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Heard About Livestream 20's Rng Generated Stats


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Do you think this is a better idea than our current Mod 2.0?


Rebecca - "SabreUr asks: Mod 1.0 had one distinctive advantage over mod cards - mods' stats were randomly generated which provided players with possibility of collecting more powerful mods, and was a small substitute of end-game content. With Mod 2.0, each mod is pretty much the same, and if you get one, for example, Serration, you are pretty much set. Is there a possibility (or plans) of introducing some kind of loot with RNG generated stats? There were few appearing on forums varying from total remake of mod system, adding secondary layer of gun and Warframe modifications and giving random stats to fusion cores (and allowing them to be installed."


I most likely agree with SaberUr's. :3

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You have to understand that Mod 2.0 is an Obfuscated RNG Locked Skill Tree. It is not a "Mod" system the way Mods 1.0 was.

Mods 1.0 was a Skill Tree + Diablo Style Loot System.

Only you replace +10 Flaming Leather Chaps with a "Mod" you slot into the Warframe. Instead of finding Pants, Gloves, Rings, etc you found Mods.

Mods 2.0 is really just a Skill Tree only. This time access to those Skills is locked until you find a randomized drop. Progression in the Tree is driven purely by random drops instead of by Experience Points (Affinity).

This is why Mods 2.0 cannot have "random" stat Mods like the old system. We lost that Diablo style Loot system of stat increases.

If you don't believe, change the layout so you see all Skills at once, with their Ranks Stacked above them.

Then you add two stats: Skill Energy (mod energy), and Active Skills (0/10 for Warframes).

Edited by Brasten
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The fun part about RNG stats was the ridiculous things you could do with them if you got a few lucky mod drops. If they were brought back the maximum benefits you could get would likely be capped for balance purposes and it wouldn't be the same. It would just be more grind.

Edited by sewens
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Indead I prefer Mod 2.0 as well because with RNG stats on mods I am sure everyone, except for a handful, will be in awe but after a few weeks more *@##$ing and complaining saying that RNG makes it impossible to obtain those better quality cards etc... 


If they add RNG to mod stats it should be a different set ones or maybe just change the Bane mods to be RNG based I am not sure how they will go around to implementing it but I still dont approve of this but I shall wait and see before I fully judge.

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Absolutely not. There's enough confusion surrounding the concept of game balance as it is. We don't need people attempting to factor in the rarity/strength of a given mod loadout when describing aspects of various weapons and Warframes that need balancing. I agree that variety and uniqueness are beneficial to the game, but disproportionate player opportunity delivered by a whimsical Random Number God is variety in poor form. If you need proof, just look at how unhappy people are now, when all they need to do is farm "mod x" off of a given enemy. You want to have to continue doing the same thing hoping for the version of "mod x" with the best stats? Introducing an extra layer of farming grind that players have no control over is not something that qualifies as "end game" in my book.

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I'm not enthusiastic about random mods stats.  And, I don't agree with Reb on this, one mod is not enough.  You need at least 2, one for you, one for sentinel.  Also, as a practical matter, you need multiples at different levels while leveling up warframes and weapons, of which there are a lot to level up.  And, the mod drops rates have been nerfed to tears.  So, getting just one of a particular mod can take a long long time. 


And, that segues into another concern and observation of mine.  Since sometime in the summer, every idea DE takes up from the community is a Trojan Horse.  DE acts all enthusiastic about one community idea or another and says the nerf hammer has been put away and the galatine of buffing blah blah blah and it ends up just being a vehicle for nerfs they wouldn't have dared to do otherwise.  So, lets stop this listening to the community skit.  They listen to us the way the NSA listens to the universe.

Edited by ThePresident777
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The developers said that that they regretted not having randomized stats in Mod 2.0, but they are being cautious about putting it back in for exactly leonvision said. It would be devastating to level up a serration to 10 and then come back the next day to a patch that has a slightly better version of serration. I think it'd be interesting to have some RNG generated mods that can only be leveled up to rank 3(or 5, just not 10). Ideally, the mods could get slightly better if they're dropped from higher level enemies/from difficult missions. But it's not like you throw away a ton of time if you find a better mod for you. And it'd give us at least better reason to do high level things.

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Mods are fine. Drop locations are what's broken. Fix drop locations. Start new players with basics.


Maybe put in a noobie damage mod that gives +0% / +10% / +20% damage as part of the tutorial so players must rank it from 0->1 to get the 10%, and then will go to 20% and have a cheap little damage mod to help level noobie gear with.


Argue/nitpick as you like, but I think that's the kind of change that's needed. Not a revamp of the whole game's enhancement system and progression.

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I guess.


But bear in mind about the Mandatory mods becoming a menace in the feedbacks, along with the exponential levelling of enemy units. There are even some of the mods that are too powerful to be considered "balanced" such as the Cicero Crisis mods that have a massive boost in Status Chances.


Plus, I leave this with someone else. :3

Edited by Freelancer27
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 Gonna post this




 And say that I agree with a lot of things Zamboni talks about in that thread. Not all of it, but quite a bit.




 If we're going to make departures from the rigid Card system I want what Zamboni is talking about.

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Do you think this is a better idea than our current Mod 2.0?





I most likely agree with SaberUr's. :3

I like the idea of a new mods system but since Warframe has been using mod 2.0 for a few updates and I have spent fusion cores maxing rank 10 mods, such a drastic change would hurt those who invested into such things and DE would be forced to either refund or have the angry player base rage at them and leave the game.

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You can get the advantage of the old system by 1: vastly increasing mod drop rates and 2: vastly increasing the amount of fusion energy required to level mods, and 3: awarding Fusion Cores whose fusion strength is proportional to the level of the enemy. This solves the problem of vital mods being stuck behind RNG walls and prevents us from becoming too powerful too quickly by gating the effort required to level mods behind ever increasing levels of Fusion Cores dropped by harder enemies.

Edited by BadAimbot
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Mods are fine. Drop locations are what's broken. Fix drop locations. Start new players with basics.



I have not seen a shotgun spazz mod since damage 2.0, maybe a little earlier.  Check the codex.  Nothing drops it.  Getting basic mods has a become a severe pain for a noob.  They just don't drop every where like they used to.  You have to get out of low level planets to get some  of the measly elemental mods.



I do think that new accounts should start with a basic set of mod cards so they have something to play with.  One of each of serration, hornet's nest, pressure point, one of each element for rifles/pistol/melee, redirection, vitality, rush, quick rest, marathon.  You would be surprise how hard it is to get even one of any of those for a new account.  With that basic set, noobs can transition through the solar map in a reasonable manner.  Let's remember that the solar map was built long ago when every mod used to drop every where at much higher rates and fusion depended on using multiples of the same card a lot more than now where fusion cores are what's used mostly for mod upgrades.

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I'd take 1.0 and no tedious / expensive fusion core smelting any day.


But everyone asked for a credit sink, or something to do with their "useless" excess mods, and there it was.


DE jumps on every one of those "Wah, I have so much useless stuff" complaints with a Trojan Hose full of nerfs.  Every suggestion they take from the community, they exploit as a nerf delivery vehicle.


It's time for players to wise up about this.

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 Gonna post this




 And say that I agree with a lot of things Zamboni talks about in that thread. Not all of it, but quite a bit.




 If we're going to make departures from the rigid Card system I want what Zamboni is talking about.


Nah, I'd just rather go back to what we had in April when cards were abundant and everything dropped everywhere.

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