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With Sg Rework Everyone Forgot About Blessing


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Yes, with this Snow Globe rework and the forum lighting up like new year people somehow forgot the fact that blessing might be next on the rework list.

I will not touch on if the new SG is better or not but i would brace myself for the Trinity rage threads that would most probably be coming in the next month or so.

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I don't even know what to think, DE is unpredictable. Blessing IS overpowered. I don't even have Trinity potatoed and already built her for 20 sec blessing with no one dying on my watch in 1hr T3 survivals. Whats the point of any endgame difficulty and enemy damage, when you have almost perma global invulnerability? And she makes Oberon heal completly redundant. 

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This didnt stop globe nerf into unscalalbel fixed-number hitpoints limit. So yeah, YOU'RE NEXT!

People hate globe nerf, I seen globe thread against it. I'm against it as well. 

But hey, that doesn't mean I wish for other to have the same nerf as globe. 

That's like an eye for an eye. You wish for things you don't wish it happen to you. 

Scale abilities are needed for a scale game. 

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I can fix blessing with ONE change:

While blessing is active, Trinity can only gain energy from Orbs. No Energy Regen.


Why? Personally I think she needs a bit more than just her ult changed since she has 2 abilities that create redundancy (2 heals). I think they should make the duration static but make it instantly resurrect any nearby downed allies and take her 1 and make it something different.

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The issue is that she can't really be nerfed until enemy scaling is fixed without becoming useless.

Yes she can.


Frost couldn't.


Make Trinity herself not benefit from her abilities, like how Medic in TF2's greatest weakness is that he can't turn the medigun on himself, nor could he attack while ubered, and was thus vulnerable without his team, healers in WoW don't do enough damage and thus will eventually (Unless it's a godamn druid) run out of mana and die without teams.


The healer is almost always useless without a team, that is how it works.


You have 2 frames, if you want to solo, don't bring the team frame.

Edited by Serialkillerwhale
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Yes she can.


Frost couldn't.


Make Trinity herself not benefit from her abilities, like how Medic in TF2's greatest weakness is that he can't turn the medigun on himself, nor could he attack while ubered, and was thus vulnerable without his team, healers in WoW don't do enough damage and thus will eventually (Unless it's a godamn druid) run out of mana and die without teams.


The healer is almost always useless without a team, that is how it works.


You have 2 frames, if you want to solo, don't bring the team frame.

Nobody will play Trinity if this is the case then. 

Shouldn't it be the other way around? (pretty sure DE don't want to make a frame a whole lot weaker than other frames)

In a run, anyone beside trinity is stronger than Trinity, because Trinity's power work on them, their power isn't. 

Basically reduce the effect of Trinity's blessing on other players, but keep the current effect the same for Trinity. 

This way, Frames such as Nova, Rhino, Vauban, etc etc, won't feel op when a Trinity is on their team. 


Most complained about Trinity is: "Trinity make the whole team op" but not "Trinity by herself is op"

Trinity's blessing is basically similar to invisibility but it can heal other team player and cost higher energy. 


Trinity is a support frames because her power support other players. However, no one said said she is a sacrifice frame for the sake of other players. 

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Blessing has to have a drawback, a weakness, an achilles heel.


You could go in snowglobe or use aoe, you could target others that aren't rhino, such as the objective, or just wait till he runs out of fumes, you could simply drop so much at ember that she drops anyway, but nothing works on blessing.

There are weakness to Trinity as a whole actually, (if what you said is correct, why do you think loki need invisibility, ash need smoke screen, or valkyr need hysteria? Because their whole frame made up for it so they deserve those powers)


Now, weakness of trinity can be find out by try solo with her. Recommend place: Wendell phobos, Ceres Nuovo, Pluto Palus etc. Then solo it again with Rhino, Loki, Ash, or Valkyr. I maxed all of them and did test them all 1 by 1. Hope you will have fun with it. 


Or else back to my suggestion of : reduce trinity's power on other players and keep the current blessing on Trinity. 

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There are weakness to Trinity as a whole actually, (if what you said is correct, why do you think loki need invisibility, ash need smoke screen, or valkyr need hysteria? Because their whole frame made up for it so they deserve those powers)

I am gunna leave valkyr out of this cause I find its a whole other can of worms.


Trinity has an ability that takes the risk out of the game for not only herself by everyone else on the map permanently. Why is this healthy in any way? People argue that she can die in that second but thats 1 second of every 20+ she doesn't have to worry about anything. You mentioned ash, loki and rhino but these warframes can die which is something trinity (and her team) doesn't have to worry about.


Rhino has a cap on his iron skin as such as difficulty goes up he will eventually end up dieing.

Loki and ash invisibility doesn't prevent them from taking a stray hit from something.


I also must stress this again since its a huge factor. Trinities ability to prevent risk is team wide so bringing up things that do similar actions is null under the premise that she does it for everyone. The suggestion about making it not work on trinity is actually amazing I like it.

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I am gunna leave valkyr out of this cause I find its a whole other can of worms.


Trinity has an ability that takes the risk out of the game for not only herself by everyone else on the map permanently. Why is this healthy in any way? People argue that she can die in that second but thats 1 second of every 20+ she doesn't have to worry about anything. You mentioned ash, loki and rhino but these warframes can die which is something trinity (and her team) doesn't have to worry about.


Rhino has a cap on his iron skin as such as difficulty goes up he will eventually end up dieing.

Loki and ash invisibility doesn't prevent them from taking a stray hit from something.


I also must stress this again since its a huge factor. Trinities ability to prevent risk is team wide so bringing up things that do similar actions is null under the premise that she does it for everyone. The suggestion about making it not work on trinity is actually amazing I like it.


Back to my suggestion of: reduce trinity's blessing effect on other party members, but keep the current blessing of trinity for herself. 


I already said regarding teamplay, every frames beside trinity is better than trinity, because their power doesn't work on herself, but her power work on them. 


I'm mentioned them based on my solo of the runs I said above, up to 30min+. Ignored palus because that was when there is ice that dropped my shield. I'm fully aware of Rhino's iron skin losing it's effectiveness at high lvl, in fact I wanted him to have his duration on iron skin back. For Ash, I'm aware smoke screen is his only useful abilities at high lvl, but for solo, I said that I can last that long with him. 


What's the point of a skill that doesn't work on it's user, you notice how selfish people is. And by doing that, DE making a frame a whole lot worst than other party members in battle. 

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What's the point of a skill that doesn't work on it's user, you notice how selfish people is. And by doing that, DE making a frame a whole lot worst than other party members in battle.

I agree making blessing only work on other people and not Trinity is a terrible idea. I would actually like to see blessing have an AOE and not work across the entire map.

If blessing didn't work on trinity, this is what would happen. Difficult mission, but near exit...trinity casts blessing, but goes down (blessing active........everybody leaves for exit, without reviving Trinity.

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