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Lacero, The Orokin Void Exclusive Warframe


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Introducing Lacero, the Orokin Void exclusive warframe! His abilities feature gruesome ways of destroying enemies as well as a support skill.


Of course, this is just an idea so numbers could be changed (I only added them for ballpark usefulness and power) and you can feel free to offer constructive criticism.


How would this frame be introduced? MetroFallout has a good idea for a new Orokin Void Assassination mission, perfect for this warframe. Link to his topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/163567-orokin-void-exclusive-warframe-and-weapons-ie-no-normal-equivalent/




Health 150.0 (450.0 at rank 30)

Power 125.0 (250.0 at rank 30)

Armor 50.0

Shield Capacity 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed 1.0

Stamina 80


4x power
1x dash
1x V

1x D

Aura Polarity V




1. DISMEMBER25 energy - Lacero targets a single enemy and lacerates them, dealing 200/300/400/500 slash damage to the target. If the target is killed, their body parts become projectiles that hit surrounding enemies for 25/50/75/100 impact damage. Only the slash damage is affected by power strength. At rank 3, casting range is 25m and body parts fly ~10m (only the former is affected by power range).


2. DEFIANCE50 energy - Lacero slams the ground and creates a shockwave that knocks down and pushes back surrounding enemies (similar effect to shockwave MOAs) and deals 50/100/150/200 impact damage. Damage and pushback amount are affected by power strength and overall range is affected by power range. Range at rank 3 is 15m and enemies are knocked back 5m.


3. RESURRECTION75 energy - Any downed teammates within 30m (affected by power range) are immediately revived and everyone is given a temporary 75% (affected by power strength) boost to health. (You instantly get 75% more health and it slowly decreases back to normal at a rate of 1.5/s. Power duration will slow this decrease.)


4. IMPLODE100 energy - All enemies within 40m (affected by power range) are forcefully drawn towards player's aim where, after a few seconds, they are crushed into oblivion. Deals 400/600/800/1000 impact damage (affected by power strength). Power duration has no effect.



- The main blueprint would be available in the market for 100,000 credits.

- Crafting him in the Foundry would require similar amounts of resources to prime warframes.


All suggestions and feedback are welcome!

Edited by Hakaan256
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No. Just no. We shouldn't need a warframe just for end-game content, as ideally, every warframe would be viable for end-game content.


In addition:

-Highest health, shields, and power of any frame.

-Very high armor

-Ultimate deals stupid amounts of damage.


There aren't nearly enough downsides to keep this frame balanced. As a whole, it's a poor idea.

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Thanks for the feedback. As I said, numbers could be changed so I'll lower most of them to put Ultimus on par with the rest of the warframes.


Edit: Also, in hindsight I shouldn't have pushed the endgame part of this warframe. It's meant to be more of a unique warframe you can only get from the void (sort of like Nekros and the prime warframes).

Edited by Hakaan256
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Lolol, so Dismember. You use it on an enemy and they're instantly gibbed, and if they die from it, their body parts act as projectiles.

But what if they don't die? Do they continue trying to fight you. Monty Python style?

Haha, I guess I should clarify. I was worried I underexplained it. If Dismember doesn't kill the enemy, they just have a normal hit/stagger animation. If it does kill them, it's something like meleeing an enemy and cutting them into pieces. It's the same weapon but different enemy animations depending on damage. 



In my opinion, Warframe needs new meaningful missions, lore and story as endgame, not just another frame for the endless grind and purposeless high wave defense and survival.


I agree that Warframe needs those things, but lore and story need content to back them up. This warframe could simply be a means of adding story (see the topic I linked with the OVA idea).

Edited by Hakaan256
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"End game"

New player joins the game and decides to buy 1000 plat.

See's end game warframe.

Buys it.

Well I guess he won the game in about 10 mins

New players can't buy prime warframes (acquired from the void, same as this one) with platinum, so the same goes for Ultimus.


Also, to everyone reading this thread, forget the term "endgame." It was clearly a poor choice of words and I have since edited the first post. I suppose the name Ultimus could also be changed.

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Actually they can buy primes...

I know what your getting at but...

You can buy ember prime and some other prime stuff for like 100 dollars or something.

I stand corrected then... Forgot about that prime access program. Since I've changed his image from "endgame" though (I've even changed his name to Lacero, Latin for shred/tear/mangle, suitable I think), having this frame in the market for platinum no longer breaks it, just diminishes its exclusivity.

Edited by Hakaan256
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