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Characters Worth Getting With Platinum List.


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These are my tips for people who want to buy characters with platinum and want to get their moneys worth.


(I do not advise buying any character if you are a hardcore player or are patient since you can use the platinum on better things. on the other hand,  i do understand some people don't have a lot of time to farm or have patience to get some of these warframes and this is who the list applies too.)


If anyone wants me to add more Warframes to the list please tell me who and give a brief explanation. :)




- Warframes worth buying


1. Volt (Cost 75 Platinum)- He is only available through survival mission and grineer defense, which can get a bit tedious to find all his parts and can take a while. He is definitely a really good warframe (one of my favorites) and is definitely worth the platinum. You can not go wrong with Volt.


2. Banshee (Cost 225 Platinum) - Her blueprints are dropped in capture, spy, and defense missions. The real challenge is getting the helmet blueprint which has the best chance to be dropped in Tier 3 infested defense missions or orokin derelict and only has a 2.01% at dropping. She is definitely worth the money which will save you a lot of time and headaches.


3. Vauban (Cost 300 Platinum) - He is only available through Alert missions which can take up to a month of waiting. He is a really great character and easy to use. I have to admit 300 platinum is steep but if you are not a patient person and really want him, he will not disappoint you.


4. Excalibur (Cost 75 Platinum) - His blueprints are dropped by Ambulas which is located on Pluto in the mission Hades. Pluto is one of the last planets you unlock and one of if not the most challenging planet. For the wait and challenge of getting him, he is definitely worth the 75 plat which includes his slot and Orokin Reactor. Overall a balanced warframe who is easy to use.




- Potential characters i might add to list


1. Nekros (Cost 375 Platinum) - He is only available in Orokin Derelict Assassination missions (ODA), which requires you to make keys using resources which you might run low on trying to get Nekros. (The reason he is not on the list is because the time and difficulty to get him does not justify 375 Platinum.)


2. Loki (cost 75 Platinum) - His blueprints are dropped by Hyena which is located on Neptune in the mission Psamathe. He is by no means difficult to get if you have a decent built but he is only 75 platinum, which includes the slot (20 Platinum) and the Orokin Reactor (20 platinum). which basically only makes him 35 Platinum and let me tell you Loki is an awesome character. (The reason he is not on the list is because i feel you can get him pretty fast with a decent build or a decent squad once you get to neptune.)

Edited by stickygun
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Loki and Excaliber (you already mentioned volt)


Each come with a potato and slot. (40p)


Which means you pay just 35p for the frame. Saves a few hours + 3 days to farm and craft.

Do all frames you buy come with a potato? if thats the case then yah any 75plat frame would be worth it.

Edited by MindlessWar
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These are my tips for people who want to buy characters with platinum and want to get their moneys worth.


1. Volt (Cost 75 Platinum)- He is only available through survival mission, which can get a bit tedious to find all his parts and can take a while.


2. Banshee (Cost 225 Platinum) - Her blueprints are dropped in capture, spy, and defense missions. The real challenge is getting the helmet blueprint which can only be dropped in Tier 3 infested defense missions or orokin derelict and only has a 2.01% at dropping. She is definitely worth the money which will save you a lot of time and headaches.


3. Vauban (Cost 300 Platinum) - He is only available through Alert missions which can take up to a month of waiting. He is a really great character and easy to use. I have to admit 300 platinum is steep but if you are not a patient person and really want him, he will not disappoint you.


If anyone wants me to add more Warframes to the list please tell me who and give a brief explanation. :)



Loki and any other frame that costs 75 plat, that's 35 for the frame and 40 for a slot and a reactor AND you don't have to wait.

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2. Banshee (Cost 225 Platinum) - Her blueprints are dropped in capture, spy, and defense missions. The real challenge is getting the helmet blueprint which can only be dropped in Tier 3 infested defense missions or orokin derelict and only has a 2.01% at dropping.



Does NOT have to be infested defense, I found mine on Xini (Eris) after perhaps ten billion runs.

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Wait... when did Banshee become hard to get? I got mine easily and on accident while just playing Xini (back when it was good AKA infested). I just looked in the foundry one day and noticed I had a bunch of her parts (several of each) so I bought the bp and built her. Definitely would not recommend plat purchasing her unless you really think she is worth 185 plat.

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Do all frames you buy come with a potato? if thats the case then yah any 75plat frame would be worth it.

Potato and slot. 

I will say 5 dollars for Volt+Slot+Potato is actually not a bad deal compared to how grindy it is to get him. 

Any other frame though isn't worth it when grinding its parts is fairly easy. 


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Vauban has become increasingly easier to obtain, with alerts for his parts being several times a week almost. You know where I saved myself a lot of headaches? Ember Prime. I can see it from anybody's point of view on whether Prime Access is an ethical program or not, but when I think about how many extra capture keys I would've had to grind, I regret absolutely nothing. 

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The only frame I'd buy, with the current pricing, is Loki at 75 platinum. And maybe Volt.


Volt=#1, seriously, thats only 5 usd, for what is now otherwise a very tedious to get warframe, and he is very, very fun (good end game also)


Loki is a great 5 usd choice as well, as it comes with the reactor and slot (essentially 40 plat by themselves), but it might serve most people better just to build Loki from Hyena parts, cause, well, it's not that hard to farm.


other then that, I'd say the others aren't worth it, you'll be wanting to get a Mag Prime, so no point in spending plat on a regular one (sry Mag, your not end game anymore by comparison O_O) and Excalibur is fun and all, but unless your buying Warframe Slots, you probably won't keep him after you hit rank 30, cause he is overly versatile(without excelling at versatility), with no real advantages when compared to the other Frames.

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