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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Lol yeah just saw it, Ha I didnt even need to look at the name to know it was made by you. Great job. it looks like something you would see in deadspace. which Im not complaining about, I love deadspace. thats where I designed my concept. I made them like the stalkers from deaspace 2.  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/225734-enemies-of-the-tenno-infested-submissions/?p=2615526

Edited by Senketsu_
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Loving this concept beyond belief! You obviously but an immense amount of time into this, and I commend you for it!


One question though, Boiling Blood, after the explosion and losing the exoskeleton, I'm guessing the Frame is now in a weaker state, making him squishier and about a few seconds before he grows back his exo?


Other than that, this concept is clear cut, beautifully drawn, completely different, not surprising if it is the next fanframe :)

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Wouldnt this be a tad gory considering other Warframes are not like this?


A tad gory!?






I don't know what game you've been playing, but Warframe is a little more than a "tad gory", consider what the other Warframes can do. Do you need examples? How about Excalibur's Slash Dash, which can bisect enemies messily. Or Rhino Charge, where if Rhino actually hits a target, it explodes in a shower of dismembered limbs and blood. Or how about Saryn, who horrifically melts an enemy's flesh right off their bones while they're still alive. Or how about Ember, who burns enemies alive? I can list other examples for days, my friend. I don't really think that Typhus is too gory for the game...

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A tad gory!?






I don't know what game you've been playing, but Warframe is a little more than a "tad gory", consider what the other Warframes can do. Do you need examples? How about Excalibur's Slash Dash, which can bisect enemies messily. Or Rhino Charge, where if Rhino actually hits a target, it explodes in a shower of dismembered limbs and blood. Or how about Saryn, who horrifically melts an enemy's flesh right off their bones while they're still alive. Or how about Ember, who burns enemies alive? I can list other examples for days, my friend. I don't really think that Typhus is too gory for the game...

*Sarcastically* Where have I heard you say something similar to that before? Hmm...I can't quite remember.

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Too cool to be warframe and we've got Ash with similar element.


Ash ?! Did you read the topic ? Typhus is a samurai that litteraly devours his ennemies. Ash is more a ninja based on stealth.


Anyway, as Red says more than often : Explain your idea so we can clarify things up.

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I meen insects, parasits (locust, scorppion helmets). 

...so because Ash has helmets called "locust" and "scorpion" we can't have Typhus? That makes perfect sense. Typhus is more parasite and does viral if I remember correctly.

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I meen insects, parasits (locust, scorppion helmets). 


Oh wow, you know what?  You're totally right.  I should go back and re-design the whole thing because of Ash's "Locust and Scorpion" helmets. Oh no, no, it's not like Typhus takes body parts of his enemies and wears it as armour, totally like Ash. If I don't change him, he will never be in a game.

I wish you could hear the sarcasm coming out of my mouth.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Stop-stop-stop i'm not from English-speaking country so i can't express exactly. Concept is great but i just write about my opinion why we havent got this idea in game. Ash's prototipe in myphology have similar element (insects). And i think Typhus realy cool but he looks like daemon not like wf (so rude i dont know how explain it better). In game he can looks like white crow.

P.S. Dont resent this is just supposition.  

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