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Buffs? Buffs. Buffs!


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"buff a few weaponsmods and auras"


What follows in the thread are discussions about warframes and gametype changes.  Everyone will proceed to complain afterwards having provided no feedback on the actual subject.


Please buff the Reaper Prime and the slashing abilities of the fang and fang primes.


Completely agree, but I left melee off my list because we know for a fact it's being buffed and overhauled.  Until we see the outcome we can't really know where melee weapons stand until then.

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This is a PVE game, you cannot be OP, in fact you only play to get stronger not the other way around, after 600 hours yes I want to one shot everything and yes I should, are you jealous ? if not then why are you speaking ?

You want easymode.  Not everyone wants easymode.


Sorry you can only enjoy things that chimps can do just as well.  Click a button, get a banana?

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You want easymode.  Not everyone wants easymode.


Sorry you can only enjoy things that chimps can do just as well.  Click a button, get a banana?

The problem isn't the weapons and mods the player can acquire, but the strength of the content that can match up against it.

 Also.. that's kinda off-topic.

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Elemental mods should get a good hard look. Some of them cost less points than others to equip and for the exact same damage percentage. What also doesn't make sense is some of them having different polarities too.

And lets not get started on the melee elemental mods ;p

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After going through all weapons, I think it's not very hard to see what needs some changes in terms of weapons, there are some I as a player have no reason to look at again... The hard part for sure is how to balance them.


Rifles: Dera - Hind - Karak - Tetra

Shotguns: Sobek - Tigris

Snipers: Vulkar

Bows: ... (currently inferior due to travel time and damage done vs Snipers)

Launchers: Torid


Single: Acrid - Ballista - Bolto - Cestra - Furis - Kraken - Lato - Lex - Magnus - Seer - Sicarus - Spectra - Vasto - Viper

Dual: Afuris - Aklato - Dual Broncos - Twin Gremlins

Thrown: Hikou


Melee: Hopefully Melee 2.0 will make something useful



In sum: There is a pretty good weapon variety, but most lack any reason to be played since their usefulness is pretty lower comparing to others...

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Single: Acrid - Ballista - Bolto - Cestra - Furis - Kraken - Lato - Lex - Magnus - Seer - Sicarus - Spectra - Vasto - Viper

Give all of the single Secondary weapons much better crit and status chance. Ak variants should be much lower.


I mean... your able to aim with a single pistol MUCH more effectively than holding one in each hand.



Dammit ! You guys were supposed to HIDE the cookies from Scott, not HAND them too him !


He's going to have a sugar crash soon and nerf stuff again :'/

So long he only nerfs the soma.. That thing is broken.

Edited by FatPokemon
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Well if you want to talk about just weapons I say some diversity in the physical damage is needed. Most melee weapons seem to only do slash damage. Very few do impact or puncture even when some of their animations are stabbing animations! This further makes melee obsolete since slash will only hurt the Infested while higher level enemies will just laugh at you for bringing a knife to a gun fight.


The same goes with guns as well. Many rifles seem to either be balanced between all three or favor puncture which won't help against Corpus or Infested.

Edited by Redlove108
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Why do people have to argue in every thread? This thread is about buffs! Nothing can be wrong in a pve online game with buffs and still people try fight each other... The forum should have a seperate rant section :D


It's human nature. Some people are here to argue, play devil's advocate, troll, make fun, etc.

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Volts speed affected by power strength


Speed is affected by Power Strength. I run Focus+Blind Rage on Volt and have a blast shooting around. I had t disable motion blur strictly because I could see nothing at the speeds I was going.


Let's see. Buffs buffs buffs... Buff the difficulty of the planets! No? Ok.


Buff the base crit chance of all the 5% crit melee weapons to at least 10% so they can all have some benefit from True Steel and Organ Shatter. And give Bo increased base status chance. Currently all the melee weapons have the same status chance so there are no build choices on that regard.

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