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Update 12 Log In Error?

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It's the fault of whoever is in charge of servers (DE) Why are you defending them? 


Dude, seriously, why would you make such a huge deal out of this?  It's a short delay for a game update, play something else and keep checking on it.  No reason to get so upset over something so insignificant.

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OK since the servers are more or less screwed now, how long do the devs(?) think it is going to be before they are able to fix this problem?


You know I never thought I would ever see a company do updates as bad as CCP does (EVE Online developer), but here we are...

Servers getting overloaded after content patches isn't really a new thing for games.

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But it's Walmarts responsibility to make sure there are enough doors and make sure the security is up to snuff so they can "herd" the people and nobody gets hurt. It's always companies responsibility.

It would be a terrible investment to add more doors when the normal amount is enough 99% of the time. You need to take a step back and think about it for a second. In the big picture is this delay important? Are you going to remember this a  year from now?

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But it's Walmarts responsibility to make sure there are enough doors and make sure the security is up to snuff so they can "herd" the people and nobody gets hurt. It's always companies responsibility.


That's the same mentality that people who think Video Games cause violence believe in.  It's the peoples' (or individuals') responsibility to not be cattle, and have some patience; instead of trampling people to get a television that's going to rot their already feeble brains.

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But it's Walmarts responsibility to make sure there are enough doors and make sure the security is up to snuff so they can "herd" the people and nobody gets hurt. It's always companies responsibility.



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Dude, seriously, why would you make such a huge deal out of this?  It's a short delay for a game update, play something else and keep checking on it.  No reason to get so upset over something so insignificant.

I like it how you think I'm complaining about not being able to log in. No. I'm complaining about some people shifting the blame to community who have no control over this. It's DEs fault yet somehow some people think players are responsible. It's like a hospital closing the doors because doctors are afraid of getting sick and then blaming the sick people.

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While that is a bit true, a large amount of the blame still rests on us, since this whole issue wouldn't have happened if so many didn't try to log in at the same time.


 This comment is literally painful to look directly at. For some reason I can't help but lock on to it. I hear this voice in the back of my head just repeating "Sudoku" over and over. The longer I stare the more it sounds like Christopher Walken.


 Stop this. This is stupid. This is in no way the Playerbases fault. Not even a little. Not at all. There is absolutely nothing more dense then saying "It is our fault for wanting to play the game."

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