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Update 11.8 ....a Bit Disappointing. ...


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The actual big updates with tonnes of new content come about every two months.


Also in two years time when this game is still going strong i will look back at all the posts about how this game is doomed and laugh.


He's been claiming that the game's dead, and/or doomed for a while now. I honestly don't think he cares about whether he's right or wrong at this point.

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Maybe, but the forum community has very strong similarities. And company in charge reacts to feedback and suggestion the very same way. History repeats itself.

Except there is slight marketing difference. SWTOR was build around P2P and went F2P which screwed it over EVEN more, Warframe is built around F2P and unless it goes P2P it is less likely to face the same fate as SWTOR. Just my two cents

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Except there is slight marketing difference. SWTOR was build around P2P and went F2P which screwed it over EVEN more, Warframe is built around F2P and unless it goes P2P it is less likely to face the same fate as SWTOR. Just my two cents

That's not exactly relevant to my point. My point was the community and developer reaction to feedback and "dissent" is roughly the same. Some people pretty much attacking other people offering criticism and feedback while developers seem to completely ignore criticism and feedback.

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That's not exactly relevant to my point. My point was the community and developer reaction to feedback and "dissent" is roughly the same. Some people pretty much attacking other people offering criticism and feedback while developers seem to completely ignore criticism and feedback.


I also trolled visited the swtor forum from time to time. I can confirm your observations and go one further:


In the Rift forums (pre-release) players hailed the innovative combat system as the WoW killer.


In the Rift forums (post-release) players got mad that "end game" and pvp wasn't better, then started badmouthing the game, then finally started to promise other players that Swtor and GW2 would be better.


In the Swtor forums (pre-release) players welcomed the fresh new take on voice acting, and rich world with an epic 1-50 storyline for each class. It would surely be the WoW killer.


In the Swtor forums (post-release) players got mad that "end game" and pvp wasn't better, then started badmouthing the game, then finally started to promise other players that GW2 would be better.


In the GW2 forums etc etc etc etc

Edited by Archistopheles
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That's not exactly relevant to my point. My point was the community and developer reaction to feedback and "dissent" is roughly the same. Some people pretty much attacking other people offering criticism and feedback while developers seem to completely ignore criticism and feedback.

Ohh right, sorry misunderstanding.

DE doesn't completely ignore criticism and feedback. I italic-ed it because I put my trust into DE's promises the moment I played the game 1 day after its open beta release, however I came to appreciate them far more than most other developers once they showed their passion towards the game and respect towards the players. I want to defend DE at all times, but sometimes I cannot and that bothers me with slight doubts. I still provide feedback to them and still support them it's just that there are times of doubt here and there, I do believe Warframe has an extraordinary potential and unless it starts going towards it it will soon get overthrown by upcoming F2Ps that are very good at what they do. DE does not ignore criticism and feedback, I find that hard to believe because they always read the forums and not always reply but the forums are quite populated compared to other games.

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Biggest problem with releasing new content, apparently done by different people than the "big picture", which I'm guessing includes balancing, is that that more stuff you have to balance the harder it is. If you only had 3 guns and 3 frames, balancing would be a breeze, they could probably get it right within a month. Once you have this foundation releasing new content along the same standards as the existing ones is a self-reinforcing cycle. With all the guns and frames we have now, a balance pass is a much tougher task.

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OP you should be glad that DE are fixing anything bit by bit.


You probably have not experienced playing a game with multi-region servers, especially not having the same content because my region will always be two updates behind the first and prioritized one. And because the game's devs are Korean, so it's really hard to contact them. Even with the help of the moderators and customer support(like they even care).

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