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De Limit The Movement In Md Missions!


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I mean seriously! Im fed up with groups where one person, ONE, as in 1, can screw up entire run simply cause they think its either not fast enough or that they want some kind of contest over who kills most mobs.

And don't get me started on runs where all 3 of em run around like headless chickens.

Rhinos, Novas, Volts... Nearly any frame that has any sort of aoe attack simply runs all over the god damn level and presses #4 forcing the rest of to run to that same idiot to pick up loot (im looking at you oxium) or get xp.

I am currently in the process of leaching the living daylight out of every mission where things like this happen going as far as failing several of them simply cause the idea of 'Guard X from X race' is not getting to them.

Make some kind of force field of some sort that limits our movement within a certain area WITHIN the xp range. 

Do something! Anything!

And no, i dont want to hear any of those, go with a clan or go with friends. A) my clan is mostly empty at the time im playing and B) my friend list is empty.

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Its not DEs job to prevent stupid.They have bigger fish to fry.


Actually it kind of is. It's not the general player bases fault that they don't know that exp has a range. In fact I just had a run on Kappa where a Frost Prime tricked out in prime gear didn't know there was a range on exp. We had to explain that to him as he was killing things out in the artifact room while we stood at the defense points not getting any exp.


Un-intuitive game design is in fact DEs problem and has been for the last 6 months at least. Un-intuitive game design makes people play "stupid" simply because they don't know any better.

Edited by f3llyn
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I'll go where I want, when I want!


Also, I was not aware that Rhino could spam 4

Rhino can spam 4 just remove duration mods at the and put fleeting  you can spam 4  but his 1 and 3 would be negatively affected

Edited by BARON1357
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I'll go where I want, when I want!


Also, I was not aware that Rhino could spam 4.

Self admitted doorway hero, when your off where you want not protecting pod, scattering loot and not sharing xp, ill just let the pod die, no rewards for you !!

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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Actually it kind of is. It's not the general player bases fault that they don't know that exp has a range. In fact I just had a run on Kappa where a Frost Prime tricked out in prime gear didn't know there was a range on exp. We had to explain that to him as he was killing things out in the artifact room while we stood at the defense points not getting any exp.


Un-intuitive game design is in fact DEs problem and has been for the last 6 months at least. Un-intuitive game design makes people play "stupid" simply because they don't know any better.


He wouldn't have said "prevent stupid" if he was talking about players who didn't know about the range. He meant those stubborn people who just don't give a vor or don't listen. At least I hope he was.

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What did I just read?

You seriously want to LIMIT peoples movement?


Advice if people annoy you on your little farm runs, do them with your friends or clan mates or find a group in chat.

Im not even gonna dignify this with a proper comment aside from using this comment to say that im not going to dignify this with a proper comment.

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I mean seriously! Im fed up with groups where one person, ONE, as in 1, can screw up entire run simply cause they think its either not fast enough or that they want some kind of contest over who kills most mobs.

And don't get me started on runs where all 3 of em run around like headless chickens.


I understand that it's frustrating having people running around in such a manner that effective farming is non-existent, but you're proposing that DE force people to play the way you want the game to be played, to keep you satisfied, rather than adapting, by staying within the general range of everyone else and going back to check on the pod every now and then.


You'd prefer if mobs were killed near the pod so that you don't have to go everywhere to pick stuff up and spawn more mobs? There are 2 equally valid sides to that argument. Laziness and Convenience. Neither is right nor wrong. They are both methods that you have to put up with, or make a party and establish certain ground rules.


Truth be told, I always apologize when people tell me not go out and I accidentally do from time to time, but the reality is that it &!$$es me off. I don't give a damn when they go out, but they expect me to accommodate their nuisances? The world does not revolve around any single one person, so the sooner they realize that, the sooner everyone can get along with each other

Edited by Ruzu
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Its not the way I want the game to be played its the way DE MADE the game to be played. They limited the range of exp, they gave the defensive structure HP/SH and they made mobs attack it.

Secondly, calling someone lazy simply cause they want the mission to succeed i think is kind of being a &#! about it. The thing is that those people run away from everyone to get kills for god knows what reason gimping the exp gain for the other three players.

Like i said: ''Its not the way I want the game to be played its the way DE MADE the game to be played. They limited the range of exp, they gave the defensive structure HP/SH and they made mobs attack it.''

If DE wanted Mobile Defense to be anything other than ''defend point X from X race'' id be fine with it. But they didn't and its not fine. 

Conclusion: either increase xp range or force people to stay in xp range. Being nice from what iv'e seen fixes NOTHING.

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Personally, I sit by the pod patiently. Sometimes an enemy stumbles by, and I kill them. Then, when the point is done, and the next one is triggered, I'm the one with the datamass. I will go about the killing field where the spammers are, and leisurely pick up the loot at my discretion. When I'm done, I pop it in the next Terminal, and continue to wait patiently.

I still get the loot, I still get large chunks of XP, and it's not leeching because frankly, I'm the only one who is doing anything about the objective.

When I play a game, I won't rush. If there are three people at Extraction spamming at me to run, I'll keep doing my own thing. Timer's going anyway.

I'm here to have fun, not sprint everywhere to desperately try get some kills. If I want kills and direct XP, I play other game types.

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Personally, I sit by the pod patiently. Sometimes an enemy stumbles by, and I kill them. Then, when the point is done, and the next one is triggered, I'm the one with the datamass. I will go about the killing field where the spammers are, and leisurely pick up the loot at my discretion. When I'm done, I pop it in the next Terminal, and continue to wait patiently.

I still get the loot, I still get large chunks of XP, and it's not leeching because frankly, I'm the only one who is doing anything about the objective.

When I play a game, I won't rush. If there are three people at Extraction spamming at me to run, I'll keep doing my own thing. Timer's going anyway.

I'm here to have fun, not sprint everywhere to desperately try get some kills. If I want kills and direct XP, I play other game types.

That's so zen dude. The Tenno way.


We need a kneel emote so we can meditate at obj

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From what I've learned doing these Oxium runs...


People suck at pressing 4 to win. I typically just sit in the same three spots without moving other than for ammo with my Loki and Burston Prime or Latron Prime and shoot. There are always a bunch of Oberons/Mags/Novas/Volts/Rhinos in these Oxium farm runs spamming, and somehow they manage to do crap for damage at the end. I don't really understand it.

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Of course you can't really restrict movement on MD missions imo the only solution is to make leaving the objective alone more punishing. Simply reduce health and shields of the stations or artifacts you have to protect so that people can't afford to leave the objective out of sight even for a short time so everyone needs to protect the objective or the risk of it failing with only one person running off increases dramatically.

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What did I just read?

You seriously want to LIMIT peoples movement?


Advice if people annoy you on your little farm runs, do them with your friends or clan mates or find a group in chat.

Grouping in chat doesn't work you still get the same kind of behavior. What are you doing on a md if your not farming for resources or affinity? Why do you think it's someone else's job to make sure YOU don't fail and not get rewards? Since you're so keen on advice: why don't you stay in solo or group with like minded people in chat and leave public for those that can cooperate with others.

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