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Coming Soon: Devstream #22


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-What are your thoughts on Ash? People are crying out for an overhaul of his skills, and as he is designated the "assassin" of the game his skills could certainly be built around an assassin type much better.

Maybe combine he Teleport with Banshee's Silence so when he teleports to a target they are not automatically aware of him.

His other 3 skills (Shuriken, Smoke Screen, and Bladestorm) could all use some redoing, if not complete changes.


-Another thing I'd like to hear about is the possibility of adding in a "Clan Donation Log" so I, as the Warlord, can see which members are donating what amounts of resources. Maybe add it in like a privilege that I can give to Generals or whatever rank as well.


-Also how about an option to REMOVE Valkyr's bonds? I think she would look much better without those hulking bricks attached to her arms.

Edited by Instinction
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Will the codex scanner have more uses in the future? I could see it being used to tag enemies so you can track their movement and see their vision cones. Would make stealth a lot easier. You probably already thought of that.


Are there plans to make missions more cinematic? So instead of just blowing up a reactor in Sabotage and running to extraction, maybe we get to see things shake and break. Also, blowing up more targets in Sabotage like Grineer artillery?

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Few questions....


1. From previous Devstreams the mentioning of Warframe 2 is keep being brought up, so far a lot of balancing and reworks on older systems have been slowly progressing throughout the past few months. How does the DE determine if the reworks are executed well and not simply look good on paper?


2. With the release of Zephyr we are now being introduction to Warframe passive abilities, will we be seeing new passive abilities in the future for current and new Warframe, or will Zephyr be the one passive user due to her abilities needing a passive to become viable in combat?


3. PS4 members have recently had interaction with Darvo and his... Business endeavours. While the PC members have just been introduced to another quest with him. These sporadic events are very refreshing to the overall game, creating great memories in the process. Will we be seeing more random missions in the future outside of Darvo interactions and key events?


4. Waframe's main concept in short is about the Space Ninja's called Tenno. But so far the overall game-play and missions are much easier to do and are even more focused on a more direct assult rather than using stealth and platforming. So far the only instance where I've seen the use of stealth viable is the Mastery Test #9 where you have to sneak around taking out enemies, while being undetected. Will we see any sort of new missions in the future that revolve around this idea, or will stealth game-play forever be a decision on how a player may choose to play?

Edited by (PS4)i_illusion
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1. The Corpus are slowly being weeded out of the solar system during invasions.  Is there any plans for a Grineer type stalker or other method to rebalance players desire to side with the corpus?  If it was a Grineer stalker, would he/she give away Brakk parts as the counterpart to the Detron?


2. I saw post that said Mastery ranks may play a more important role with a sort of skill tree and earning points to spend on said skill tree.  Since exclusive content gives mastery, some players have an advantage.  We saw this recently when Grand Master Founders could reach Mastery Rank 15 before anyone else if they had all the exclusive gear offered since closed beta.  If players with this content could jump to a higher mastery and earn more skill points (in theory), would this give them a distinct edge over people who do not have access to the extra mastery?  How will DE handle the lopsided mastery earning if they intend to make mastery rank matter?

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1.  With the invasion mechanic, is there anything in the works for unique planets getting conquered like Jupiter, Phobos, and Earth?  Especially as it has sounded like the plan going forward is to make more planets feel unique like they do.  Although the unique tilesets are still there, the original inhabitants have some unique enemies/models (or drops *cough*), but the replacement enemies from an invasion are fairly generic.  Also, the invasions themselves seem to use normal enemies (such as not using Arid Grineer during a Phobos invasion).


2. Chance of being able to manually end Valkyr's Hysteria before the duration has fully run its course?


3. Thoughts on PC players being able to hold back their version from updating to play with PS4 friends instead?  Assuming the systems for cross play end up being there before the builds are (permanently) synced?


4. Possibility for a slight increase in the player's pick up radius (.5 to 1m or so)?  Without Carrier, it can be difficult to get items that drop from containers if they popped out near the wall or some other tight space making Carrier the only way to be relatively sure you won't be jumping around in a corner for 30 seconds to get that mod/resource/nav coordinate that's 2 inches out of reach.

Edited by Vortok
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One of my favorite additions in U12 was that of enemy leaders with special attributes.  It adds some much needed variety to each gameplay; my only qualm is that it doesn't really feel like I need to approach enemy leaders much differently, just rush in and kill them as quickly as possible. 


I'd love to see enemy leaders be more like mini bosses where players have to consider how to approach them more carefully.  Are there plans to flesh out the system?  Codex entries?  Randomly generated names?  Special drops?  More complex attributes?

Edited by Aggh
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Question 1: Is there any chance we can have a mech themed frame soon? Im talking something along the lines of an ArmoredCore look to it.


Question 2: Would it be possible for warframes to receive more than just tribal style skins as decorations? I'm referring to armor plating that's for show only, and doesn't add any actual stats. 

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Questions questions these are my questions.


1: Will you do anymore unique/warframe exclusive syandanas similar to Valkyrs bonds or the Nekros syandana? 


2: With the introduction of Interception are there any other immediate plans for new game modes?


3: Will you ever revisit the phobos dual boss and tweak their mechanics? For example making new attacks for Lech Kril & Captain Vor exclusive to their Phobos boss variation?


4: Will Excaliber prime be reskinned to be brought up to current prime standards? He looks bland for a prime.

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Currently, invasion missions are just not fun at all. Spamming a node and doing the same 5 missions repeatedly is just so... agonizingly dull. Especially since everyone is in rush mode during them.


Are there any plans to make invasion missions more enjoyable?


I would love to see a multistage invasion that flows from one to the other as you progress.


Maybe something like:


Mission 1 - Spy mission to gather intel on the area

Mission 2 - Sabotage the core to leave them defenseless

Mission 3 - Assassinate a boss to take out the leader of the node

Mission 4 - Deception to take full control

Mission 5 - Exterminate remaining forces


Don't get me wrong, I love running and gunning, but I really have to force myself to complete these invasion missions 5 times in a row.



Edited by Saavedro
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Request: Stort quests and multimission like CELLS, have you looked into this?

Darvo alert is like its own game.

2. Warframe story missions. Is it possible to explore the frames uniqueness and origins?

3. Warframes codex lore please.

4. Stalker event, or missions to flesh out the Codex "teaser", it is the biggest reveal, yet left questions.

5. Female corpus? Any news on that?

6. The new skins on Corpus is nice, but any new models and locales like Temples and rnd coming?

They need more love, so many players disslike them.

7. Faction clan or allegience badges or logos coming? As we saw in the Auction, bosses have unique colors and tatoos. Should this not ne added to the units, like a badge?

I feel faction civil war is unavoidable, Grineer and Infested as well.

8. Vehicles? Cicero has flying ships above. Airborne enemy and such a possibility?

9. Vor, we want his Prize, like yesterday.

10. Stealth alerts, how distant are they?

11. Corpus have locker rooms

Grineer have living quarters. Would love more like this, armory, Captains quarters, Engineering, messhall, etc.

would you consider adding more like this?

12. It seems Lotus is an AI, the new escort mission you talked about, what news on that?

13. Infested, new home, Hive,mind bossss, infested frames?

Baphomet and Locust are asking ;)

Keep it up!

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