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[Guide] Posting Pictures, Spoilers And More!



In order to avoid any confusion, I would like to point out, that this is merely a humble guide, and not any contest of any kind.


If you have direction and images for how to do this in other browsers than the ones I have mentioned feel free to PM me, and i'll add it to the guide. You can also PM me if you want something else added to the guide.

And now... With the formalities out of the way, let's get on to the good stuff!
This guide uses the site www.imgur.com, wich has a nifty feature, in that it does the BBcode work for you.
I'll do a brief talk about using BBcode in general, in the end of the guide.
But what if I don't wanna use imgur?
Check out the bottom of the guide, i'll show you how to get your direct links for whatever image you want.
1: Go to www.imgur.com
2: On the top, click on "Upload images"
3: Click on "Browse your computer"
4: Select your image and click "Open".
5: Click on "Start upload"
6: Once the upload is complete, you should have a box on the right hand side containing some links and codes
7: Copy the text from the "BBcode" field and insert it into your post.
That's it. you should be done now.
8: If you don't have the box with the BBcode, click on "Get embeded codes" just below the picture. The site will refresh and you should have the codes on the right hand side, as described in step 5.
You can post pictures from just about any website, as long as you have the direct link to the picture.
You just need to incase the link to the picture with the IMG tags, as seen in step 5.
It is also worth noting, that in step 3, you can drag pictures from your computer on the to imgur website, in stead of chosing to Browse your computer. The end result will be the same.
Since my guide has taken the place in the guide collection, where Ced23Ric's overall guide to forum BBcode once was, I'm going to link it here, because it's a nice guide, and it explains some of the other features the forums offers.
What if I want to take a screenshot without the user interface?
1. Turn off the interface for the in-built screenshot function (F6), by accessing the settings menu.
2. Find your screenshots in the folder called Warframe, in your picture folder
But what if I'm not using imgur?
Here's how you can go about it.
Using IE?
Well get a propper browser...

1. Right click your image and select properties
2. Copy the Adress (URL) text
3. Squeeze it in between the image tags
Using Firefox?
1. Right click your image, and click on Copy image location
Picture curtesey of Draisel
2. Squeeze it in between the image tags
Using Chrome?
1. Right click your image, and click on Copy image URL
Picture curtesey of Draisel
2. Squeeze it in between the image tags
But how do I post youtube videos?
You do this...
1. Go to youtube
2. Find the movie you want to post
3. Copy the link from the adress bar in the top of your browser
4. do like this:
And this is the result:
Spoilers, how do they work?
It's much like posting pictures, but instead of typing IMG in the tags, you type SPOILER (not case sensitive).
[spoiler] whatever text you want in your spoiler [/spoiler]
So how do I use BBcode to make my everyday forum life more awesome?
BBcode works with tags. I've previously mentioned image tags, but a tag can also do other things that post images, such as bold text, making spoilers, and more.
A tag surrounds whatever you want it to have an effect on. the beginning and ending tag are almost identical, except for the one at the end has a / (a slash) right after the first [ (bracket)
[b] now everything from here on will become bold [/b] and this text isn't.
now everything from here on will become bold and this text isn't.
For a list of other things you can use in tags, have a look here:
Or maybe here:
If you looked at the second link, send a happy thought to CaptainPeanut
You make bokses like this one, by using the [code] and [/code] tag. With this tag, the forum doesn't actually do what your tags are supposed to do, and only shows the text. It's handy when explaining how to use tags
Why the color of my text is changing, I don't know. I didn't tell it to do that.
That also servers as an example of BBcode sometimes acting up a bit.
Drandko has explained to me, that the text changes color due to some predefined meaning of specific symbols in programming. Apostrophes is an example. They are also the reason why some of the text in the box above is green. Anything in between the two apostrophes will be green.
It has no practical impact on anything, and is (for our purposes) purely cosmetic.
Edited by BenzinNinJa
Forum update seems to have done something to the BB code of the guide. - Fixed
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Guide seems pointless to me. Not trying to be a jerk or anything but it is not at all hard to put %7Boption%7D tags around an image link. And most uploading websites offer a link with BBcode anyways. Still, perhaps it will help some people at least.


I decided to make the guide, because I saw a lot of people asking how to post pictures around the forums, so it's really aimed at the people who are not well versed in the art of internet.

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Instructions were so complicated, certain... er... things turned into a ceiling fan.


EDIT: Fiancee informed me I didn't even get the joke right, so whatever.


Kidding, of course. That joke is highly overrated and overused. Anyways, I'm glad someone's gotten around to showing people how to do this. I hope I won't see anymore of C:\User\howdoueven\amidoingitright.jpg.


Kudos, and +1 to you, my good sir or madam.


EDIT: Ayliax, you're a genius. 500+ to you, my good hotman. Stay flamin'! ('cause jalapenos.) jalapeno-slcook.jpg

Edited by Zachles
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It doesn't work with me! it says "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.", i tried to change the file from jpeg to png but nothing ç_ç



I had that issue too, when I was updating the guide.

The problem seemed to be with what was in between my %7Boption%7D tags.

What's the link to your picture?

Also, try putting code brackets around the text, when it troubles you. Then you should be able to post it, and maybe I can see what's going wrong :)

Edited by BenzinNinJa
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How to do images if you play Warframe in Steam:


1). Hit F12.

2). Shift+Tab to bring up the Steam Overlay.

3). Click "Screenshots". (this will automatically appear when you exit the game if you've taken a screenshot during the session)

4). Click the Screenshot(s) to upload.

5). Click "Upload"

6). Wait until done.

7). Click the screenshot you want.

8). Click "View Online"

9). Click the image itself.

10). Copy the URL displayed in the Steam Browser.

11). Copy/paste said URL into forums.

12). DO NOT use an %7Boption%7D tag; it won't work because the filename has no extension (DE really should fix this to allow steam screenshot support).

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How to do images if you play Warframe in Steam:


1). Hit F12.

2). Shift+Tab to bring up the Steam Overlay.

3). Click "Screenshots". (this will automatically appear when you exit the game if you've taken a screenshot during the session)

4). Click the Screenshot(s) to upload.

5). Click "Upload"

6). Wait until done.

7). Click the screenshot you want.

8). Click "View Online"

9). Click the image itself.

10). Copy the URL displayed in the Steam Browser.

11). Copy/paste said URL into forums.

12). DO NOT use an %7Boption%7D tag; it won't work because the filename has no extension (DE really should fix this to allow steam screenshot support).

except i cant use it, because steam overlay doesnt work in 64bit but for my friends it works in 64bit
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How to do images if you play Warframe in Steam:


1). Hit F12.

2). Shift+Tab to bring up the Steam Overlay.

3). Click "Screenshots". (this will automatically appear when you exit the game if you've taken a screenshot during the session)

4). Click the Screenshot(s) to upload.

5). Click "Upload"

6). Wait until done.

7). Click the screenshot you want.

8). Click "View Online"

9). Click the image itself.

10). Copy the URL displayed in the Steam Browser.

11). Copy/paste said URL into forums.

12). DO NOT use an %7Boption%7D tag; it won't work because the filename has no extension (DE really should fix this to allow steam screenshot support).


I'll see if I can whip up some screenshots for this sometime soon.

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