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On 2021-09-23 at 12:03 PM, Flannoit said:

Galvanized mods pop up a box that just says "enemy killed". In some cases, it only appears to apply one stack, and in other cases (such as Galvanized Aptitude on Basmu) having it ticked doesn't apply anything.

Also, if possible, can we get the ability to determine the true crit damage? As it stand, WFB only seems to calculate the lowest possible tier of crit for your weapon build. (Which is usually yellow for most weapons) Maybe instead of having a tick for "crit", add a field below that lets you select Crit Tier, ranging from at least White (non-crit) to Red 1 (3rd tier crit)?


Here's a mock-up for how this could look. Made with Inspect Element + MS Paint.

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Exilus bug for weapons still exist. Tested on Kuva Bramma using Arrow Mutation. Ranking it down when equipped causes it to act like a Warframe Aura or melee Stance mod slot, increasing the maximum available mod capacity.


The mod "Bladed Rounds" is incorrectly flagged as a Conclave mod. The mod comes from Necralisk bounties, not Conclave.


The Exilus mod "Vigilante Supplies" incorrectly states it mutates ammo into Rifle ammo. It now converts ammo to whatever primary you're using, rather than be rifle-exclusive.

Edited by Flannoit
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On 2021-09-22 at 9:19 PM, WarTurtleofAkatosh said:

I can't save any warframe builds after this update, am simply told "incorrect data"

Any weapon build i update also fails to load after being saved, just giving me a blank build with no ability to interact with it

What weapon/frame were you attempting to save? Saving is working for me on the few i tested it but I do see an issue in the loading system.

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On 2021-09-23 at 2:03 PM, Flannoit said:

In some cases, it only appears to apply one stack, and in other cases (such as Galvanized Aptitude on Basmu) having it ticked doesn't apply anything.

Galvanized mod stacks havent been fully implemented, forgot to make note of that in the site update information.

On 2021-09-21 at 5:22 AM, Radiatedmilo said:

but one minor "bug" or thing not yet changed i noted on the site is it still uses the old way of damage reduction for resistance mods, like aviator and so forth, this was changed in the Update 30.5: Sisters of Parvos update: 

Not a quick fix, did you want to see an overall damage reduction stat then? Because I believe there isnt currently one listed at all. Some consideration would have to be done if so because not all damage reduction stats would stack equally in all instances and would need to combine into some sort of additional listing where its indicating "Electric Damage Resistance", "Toxin .." etc relevant to mods equipped.


On 2021-09-21 at 5:22 AM, Radiatedmilo said:

only other 2 things ive come across so far for me was the sites load time was abysmal for the 1st time loading it since it was last updated as i have not been on it for about a week or if its just busy this time of day but even then its only a minor inconvenience, loads quick after that 1st load and

Do you recall approximately how long the initial load was? Just out of curiosity, some things are being done to help speed this up but it takes time to optimize everything


On 2021-09-21 at 5:22 AM, Radiatedmilo said:

the amprex seems bugged on the site where in if i mod it for viral(or any combo element that does not use electric) it loses its electric stat

Being looked into, swear Stoi had fixed this before but maybe something else went wrong somewhere.

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17 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Not a quick fix, did you want to see an overall damage reduction stat then? Because I believe there isnt currently one listed at all. Some consideration would have to be done if so because not all damage reduction stats would stack equally in all instances and would need to combine into some sort of additional listing where its indicating "Electric Damage Resistance", "Toxin .." etc relevant to mods equipped.

for a bit more clarity, the stat i refer to in the builder currently is "DAMAGE WHILE AIRBORNE", and lets say if i take a aviator and a aerodynamic, the builder currently says that should be a 64% damage reduction, with the mentioned changes, it should technically list something akin to, 54.4% damage reduction total now... if i did my math right and understand the update right.



100 x ((100-40)/100) = 60
60 x ((100-24)/100) = 45.6
100-45.6 = 54.4% damage reduction
0.6 x 0.76 = 0.456

as for a overall damage reduction stat, i guess that would be nice, not sure i can envision how it would pan out completely though, however it was not my intention to imply going to that effort, that said, if you did, i imagine you could combine it with a EHP calc of some sort, so, take into account, the health, shields and armor of a warframe and all relevant buffs, maybe a toggle list of ability's one could be effected by at any given time?, and display a rough calculation of how much a frame could take before dropping like a brick, if not being able to add to each warframe, maybe just a tool/page to punch in health, shields and armor values n whatever else into would work as well maybe?

18 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Do you recall approximately how long the initial load was? Just out of curiosity, some things are being done to help speed this up but it takes time to optimize everything

off the top of my head i believe it was somewhere around the 1-2min mark to load the warframe side of things, around 1 min for weapons, but after the 1st time load the site generally loads with in 1-3 seconds, what i noted taking place while loading seems to be it loading the images, specifically the arcane's(arcane background and then the blue symbols) , then after everything seemed like it loaded the page then set to its intended layout/format(this implies during the load its layout/format was more or less raw for a lack of a better way to put it) though occasionally it would not set its format/layout right though a quick page refresh after fixed that every time for me, at the time my assumption was the site was getting hammered around the time i was doing my 1st load, also,

trying to check pets right now, any pet(sentinel, moa, kavat, kubrow ect)  modding sides of things just shows a row of 5 black lines stacked on top of each other where you would normally put in mods, so no place to put mods into, if i knew how to add pics i would for reference, but if it isnt just me it should show up if checked i would think :/ (effects both firefox and edge for reference of what im using)

18 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Being looked into, swear Stoi had fixed this before but maybe something else went wrong somewhere.

as i said this had happened and i noted it once b4 back in september last year, i swear i remember it being fixed shortly there after to, but its back, not quite as bad but still, hope any of this helps.

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On 2021-09-22 at 9:19 PM, WarTurtleofAkatosh said:

I can't save any warframe builds after this update, am simply told "incorrect data"

Any weapon build i update also fails to load after being saved, just giving me a blank build with no ability to interact with it

Saving and loading of builds should be fixed across the board, please let us know if there are any other issues.

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On 2021-09-23 at 2:03 PM, Flannoit said:


Formaing a slot (for weapons, at least) removes the polarity icon. This is also true if forma-ing a slot that already had a polarity icon, even if you forma it back to the polarity it initially had. Otherwise it still correctly tracks the polarity.

Should be fixed, may require a CTRL+F5 (Reset Cache Refresh, aka 'Hard Refresh') or similar key combo for your browser/OS to get the fix if it doesnt appear to be working initially.

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20 hours ago, Kalbintion said:

Should be fixed, may require a CTRL+F5 (Reset Cache Refresh, aka 'Hard Refresh') or similar key combo for your browser/OS to get the fix if it doesnt appear to be working initially.

EDIT: Oops misread which one was address, one sec.

EDIT now that I learned how to read: The problem is indeed fixed, it looks like. Tested on Dread, and the polarity icons are back both for a new forma and a polarity replacement.

Edited by Flannoit
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  • 1 month later...
On 2021-10-01 at 1:08 AM, Kalbintion said:

Saving and loading of builds should be fixed across the board, please let us know if there are any other issues.

I can save just fine, but I cannot edit Loki Prime build, i'll get told the same thing as the previous person 'incorrect data'. 
I can delete the old build and just save it again however.

Edited by AkaiSwift
made mistake in problem analysis
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  • 4 weeks later...

hmmm, a few things ive noticed while thinking up a panzer vulpaphyla build, it seems that all vulpaphylas in the builder are missing some mods, mainly the tek mod set(yes that's for kavats but as far as the game is concerned they can equip them :/), as well as swipe, pounce, sharpened claws, sense danger and  territorial aggression (yet again all of which are kavat mods) as far as i can see or at least that's what i can equip in game and yet is not on the builder, also i noticed a typo in the description for panzers viral quills mod in the builder, the line down the bottom of the card "ita lso adds a Spore.", should be "it also adds a Spore." simple typo but i thought i may as well mention it, lastly, in game the vulpaphyla specific mods all seem to use the penjaga polarity, also named the precept polarity in game, where as on the builder its labeled as using the zenurik polarity, minor difference more or less but i thought it worth mentioning, hope this is of help.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello, I would like to report that the damage numbers for the Vaykor Hek are wrong (or maybe its the other two Heks).  They are very, very massively inflated and seem to be counted x7.  

I - 78.8 (should be 11.25)
P - 341.3 (should be 48.75)
S - 105  (should be 15)

These numbers indicate Damage x 7 (Presumably per pellet since it has 7... but so do the other Heks).  However none of the other Hek variants on Warframe builder do this, making it impossible to compare my builds.   The number Vaykor is putting out are literally 100k+ higher than other variants because of this difference in behavior for calculating MS.  

Kuva Hek and regular Hek show their damage as on the Wiki when unmodded... I.e. the true stats.  Vaykor Hek is showing True Stats x MS.  

Edited by (PSN)N7_Dredgen
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ruinous Extension and Sinister Reach have been made exilus mods in update 30.5 but this haven't been reflected in Warframe Builder yet.
Also, thank you for your work. It greatly helped me designing a lot of my builds over the years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Everyone!

It has been a good while since I have posted anything here. We all have been very busy with IRL stuff and haven't had time to do much. However, a few months ago Stoi let us know he wasn't going to be paying for the webserver anymore and we have been working on migrating the site to another server that I, myself, run. As a consequence we will be putting the site into maintenance mode today at some point to update some background stuff (DNS Records) and migrating a final version of the database over so its as up to date as possible.


We will be getting back to site updates as soon as possible after this.


Update 11am Central

The site has gone under maintenance mode, DNS Records has been updated, it may take a few hours before the change is propagated out to everyone. If you're visiting the site and still experiencing the "Under Maintenance" text but absolutely must use the site before then, you can by visiting here. The new server has a completely up to date database of everyones builds, etc so nothing should be missing. If something is missing for a build, or account, please let us know so it can be investigated.


Update 12pm Central

Site is still in maintenance mode, if you still want to visit the site and use it on the new server, you can by visiting here. Technically, the DNS server records (this is responsible for changing that url name into an ip address so you can visit your favorite sites) can typically take up to 48 hours to fully propagate out and work, however it should only be a few hours with the way things are setup, but we never know as we do not control all the servers to get this information updated faster. So hopefully it works sooner rather than later. Once the warframe-builder.com points to the right direction, the direct IP linking to it via this post will be removed from being accessible. So please do not use build shares under the IP as anyone you give it to visiting later will cause a 404 Page Not Found error in the future.


Update 7:30pm Central

The site should be fully migrated over to the new server. If you're still seeing a maintenance page then please wait a bit longer, or try closing and re-opening your browser. If you visit the site now and do not see a maintenance page, then you have the right page and are able to resume using the site as normal.


If there are any problems about connecting to the site please let us know.

Edited by Kalbintion
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Here to report an error I noticed: The pistol mod [Targeting Subsystem] is an exilus mod, but Warframe Builder does not list it as one. I noticed this when I was checking a build in progress that happens to use this mod and couldn't add it in the builder. Wiki also lists it as an exilus mod so it isn't just my game being weird. link: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Targeting_Subsystem

Also going to take this moment to say thank you so much for making this, it has been so useful to me so many times. I love being able to check if a riven or new mod can fit into an existing build or how to build around it without having to invest the time and resources for something I don't even know will work.

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  • 2 months later...

Site Issue Resolved

An issue with the site log files was found and was missed during the migration which caused the site to spiral out of control in terms of storage being used on the disk which caused issues with the site. This issue has been resolved and sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused. If there are any long lasting effects please let me know so I can take a look at it.

Pending Site Update

As for the missing frames, weapons, etc it is being worked on but life has happened and gotten in the way. My mother went to the hospital on August 17th and was in there until about a week ago at the time of posting. It has been a long and busy few months and with her home I have to do additional work with helping her out on things along with everything else so my initial desires to get to these site updates for the missing stuff was put on hold. That said..

We are still looking for assistance

like the one previous site news announcement and post here mentions. If you are interested at all, please review the following info below and if you still wish to help out on the site, please let me know through a DM.

If you wish to help out with site development, we are requesting you have knowledge in the following as well have these types of traits (think of this as a typical job application like listing with a resume/CV but without the added fluff of an interview, supplying work history, references, etc cuz its not a hiring process, just a list of things we would prefer someone have to be able to best help with the site):

  • PHP7 and newer
  • MySQL8
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Basic GIT understanding (for use with github) or Github Desktop knowledge
  • Able to read and understand code by other developers
  • Able to work independently

The above 7 items are important to have as assistance to understand, read, and setup things is going to be extremely limited. If you do not have any of the above knowledge in one field or another, that is fine. We have plenty to do for the site in multiple aspects and can use any help we can get. Questions can be answered via text but there will not be any voice meetings to verbally talk through anything. The following list indicates additional things we would be interested in you knowing but are not a requirement in any shape or form and would only be a bonus if you know it.

  • Python
  • NPM
  • SCSS
  • ECMA Modules
  • Site security
  • CI (Continuous Integration) through CircleCI or other similar services


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  • 2 weeks later...

Site Bug Fixes Update

A few issues were found with the site since the last posting. These included polarities not registering correctly on being changed, one of the builder pages (sentinels) pulling the wrong polarity information and the layouts for the sentinels and sentinel weaponry not displaying correctly. These issues have been resolved.

There was also another issue with the site running slowly or not responding at all, this was due to my previous posts fix about log file sizes, which inadvertently eventually caused server to hang on the process for one reason or another and is being looked into. The change has been reverted to maintain site usability.

Missing mods/weapons/frames are still being worked on.


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