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Frost: 2/5/2014


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Good night sweet prince... :'(

True, but there's only so many times you can cast that with maxed power efficiency.


Get team energy restore items. Clan tech version gives 50 energy per tick. that's 200 energy.


Or walk away from the pod during downtime and gather a few energy drops.

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Congratulations, you just showed yourself as someone who has absolutely no idea what he's talking about, and no idea how to balance -any- game.


I'm done with you. Moving on.

Do you even understand what godmode is?

I'll tell you what it's NOT: temporary invincibility.

Edited by OblivionNecroninja
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Congratulations, you just showed yourself as someone who has absolutely no idea what he's talking about, and no idea how to balance -any- game.


I'm done with you. Moving on.

No, seriously, what's the problem with a limited amount of invincibility? Games going as far back as Doom had options to become invincible for a short period. Even notoriously punishing games like Dark Souls give you periods of invincibility.

I don't get the objection here.

You could say that Iron Skin was too spammable with the right build, but that's not a problem with the invincibility in of itself but rather the skill being spammable.

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With the changes to freeze and avalanche, it would indicate they're attempting to make Frost be more mobile and well, active, in his offensive capabilities. However, the fact that he'll be constantly going back to the objective to recast, as well as the fact that he's a slow one, means that ultimately, nothing is changed except he is more annoying to play.

The idea is to make it not be an end all, be all ability against projectiles in defense missions, meaning other frames will now have jump in with their defensive abilities( Radial Blind, Radial Disarm, Shadows of the Dead, Terrify, Rhino Stomp, etc...) The way it is now, it's a must have for corpus and grineer defenses. This changes globe from a necessity to a support.


Snowglobe being a solely duration based skill created issues of viability of other frames in the "Defense" mission types, as well as a skew towards pace of gameplay.
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I feel like this change is a tad misguided.


I get that Freeze and Avalanche are improved to try to incite Frosts to take a more active roll in killing, but giving Snowglobe a health bar is just counter intuitive. What it results in is Frosts are forced to stick to the objectives even harder, now that they have to recast more often.

Of course, it means in anything that doesn't involve defending an objective (frost's primary job), he can go do that better. 

It helps that he's fairly slow as well. Now he won't even be able to get very far before needing to run back and set up another globe.

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3,500HP is extremely low for high level defense, it wouldn't last for 10 seconds. I would suggest buff to 10,000HP to counter high level Grineers and Corpus.


Edit: On second thought, i prefer DE to test this themselve in T3 Void Defense and come out mission accomplish.

Edited by Auxeus
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What would keep frost a great defender is give his globe a 20% chance to reflect incoming shoots (like the new air frames shield does) let them reflect without causing damage to the shield health. We have to remember it is ice after after it should have a good chance at reflecting the shoots off the shell. This seems like a good option to keep frost a great choice for a defender, since that really his only real use in the game ,if you take that away from him might as well retire him completely.

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This is the thing that bothers me the most, nerfing Frost is not going to make other frames viable, if they were garbage before, they will become even more garbage now. If they weren't good frames, they could still hide behind the globe and be of some use, now, only a very small set of frames can be used in defence to survive, since any weak link would mean failure, and you wouldn't have the same buffer to protect the objective. Lets go with averages, if 3 of the teammates had garbage frames, and a godly frost, at least it would come out as an average of good/decent. Now take the same 3 garbage frames + garbage Frost, now you have a garbage team. Now, all 4 frames need to be amazing, or there is no chance of success.

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The idea is to make it not be an end all, be all ability against projectiles in defense missions, meaning other frames will now have jump in with their defensive abilities( Radial Blind, Radial Disarm, Shadows of the Dead, Terrify, Rhino Stomp, etc...) The way it is now, it's a must have for corpus and grineer defenses. This changes globe from a necessity to a support.

I get that, but with a fixed health number it just means that for low level stuff, it'll just be as it was before, for more mid stuff, you encourage more defensive abilities, and then get any further and you had might as well not be casting it.

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frost useless now..
that globe would be gone in a sec in mid-high level defend

and you ruin maybe all your players build because most ppl should already using forma to give their frost duration build

also change trinity blessing to have some "blessing's health" too since you do this??

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The idea is to make it not be an end all, be all ability against projectiles in defense missions, meaning other frames will now have jump in with their defensive abilities( Radial Blind, Radial Disarm, Shadows of the Dead, Terrify, Rhino Stomp, etc...) The way it is now, it's a must have for corpus and grineer defenses. This changes globe from a necessity to a support.


The issue being, that doesn't really change; if it's a "must-have" now, nerfing it doesn't change that, all it means is that the "must-have" is no longer available - it doesn't make the alternatives any better or more viable.


As I said in the other thread, god forbid DE improve the pants on head stupid AI so it actually storms the thing to engage in CQB. No, that might actually take work.

Edited by Taranis49
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An idea I have for snow globe, dunno' if others would like it or not. When Frost first casts the snowglobe, he remains in a stance with his arms out to his side, creating the globe and costing the inital casting cost. While he is in this stance his energy tics down per seond, the snow-globe does not go on a timer, and the health of the globe regenerates at a moderate rate. Moving (or being forced to move by an enemy attack that knocks down/drags/etc the character), fireing, or using another frame ablity causes the globe to go into its countdown to ending regardless and stops the globes HP regen. The sustaining stance can not be gone back into after droping it and as balance, perhaps limit him to having a cirten number or less globes on the field at a time. While this stops Frost himself from getting into the action while sustaining a globe, it helps him to more fufill his role as a team defence based frame without making it to where he can simply make permanent (well, constantly refreshing) anti-projectile barriers while continuing to fire out of them from near absolute protection

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What is this game based around?  Level 30s?  Well at least I moved on to cc frames awhile ago.  Doesn't affect me any longer.  This is just going to make people without proper mods and gear suffer.

Do you even T3 def? Enemies there go up to lvl 64.

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Do you even T3 def? Enemies there go up to lvl 64.


That's what he meant. Nerfs or changes to frames suits them to lvl 20-30ish enemies; while defense and survival can potentially create enemies with 60++ levels



Actually, scratch that. 3500 max base threshold is only properly suitable for lvl <20 enemies; higher than that and it dissipates before you could aim your gun

Edited by Punchedface
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7000+ HP with the right mods is better than nothing! This game is still in open beta, so this is just another step to balance out the frames. It'd be bad to slap the title "King of Defense" on Frost and leave it as is.


I hope Nova and Trinity are next in line.

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