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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Wonder if Juggernaut will be released as well...



it would be amazing if Typhus, Mios, J3, and the juggernaut were all released at the same time!


Oops, careful about discussing about other fan concept/ideas guys. Moderators already gave warning(s).

Edited by KuroShiranui
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Oops, careful about discussing about other fan concept/ideas guys. Moderators already gave warning(s).

Mios is Reds weapon concept, and the juggernaut is actually a thing now so its no longer a concept.

Well thats alot of work done.


Looks like it will definitely be released, maybe soon even.


But Cherry Blossom syandana... a no-no :D Way to non-lore thingy.

The only way it would be lore breaking is if DE actually came out and said it was.

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Mios is Reds weapon concept, and the juggernaut is actually a thing now so its no longer a concept.

The only way it would be lore breaking is if DE actually came out and said it was.

thats true.. If DE says it's lore.. there's nothing we can say about it


I think the Cherry Blossom Syandana would actually really fit if the Blossom was done with energy and not actual pettels

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I hope DE is really going to learn from this guy/girl/whatever and instead of launching random warframes that we don't really want/expect but at the end we'll like them because DE make cool stuff, if they'll launch Typhus (I think we have shown enough interest), I hope he won't get any major modifications like Zephyr, (in my opinion) even if I like Zephyr, I think they ruined a little the original design wich was better and I hope it will not happen with Typhus if it makes it into the game...

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I hope DE is really going to learn from this guy/girl/whatever and instead of launching random warframes that we don't really want/expect but at the end we'll like them because DE make cool stuff, if they'll launch Typhus (I think we have shown enough interest), I hope he won't get any major modifications like Zephyr, (in my opinion) even if I like Zephyr, I think they ruined a little the original design wich was better and I hope it will not happen with Typhus if it makes it into the game...

If im not mistaken the reason why they even change Him into a her was because Oberon came out in 11.5 and so they had to keep with their theme so decided to make Zephyr a her. I  agree that Zephyr looked way better in its original form. So if they do decide to make Typhus, I think they have learned from their mistake(I pray to god they did) and make him to as close as the original as they can. If they dont, im sure DEDracie will have a flood of complaint messages about it. And I dont know if this means anything but DEDraice said that if they decide to make him,


"If my Tenno Overlords decide to pursue Typhus (I hope they do too, he looks cool), I'll be sure to point them to its original creator :)"


He also said.


"Thanks mate, will pass this along to Mynki :)" in a later response.


I think the Cherry Blossom Syandana would actually really fit if the Blossom was done with energy and not actual pettels


What would also be cool is if they make it so petals would be falling off and leaving a trail behind you, that would be amazing.

Edited by Senketsu_
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Yeah, it's will be the U16 : "Infestation rising" *^*

*But I'm dreaming too much ><*

Infestation rising? but he's related with the Corpus not Infested

and U16 will have to be female unless a sub frame comes


I also hope that Typhus should get on warframe.

Edited by Hunter126
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I think this is a great concept and I support this, but the skills seems alittle toooo overpowered simmer it down a little XD

I dunno. Assuming you're talking about the first four and not any of the others. Keep in mind that Typhus would have extremely low stats for a frame that does not have an ability to disappear from enemies' line of sight. Devour is single target only and allows Typhus to heal and buff himself in a tight spot. Boiling Blood is just your standard AoE attack and even hurts Typhus when he uses it. Cannibalize Armor is for when Typhus is surrounded by enemies and needs to heal and even then he can only attack so many, but he also gets more buffs than with Devour. Impale is just your standard "kill everything in front of me" ultimate skill that a few other warframes have and it also is subject to change(not sure whatever happened to Red's "Destroyer Mode" replacement for it)

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really like the concept of Typhus (made me think of Typhoid fever), especially as the idea of a samurai frame to go with my Dragon Nikana.  Also, conceptually he reminds me of Saryn, who's already one of my favorite frames because I love the poison thing.


However, I find that his stats being low to compensate for a buff he gets from his powers to be...an odd choice?  Personally, I'd say give him higher stats.  In addition, he feels like a combination of Saryn and Valkyr.  Since he seems to prioritize health restoration, give him a higher armor/health pool, at the cost of shields and stamina?


Devour: I like this.  Hit a single target, deal damage, restore health.  I'd suggest however that against say something like the corpus robots, that a hit restores shields?  I imagine it being like Valkyr's Ripline in looks, just more organic, less Spiderman.  Perhaps also a HoT (Heal over Time) rather than a straight heal for balance reasons?  Perhaps at higher ranks you can hit targets in a line, and for every target hit improve the heal?


Boiling Blood: This sounds like Saryn's Miasma conceptually, so to separate it, I'd say make it inflict a Viral DoT (With a moderate chance to proc) and have it debuff the enemy rather than deal huge damage (to keep with concept).  Lower movement speed, a damage or resistance debuff even as well.  Like Valkyr's War Cry, but without the armor/attack speed boost.


Cannibalize: I absolutely love this power.  Love it to death.  The idea of stealing stats from enemies to enhance your own makes me grin like an idiot.  Have it do a moderate amount of Viral damage and a stun, before returning to Typhus and giving him a buff.  However, the buff itself should either have:


A) A long base duration


B) Permanant buff up to some set percentage cap or a flat number for the duration of the mission.


But I love the idea of Cannibalizing Grineer for Armor, Corpus for Shields, and Infested for health.  How you handle corrupted might depend on the type (Corrupted Crewman can be Cannibalized for Shields, Corrupted Lancers and Heavy Gunners for Armor, Corrupted Ancients for Health.)


Also, enemy types might matter.  Not ALL Grineer have armor, so the ones that don't you'd steal health from.  If you hit a corpus Crewman, since they're organic, you can steal health from them.  Also, the Oxium Carrier/Raptors have armor, so you'd steal armor from them.


Alternatively, you could instead of stealing Health/Armor/Shields, you could steal other stats, like movement speed, bonus attack damage, crit chance, etc, and that THOSE stats be on a duration.  You could even have those STACK with the health/armor/shield stealing, but give the secondary stolen stats (movement, attack, crit) be temporary (aka on a duration), while the primary theft is permanent.


Ultimate: I can't decide what Ultimate would be a good one, Impale is nice, but it's a little nukey for me considering that Typhus seems to revolve around the idea of parasitizing his enemy.  Perhaps be like Mirage's Prism.  A toggle nuke.  Typhus causes the field of bone spikes to shoot up and impale enemies, inflicting immediate moderate physical/viral damage, then a viral DoT which returns health to Typhus.  When deactivated, it knocks down every enemy it hit.


The design and the concept are amazing, IMO, and I'd love to see this as an actual frame.

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really like the concept of Typhus (made me think of Typhoid fever), especially as the idea of a samurai frame to go with my Dragon Nikana.  Also, conceptually he reminds me of Saryn, who's already one of my favorite frames because I love the poison thing.


However, I find that his stats being low to compensate for a buff he gets from his powers to be...an odd choice?  Personally, I'd say give him higher stats.  In addition, he feels like a combination of Saryn and Valkyr.  Since he seems to prioritize health restoration, give him a higher armor/health pool, at the cost of shields and stamina?


Devour: I like this.  Hit a single target, deal damage, restore health.  I'd suggest however that against say something like the corpus robots, that a hit restores shields?  I imagine it being like Valkyr's Ripline in looks, just more organic, less Spiderman.  Perhaps also a HoT (Heal over Time) rather than a straight heal for balance reasons?  Perhaps at higher ranks you can hit targets in a line, and for every target hit improve the heal?


Boiling Blood: This sounds like Saryn's Miasma conceptually, so to separate it, I'd say make it inflict a Viral DoT (With a moderate chance to proc) and have it debuff the enemy rather than deal huge damage (to keep with concept).  Lower movement speed, a damage or resistance debuff even as well.  Like Valkyr's War Cry, but without the armor/attack speed boost.


Cannibalize: I absolutely love this power.  Love it to death.  The idea of stealing stats from enemies to enhance your own makes me grin like an idiot.  Have it do a moderate amount of Viral damage and a stun, before returning to Typhus and giving him a buff.  However, the buff itself should either have:


A) A long base duration


B) Permanant buff up to some set percentage cap or a flat number for the duration of the mission.


But I love the idea of Cannibalizing Grineer for Armor, Corpus for Shields, and Infested for health.  How you handle corrupted might depend on the type (Corrupted Crewman can be Cannibalized for Shields, Corrupted Lancers and Heavy Gunners for Armor, Corrupted Ancients for Health.)


Also, enemy types might matter.  Not ALL Grineer have armor, so the ones that don't you'd steal health from.  If you hit a corpus Crewman, since they're organic, you can steal health from them.  Also, the Oxium Carrier/Raptors have armor, so you'd steal armor from them.


Alternatively, you could instead of stealing Health/Armor/Shields, you could steal other stats, like movement speed, bonus attack damage, crit chance, etc, and that THOSE stats be on a duration.  You could even have those STACK with the health/armor/shield stealing, but give the secondary stolen stats (movement, attack, crit) be temporary (aka on a duration), while the primary theft is permanent.


Ultimate: I can't decide what Ultimate would be a good one, Impale is nice, but it's a little nukey for me considering that Typhus seems to revolve around the idea of parasitizing his enemy.  Perhaps be like Mirage's Prism.  A toggle nuke.  Typhus causes the field of bone spikes to shoot up and impale enemies, inflicting immediate moderate physical/viral damage, then a viral DoT which returns health to Typhus.  When deactivated, it knocks down every enemy it hit.


The design and the concept are amazing, IMO, and I'd love to see this as an actual frame.

Red has said that he dosnt want Typhus to be a tank, his role is a glasscannon that buffs himself. I think thats a really cool and different way of looking at frame roles and abilities, and it would also require players to put different kind of thought into how to mod him and play him.

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Ultimate: I can't decide what Ultimate would be a good one, Impale is nice, but it's a little nukey for me considering that Typhus seems to revolve around the idea of parasitizing his enemy.  Perhaps be like Mirage's Prism.  A toggle nuke.  Typhus causes the field of bone spikes to shoot up and impale enemies, inflicting immediate moderate physical/viral damage, then a viral DoT which returns health to Typhus.  When deactivated, it knocks down every enemy it hit.


Your Ulti sounds too good! :D

Especially since it's not just another regular one-hit KO attack ^^

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