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Nova is out of balance not because the skill on paper, which is quite powerful but in practice. 

What the skill does not say is that 

1. Has no target limit

2. Is unaffected by duration

3. Has a very short animation and animation recovery

4. Can cast again even when having other primed targets

5. Prime remains even when another target explodes and it does not die

6. Does not require LOS

7. Barely any itnernal CD

8. Is paired up with a super fast+mobility frame

9. Has high base dmg (1.6k base) with no consequence 

10. Can actually kill anything in solar system due to blast being a pretty solid element

11. Quite a big range


So yeah. The spell has no real draw backs. Many people reach max efficiency and suffer from nothing, on top of having an ulti that is way on the top because of its convenience. Many other frames, say exalibur, need LOS, long cast time and just for a messy 1k damage on a very short range. Others have long cast time, other suffer from duration, but Nova doesn't suffer from -anything- and it's really hard to to build her wrong. Like rhino, it encourages bad skill. 

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Ok... But I love my nova anyway and my friends don't dislike the fact That I'm really usefull for them and my team as it is right now. BTW when mobs aren't packed and in shorter missions my Ember's prime friend can got more "kills" than myself. a little fact : 75 base shield is very low and around wave 40+ in ODD one positionnal mistake and you're down. So without any defensive ability (real one) and not imune to anything when casting, you have to absolutely play "well" to stay on your feet and then stay usefull... (nota : we stay on the floor level and don't try to reach impossible place where the mobs can't reach us...)

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See either you've already forgotten Ember or you weren't around when Overheat was ~97% damage reduction while doing PBAoE damage on a non-tank frame.


Ember was like that for a long time.  They nerfed her, apologized for the delay of her OP sticking around, and evenutally got rid of Overheat as a skill.




Being OP should never be something you can achieve.  That's why OP stands for "Over Powered"....its not balanced.




First of all, DE has stated that the game is supposedly balanced for about level 38 enemies maxed.


Secondly, she's able to trivialize content much higher than level 50 Grineer.  Mprime is too strong and a nerf is definitely needed.




Welcome to Warframe without invulnerability.  That happens to any and all frames which do not have a damage reduction method outside of standard shields and armor (Hysteria, Blessing, Snow Globe, etc).




Just because you use them doesn't mean they're useful or even needed at any point.  People claim to be elite Warframe master ninja fingerboarding guru gods because they can use Super Jump and Radial Blind.  Does that make SJ any more useful?  Does it make them any better at the game? No...they just combined a useful ability with a useless ability and think they're awesome.



I was around when Overheat was 97%. Thing is, thats broken, so it needed a fix, until Scott removed it. That has no relation with Nova, because a few people spam her ult day and night, then you have to nerf it, bcoz OP, killin everything on Io man, that aint right.


About OP not being achievable, it is, depends on what standards you are running the OP pattern. As I said, on low level content she is OP, once you scale up, unless you have the right mods, she suffers a downright fall off, and becomes only useful because her ult has debuffs added. She is one hit much earlier than most frames because of her low health and shields, along with a low armor. Even being quick doesnt really make the trick, cause as you go to higher levels you end up having hit-scan aimbot enemies, so it doesnt matter.


And still in the regard of it being achievable, thats the mods to blame, not the frames power. If some mods get her to a whole new level of power, its not the ability thats broken, its the mods given to us.


Please do yourself a favor, stop posting so much nonsense. I play Grineer maps all the time, and its funny how many Nova players get downed. You dont even have to reach dem level 50s, Napalms just tear Nova apart so quick, its ridiculous. Thus why she needs to be powerful.


And lastly, again, if you dont use her other abilities, shame on you. Its fun to hit 200k damage on her antimatter, and watch the room explode, for 50 energy... oh wait, no, around 12-13 energy cause of the energy efficiency, while you see Novas mindlessly hitting 4, and cant even chain a few explosions.

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that exaggeration of the op. 

The amount of frames being play is high doesn't mean they need a nerf. 

You randomly input random stats about how many people play Nova, sorry to say but, your statistic doesn't even come close to my experiences. 

Most of all, if doing low lvl run is too easy then just go solo or play with friends. Because low lvl mean every frames capable of spamming skills.

If you doing high lvl run then nope, Nova can't clear room as well as you see her do in low lvl. 

Also, Nova is weak against corpus. Don't know if this bug is fix or not, but for now, her explosion chain doesn't seem to kill all corpus. 

Lastly, it's not like I don't hate Nova who spam skills, but hey, I also hate everyone who spam skills that effect me, those included any damage skills or invulnerable skill. Skill such as loki's invisible, mag's shield polarize, iron skin etc, doesn't get on my nerve cause they effect the user, not people around it. 


I love it when people spam skill when I'm in trouble, but hate it when they spam skills and stole my kills. Yes, I'm selfish, I know. 

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Trinity can make the whole team invincible. Rhino can become invincible for an essentially indefinite period of time if played properly using a combo of iron skin and stomp. Vauban can CC the whole map without doing anything at all. Ash and Loki can become invisible for an essentially indefinite period of time, laying out crits for every single hit they do.


I don't see how you could possibly think that Nova is somehow any better than any of the other frames out there? I'd say it's pretty even. Just throwing that out there. Many of the frames have abilities that could make them "overpowered" in some way. I don't see that as being a problem. Fight higher level enemies.


This whole thing really needs to be dropped.


The Nova being weak against corpus is kind of a bug, but is probably fine. (bug or not, I don't mind the way it works) The hit detection automatically tries to target weak spots, but since corpus heads are protected with their head shields, the damage is mitigated. In fact, there you go, there is a solution for all of you people: go play corpus. You won't see Nova stealing your kills. Problem solved. Move on.

Edited by tidus1112
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These types of topics have to stop...Oh my god, seriously.




There it is, so damn tired of this blatant mis-information and everything about it.


Nova isn't broken, she is absolutely fine the way she is. She's stomping your low level content? You never seen a Rhino, Ember, Mag, Valkyr, Exaclibur, Varuban, Saryn, etc. Do the exact. SAME. THING!


How about you play higher leveled content where the explosions will barely phase some of the lvl 40+ Elites, who come in insane droves and can easily reduce Nova into chunky salsa. How about you actually experience the damn game for once instead of needlessly whining about her for the freaking upteenth time!


Jesus H. Christ, It's like you never met an Ember that spams World on Fire, a Rhino that pretty much Stomp kills everything and never dies, Mag insta-killing with Pull and Crush, Valkyr Hysteria spam, Miasma spam, Slash Dash spam, ETC!


No more of these stupid topics...OKAY?!

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These types of topics have to stop...Oh my god, seriously.




There it is, so damn tired of this blatant mis-information and everything about it.


Nova isn't broken, she is absolutely fine the way she is. She's stomping your low level content? You never seen a Rhino, Ember, Mag, Valkyr, Exaclibur, Varuban, Saryn, etc. Do the exact. SAME. THING!


How about you play higher leveled content where the explosions will barely phase some of the lvl 40+ Elites, who come in insane droves and can easily reduce Nova into chunky salsa. How about you actually experience the damn game for once instead of needlessly whining about her for the freaking upteenth time!


Jesus H. Christ, It's like you never met an Ember that spams World on Fire, a Rhino that pretty much Stomp kills everything and never dies, Mag insta-killing with Pull and Crush, Valkyr Hysteria spam, Miasma spam, Slash Dash spam, ETC!


No more of these stupid topics...OKAY?!

Except, that is only part of the problem. Just telling people that it isn't an issue, and should be ignored, when it is an issue, and many people want it addressed just leads to a pissing contest. I am not really gonna get into this thread, but what I am trying to say is that this is more than 1.6k vs 1k damage. There is a whole lot more involved with why this is bad for the game.

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Except, that is only part of the problem. Just telling people that it isn't an issue, and should be ignored, when it is an issue, and many people want it addressed just leads to a &!$$ing contest. I am not really gonna get into this thread, but what I am trying to say is that this is more than 1.6k vs 1k damage. There is a whole lot more involved with why this is bad for the game.




Okay seriously, we've had this thread from apparently what I've known of, ever since Nova came out. Hell, I've played this game for about 4 weeks and it's getting ridiculous how many BS facts about Nova because you have M.Prime spammers in low-mid level content, like Ember, Saryn, Rhino, etc can't do the same thing.


It's low-mid level content for a reason people, it's not balanced for Ultimates.

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Okay seriously, we've had this thread from apparently what I've known of, ever since Nova came out. Hell, I've played this game for about 4 weeks and it's getting ridiculous how many BS facts about Nova because you have M.Prime spammers in low-mid level content, like Ember, Saryn, Rhino, etc can't do the same thing.


It's low-mid level content for a reason people, it's not balanced for Ultimates.

You are looking at a surface level. Like I said before, I won't get into this thread probably past this page, but this is more complicated of an issue, and a bit more significant than some of the more mundane things.

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You are looking at a surface level. Like I said before, I won't get into this thread probably past this page, but this is more complicated of an issue, and a bit more significant than some of the more mundane things.


Um, no, not even close to a huge problem, overall, it's the problem with Ultimates in low level content, aka, Ultimates break the hell out of them plain and simple.


It's not even remotely complicated.

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Let me see if I read it right, "one trick pony"? Are you honestly saying that Nova only has one good skill? Man, you are missing a lot buddy.


I use Nova often and I kinda thing the stack of buffs on Molecular Prime is a bit too much but she is fine the way it is.

Relative to her ultimate, yes, she only has one good skill. Valkyr has better mobility and AMD is inferior to MP since it doesn't cause slow, Null Star is just plain boring. That leaves Molecular Prime, which is by far the most powerful ultimate. Nova is a one trick pony.

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Relative to her ultimate, yes, she only has one good skill. Valkyr has better mobility and AMD is inferior to MP since it doesn't cause slow, Null Star is just plain boring. That leaves Molecular Prime, which is by far the most powerful ultimate. Nova is a one trick pony.


You know this is when you can't take anyone seriously when they spout ignorance like this...


If you don't know how to use Anti-Matter Bomb correctly, OF COURSE it's gonna seem inferior but to say that is and being serious about it shows you shouldn't say anything about Nova being a one trick pony(considering that it's her most damaging attack by far, completely outstripping M.Prime easily). Null Star being boring doesn't stop it from being decent protection against Melee enemies and M.Prime loses it's damage component at higher levels, making it more utility than pure damage.


Honestly shows what you know.

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Nova;s MP is broken because it targets everything on the planet, deals huge damage, can chain itself off of enemies, hits things out of sight, and works as the best form of crowd control in the game. It's like combing everybody's 4 into one skill, then giving it nigh-unlimited range and the ability to ignore walls.


"Oh, but so-and-so frame has a strong 4 too, they must be OP!"


They either kill well OR crowd control in a limited area. Rhino Stomp is really powerful, but it doesn't eat the whole area for itself, and leaves enemies alive for others to kill, and doesn't expand when it kills an enemy. You can shoot enemies stuck in Vauban's Vortex. Mag can do something to one faction, whoopee. None of them have the versatility, power, range, or control that MP has.


Now, I'm not saying it should be nerfed into the ground, but it shouldn't do everything in a massive area while targeting unlimited amounts regardless of whether or not you would see them. Reduced range, a cap on enemies it can hit, not able to go through walls, losing the speed debuff on enemies. That, or just let all warframes have ludicrous ultimates.

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Nova;s MP is broken because it targets everything on the planet, deals huge damage, can chain itself off of enemies, hits things out of sight, and works as the best form of crowd control in the game. It's like combing everybody's 4 into one skill, then giving it nigh-unlimited range and the ability to ignore walls.


"Oh, but so-and-so frame has a strong 4 too, they must be OP!"


They either kill well OR crowd control in a limited area. Rhino Stomp is really powerful, but it doesn't eat the whole area for itself, and leaves enemies alive for others to kill, and doesn't expand when it kills an enemy. You can shoot enemies stuck in Vauban's Vortex. Mag can do something to one faction, whoopee. None of them have the versatility, power, range, or control that MP has.


Now, I'm not saying it should be nerfed into the ground, but it shouldn't do everything in a massive area while targeting unlimited amounts regardless of whether or not you would see them. Reduced range, a cap on enemies it can hit, not able to go through walls, losing the speed debuff on enemies. That, or just let all warframes have ludicrous ultimates.

The most critical thing is prime can be spammed for only 25 energy with the right mods (which is ridiculously low) and can be cast before the previous one has worn off, which is crazy. I've seen Novas wormholing across the whole map spamming prime till everything's lit up.

Also all this rubbish about it not working at high level, it works really well at high level and doesn't start to tail off until well past the point most players leave.

The range, is huge... and you get a terrific 3 in one effect out of the ulti, massive damage, huge debuff and a big slow which pretty much halves movement speed and fire rate of enemies.

Take all the other advantages of Nova (mobility, relatively decent stats, high energy pool, with 3 other useful abilities and you have the god frame. Novas on forums all say they don't carte about kills and why should anyone care it's a co-op game. Why then in game, do most Novas act as if their life depended on getting all kills, to the exclusion of all else....now we have that stupid weekly kills leaderboard, what are DE thinking???

NO other frame can do all this....and the Nova players know it...which is why they don't like threads like this, just in case DE come to their senses and balance the frame.

P.S. It's interesting that all Nova players on forums think other players love and admire them in game, when actually the reverse is true.

Edited by DaveC
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Mag prime Shield Polarize is only effective for corpus and Nova can Molecular Prime everything. I'm also sick of reading this on PS4 in game chat "Hosting t3 etc... Nova only, Need Nova," To be honest they should make combination abilities in this game to balance it out. 

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Mag prime Shield Polarize is only effective for corpus and Nova can Molecular Prime everything. I'm also sick of reading this on PS4 in game chat "Hosting t3 etc... Nova only, Need Nova," To be honest they should make combination abilities in this game to balance it out. 

Mag's shield polerize kills any shielded unit groups, which are Corpus and Towers, at half the cost. MPrime's only nerf it could reasonably get is how much each explosion does from 800 to maybe to 400, adjusting the numbers is all. As a side note, MPrime's worth for the chaining shrinks drastically in T3 Defense which the explosions start to fail to kill even light units and is mostly used for its secondary effect doubling damage, where the true worth is. (Though if the same Nova just used AMD, the mobs die in one pretty little orb at a longer range then what MPrime can even charge a target.

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in each party plays a 1-2 frame - NOVA! and frames in the game - 20 ... lost interest in the game .. all play frame only - NOVA. Many do not like it .. large imbalance in NOVA! may make sense to trim frame NOVA skills and running speed or removed altogether from the game! or make a filter group on frames that could be established which frames can be in the party.


sorry for bad english

 Just wanted to start a topic couse  NOVA... I noticed that Nova warframe is to powerfull,fast, and that ability MolecualPrime or whatever - totaly ruining  the game fun.Is nice to kill alot sometimes but seruisly where is tha fun in that ?That Killstreak that was - all Novas kills over 500000 is that tell u something ? I personaly dont like Nova in Squad so had to play Solo moust of the time...Please  Rebalace NOVA, for the game sake...

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Nova has great destructive power but she can not survive alone. 

Some people have to understand every warframe has a role in the game, and you can't just complain about one of them completing well this role. 

For example Nova often needs a Frost or a Volt to defend her when she uses AMD, just because the projectile is VERY slow and with her paper armor she just can't stand in fire range, waiting for the bubble to reach her target. 


Nova is a DPS frame. She deals better damage than other DPS frames because in counterpart she absolutely can NOT defend herself : Ember has the lolish accelerant , Volt has a shield and stuns a lot, Saryn is solid and has molt, ... 


Nova can only slow enemies down. Very much but it's sometimes not enough. Try it alone in a grineer survival ! 



Other warframes need to be improved. Not Nova to be nerfed.

Edited by DeadScream
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until you meet a Nova that runs ahead of you and m-primes everything

or untill you start to play very high levels where nothing does as much dmg as Nova

Her 2 is a mini absorb which can get her killed while she tries to fly it and her 4 stops killing groups half way into t3 defense. Wouldn't mind even if her 4 was dropped from 800 to 400 if it would get people to stop complaining about it.

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