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Buff Sniper Rifles


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Back before damage 2.0 sniping used to be a viable play style.  The Vectis, Vulkar, and Snipetron used to one shot enemies in high levels like a sniper rifle should be able to.  Now, you have to get a headshot just to one shot enemies on Earth.  In any other game, snipers can hit a well aimed shot and deal massive damage to the toughest enemies.  In this game, a Karak or Soma can do more damage in a couple shots than a sniper rifle can.  These guns need a MAJOR rework.  Also, in a semi-unrelated matter, I think it would be a very cool idea to have alternate scopes for sniper rifles. Especially and infrared scope, that shows the head in a brighter color.

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With the right setup, I've had no problem killing high-level enemies with the various sniper rifles I own.  Where I DO have a problem with the Sniper Rifles as of Damage 2.0 however, is their effectiveness against Corpus.  Before, if you added Piercing Hit (which added what is now known as Punch Through before Damge 2.0), you could headshot Corpus through their big bulky helmets.  Now, no matter what you do to the Sniper Rifles, they take HEAVILY reduced damage to the head, to the point where it's best to aim for center mass (or if you're feeling evil, the crotch)


My point is, Sniper Rifles should be able to do what Sniper Rifles are DESIGNED to do, shoot things in weak spots and be able to do enough damage to make hitting them in that spot worth it.

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Sniper rifles are still decent.  Snipetron vandal....


Also Vulkar is actually quite decent on Corpus and shields.   Armor and Infested not so much.   I've done europa runs with Vulkar and still left with ammo left over from it.  I have begun using Crit/ele combos and been dealing lovely numbers on all my sniper rifles.

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Back before damage 2.0 sniping used to be a viable play style.  The Vectis, Vulkar, and Snipetron used to one shot enemies in high levels like a sniper rifle should be able to.  Now, you have to get a headshot just to one shot enemies on Earth.  In any other game, snipers can hit a well aimed shot and deal massive damage to the toughest enemies.  In this game, a Karak or Soma can do more damage in a couple shots than a sniper rifle can.  These guns need a MAJOR rework.  Also, in a semi-unrelated matter, I think it would be a very cool idea to have alternate scopes for sniper rifles. Especially and infrared scope, that shows the head in a brighter color.

I fail to see what part of my vectis oneshot killing level 40 heavy gunners with unranked elemental mods is not viable but alternate scopes do sound cool.

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I'd say I agree with this post. Compared to the Soma (an easy example) the sniper rifles are useless. Really, considering the rate of fire, clip size, total ammo, and ammo drop rate, a naked sniper rifle (at 30) should be able to one shot ancients and their like at level 40. Throw on mods without going for the rarest should one shot at 60. Extreme load out should one shot at 80.


Really you need to look at what they do and consider their rate of fire. You can almost unload 2 clips with the soma before you fire 2 shots with a sniper, making the sniper pretty damn useless for the amount of damage. Sure being able to do 5k damage (random number) is great, but when you only hit 1 guy or the guy behind him, you're not doing a lot of help when there's 20 coming at you.

Edited by MaxHardwood
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I don't think that you can deny that the Vulkar is sniper weapon cannon fodder, as in it is the intro to sniping for newer players.

That said, even in that role (which I do not agree with), the Vulkar does extremely poorly. It is not worth a new player's time and resources to build. There is no reason that we should leave weapons that are purposefully meant to be "junk". The point of damage 2.0, the point of melee 2.0, is to improve the effectiveness of weapons that have, for a very long time, been substantially subpar, especially when compared to others of their type. Unfortunately there are weapons like the Vulkar which are still extremely underpowered. Therefore, the Vulkar requires a buff. Just as bows need a buff. Just as the Lato needs a buff. Just as the Sicarus needs a buff.

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I'd say I agree with this post. Compared to the Soma (an easy example) the sniper rifles are useless. Really, considering the rate of fire, clip size, total ammo, and ammo drop rate, a naked sniper rifle (at 30) should be able to one shot ancients and their like at level 40. Throw on mods without going for the rarest should one shot at 60. Extreme load out should one shot at 80.

For those above that misunderstood (my fault), this was my main point, I know they do a lot of damage, but it should be WAY more than an assault rifle.

Edited by Rogue1897
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For those above that misunderstood (my fault), this was my main point, I know they do a lot of damage, but it should be WAY more than an assault rifle.

It should do a lot less DPSecond than an assault rifle but a lot more DPShot.. which it currently does. Using DPSFrame even, the Soma(best assault rifle) does about 1200 a shot, the Vectis does 14000 per shot. So.. 11+ Assault Shots per Sniper Shot.

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The only sniper weapon that could be in need of a stiff buff, would have to be Vulkar.


Lanka and Vectis are good weapons, they already do hit considerably harder than an equal high forma + mod build soma per bullet.

Edited by LazyKnight
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The damage per shot is fine with the correct buid. The problem is that Warframe is designed in such a way that it makes sniper rifles very ineffective weapons. There's a lot of enemies that still do pretty nasty damage, so you can't just ignore them, but you can't get rid of the quickly and you don't need such overkill damage against them. You can still kill heavies pretty fast, but you can do that with DPS weapon too.


The only way you can make sniper rifle even close to effective is punch through. This is to help with groups and ammo efficiency. Vectis gets the least out of Shred which is why I consider it pretty bad weapon compared to Svandal or even Lanka.


But I never found damage per bullet to be a problem. After some forma you should hit like a truck and on distance where automatic rifles will waste half of their bullets. Keep that in mind.. rifles don't tend to be pinpoint accurate, even on mid distance some of those bullets will miss either completely or the weakpoint and that is not the case for sniper rifles.


But yes, Vulkar is terribad and we shold be able to headshot Corpus.. would give Sniper rifles at least some kind of edge.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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You must be joking right?

^my reaction as well



I don't think that you can deny that the Vulkar is sniper weapon cannon fodder, as in it is the intro to sniping for newer players.

^also agreed. The vulcar is a turd.



Back before damage 2.0 sniping used to be a viable play style.  The Vectis, Vulkar, and Snipetron used to one shot enemies in high levels like a sniper rifle should be able to.  Now, you have to get a headshot just to one shot enemies on Earth.  In any other game, snipers can hit a well aimed shot and deal massive damage to the toughest enemies.  In this game, a Karak or Soma can do more damage in a couple shots than a sniper rifle can.  These guns need a MAJOR rework.  Also, in a semi-unrelated matter, I think it would be a very cool idea to have alternate scopes for sniper rifles. Especially and infrared scope, that shows the head in a brighter color.

I have several things to say:

1) You obviously have not fully modded or even owned one of the good sniper rifles (Lanka, Vectis, Snipetron). You say you have to get a headshot for earth enemies? My lanka kills them instantly all the way up past level 30.

2)You use the karak as an example of a better damage weapon? You must be joking

3)They do not need a major rework. They fill the role that the Devs want them too perfectly.


Until a person has mastered a sniper rifle, they cannot ask for a buff. And the vulkar doesnt count for this.



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An unmodded Vectis can kill an Earth Grineer in one headshot, two bodyshots (and that first bodyshot leaves them at about 2% health). With just a low-level Serration, I'm sure it can one hit kill with a bodyshot on anything but a Bombard or Napalm. Are we playing the same game?

I would like to see some amount of punch through on snipers (Lanka already has it to some degree). L4D2, while being a much different game, gives its rifles penetration so they can deal with the large crowds that game throws at them. And guess what this game has? Large crowds of mobs.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Back before damage 2.0 sniping used to be a viable play style.  The Vectis, Vulkar, and Snipetron used to one shot enemies in high levels like a sniper rifle should be able to.  Now, you have to get a headshot just to one shot enemies on Earth.  In any other game, snipers can hit a well aimed shot and deal massive damage to the toughest enemies.  In this game, a Karak or Soma can do more damage in a couple shots than a sniper rifle can.  These guns need a MAJOR rework.  Also, in a semi-unrelated matter, I think it would be a very cool idea to have alternate scopes for sniper rifles. Especially and infrared scope, that shows the head in a brighter color.


im guessing you dont have snipetron vandal.


and yes i do agree that soma is kinda OP

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kinda have to agree thou


pre damage 2.0 the lanka for example was nice to use damage wise, it didnt have its new mechanics but you could reliably one shot high level heavy units which matched it well seeing it is such a unwieldy weapon 


they could all use a small increase to damage, even indirectly would make them a pleasure to use similar to before 


i miss the POWER of the sniper rifles..

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