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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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OH dear god add the trench back keep the armor but add the lil trench sides back with the JIBBERING MAWS on it IT TOTALLY MADE HIM LOOK BADASS AND UNIQUE DONT TAKE MY FAVORITE FEATURE AWAY


btw samurai wore a cloak like coat under there armor so it would still be lore friendly


not to mention with out it, it feels like he is missing something

Edited by Rynefall
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Red has said that he dosnt want Typhus to be a tank, his role is a glasscannon that buffs himself. I think thats a really cool and different way of looking at frame roles and abilities, and it would also require players to put different kind of thought into how to mod him and play him.


Well, a glass-cannon needs the damage or ability to last long enough to buff themselves in the first place.  So either he's a glass cannon that can nuke everything, or a tank.  DE doesn't seem to do these either-ors sorts of frames.

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Well, a glass-cannon needs the damage or ability to last long enough to buff themselves in the first place.  So either he's a glass cannon that can nuke everything, or a tank.  DE doesn't seem to do these either-ors sorts of frames.

everyone of his abilities can deal damage. two can buff/heal him. One can be comboed with the other.

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everyone of his abilities can deal damage. two can buff/heal him. One can be comboed with the other.

What I mean is, if you look at the frames we've got, a lot of the melee-centric frames are tanks, either with a large health pool (Ash, Saryn), or with higher than average armor (Saryn, Oberon, Valkyr, Rhino).  By contrast, the Caster-style frames get knocked over by a stiff breeze (Mag, Mirage, Ember, Nova, etc).


Hybrid-frames (Oberon, Excalibur, Hydroid) have an average mix of stats.


While I understand what the OP is going for, I just think that making a melee-centric glass cannon only works if his damage is high, which in his concept, isn't.  He's designed to start weak and then become super-buff as time goes on.  I'm not saying the concept is bad, just that it goes against DE's design motif.

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What I mean is, if you look at the frames we've got, a lot of the melee-centric frames are tanks, either with a large health pool (Ash, Saryn), or with higher than average armor (Saryn, Oberon, Valkyr, Rhino).  By contrast, the Caster-style frames get knocked over by a stiff breeze (Mag, Mirage, Ember, Nova, etc).


Hybrid-frames (Oberon, Excalibur, Hydroid) have an average mix of stats.


While I understand what the OP is going for, I just think that making a melee-centric glass cannon only works if his damage is high, which in his concept, isn't.  He's designed to start weak and then become super-buff as time goes on.  I'm not saying the concept is bad, just that it goes against DE's design motif.


Sorry, but I completely disagree.

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I appreciate that you're all interested in Typhus, but I want to clarify a few things.

 - DE has not confirmed in any way that Typhus will be added to the game (yes they expressed interest and they liked the concept, but that is not confirmation).
 - Although Typhus's "signature" weapon the Infested Mios is going to make it in the game eventually, that does not mean Typhus is also going to make it in the game.

Please keep in mind that ideas (and fan concepts) for Warframe are just that; ideas. They can be completely out of the box, although we have assumed "laws" of Warframe design, these very laws are often turned upside down (i.e. Zephyr's Aesthstic, Hydroid Puddles, Oberon Paladins, Nekros Necromancers, etc).

I see it a lot with other concepts too; people come along and tell people "No, it can't be in the game, it doesn't fit" about their concept. We don't know what can and cannot fit, the "laws" of Warframe design are known only by DE, so please stop telling people that their ideas have no chance to make it in the game, none of us knows what DE will or won't do when it comes to Warframe design.


Also, please don't make Typhus "Hype" threads or discussion threads without talking to me first. The place to discuss Typhus is here, in his home.

Thanks for understanding.

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OH dear god add the trench back keep the armor but add the lil trench sides back with the JIBBERING MAWS on it IT TOTALLY MADE HIM LOOK BADASS AND UNIQUE DONT TAKE MY FAVORITE FEATURE AWAY

btw samurai wore a cloak like coat under there armor so it would still be lore friendly

not to mention with out it, it feels like he is missing something

I like the way WE think ;D

Edited by LunarEdge7
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Yeah we must remember DE work on new content long before we see it, contests and leaks aside.

Typhus may inspire something totally different. We just wait and see.

well I think there might be something inspiring about Typhus that DE might put



I appreciate that you're all interested in Typhus, but I want to clarify a few things.

 - DE has not confirmed in any way that Typhus will be added to the game (yes they expressed interest and they liked the concept, but that is not confirmation).

 - Although Typhus's "signature" weapon the Infested Mios is going to make it in the game eventually, that does not mean Typhus is also going to make it in the game.

Please keep in mind that ideas (and fan concepts) for Warframe are just that; ideas. They can be completely out of the box, although we have assumed "laws" of Warframe design, these very laws are often turned upside down (i.e. Zephyr's Aesthstic, Hydroid Puddles, Oberon Paladins, Nekros Necromancers, etc).

I see it a lot with other concepts too; people come along and tell people "No, it can't be in the game, it doesn't fit" about their concept. We don't know what can and cannot fit, the "laws" of Warframe design are known only by DE, so please stop telling people that their ideas have no chance to make it in the game, none of us knows what DE will or won't do when it comes to Warframe design.


Also, please don't make Typhus "Hype" threads or discussion threads without talking to me first. The place to discuss Typhus is here, in his home.

Thanks for understanding.


I would definitely want Typhus into the game but i would be happy if at least your other stuff like weapons were put into the game or weapons that proves it was inspired by you, I'd just be glad if one thing similar to your weapons were put into the game or your stuff.


and I never knew people made "Hype" threads or discussion threads?

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What I mean is, if you look at the frames we've got, a lot of the melee-centric frames are tanks, either with a large health pool (Ash, Saryn), or with higher than average armor (Saryn, Oberon, Valkyr, Rhino).  By contrast, the Caster-style frames get knocked over by a stiff breeze (Mag, Mirage, Ember, Nova, etc).


Hybrid-frames (Oberon, Excalibur, Hydroid) have an average mix of stats.


While I understand what the OP is going for, I just think that making a melee-centric glass cannon only works if his damage is high, which in his concept, isn't.  He's designed to start weak and then become super-buff as time goes on.  I'm not saying the concept is bad, just that it goes against DE's design motif.

This post... Ha. You seem to not realize that Excalibur, Loki and Hydroid are "melee-centric" and Frost is a "caster". While Frost has slow movement speed, with his high shield and armor nobody's taking him out by a stiff breeze, I mean he is Mr. Stiff Breeze himsef. There's a wide variety of frames, many ways to play, nothing is impossible. On top of that you classified that Oberon has above average armor and has an average mix of stats, contradicting. Oberon has above average armor and health btw.

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This post... Ha. You seem to not realize that Excalibur, Loki and Hydroid are "melee-centric" and Frost is a "caster". While Frost has slow movement speed, with his high shield and armor nobody's taking him out by a stiff breeze, I mean he is Mr. Stiff Breeze himsef. There's a wide variety of frames, many ways to play, nothing is impossible. On top of that you classified that Oberon has above average armor and has an average mix of stats, contradicting. Oberon has above average armor and health btw.

Excail is by far the weakest in the game all show lil bite and Loki my kind sir is utility not melee

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have you seen Attica with thunderbolt you sir obviously have not felt real power

last I checked attica is not compatible with thunderbolt as the game treats attica as a rifle not a bow, that's another thing, it doesn't feel like a crossbow it feels like a rifle.


*checks wiki* well I guess they changed the thunderbolt thing, but still doesn't change the fact it doesn't feel like a crossbow

Edited by Melos-mevim
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Excail is by far the weakest in the game all show lil bite and Loki my kind sir is utility not melee


I cannot disagree that Excalibur is one of the weaker Warframes, but like all Warframes, Excalibur can be as deadly as any other Warframe in the game. It just takes skill and know-how to use properly. You can't just run into a room with Excalibur and expect to face-tank everything a Level 40 Heavy Gunner can throw at you.

And in response to Loki being considered "Melee-Centric"; you have to consider that Loki does have two powers that compliment melee, the first being radial disarm, which forces all enemies in the area to use melee only. The other power is, of course, invisibility. Which grants a x4 (!) modifier to all melee damage dealt by Loki for the duration of the power. Loki also has a higher base speed compared to Ash, making him a much more nimble fighter, well suited to fast attacking weapons like daggers or some long-swords.

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have you seen Attica with thunderbolt you sir obviously have not felt real power


Yeah. cool and all that you can use Thunderbolt on the Attica. 30% chance isn't that great, but it gives you some more versatility in combat... for a single shot rifle. But... why not just use an Ogris if you want to explode the bad guys, which has a 100% chance to detonate on impact!


Or what about the Latron Prime? Sure its kind of vanilla, but its still leagues ahead of the Attica.

Or if you want to pin enemies to the wall that bad, why not use the Boltor Prime? Have you seen the damage numbers that thing can crank out? Its nuts!

Or how about the Paris Prime? Which is like the Attica, but, like, more. So much more...

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Excail is by far the weakest in the game all show lil bite and Loki my kind sir is utility not melee

Radial Blind... 4x melee damage while enemies are blind. Slash dash... Get close to enemies quickly. Super jump... Get to enemies on higher levels quickly. 

Loki, invisibility 4x melee damage. Use Radial disarm then decoy to form a group of enemies then go for that 4x melee damage while invisibe. Sure Loki is utility but clearly meant to be melee as is Excalibur. Weakest frame? Last week a friend and I went to wave 55 t4 defense, 2 man (Loki and Excal), no lasers and melee weapons only. (Serro easily takes out drones). Tell me what's your definition of weak?

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I cannot disagree that Excalibur is one of the weaker Warframes, but like all Warframes, Excalibur can be as deadly as any other Warframe in the game. It just takes skill and know-how to use properly. You can't just run into a room with Excalibur and expect to face-tank everything a Level 40 Heavy Gunner can throw at you.

And in response to Loki being considered "Melee-Centric"; you have to consider that Loki does have two powers that compliment melee, the first being radial disarm, which forces all enemies in the area to use melee only. The other power is, of course, invisibility. Which grants a x4 (!) modifier to all melee damage dealt by Loki for the duration of the power. Loki also has a higher base speed compared to Ash, making him a much more nimble fighter, well suited to fast attacking weapons like daggers or some long-swords.


Radial Blind... 4x melee damage while enemies are blind. Slash dash... Get close to enemies quickly. Super jump... Get to enemies on higher levels quickly. 

Loki, invisibility 4x melee damage. Use Radial disarm then decoy to form a group of enemies then go for that 4x melee damage while invisibe. Sure Loki is utility but clearly meant to be melee as is Excalibur. Weakest frame? Last week a friend and I went to wave 55 t4 defense, 2 man (Loki and Excal), no lasers and melee weapons only. (Serro easily takes out drones). Tell me what's your definition of weak?

I main Excalibur. If you think he's weak, I would love to show you the numbers I'm pulling with my channeling/radial blind Excal build.
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