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Buffs? Buffs. Buffs!


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As far as mods, Puncture/Slash/Impact and the original status chance mods.  Not sure about Auras, most people will default to Energy Siphon no matter what.  I would really like to see innate energy regen so that we could actually experiment with other auras.  I've always wanted to use Enemy Radar, but as long as Energy Siphon and Rifle Amp exist that isn't going to happen.


Isn't dragoon super powerful? it doesn't need a buff imo 


I'll admit that it's not in desperate need like most of the others on that list, but it's far from super powerful.  You need to spend mod slots to benefit from the charge shot and the non charge shot isn't very effective with that spread.

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(A list for what buff day needs)Things that seriously need a look at:





- Melee weapon Elemental mods (Electrical / Cold Damage mods seriously lack compared to others, despite equal costs)

- Impact/Puncture/Slashing Damage mods (how they are calculated makes them pretty much worthless. Make it like all other damage mods. Values are also subpar for cost)

- Status Chance mods (pure status chance mods seriously need a buff compared to others that boost to huge levels)

- Rifle Multi-shot mod (It's lower than all other multi-shot mods of 120%, but costs the same)





- BratonMK1 needs damage re-allocation + slight buff. (Novice players have a hell of a time trying to pass Venus with it thanks to damage 2.0)

- Braton Prime needs a buff. (lacks quite a bit compared to new prime weapons)

- Latron Prime needs a buff. (Same as above)

- Skana Prime needs a buff. (Same as above)

- Lato Prime needs a buff. (Same as above)

- Bows in General need a large buff. (Travel time and draw time greatly complicates using these especially when people have weapons, when modded out, that can clear whole rooms with a few quick clicks)

- Hek needs a buff. (Strum wraith / Drakgoon destroys this weapon damage wise. Hek needs to be the king of power for shotguns to compensate for it's pitiful clip size)

- Clan tech equipment needs a good long hard look over. Many of the market's items can crush the clan-tech weapons in terms of power/usefulness/Requirements/Cost (Soma > Supra. Tetra > Dera, etc) Personally, I would like to see the requirements and costs of clan tech go down. Perhaps be more beginner friendly so that clans can help arm new members?



*Edit 1 - Added in some extra weapons*

*Edit 2 - Added in Clan Tech*

Edited by FatPokemon
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Somebody's afraid he won't be able to one shot everything within 500 in game meters anymore.

This is a PVE game, you cannot be OP, in fact you only play to get stronger not the other way around, after 600 hours yes I want to one shot everything and yes I should, are you jealous ? if not then why are you speaking ?

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This is a PVE game, you cannot be OP, in fact you only play to get stronger not the other way around, after 600 hours yes I want to one shot everything and yes I should, are you jealous ? if not then why are you speaking ?

You're right, but let's finish discussion about this right here please.

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