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Warframe Should Be Run In Nightmare Mode


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This game has a TERRIBLE propensity for "No Teamwork" and "The fastest man through wins".  Absolutely nothing about skill, game mechanics, or teamwork.  the 3 nightmare alerts I have played have completely reversed the play styles of everyone I played with.  We worked as a group.  A weakness in one area was strengthened my the rest of the group.  Diversity is a strength, not a weakness.


DE's, do me a favor, make a "Nightmare Week"?  Watch how the real leaders in this world, we play in, step up and become shining stars. 

Edited by Kempeck
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I play a lot of survival, so often there is some semblance of teamwork. its only really necessary after 20 or so minutes on normal survival. infested requires, well, nekros, basically. and lucky spawns. anyhow, I don't play rushing missions, but nightmare mode is quite a good place to find some teamwork. however, if there were some sort of nightmare week event, which sounds like something that already happened, actually. can't remember, but I'm pretty sure that's how I got hammershot. no we have that but just stuffed into the normal alert system


if we did have a nightmare week, I just feel like most people would just stop playing for a week. but for those who stuck with it, it would be a great learning experience, I'm sure


and the par for the course comment was hilarious to me, for whatever reason. well put, and well played

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I, as well, play alot of survival.  I always challenge the team to see how long we can go.  I prefer survival to any of the other missions.  I do not build speed frames, as that is not my play style.  I have 3 rush, but are never equipped on any frame.


I got the Hammershot the same time you did.  A nightmare alert.  I just feel like everyone wants everything handed to them.  If it's too hard, they don't use their minds to figure out how to use the resources they have to resolve it, they complain that things are unfair and want more powerful everything.  Hell, let's Sesame Street the whole damn world!!

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This shows you have, absolutely, no idea what leadership and fealty are, but par for the course.

Plenty of us are team players without having to resort to Nightmare mode. I obsessively have my party's shield/health window open and am always watching my minimap to see if people are left behind due to enemies or if they are simply looting.


Your suggestion only promotes teamwork when people are using frames that are not well-equipped to deal with Nightmare conditions. The rest of them can blaze through almost as quickly as they would with regular content. The high-horse tone doesn't really lend itself well to your argument either.

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Plenty of us are team players without having to resort to Nightmare mode. I obsessively have my party's shield/health window open and am always watching my minimap to see if people are left behind due to enemies or if they are simply looting.


Your suggestion only promotes teamwork when people are using frames that are not well-equipped to deal with Nightmare conditions. The rest of them can blaze through almost as quickly as they would with regular content. The high-horse tone doesn't really lend itself well to your argument either.

From day one, I have my player window open.  I have yet to go up an elevator without a team mate, and actively mark drops so the rest of the team can benefit.  I enjoy playing, as a team.  This game is not built around team, corp, or party.  It is built for individuals, to play as individuals not as a team.  not collectively.  This, unfortunately, is the way of our society.

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Here's what I do with nightmare mode missions:


1. Rhino.

2. Iron Skin.

3. Speedrun, cleaning up after myself (cameras, etc.) when applicable and helping the team as needed.

4. Move on to next mission.


And it would appear many others have the same idea as well, it's not uncommon to see a full squad of 4 Rhinos on a nightmare mission.

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And how exactly is nightmare any more teamwork than normal missions when depending on the mutator (Such as no shield) people wont even stop to revive you if you fall(unlike how they very commonly do that in normal missions), and the only thing they do is rush for the objective and leave everyone behind?

How is it teamwork when the majority of pug nightmare missions end up with 4 Vanguard Rhinos with max rush and IS so that they can pop IS as fast as possible and then ignore the enemies just to finish the objectives and there is absolutely no communication and people are left behind commonly to die with no support?

And how is it teamwork when even in a nightmare alert there is absolutely no communication and no one cares what the others are doing unless they are trolling?

I have yet to see any extra teamwork when running a nightmare mission, yet I can see plenty of teamwork when running ODS, T3S or T3D. Hek, even a normal MD gets more team-work than the nightmare missions I do with other players.


Oh and a small hint: even if the entire system was nightmare I doubt many more people would be running it than they do currently.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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From day one, I have my player window open.  I have yet to go up an elevator without a team mate, and actively mark drops so the rest of the team can benefit.  I enjoy playing, as a team.  This game is not built around team, corp, or party.  It is built for individuals, to play as individuals not as a team.  not collectively.  This, unfortunately, is the way of our society.

Oh, look.

A drama queen.

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Running without shields, whilst fun, would become annoying eventually. It's novelty would run thin. ME3 has teamwork. We don't need to run the game in nightmare with no shields to get teamwork. No shields on this game with its functions is a dodgy idea.

On another note: you sound far far too serious and clearly like blowing your own trumpet too much.

Edited by Naith
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Here's what I do with nightmare mode missions:


1. Rhino.

2. Iron Skin.

3. Speedrun, cleaning up after myself (cameras, etc.) when applicable and helping the team as needed.

4. Move on to next mission.


And it would appear many others have the same idea as well, it's not uncommon to see a full squad of 4 Rhinos on a nightmare mission.

That's why they need to get rid of the chance of (and guarantee of for Nightmare Alerts) no shield mode.  As long as that stupidity exists, I'm bringing my Rhino.

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It's interesting that some people say the game doesn't encourage teamwork and others say they see teamwork all the time.


I kinda wonder if that's a regional cultural thing. Some cultures strongly emphasise individualism, while others strongly emphasise the common good, and maybe that's reflected in how the game is played. But that's just an idle thought.


Speaking for my own motivation, I hate being carried (though it happens sometimes), and I hate comparing whose is bigger (for me it's so variable from one game to the next whether I've "done well" in terms of damage % that it's ultimately meaningless). Basically, I would totally hate multiplayer if it weren't for the opportunity it gives me to feel useful to other people. I don't think I'm alone in this. I think the main complaint people (except Valkyr players, who have a rather more concrete complaint) have about M-Prime is that it makes them feel not useful. It's not just M-Prime, either. My biggest complaint about the game would have to be the power-play, where some players are made to feel surplus to requirements in order to feed other players' egos.


And I know that's just me, though as I said, I'm not alone in that. Other people have different motivations and that's fine too. But there must be some sort of acceptable compromise.

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It's interesting that some people say the game doesn't encourage teamwork and others say they see teamwork all the time.


I kinda wonder if that's a regional cultural thing. Some cultures strongly emphasise individualism, while others strongly emphasise the common good, and maybe that's reflected in how the game is played. But that's just an idle thought.

It might also depend on what type of missions you run.  If you mostly focus on alerts with good rewards, then you're more likely to meet people whose focus is on completing things fast, who are packing gear that way outclasses the mission.  On the other hand, if you focus more on stuff off the beaten path, or stuff that is more challenging for you and your teammates, then you're more likely to see cooperative play.


So, basically, a Nightmare Alert is more likely to see people steam-rolling things, while a regular nightmare mode mission is more likely to see team-play.

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This game has a TERRIBLE propensity for "No Teamwork" and "The fastest man through wins".  Absolutely nothing about skill, game mechanics, or teamwork.  the 3 nightmare alerts I have played have completely reversed the play styles of everyone I played with.  We worked as a group.  A weakness in one area was strengthened my the rest of the group.  Diversity is a strength, not a weakness.


DE's, do me a favor, make a "Nightmare Week"?  Watch how the real leaders in this world, we play in, step up and become shining stars. 


This is true.

All of a sudden everyone was sticking together when you dont have shields.

Well, except Rhinos.....and this might be a problem, the game could end up just being all Rhino.

But a Nightmare event would be fun if DE doesnt actually wuss out and make it easy.

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