course you're free to try all weapons and frames...but having to discard things you like for things you only MIGHT like just to find out you trashed some favorite for something you hate....is very painful.

Some might say that there is a few others f2p games that only give you 2 character slots....but those are generally f2p mmos with like what... 5-8 classes tops with reaaally defined roles.

Most other f2p games nowadays dont limit you on your weapon or character collection much anymore (Path of Exile lets you have like 12 or so characters for free as an example....LoL lets you have 120 for free ;P All the really successful f2p games just wont limit you on the basics...or rather wont limit you at all...they only make you pay for vanity.)

6 slots. 6 friggin' slots. 

That's like, half the Warframes that are available on the Market right now. 

So you're telling me... You want to pay 20 plat to buy 6 freaking slots?

DE's gonna lose profit. 

Every Warframe has their own roles, based on their shield values or how you mod them. Hell, I play Excalibro tank if I want to; however, I generally play him as a mobile killer and disruptor. He has his prime role, but serves as an off-tank if need be. 

LoL and Warframe are completely different. LoL is a MOBA; it needs a lot of characters. If it doesn't, playing the game would be so stale. Warframe is an MMO; it doesn't need a lot of characters, like your so Path of Exile (which has 5). 

If you have something you really like, then why trash it? Honestly, if you had 2 Warframe slots filled and you sold the one that you really liked for a one that your really hate, then... I don't know what to say. That's your fault for selling something you like. 

Obtaining slots via mastery rank is absurd. Getting mastery rank 10 will earn you more than half the Frames. It's not fair. You might as well kiss this game goodbye, since Slots are essentially free (by this method of slot distribution). 


You offer ideas, but you always think about yourself. You never think about the developers. How much it costs to develop the game and constantly pump out new content. 


If you can't spend a measly 5 bucks to get a few slots, then that's your fault. If you can't get it yourself cause of your stupid parents or whatnot, then get a friend to help you get some cards or something. It's all on you, not the game. 



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I'm not really going to take sides here on making them "absolutely free" or "absolutely paid." The absolute on either way I think is a bad idea. I'm fine with the idea though of slot gain being linked to mastery rank, maxing a weapon/warframe, completing challenges, etc. Convenience is still there, but the truly free to players won't feel forced to spend the plat on slots and maybe look at getting potatoes for everything or colors whatever.

Also, since this is relevant, I'll post it here:

EDIT: If you can't see the vid for whatever reason, here's the link:

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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I don't think slots should be removed but improved...


Give us a way to earn slots, it doesn't have to be a crazy kind of thing, perhaps like during events one of the prizes could be a weapon or warframe slot? (I know you guys do this with event weapons, but it could be like a small extra)


Like the Oberon Circero Crisis for Example, if you would have gave everyone a free warframe slot, that would have been awesome, its not like there is a new Warframe everyday.

Edited by Shekho
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I'll agree that the number of initial slots is extremely restrictive and discouraging. However, 180 hrs of play yielded all the plat from the trading system that I could need. I'm happily building frames and weapons just to flesh out my collection rather than agonizing over what precious few I'll want to keep.

Conversely you could make a one time plat purchase comparable to purchasing a retail game (ideally during a sale or with a login discount) and have yourself the requisite slots to collect to your hearts content.

The trading system works, it ensures that plat has purchasing power and that gamers that can't/don't want to support the game have a means to acquire premium currency.

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I don't think slots should be removed but improved...


Give us a way to earn slots, it doesn't have to be a crazy kind of thing, perhaps like during events one of the prizes could be a weapon or warframe slot? (I know you guys do this with event weapons, but it could be like a small extra)


Like the Oberon Circero Crisis for Example, if you would have gave everyone a free warframe slot, that would have been awesome, its not like there is a new Warframe everyday.


maybe trading mods? is not rocket science, you can do 200 platinum in a reaaaally bad day.

is amazing how lazy some players are.

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Both Warframe slots and weapon slots need to be taken out of the game. Their whole thing is just a money grab gimmick. They only hinder the game experience for players who can't afford to use money on virtual currency and want to grab a free to play game to play for free. Why make such an essential thing such as space for warframes and weapons be only obtainable through money purchases? Seriously, the excuse that you can "sell items so that you can make space" is just stupid, because I want to KEEP all the items that I take time to gather both the credits and the components to build them. For me, this slot system is worse than RGN or wait times.


Points to consider:


* The world runs on money. Nothing is totally, 100%, absolutely free for everyone with no strings attached. Not even love.

* In order to make money, DE has to do something to make money.

* At the moment, the only 3 things that arguably are "needed" to be bought are: color packs, weapon slots, warframe slots.


I'm lower-middle class. I very rarely have money to spend on luxuries. That said, I managed to cough up a few dollars for a few slots and a color pack. And that's how DE stays in business. Now I don't need to buy anything else, unless I want more slots or color packs.


The alternative? Sell stuff until you've gone through a lot of weapons and warframes, and then rebuild your favorites to stick with. Does it stink? Yes. Does it cater to a hoarder mentality? No. Does it exchange your time grinding for lack of real money spent? Yep!


My suggestion is to save up $5, or ask your parents to do some chores for $5, and buy yourself some slots if you really want them. Wait until you get a 50-75% off coupon from a login reward.


But if you just want to slide through life on total freebies, you need to learn to live with the limitations. You want food stamps each month? Deal with the paperwork and lines. You want free games? Deal with terrible graphics, or mini-market temptations. You want to ride around without spending gas money? You'd better have some good friends willing to carry you everywhere. Because the fact is someone, somewhere, is going to have to pay out of pocket for anything you're getting "free".


Welcome to the world, basically.

Edited by Serpentia
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Hmmm, after reading what some of you guys said, and thinking about it for a while. I did realize that what I asked was in fact quite unreasonable. So, what if instead of just making them free, keep the platinum price AND have another way to get them. Maybe you can pay certain amount of credits and certain components to craft them. Or maybe link them to mastery rank, or weaponry rank. Just a way, even if it is difficult, would be better than nothing. This way, people who don't want to go through all the trouble can just use platinum (very much the way people buy potatoes) but the people who can't pay can try to use this alternative and difficult method to get them. What do you guys think? Does this sound better?

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you can go sit in a survival or an ODS or whatever for 20-30 min and sell the mods you get to earn all the slots you need. its not like us venerable old timers that played premarket.


all of you post market playas have ZERO excuse. You dont need to buy plat, you dont need to spend real life money, just park your undergeared Loki in a mission somewhere and sell the mods and youll have everything youll need.


stop making things up and/or making it sound worse. its cake these days.

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Hmmm, after reading what some of you guys said, and thinking about it for a while. I did realize that what I asked was in fact quite unreasonable. So, what if instead of just making them free, keep the platinum price AND have another way to get them. Maybe you can pay certain amount of credits and certain components to craft them. Or maybe link them to mastery rank, or weaponry rank. Just a way, even if it is difficult, would be better than nothing. This way, people who don't want to go through all the trouble can just use platinum (very much the way people buy potatoes) but the people who can't pay can try to use this alternative and difficult method to get them. What do you guys think? Does this sound better?

Sooo... your just going to keep ignoring everyone saying you can sell rare mods for plat and just get slots completely free regardless with just a credit loss? (also the devs are going to tie mastery rank with some free slots in eventually)

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i'd say find a helpful clan to drag you through some vault runs, that's the easiest way to get mods with actual worth on the market, or do nightmare missions and hope for hammershot, the mod alone can be sold for 30 platinum or more


So, its that easy? Hmm, then I guess nothing needs to be changed.

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Both Warframe slots and weapon slots need to be taken out of the game. Their whole thing is just a money grab gimmick. They only hinder the game experience for players who can't afford to use money on virtual currency and want to grab a free to play game to play for free. Why make such an essential thing such as space for warframes and weapons be only obtainable through money purchases? Seriously, the excuse that you can "sell items so that you can make space" is just stupid, because I want to KEEP all the items that I take time to gather both the credits and the components to build them. For me, this slot system is worse than RGN or wait times.

Well, I sell stuff that are level 30 I only don't sell items which are limited/Prime/Rare those stuff are not for sell

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So, its that easy? Hmm, then I guess nothing needs to be changed.


well, hammershot is rare, but it's definitely possible to earn a fair share of platinum by playing the game and selling mods. another possibility, as mentioned before, is to farm t3 void keys, those can easily be sold for 5-15 plat depending on the key, all you need to do is 15 minute survival, there's a guaranteed key at 15 minutes (pluto nets you t3 keys very often, i'd farm there for keys)

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well, hammershot is rare, but it's definitely possible to earn a fair share of platinum by playing the game and selling mods. another possibility, as mentioned before, is to farm t3 void keys, those can easily be sold for 5-15 plat depending on the key, all you need to do is 15 minute survival, there's a guaranteed key at 15 minutes (pluto nets you t3 keys very often, i'd farm there for keys)


Ah, I see. Well, I wasn't aware of that. Seems like a reasonable alternative. Then slots are fine the way they are.

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Both Warframe slots and weapon slots need to be taken out of the game. Their whole thing is just a money grab gimmick. They only hinder the game experience for players who can't afford to use money on virtual currency and want to grab a free to play game to play for free. Why make such an essential thing such as space for warframes and weapons be only obtainable through money purchases? Seriously, the excuse that you can "sell items so that you can make space" is just stupid, because I want to KEEP all the items that I take time to gather both the credits and the components to build them. For me, this slot system is worse than RGN or wait times.


So how are DE supposed to make enough money to keep the updates coming?


Considering that you can trade things for platinum people who don't wish to spend any money have no reason to complain that more slots take plat.

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I think the financial model of this game is actually pretty good.  Similar to Planetside 2, you can go buy your weapon flat out or earn it.





The *only* thing I'd like to change in the entire setup is the catalysts and forma.  Only being available via plat or alert sucks...  I'd take a hyper expensive blueprint on the market any day.  Make it 300,000 credits, I don't care.  

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