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Braton Family Needs A Few Minor Tweaks


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Braton Mark 1

Damage:  2/4/10  ->   4/8/4

Why? Because this is a newbie gun, and the thing newbies fight is Grineer and then Corpus, but you're giving them a weapon which is heavily biased toward Slash.  Giving newbies a weapon which is more suited to the enemies they are fighting can only help first impressions



This is fine.


Braton Prime

Damage: 1/8/15 -> 8/8/8

Why? Because by radically slanting the weapon's damage type you're assigning it a role while its modern counterpart is multi-purpose.


Magazine size: 50 -> 60

Why? Because you advertise it as having a "bigger clip" (sic) but presently it actually has a tiny bit WORSE with its ammo handling. Braton empties its magazine in 5.11 seconds, which means with a reload included (7.11s) it is shooting 73% of the time.  Braton Prime empties its magazine in 5.68 seconds, which means with a reload included (7.88s) it is shooting 72% of the time. Oops.


No polarities -> 1 'V' type polarity

Why? Because it's a Primed weapon.

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The Braton Prime should have some slight buffs to keep it competitive with a few of the top tier rifles.  It is more difficult to obtain than say a Karak and it's still something that's available in game and the effort needed to get it should reflect a bit more on the performance.


As it stands the Karak is a better balanced rifle than the Braton Prime, which is odd because it has no mastery rank requirements and easily craft-able..


This gun should be similar/close in power to the recently buffed Latron Prime, Burston Prime, Soma, etc.


I agree that the impact damage should be increased from 1.  The Braton series is supposed to be "balanced" and a "Jack of all trades" useful for all situations.

Edited by sushidubya
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Braton Mark 1

Damage:  2/4/10  ->   4/8/4




Braton Prime

Damage: 1/8/15 -> 8/8/8

I support those changes. At the moment, Braton Prime is a better MK1 - and standard Braton is better than both of them. And yes, MK1-Braton in its current state is pretty useless as a starter weapon. I made a new account a while ago and got trashed in MR1 test twice, before I went and bought standard Braton.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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Braton Prime

Damage: 1/8/15 -> 8/8/8

Why? Because by radically slanting the weapon's damage type you're assigning it a role while its modern counterpart is multi-purpose.


outside of the polarity Id rather you not nerf my braton prime.

Edited by MixterFox
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not all weapons are supposed to be jack of all trades.

The only "jack of all trades" rifles (i.e. primary weapons with balanced I/P/S) we have at the moment are Burston (10/10/9), Burston Prime (11/11/15) and Braton (6/6/6). Secondaries only Twin Gremlins (10/10/9). So it wouldn't hurt, if Braton Prime had balanced damage (and a minor buff), too.

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Its not really important for a modded weapon what base damage type a weapon has since most of the damage(~80%) comes from elemental mods. For noobs with no mods its important, so more puncture on MK1 would be great.

Furthermore I would prefer to have a single base damage type on advanced weapons for more elemental procs.


Braton Prime is meh weapon right now, very close to Karak, ~2.5 times weaker than top rifle - Boltor Prime. Nerf Boltor Prime. Buff Braton Prime ~30% (then it will be at about Grakkata level)

Edited by Monolake
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I'm all for the braton being stronger but lets take a moment to remember the tears that flowed when it first came out after the braton vandal and people who had neither filled DEs inboxes with tears. Claiming all primes should be sidegrades and power creep. Now people flip out when a prime isn't a lot better than the original. >_< I'm all for braton prime being buffed, it's one of my favorite rifles aesthetic wise, but it's just too weak for my day to day use. I want it to be a lot more impact oriented to be honest with high puncture at the same time. Its prime yo! Fires slower so the bullets should do a lot more damage. I think it should be on par dps wise as the soma. Just less firerate but more damage and proc chance. It can have the same role but a different flavor that would feel really cool. (I think weapons like soma should exist just for those who want to fight level 100 enemies and such).

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Now people flip out when a prime isn't a lot better than the original. >_<

And you know why? Because DE doesn't care about

all primes should be sidegrades and power creep.


They established the lore, that Prime weapons are superior to their common counterparts, which regularly finds expression in their stats. So of course people get angry, when a Prime version is only mildly stronger and mostly has a different damage focus.

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I had been holding out on building the primed version although the regular brat is still my favorite weapon to use. BUT the problem is I had to stop using it because there's no way that it's keeping up with my latron prime and soma. I have the regular braton potatoed and formaed and even then it's a joke to use in the higher levels. 


It would be nice if I could actually use my favorite weapon (or the primed version to be exact) in the later stages of the game.


Fully support this. 

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Braton Mark 1

Damage:  2/4/10  ->   4/8/4

Why? Because this is a newbie gun, and the thing newbies fight is Grineer and then Corpus, but you're giving them a weapon which is heavily biased toward Slash.  Giving newbies a weapon which is more suited to the enemies they are fighting can only help first impressions



This is fine.


Braton Prime

Damage: 1/8/15 -> 8/8/8

Why? Because by radically slanting the weapon's damage type you're assigning it a role while its modern counterpart is multi-purpose.


Magazine size: 50 -> 60

Why? Because you advertise it as having a "bigger clip" (sic) but presently it actually has a tiny bit WORSE with its ammo handling. Braton empties its magazine in 5.11 seconds, which means with a reload included (7.11s) it is shooting 73% of the time.  Braton Prime empties its magazine in 5.68 seconds, which means with a reload included (7.88s) it is shooting 72% of the time. Oops.


No polarities -> 1 'V' type polarity

Why? Because it's a Primed weapon.

After abit of calculating, 8/10/6 for braton prime would allow it to do even more damage than 8/8/8.


8/8/8 would mean a total damage to flesh is 24, ferrite is 27, alloy is 22 and Machine is 26. 8/10/6 would mean flesh 24, ferrite 28, Alloy 23 and Machine is 26.

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I do agree. It seems odd that the Braton family has such a ... well, weird heirarchy. Default < Prime < Normal.  Wgat. Like, it makes little sense, in my opinion.

I do agree, a polarity slot on the Prime would be nice, and actually even a 9 point buff to the prime's damage (regardless of how it's distributed) wouldn't be too horrible either.

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