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Reworking Trinity


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Well I'd say that Loki is a different case in the sense that he needs as well can use all his skills in good synergy with each other where as Trinity like Frost again can just run blessing and there would be no need for Well of Life or Link or even EV because of the high energy drop rate. With Loki you can just Invisible and duration but he isn't invincible he does require distraction and works best when enemies have their fire weapons removed and switch teleport for when it's time to escape. All his skills are viable and work well in synch with each other but with Trinity a person can just run blessing and no matter how much knock down they receive they would live without Link, Well of Life would be useless and EV is covered by the energy drop or efficiency.
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For minimal changes, you could just remove invulnerability from her ult, and add power elsewhere if needed.


Ult restores 50%/75%/100% of total health and shields. If you want it to scale with duration, do the healing over 5-10 seconds, and do the healing quicker with duration mods(+100% duration = heals in half the duration for the same total amount).

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They need to rework how energy vamp works,right now inst all that usefull.

Change her ult to something that only works with downed allies is,how can i say,crap ?

Bless just get out of hand with very specific mods/helm and how the game works with no cover,no dmg reduction from shields and armor status being such a joke is really a big problem to change this skill and keep players going for high content(this and any over"invincible" skill).

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Well I'd say that Loki is a different case in the sense that he needs as well can use all his skills in good synergy with each other where as Trinity like Frost again can just run blessing and there would be no need for Well of Life or Link or even EV because of the high energy drop rate. With Loki you can just Invisible and duration but he isn't invincible he does require distraction and works best when enemies have their fire weapons removed and switch teleport for when it's time to escape. All his skills are viable and work well in synch with each other but with Trinity a person can just run blessing and no matter how much knock down they receive they would live without Link, Well of Life would be useless and EV is covered by the energy drop or efficiency.

that doesn't hold truth to some survival run where mobs are not that many, yet they hit damage very high. Take for example phobos wendell, I ran test with different frames, and honestly to say, energy orb+ efficiency doesn't cut it if you only use blessing. Your energy ran out pretty fast. Efficiency reduce duration. Trinity armor is pretty low: 15. So her shield+ health drop pretty fast. 

Loki isn't invincible yes, he die as well, likewise with Trinity. When you invisible enemies doesn't quite attack you.

Also, for the current Trinity, any frames beside trinity is better than Trinity in battle. Because blessing is work for everyone. 

I don't mind do another testing with you this time in battle/ together. 


Talk about survival alone, I might as well say valkyr is better than Trinity in that regard. 

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I'm fairly sure that armor doesn't apply to shields.

so this is why valkyr still can't survive well with that high armor. Thx for the info. 

Let me fix my sentence then, if I have to describe trinity without blessing, she is as squishy as ember. Aka, health drop fast. 

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so this is why valkyr still can't survive well with that high armor. Thx for the info. 

Let me fix my sentence then, if I have to describe trinity without blessing, she is as squishy as ember. Aka, health drop fast. 

That's why she has link, primarily, for those situations. 75% damage reduction on all damage taken, which is better than base Valkyr's armor(she only reduces damage by 66% to health)

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Care to explain why? But really, let's be honest here. Trinity's skills aren't that great aside from her 4th skill. I'd like a decent explanation as to why my rework is bad.



If that happens, then Trinity will be quite underpowered. I think it's better to give her a rework than to nerf her.

Your rework is bad because 

a) you assume trinity is always at rank 30, has mods, and all the passive power max upgrades. 75 energy for 1+2 and 50 for 3? you are essentially unable to play at the low levels. 

b) you made all the skills map wide. instead of promoting team play (or at least forcing people to stick by the support), you are saying to people, trinity is now support from any range so just go do your own thing and solo. well of life and energy vampire FORCE the team to stay in at least visual range (as it is) 

c) blessing sucks. 1. it costs too much. 2. it only revives 1 person 3. doesnt protect sentinels 4. people will still die and faster than you can revive them with this. 5. you turned blessing from a skill to a non skill. anyone can revive.. you just remove the standing around part of it and replace it with energy cost. 6. whole reason why people play a blessing build is for the INVULNERABILITY. 

d) reflect nerf. doesnt prevent CC anymore? so basically you want to give the pure support frame with no damage ability more nerfs? 




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That's why she has link, primarily, for those situations. 75% damage reduction on all damage taken, which is better than base Valkyr's armor(she only reduces damage by 66% to health)

I was talking about cactuarspy, regarding how the person said trinity have no need for EV, link, etc. 


copy and paste:

"Well I'd say that Loki is a different case in the sense that he needs as well can use all his skills in good synergy with each other where as Trinity like Frost again can just run blessing and there would be no need for Well of Life or Link or even EV because of the high energy drop rate. With Loki you can just Invisible and duration but he isn't invincible he does require distraction and works best when enemies have their fire weapons removed and switch teleport for when it's time to escape. All his skills are viable and work well in synch with each other but with Trinity a person can just run blessing and no matter how much knock down they receive they would live without Link, Well of Life would be useless and EV is covered by the energy drop or efficiency."

If you only read one of my post, and it happened to be a reply to someone, read that as well. 

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What you have listed is practically a new frame with 3 of her 4 abilities not caring about power range and just auto hitting allies.  Not sure it needs to be that drastic, though Well of Life seems a bit underwhelming at first glance.  Kinda like Mind Control on Nyx - not bad in and of itself, but vastly overshadowed by a later move on the same frame once you can equip enough mods to support that higher ability.  Might be a candidate for replacement, though feedback from experienced Trinity players on how useful they've found the ability wouldn't be bad to have.


If DE decided Invincibility need to go (personally agree - just causes lots of issues to have something like that around), tweaks could be made without just completely recreating all four of her abilities.



Energy Vampire would benefit greatly if it interacted with power duration the same way as Oberon's heal - more duration = faster ticks.  Loses usefulness quickly as anything other than a single target stun once you start piling on the power duration to benefit Link and Blessing.  Quality of life change would be to make sentinels (at least Trinity's) not shoot at targets under the effect of Energy Vampire.  Ditto on Link targeting it.


Link is fine as is.  It does like, five different things.


Blessing (again, assuming the goal of the change is to remove invincibility - otherwise just tweak Energy Vampire above and leave Blessing alone) would keep the full health/shields and replace the invincibility with damage reduction of at least 50%, though probably closer to 75% (multiply with Link, why not - stuff hits hard at higher levels).  Would be able to be recast before the duration is up (no 'power in use' error) so that if the team needs another heal she can do so, otherwise she'd be penalized for having power duration.  Still helps the team, but now they still have to play the game with Trinity around rather than just standing in front of 20 guys shooting them slowly picking them off one by one (need to dodge CC aside).


Unsure if the wiki is still correct in stating Rhino's Iron Skin is used up even if Blessing is active (think so, but been awhile since I used Rhino with a Trinity that was using Blessing regularly).  If so, would want to make sure Blessing works with his ability (so gives DR to it and not just his health/shields).  Ditto on the minions that Nekros can spawn.  Can add Snow Globe to the list too, because why not.

Edited by Vortok
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Um...no. Trinity works well the way she is. Link is a balanced power that allows her to tank/survive and works very well. Blessing is a necessity, especially with higher level damage/enemies, the way it is and your "nerf" of it is ludicrous. EV can keep you with power, generating more than it consumes and coupled with WoL creates massive damage against singular targets. She is fine (and better thought out than the newer frames) the way she is.

um you just proved the point why trinity needs to be reworked, trinity is not meant to tank its a support frame, atm trinity is the best tank in game and can out tank rhino and the new pitiful frost, which is not meant to be, people whined about rhino when he had duration iron skin, and it got nerfed, his iron skin even took a 2nd hit with it not regen shields in survivals, why should a support frame ever be able to out tank a tank, if trinity remains like this then they should revert all changes they made to rhino's iron skin and frost's globe.

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