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Shooting Range? All Feedback Is Welcome.


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Well, to start things off, I've been a Warframe player for a while now. I've played with so many different weapons, and many different Warframes. MANY of which I decided immediately that I didn't like it. Seer Pistol for example.I played a round on Mercury with it, and decided immediately it was worth more in credits, than in a weapon slot.


My idea for a shooting range isn't as simple as the title suggests. More like a loadout test range. Where you can bring any type of weapons, mods, warframes, whatever you want. Allowing the player (before they invest in a garbage item/Warframe) a chance to see how the mechanics of that weapon and/or Warframe would feel for them.


Input the holograms from the "tutorial" in large numbers ranging in formations and distances throughout the range. Far away for snipers/bows, short for shotguns and launchers, and medium for rifles. Have a separate area for Warframe abilities. Example, an area with "allied" NPCs so you can test a Warframe's healing/buff abilities, a smaller obstacle course for abilities like Valkyr's Ripline, Rhino's charge, Excalibur's Slash Dash, and so on.


Obviously we could put in enemies in crowds to test out for Warframe offensive abilities. Forexample, a circle of enemies for those Warframes with the AoE ults. Example, Radial Javelin, Overload, World of Fire, and so on.

This would give every player not only the chance to try out a weapon before they invest time and resources (even plat in some cases) but also a place to tone their skills without any changes in their profile stats. 


The tile set could be something extremely simple, so don't worry devs, it doesn't have to be complex. All we would need is a large open space filled with holograms. There could also be an activation panel to make the enemies become hostile, and actually attack, as seen in the tutorial( minus the switch.).


I'm sure that there's already something similar that theDevs use to make sure things are working properly before it's release, but players should have this opportunity too.


ALL FEEDBACK is welcome.Just don't be too rude, and please refrain from blatant insults.

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At first I thought "but that's what I use Terminus for". Then I kept reading, and I must say it's an interesting idea. It could be a Dojo room, like the Parkour one. However, this sounds like it would take quite a bit of work, unless what you suggest about the devs having something like this already is true, and even in that case I doubt they'd let us play with their toys.

Besides, what exactly would make this better than testing in an actual mission? Not bashing, genuinely curious because it's something important you left out of your post.

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i like the idea, i think a room with a grid, and you can decide in wich tiles put holograms,  if you want to be surrounded and see how quickly can finish them or put a group in front of you and check the spread of shotguns. it probably would need to be large for sniper testing or an hologram in scale representing distance.

Edited by Pavelord
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At first I thought "but that's what I use Terminus for". Then I kept reading, and I must say it's an interesting idea. It could be a Dojo room, like the Parkour one. However, this sounds like it would take quite a bit of work, unless what you suggest about the devs having something like this already is true, and even in that case I doubt they'd let us play with their toys.

Besides, what exactly would make this better than testing in an actual mission? Not bashing, genuinely curious because it's something important you left out of your post.

It would allow the players (before actually purchasing/building the weapon/frame to use it. And see how the mechanics, work.Andthe general FEEL of the items, you know?Instead of blowing plat, or resources on something useless.

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It would allow the players (before actually purchasing/building the weapon/frame to use it. And see how the mechanics, work.Andthe general FEEL of the items, you know?Instead of blowing plat, or resources on something useless.


Ahhh, I misinterpreted what you meant by "invest". Yes, it makes sense... but now I get an even stronger feeling that DE won't do this. It's basically letting the users play with stuff they haven't "earned" (read: farmed, grinded, paid for...), and it would need arbitrary restrictions to prevent it. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, OP: when you buy clothes IRL, you try them on first, when you buy a car, you take it out for a ride first. But in the context of the game, it seems to me it would be a risky move.

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This is a pretty well-planned idea for a shooting-range type add on - in fact, I'd go as far as to say you've made it go beyond "shooting range" and more into "training room".


I'd love to see this used ingame as it would give players the ability to make better decisions on what weapons/frames feel right for them based on in game experience, instead of having to go look outside of the game (wiki, videos, etc...).

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This is a pretty well-planned idea for a shooting-range type add on - in fact, I'd go as far as to say you've made it go beyond "shooting range" and more into "training room".


I'd love to see this used ingame as it would give players the ability to make better decisions on what weapons/frames feel right for them based on in game experience, instead of having to go look outside of the game (wiki, videos, etc...).

That's the thing I was going for. I can't even number all of the times I've made a regrettable purchase/build. My most recent was Oberon. He's okay for some people, just not for me. If I would have known that, I wouldhave saved myself pfff... so many resources that I couldn't afford to blow.

I've also been hesitant on making the Miter because of the same reason. With a "Training Grounds" implemented, I wouldn't even make that mistake again.

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We could have room where we can test our frame and weapons build. Room where we could spawn specific mobs in specific amounts.



Lets say i want to test my Radiation AkMagnus and duration of it proc on Antimoas. I go in shooting range room, spawn few Antimoas of certain level, and voila, i have testing ground with mobs that i need.

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